Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 802 Nutrient Solution 272 added

Bing Daomao was rarely at a loss. He felt An Xuebao's complicated and fluctuating emotions, which were a little depressed, a little depressed and pessimistic. It seemed that he had truly touched some of An Xuefeng's inner world. Bingyi was in a daze for a moment, and his mind made him think about whether his relationship with An Xuefeng was so deep? But they've only been together for seven days and they've already reached the point of living and dying together? Or is it that in the memory he lost, he and An Xuefeng were so good that they could live and die together? But Bingyi couldn't help but empathize with his sensibility. He wanted to hold the depressed snow leopard in his arms to give it more security, and wanted to do something.

He knew that what An Xuefeng wanted was not self-examination or apology. The big white cat raised its head and licked the snow leopard's beard, licked the cold tip of its nose and fluffy lips. However, the snow leopard kept pressing down on the big white cat to lick. Feeling the movement of the big white cat, the leopard tail wrapped around it tighter, almost suffocating the big white cat in the overly lush and soft leopard fur.

So the big white cat began to lick its fur, blending its spirit with it, soothing the snow leopard's mood and clearing up the shadows in his spirit. The bad influence left by the abyss characters on the memory rock wall is still there. Even though Bingyi comforted him before, there are still some hidden in the depths. When An Xuefeng is emotionally unstable, they will quietly appear, making his spirit become unstable. There are many scars, especially the pollution that seems to have been stimulated by the awakened Director Huang, which is extremely harmful to the spirit. No wonder An Xuefeng is emotionally unstable.

However, when these pollutions hit Bingyi Tan's spirit, they were like dirty snow hitting boiling water, and were instantly dissipated and expelled. Bingyi patiently stroked An Xuefeng's mental lines one by one, trying to remove all hidden dangers and pollution, but the progress was a bit slow. After all, An Xuefeng was not here, and he had to avoid the hotel. He reached here. The spiritual consciousness is not complete and clear.

The efficiency of licking fur and hugging was not enough. At this moment, the big white cat learned by himself. It raised its head and shook its ears. The tip of its pink tongue slowly licked the tip of its nose. This time, the snow leopard did not press it anymore. It quickly glanced at the snow nest, then lowered its head and stuck out the feline's prickly tongue. The snow leopard hugged the silver-white Maine Coon cat and licked it. The difference in size allowed it to easily wrap around the cat's tongue and lick its pointed canine teeth in a sensational movement.

The snow leopard's body temperature is very high, and the tip of its tongue is even hotter. After licking the big white cat's canine teeth, regardless of its retreating movement, it aggressively probes into his mouth, stirring the white cat's tongue with its long and flexible tongue. But its tongue is too big for the cat. Bing Dao Cat's mouth was full and his cheeks were sore. The tip of his little nose was twitching rapidly and his breathing became rapid. His eyes narrowed and he no longer dodge. He was immersed in the snow leopard's animalistic kisses with great interest. middle.

It wasn't until the snow leopard's tongue pushed deeper and wanted to lick deeper, and an unbearable itching sensation came from the throat, that Bingyi bit its tongue as a warning, allowing the snow leopard to regain some sense and end the kiss - the effect was surprisingly good , his restless spirit was completely calmed down, and he felt the indulgence, distress and love of his lover. The connection between hearts made him feel at ease and energetic, as if he had been injected with stimulants. For a moment, An Xuefeng felt that he could bear the yellow anymore. If you press the leader ten times, there will be no more accidents.

Looking back now, his frustration just now is a bit funny. He is deeply connected with Bingyi. If something happens to Bingyi, he will definitely die with him. It is impossible to live alone. No matter life or death, they will be together. This makes An Xuefeng Relax. Seeing the Maine Coon cat in his arms, its whiskers stained with his scent, rubbing its face with its soft paws, the snow leopard's blue eyes became deeper and deeper, but even if the hotel now loses control of the old dream, it would probably be over long ago. After the live broadcast, it is not suitable for further development here.

There was extremely cold ice and snow beneath him. An Xuefeng calmly changed his posture to remain calm, but the hot blood surging in his body made his breathing scorching. He couldn't help but lower his head to lick the big white cat's fur, repeatedly licking its fur. Whiskers and bellies until they've both completely calmed down.

‘Yu Xiangyang, come on, let’s continue talking’

An Xuefeng passed the silk trail. As early as when he and Bing started to relieve themselves, the little red-haired monkey consciously went outside the snow nest to stand guard for them. This is how good brothers are, they understand without much communication, otherwise An Xuefeng It was impossible for Xuefeng to be so affectionate to Bingyi in front of outsiders.

"No need, it's the same inside and outside."

Yu Xiangyang refused coldly. He had dug a snow pit for himself long ago and felt that it would be good to just squat outside like this. It took a while to relieve himself just now. Since he really didn't intend to enter the snow nest, An Xuefeng didn't delay any longer and continued to talk about waking up.

"In this old dream, Director Hong and Director Huang are not the only ones who can wake up."

"When Director Huang woke up, he was in a cave in the camp where most of the parents from the old dreams gathered. Most people were affected by the power when she woke up, but some people behaved differently"

'You mean they are also potentially sober people? ’

Bingyi was still reminiscing about his first deep kiss, but he quickly devoted himself to serious matters. Hearing An Xuefeng's words, he understood what he meant - Yu Xiangyang had said before that someone woke up from his old dream. When it comes, other people in the dream will be completely suppressed. On the other hand, those who have not been completely suppressed are most likely those who have left spiritual imprints in this scenic spot and have the potential to wake up.

It's just that what stimulated them was not their corresponding descendants in reality, so they didn't wake up, but showed some differences.

‘There were three people in total who showed differences. ’

Yu Xiangyang was also present when Director Huang woke up. From his perspective, he could better observe the overall situation: "They are Grandma Miao, Maria's father, and my father."

‘When the red guide woke up, the red team was not affected’

Bingyi added, An Xuefeng also nodded. If you calculate it this way, there are quite a few people who can wake up from their old dreams this time. There are six people in the red team, Director Red, Director Huang, Grandma Miao, Maria's father, and Yu Xiangyang's father in total.

‘Among them, Granny Miao was almost completely unaffected. She just ignored the movement around her. She was still holding the sleeping Miao Fangfei snake in her hands, oiling her scales without stopping.’

‘My father and Maria’s father behaved differently than she did’

Yu Xiangyang described it in detail. Although his father and Maria's father had no cracks on their bodies at that time, they stopped what they were doing and looked directly at Director Huang, their bodies stiff as two dummies. But the shadows behind them did not move with them, and still repeated their previous actions.

'I think there are two possibilities'

An Xuefeng answered his words: 'The first type is that the mental imprints they left have reached the point where they are about to dissipate or are about to be completely integrated into the pollution, so although they react, they can no longer wake up normally.'

'The second one is that it was not them who came to Iceland to leave a spiritual mark, but their teammates and partners, most likely the captain.'

This point was mentioned by An Xuefeng when discussing with Yu Xiangyang. As the captain, he himself has endured part of the pollution and mental pain of Wang Pengpai and others. It can be said that there is a faint spiritual connection between them. This is also Why do tour guides contact the captain first when contacting the brigade? This way, contacting other people will also be a matter of course.

Suppose it was An Xuefeng who left a spiritual imprint in Iceland, and it was Wang Pengpai's child who came here for a journey that inspired old dreams. It was Wang Pengpai who appeared in the old dreams. When all the conditions are met, even if Wang Pengpai The Paper has never been to Iceland, and An Xuefeng's mental mark may be stimulated to wake up a small part.

‘So there will be a reaction like separation. They themselves are as stiff as dummies, but their shadows continue to do the previous actions like Granny Miao.’

‘Team An’s speculation is very reasonable. If we follow this line of thinking, the person who came to Iceland at the time of Maria’s father might have been the captain of Whitechapel at that time. The captain of Whitechapel has always been the Saint Son and the Saint. The captain that year...should have been the Saint.'

Yu Xiangyang said, what he said was a bit vague. After all, this was a person from two generations ago, and the hotel was very strict about these things, so it only had some records on metaphysics.

‘The generation of metaphysics captains who were the same generation as my father and Grandma Miao… if you count up, it should be Taoist Master Kongkong. He was the strongest traveler at that time and the strongest captain who opened two journeys to the 30th degree north latitude’

Speaking of this, Yu Xiangyang couldn't help but sigh. Together with Miao Apo Longnu Aping who opened the tomb of the Tusi King, the metaphysics of that generation had opened up three journeys of 30 degrees north latitude. How brilliant it was. It was a well-deserved first brigade.

‘These people are from the same generation’

An Xuefeng said cautiously: 'The Jinlunga Gap cannot be opened easily... I suspect that they might have been the same team that came to explore Iceland'

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