Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 801: Iceland Shock (311)

‘Already know? ’

Hearing what An Xuefeng said, Bingyi was not very surprised. In fact, after hearing him say, "The red guide is awake," Bingyi was inexplicably prepared to lose his vest. He didn't have much impression of his parents, and his brother obviously lived with his parents, so the red director would definitely recognize his child.

In this way, now that Director Hong has recognized him, what he said...did he tell him on purpose? Ten years, what is the ten-year cycle? He can't go down the Kinlunga Chasm or he'll die? And what's going on over there in Tibet?

‘Is this kind of waking up a one-time thing, or can it happen many times? ’

Bingyi asked, this is very important.

'Not necessarily. How many times she can wake up depends on how strong the mental imprint she left here was.'

An Xuefeng said: 'It can also be said that the stronger you are, the more times you can wake up. Tour guides wake up more often than tourists’

When it comes to absorbing pollution and leaving mental imprints on it, tourists cannot compare to tour guides. It can be said that as long as the tour guide returns to zero here, the spiritual mark he leaves here will be very strong and will not completely dissipate even after a hundred years.

But it is just a mark, not a soul, and people cannot be resurrected after death.

‘So that’s how it is’

Bingyi nodded thoughtfully and suddenly asked: 'Director Huang also woke up? ’

An Xuebao and the little red-haired monkey looked at each other and knew that with Bingyi's keenness, he couldn't hide this kind of thing from him, so he said happily: "That's it."

‘I just discovered today that the probability is too low’

After all, it has to be the last day of the old dream, it has to be someone who has really been here before, it has to be the strongest group of tour guides and tourists, and it has to be on a specific occasion when the topic of obsession is mentioned, corresponding to the person in the dream. Real travelers personally stimulate... Wait, with so many factors being met at the same time, there is a very small chance that the person in the old dream can 'wake up'.

That's right, even if all the factors are met at the same time, the chance of the person in the old dream waking up is very small. Even An Xuefeng, who has encountered old dreams many times during his many years of travel, has only heard of such a situation. This is also the first time I have encountered this kind of thing. Or Yu Xiangyang was from the Laoshan Metaphysics Troupe and had a lot of knowledge. Only after asking him to confirm was he sure that this was really the case.

Moreover, not only one person woke up from the old dream this time, but even Yu Xiangyang had never seen this before. An Xuefeng had some guesses: 'You touched Asgard's Fountain of Destiny, right?'

‘What, what happened in the old dream? ’

‘Whether it’s good or not… you tell me first’

‘I touched the fountain of destiny’

Feeling that the problem was a bit serious, Bingyi said directly: "I moved it to my lost paradise. It has not been completely moved yet."


Hearing what he said, the little red-haired monkey couldn't help but widen his eyes and squeaked in surprise. An Xuebao also bit his tail. Seeing the two of them like this, Bingyi hesitated a little: 'What do you mean, can't we do this? ’

Neither the Tooth Hunter nor the Dragon Hunter stopped him, so it should be nothing serious...

‘You didn’t completely transfer it, but just introduced part of the spring water into your lost paradise? Also planted branches of the world by the spring to simulate the environment? ’

An Xuefeng asked again as if to confirm. Seeing the big white cat nodding, he unexpectedly held the cat's ears in his mouth to vent his anger, and cursed in his heart: 'Tong Hege is really fooling around, didn't he think of it! ’

‘What’s on my mind… don’t bite my ear and loosen your mouth! ’

The big white cat breathed at the snow leopard. The cat's ears were very sensitive, and even if it didn't feel any pain, the cat's hair would almost explode if the snow leopard held it in its fangs and rubbed it back and forth.

‘Asgard’s original Fountain of Destiny was not destroyed, and you built a new one…”

Yu Xiangyang has been able to block the various little tricks of the two of them. The usually calm monkey said helplessly at this moment: "In other words, there are currently two fountains of destiny in reality."

‘Reality and the past influence each other, and there are also two fountains of destiny in old dreams’

‘The extra spring water in reality will not have any impact on reality in your lost paradise. But I don’t know where the extra Fountain of Destiny appeared in the old dream... And this time the Nordic old dream itself has a deep connection with the Fountain of Destiny, so when the two springs appeared in the old dream, the dream become more stable'

Dreams are more stable, and it is harder for hotels to interfere with old dreams, making it easier for those spiritual imprints left by the past to be awakened. This is why in just half a day, several parents woke up from old dreams one after another. An Xuefeng still remembered that Director Huang was combing his hair. He whimpered lazily, but the movement behind him suddenly stopped. Feeling weird in his heart, he turned around and suddenly saw that Director Huang's cloak was like flowing gold, glowing with a heart-stopping cold light, and there was a scalp-numbing iron-blood metal smell lingering around him.

She stared at him with an expression she had never seen before, and the invisible air flow surged. At that time, An Xuefeng even felt that the figures of other 'parents' around him were blurred for a moment, as if they were cut and torn by countless sharp blades, that kind of life and death. It had been a long time since he had had this creepy feeling, but the more dangerous An Xuefeng was, the calmer he became, so calm that he was almost cold. He didn't care that the tips of Director Huang's fingers holding his throat were as sharp as dragon claws, and they might kill him at any time. , An Xuefeng's only thought was that the top priority was to stabilize the old dream as soon as possible and prevent things from going wrong.

At that time, An Xuefeng learned by himself and talked to Director Huang in a normal tone about how he and his wife loved each other and that they were just short of having a wedding banquet in the team. He said that he would set up 108 tables for the banquet to make it perfect. He also said that his wife only had one relative left, who was his old rival. At the wedding, he might have to hold his nose and toast to his old rival. But it didn't matter. He pretended to be a grandson for a day and was happy for a lifetime. He believed that his old rival definitely didn't want to drink his wine, but there was nothing he could do. His wife loved him so much that she couldn't do without him.

An Xuefeng knew that Director Huang could understand him and seemed to be shocked by his confidence. Director Huang loosened his hand in a trance, and then the weird atmosphere disappeared, and everything returned to normal. Director Huang was so angry that he laughed, and scolded him for being shameless and reckless in his snow leopard ears. How could such a private matter be said in public? An Xuefeng looked left and right to make sure that Director Huang had returned to normal, and then found an opportunity to slip away and bump into Yu Xiangyang who had been secretly gesturing at him.

Then it was confirmed that it was Director Huang who woke up. She was too powerful, and the spiritual imprint she had left here was too strong. In addition, An Xuefeng was too strong. The superposition of various influences made her extremely powerful after she "woke up".

'When someone in the old dream "woke up", the other people in the dream would be completely suppressed, just like the shadow of a real dream'

Yu Xiangyang said seriously, just like Director Huang was obviously stimulated by something when she woke up just now and couldn't hold back her power. If An Xuefeng delayed for a while, maybe all the other parents who were affected around would have been cut and torn apart.

This kind of fragmentation is more terrible than death. It is beyond the control of the hotel and basically cannot be resurrected. Once the relatives in the dream die and cannot be resurrected, it will announce the death of the corresponding tourists/tour guides in reality.

If An Xuefeng hadn't reacted quickly, there might have been a big problem. He has been staying in the old dream not only to revive his relatives with the sheepskin of the abyss, but also to solve this matter and find out the source. So when he heard that the red guide had a problem from Bingyi, he immediately arrived at the scene and skillfully used the leopard licking method to stimulate the red guide to fall asleep again. The awakened passengers would fall asleep again when they encountered something incomprehensible that made them emotionally and mentally shaken. After all, the mental imprint was unstable. But they could wake up again before the mental imprint left was completely consumed. Now we know why such a rare awakening situation occurred. Bingyi actually created another Fountain of Destiny! ‘Will it be serious?’ ‘It won’t be a big problem. After the Ragnarok World Tree collapsed and the original spring dried up, this situation will not occur again.’ Bingyi was silent for a moment and asked solemnly. Feeling the worry in the big cat’s heart, An Xuefeng subconsciously comforted him. Although he was still dissatisfied with Tong Hege Yu and Hui in his heart, he didn’t say anything more. After all, they were now Bingyi’s subordinates, and it was not appropriate for him to scold them. The snow leopard held down the big cat who wanted to leave, and held it in his arms and licked its fur repeatedly, which was a bit neurotic and anxious. An Xuefeng didn't have any objection to Bingyi moving the Fountain of Destiny. Everyone has their own shortcomings. This is the importance of teamwork. Bingyi didn't expect that moving the Fountain of Destiny to the Lost Paradise would also cause two springs of water to appear in his old dreams. The people around him didn't expect it either. An Xuefeng had clearly told him many times before the warm-up match that Bingyi liked adventures. He didn't ask them to contain Bingyi, but just asked them to think more comprehensively, so that Bingyi could at least be prepared. Now everyone is rushing after Bingyi, and they think everything Bingyi does is right. They have completely lost their sensitivity and are really negligent. 'Don't blame Tong Hege, it was me who wanted to move the spring' Sensing the violent emotions in Xuebao's heart, Bingyi also reflected on himself. Recently, he has been too smooth, playing with the Nordic gods, giants and angels, and all the tourists and tour guides are flattering him, which makes Bingyi a little too arrogant and loses his previous consideration and caution. This cannot be blamed on Tong Hege. He had some reservations about him before, and Tong Hege was obedient in order to regain his trust. As a result, obedience became a habit. This is because he is suspicious.

‘I just…’

An Xuefeng was silent. He knew that this could not be blamed on Tong Hege. He had just been resurrected for a short time, and his experience in the hostel was not very deep. An Xuefeng knew how much Tong Hege admired him, and he had a natural admiration for the tour guide who could connect with him. It was natural that Bingyi would not be wrong. An Xuefeng knew that he was venting his anger.

Maybe it was because the emotions were too abundant and straightforward in the animal state, or maybe the snow leopard’s emotions were overly sensitive, but he really, really… The snow leopard’s long tail anxiously entangled the big white cat and pulled it to the safest belly. This leopard tail was particularly fluffy. The big white cat took a look and found that it was actually always fluffy.

‘I’m just too scared’

An Xuefeng finally said it. When the snow leopard pressed the big white cat tightly against his belly, he felt so frightened that it was hard to describe. It was as if his soul had left his body. He was so afraid that if Red Director woke up and lost control, the Red Team would die and be unable to be resurrected, leading to Bingyi’s death… and this kind of ‘death’ was difficult for him to reverse.

He didn’t even want to think about the word death. His surging and violently fluctuating emotions were hidden under his calm. In those years when his spirit was on the verge of collapse, he had already learned not to lose control no matter what. But even now, when he held Bingyi in his arms, he still felt dazed, like a soul that had left his body and had nowhere to land, still flying around, with only one thought in his mind.

If Bingyi died, he didn’t want to live anymore.

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