Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 731 The Horror of Iceland (252)


In Xiao Ming Kingdom, Xiao Cui came up to her. She was ready to report Raguel's current situation to her master at any time, but when she saw that her master decided to hatch the egg first, she immediately followed suit and said, "Yes, it is completely mature now. , ready to hatch.”

"I remember you said it could hatch directly into an adult insect?"

"That's true, but the pupa shell is needed as a medium."

Xiaocui carefully took the insect egg. At this moment, she had discovered that the owner was wary of the egg, and she lost her previous expectations for it. After careful inspection, she said in a purely businesslike tone: "It swallowed up other eggs when it was formed." The insect egg has enough energy on its own, but it is mixed with the genes of the golden silkworm Gu and is inherently weak in breaking the pupa, making it difficult to form its own pupa shell. "

Xiao Cui is a higher level mother insect than Little Rose. With the same golden silkworm Gu gene, the eggs produced by Little Rose can basically only stay in the larval stage, and their lifespan is quite short. However, the eggs bred by Xiao Cui are ready to jump directly. After the juvenile stage, as long as there is external force to help it pupate, it can be born into a real adult.

Bingyi couldn't help but think deeply, is Xiaocui special enough to allow the insect eggs to have such a chance, or is the mixed butterfly gene special and overpowering the golden silkworm Gu?

Anyway, Bingyi decided to hatch them all.

Yes, it's 'them'

"Can I use any kind of insect chrysalis?"

The pupa juice and pupa shells that Betty gave birth to have been used up, and of course there is nothing left for the eggs. But when it comes to insect chrysalis, he still has the best one in his hand.


Seeing that the owner actually took out a cocoon as big as a butterfly, Xiao Cui was shocked. She thought a lot for a moment and took the cocoon hesitantly. When she raised her eyes to meet the owner's meaningful gaze, Xiao Cui shivered subconsciously. In an instant, he dismissed all distracting thoughts and asked respectfully: "Of course you can use it. With the help of the paternal genes, the eggs will hatch better."

"I've got enough bugs around me."

Bingyi sighed: "To be honest, I don't care what it will look like when it hatches."

He just wanted to confirm how deep Yiwu had buried Dieda and the insect eggs, and whether Diedai could become 'clean'. Bingyi: If you don't move, you have to get rid of all the insect eggs and butterfly cocoons.

"I see."

Xiaocui said solemnly, taking the cocoons and eggs to prepare for hatching. Worried that Xiaocui would be plotted by Yiwu (after all, he is really good at playing with bugs), Bingyi accompanied him throughout the whole process without missing a step, making Xiaocui more cautious.

This is the master's blow to her. Recently, her heart has been really too big. Xiaocui was secretly vigilant, knowing that since she became the master's daughter, she has gained more and more power. She is no longer as cautious and dedicated as she was before, and is more focused on making plans for herself. Just like this time Raguel's spirit body was trapped in the Little Hades Kingdom, the owner must have discovered that she was secretly trying to embarrass Raguel's spirit body!

Xiaocui is born with a keen mind. When other idiots were still having fun all day long, she discovered that there was a new angelic force around her master, including the Knights of the Apocalypse, the Statue of Uriel, the Archangel Raphael, and the Flame Angel Francis. and Little Angel Owl, it’s shocking to think about it carefully. The power of this place is rapidly expanding, squeezing out the living space of old people like them! Especially the new archangel Raguel who is about to join. She has a noble character and strong strength. She is also the archangel in charge of legal judgment. It would be better if she transformed into a stone sculpture like Uriel, but if she fell and returned to her position smoothly like Raphael, , it is conceivable that these angels are even more capable of twisting together.

Xiao Cui knew very well that no matter how loyal they were, it would be difficult for them to compare with the long-haired ones in their master's mind. She, Xiao Cui and Corn Bamboo Shoots, have managed to survive, but the other demonic insects are far inferior to this group of new angels! If time goes by, if the position of the demonic insects is really occupied by the angels, she, Xiao Cui, will be unable to stand alone and will naturally be pushed away from the circle of power. This is not good.

So she boldly took action secretly for the first time, not daring to do anything more. It was just that Raguel's spirit body was very aura, and if Xiao Cui gave Xiao Cui a little trouble, she would probably explode her spirit body in anger and transform into an angel stone sculpture. Naturally, It would be impossible to unite the entire circle of angels. Unexpectedly, before she could do anything, the master arrived. For a moment, Xiao Cui was covered in cold sweat and worried. She was worried that the return of Raguel's spirit body to Xiao Ming Kingdom was a trap dug by the master to test her loyalty!

She should be lucky that her master was beating her and not punishing her by abandoning her. He knew that even Die Da, who had been with him for a long time, suddenly became a stepping stone for new insect eggs to hatch. But the master did not give up Die Da completely. His thoughts were as deep as the sea, making Xiao Cui more and more confused, but also filled her with more awe. This is the master she considers, and she must go all out to complete the master's orders, make up for her mistakes, and regain her father's trust!

Bingyi didn't know that Xiaocui was so good at thinking, he just thought that the hatching methods she showed were extremely sophisticated and really pleasing to the eye. In an instant, the eggs, intertwined with light gold and silver, were integrated into the butterfly-sized cocoon, like a jewel heart beating in the cocoon shell. The power of the emerald-green female insect was like a ribbon wrapped around the cocoon. Xiao Cui Using his full strength without reservation, the butterfly cocoon after merging with the eggs not only did not lose its power, but its human shape became clearer. The face on the cocoon shell became more and more similar to Wei Xun. At first glance, it looked like Wei Xun closed his eyes and held gold and silver in his arms. Like gem insect eggs.

Gradually, the crackling sound of cracking began to sound, and dense cracks with unique beauty appeared on the cocoon. The butterfly cocoon and the insect eggs were hatching at the same time! Nerve B is getting tighter and tighter, hatching is the most critical moment. Even if he monitors Yiwu at all times, they are currently in the small underworld that is isolated from reality, but he is still not reassured, like an instinctive alert.

Seeing that the hatching had reached a critical moment, Bingyi remembered what Xiao Meigui had mentioned to him before, and whispered a few words to Xiao Cui. Xiao Cui opened his eyes in surprise, smiled sweetly at him, and nodded gently.

Xiaocui couldn't believe that the master was still willing to merge with her! God knows how long it has been since the last time she fused with her master. She just made a big mistake, and it was so kind of her master to still believe her.

Bingyi couldn't believe how he had made such a decision just now. He actually believed Little Rose's lies and chose to fuse with an insect. Can he really fuse with insects? You won’t turn into a monster! He really...uh...really, really succeeded in merging? ?

The mental fusion between Bingyi and Xiaocui went incredibly smoothly. After all, this was not their first time merging. All the previous repulsions and frictions were smoothed out during the first fusion. Dark green insect patterns grew and extended on his body, and Bingyi's appearance regressed back to that of a seventeen-year-old boy who modeled male and female. At the same time, he clearly felt that his perception of butterfly cocoons and eggs had become nearly a hundred times more acute.

At this moment, Bingyi clearly felt that at the moment when the butterfly and the insect eggs hatched out of their cocoons, a very subtle force was thrown from them into the void. Sure enough, the premonition he had always had was not a misjudgment, something was stealing their power! Xiaocui couldn't notice it because the power was too weak, and the breath was similar to that of a butterfly and an insect egg, but Bingyi, who was blessed by the mental power of the mother insect, felt it.

He became calmer under the shock and anger, and held the cocoon egg tightly with his slender pale fingers. A dark green silk thread extended from his fingertips to wrap the cocoon egg, which was the pulling thread. Originally, Bingyi used the string as a means of secret communication. After merging with Xiao Cui and using the string, he was shocked to realize that the string was originally a special bond between the mother worm and the daughter worm.

Bingyi, who was linked by a string, could sense all the emotions of Dieda and the insect eggs like never before. For a moment, he felt that he was their emperor, their god, and could control everything about them with the string. Sensing that the giant butterfly eggs were about to emerge from their cocoons, Bingyi did not hesitate to manipulate the strings to break their connection with the extremely distant existence, and calmly watched them emerge from their cocoons.

The first thing to break out of the cocoon is the insect egg. A tiny golden butterfly flies out from the broken egg shell. It is as exquisite and beautiful as if it were forged from gold. It shines brightly. It knows who its master is as soon as it is born. , flying around Bingyi intimately. Then the butterfly that broke out of the cocoon was the butterfly. It accumulated more power and took longer to settle. Different from the small butterfly that looked like golden sequins, the butterfly that broke out of the cocoon had gorgeous and heavy blue-purple wings. It flapped its wings vigorously and let the butterfly fly. The wrinkled butterfly wings gradually unfolded, and even Bingyi was surprised when the pair of increasingly mysterious and beautiful butterfly wings were completely revealed in front of Bingyi.

The color of Dieda after breaking out of his cocoon is almost exactly the same as the color of the butterfly fragment on his chest! If the original butterfly wing edge and the butterfly fragment were the opposite color, now it is almost the same as the butterfly fragment.

How is this going? Is the abyss pollution spreading? But Bingyi did not feel the obvious pollution power of the abyss from Dieda. The connection between it and Xiao Jindie and the distance was also cut off by Bingyi. Both of them seem to be in good condition now. Bingyi frowned and asked Die Da if he knew that he was connected to the transmission power of others. Die Da was also a little confused.

"Is there a connection between me and the other brothers?"

Die Da said uncertainly. He told his master about the past of their four maggot brothers, and successfully made Bing Yi lower his head as he listened. Seeing that Dieda couldn't explain clearly, Bingyi pondered for a moment and finally found An Xuefeng.

When An Xuefeng entered Xiaoming Kingdom and saw Die Da, he was almost frightened. His reaction was almost the same as Bing Yi's. But when I heard what Bingyi was most concerned about, Die Da and Xiao Die had a connection with the distant place before, and their power was still being transmitted outwards, but they were not too worried. They just thought for a moment and showed a surprised expression.

"You know, everyone wants to escape death, just in different ways."

An Xuefeng immediately understood what was going on. What they said in Xiaoming Kingdom would not be heard on the live broadcast, so he explained it to Bingyi in simple words. In the final analysis, the problem lies with the butterfly egg that is fused with the butterfly gene.

Bingyi didn't know about the Insect Master, so An Xuefeng gave him an example of the pile of Georges. The Insect Master had been 'dead' for many years. Although An Xuefeng didn't know how he sliced ​​himself into so many parts, and also... Everyone has their own mind and thoughts, but it is conceivable that this kind of slicing is by no means infinite, and it is impossible for people to keep slicing. These insect master slices discovered so far are basically all.

Now it is almost the end of this decade, no matter how many calculations have been made, it is time to summarize. The next step for the evil insect master should be to gradually merge the slices, or directly transform into a new life, from a butterfly to become more and more like a Maria butterfly. An Xuefeng can probably guess a thing or two about the crazy plan of the evil insect master. Let's not mention this for now, let's just talk about the little butterfly.

"It has Dieda's genes, and Dieda is very special..."

Therefore, once this little butterfly is born, it will most likely have consciousness, which is equivalent to a slice of an insect master. This was of course something unexpected, so Bingyi felt that there was power being transmitted from it. It was probably because other insect masters were unconsciously recycling this extra little thing.

In the end, the problem is that Bingyi would rather fuse with Xiaocui than cut off the connection between the insect egg and the outside world. This is great, now it is equivalent to Bingyi cutting a new slice for the insect master!

It's no wonder that An Xuefeng couldn't laugh or cry when he saw it. You can't cut these slices randomly. If you cut too many slices, your mental disorder will still be small. It is more likely that more and more power will be lost and scattered. The more people cut, the weaker they will be. In the end, I am afraid that Casting a shadow of failure over the Insect Master's plan. Seeing Bingyi deep in thought, An Xuefeng quickly led his thoughts in other directions:

"The butterfly's shape is too special, and it is almost impossible to have an heir. How did Xiaocui successfully breed this insect egg?"

A new slice cannot be recognized so easily. It does not mean that just laying an egg can be regarded as a new slice by the pest master. An Xuefeng thought deeply and murmured in his heart. If he could lay eggs with Die Da, Miao Fangfei's golden silkworm Gu gene might also be very special.

"Miao Fangfei is back to normal now?"

Bingyi felt that what A Feng said was reasonable. The key was that he checked Die Da and Xiao Butterfly several times to make sure that the connection between them and the distance was completely broken. The main reason was that according to Ah Feng, Die Da itself was It is equivalent to a 'George', which can be regarded as a slice of other people. If that person fuses in the future, Dieda will definitely disappear. This makes Bingyi couldn't help but complain, why are there so many such weird things around him! There were so few real wolves and real insects, they were all slices of other people. If it weren't for the soul connection that allowed them to control their life and death at will, Bingyi would have felt like a winery with all the fucking undercovers around him.

From this point of view, Xiao Cui and Xiao Mei Mei are quite good, at least they are not the slices of others.

"Back to normal. She just upgraded her extraordinary power and merged with the golden silkworm Gu. She is still awake now."

An Xuefeng made an estimate: "You can probably still be awake for half an hour. If you have anything you want to ask, hurry up and ask her."

Bingyi is very interested in the golden silkworm Gu, but unfortunately he has to convince the Archangel Raguel first. Xiaocui timidly told Bingyi about her embarrassment for Guier, but Bingyi was not angry after hearing this. As Xiaocui said, Raguel's stubborn temper is hard to tame and make her fall. But it would be a pity to destroy her spirit body and turn her into a stone sculpture like Uriel.

After hearing what An Xuefeng said in his old dream, Michael had already led the Angel Legion to attack the brigade, Bingyi decided to control Raguel as soon as possible, the sooner the better. As for the golden silkworm Gu, we can only talk about it tomorrow when we have time. An Xuefeng is also very interested in the changes in Die Da, but they have too many things to do tonight. After checking Miao Fangfei's condition, An Xuefeng has to go back to his old dream to save the incarnations of other passengers.

Both were busy with their own business, making the most of the rest of the night. When we met back at the restaurant, it was already 4:30 in the morning, and we had half an hour to go to climb the volcano!

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