Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 803: Icelandic Horror (312)

If An Xuefeng's guess is correct, then the composition of the old brigade that came to explore Iceland in the past was too luxurious. The captain of Whitechapel, the strongest brigade in the Western Region, was the captain of the Xuanxue, the strongest brigade in the hotel at that time, and the Xuanxue opened up the three northern latitudes. The top team members of the Ten Degrees Journey, as well as the powerful top tourist red team formed by the deep connection between the two strongest tour guides and the red guide at that time.

Due to the captain's acumen, An Xuefeng concluded that this was by no means a brigade initially exploring the gap, but a temporary team composed of the strongest combat forces from the east and west districts who had mastered enough information after several explorations and investigations, with clear and specific goals. And the enemies and difficulties they face are bound to be extremely terrifying and severe.

Perhaps just like the goal of the brigade in the old dream, they were going to destroy the Jinlunga Chasm of the Primeval Abyss. If they didn't succeed, they would die, and the situation at that time was definitely more extreme than what was shown in the old dream. Maybe they want to destroy the abyss in one fell swoop, destroy the hotel, and end reincarnation completely.

The past events of that year have long been impossible to investigate. Just like water dripping into the sea without leaving any message, all information has been eliminated in the hotel. Only in old dreams and from the mental imprint of a brief awakening can it be possible to get a glimpse of the leopard and find out a few things. The situation of the year.

‘In the past, the power of the strong in the hotel was so unbalanced? ’

Bingyi asked, among the six people who might wake up, only one was from the West District, and the others were all from their side.

'It's very uneven'

Yu Xiangyang said, vaguely mentioning: 'Our side is also stronger now'

Regardless of whether it was the ten years of Master Kongkong or the ten years of An Xuefeng, the title of the strongest passenger every year has never fallen into the hands of a person from the West District. In the gallery of metaphysics posters, there are ten posters of the 'Winners of the Year-end Celebration' by Mr. Kong Kong alone. The one with the most 'balanced' strength in the east and west districts, that is, when Chen Cheng was the captain of the metaphysics in the last ten years, he and the strongest in the west district were indistinguishable. The first place was taken at intervals. It can be said that the metaphysics has gone downhill since the previous generation. Oh...ahem.

This involved a lot of secrets, and Yu Xiangyang didn't know much about it. In addition, he wanted to save face for Team Lao Chen, so he didn't say much.

'There may have been more people in the team that went to Iceland, but this time the old dream did not involve their descendants and members of the team, so it did not appear.'

An Xuefeng took over the topic at this time: 'People who can wake up now, they all have the same characteristics'

The White Church side is not clear, but Grandma Miao, Director Huang, Director Hong, and the Kongkong Taoist who seems to correspond to Yu Xiangyang’s father, all of them started a journey to 30 degrees north latitude, and they all have Maria butterfly fragments! If all the pioneers of the journey to the 30th North Latitude had gathered together to explore the Kinlunga Gap, what courage and ambition would they have had, and how desperate they would have been.

An Xuefeng was silent, thinking of the last year when Chen Cheng and his generation went to the battlefield. Everyone tried their best but failed in the end and suffered heavy losses. Even though his memory was wasted countless times by the hotel, he still vaguely remembered the sadness and depression at that time. An indignation that refuses to give way to despair. From then on, he no longer showed his anger and anger to the outside, and became extremely calm, accumulating strength until now.

However, even though they all lost their memories, An Xuefeng still knew more. He guessed that the people who knew the life also knew more information. Not because of how many clues Director Huang left for them, but...

‘Guide Hong asked you if your journey to Tibet has been opened yet?’

After the big white cat nodded, An Xuefeng's thoughts turned out to be true.

No wonder the Ming people have never stopped exploring the Tibetan area, even if they have been trapped in the Sun Gate for several years, they have continued to invest manpower and material resources there. What he did was so obvious that most people thought it was just a cover-up, and it was definitely not his real goal. Only Dream Chaser, who had an extreme hatred for life-seeking people at that time, and Bai Xiaosheng carefully analyzed it and confirmed that the Tibetan area was most likely the return journey of 30 degrees north latitude and still did not give up the exploration of the Tibetan area.

Now it seems that what is on the brightest side is really the ultimate goal of the life-seeking person.

‘The journey along the 30th parallel north latitude is the most special’

An Xuefeng and Bingyi briefly talked about the journey to the 30th Degree North Latitude, and the connection between the butterfly fragments and the journey to the 30th Degree North Latitude. They also mentioned that the pollution energy on this line is too sufficient, and it is possible that the attraction of the 30th Degree North Latitude will reappear. .

For example, the Tomb of the Tusi King opened by Grandma Miao back then, and the one newly opened by Bingyi this year is also called the Tomb of the Tusi King. However, the name may change before the journey is completed. It is the same as the ancient oasis line and the Sun Altar line in the Chencheng Sahara. Different final code names will be different.

However, An Xuefeng didn't say anything in detail. He just said: "Among the 30 degrees north latitude journeys I have made, one of them was made by my mother in the past."

Just as the spiritual imprint left by those who made this journey in the past may be awakened by modern circumstances, it is also possible to awaken the spiritual imprint left by the person who embarked on the thirty-degree north latitude journey pioneered by the ancients. An Xuefeng knew a lot of secrets when he opened the pyramid. His ability to dominate the hotel with his powerful strength had a lot to do with this.

However, according to the investigation on the way back, this kind of thing has only happened to him so far, and the suspected spiritual imprint of his mother has only appeared once. Even An Xuefeng is not sure whether it was his mother who also opened the 30th North Latitude in the pyramid. Whether the journey was just due to an accidental coincidence, or based on similar situations like "waking up" in old dreams, there were too few cases for Bai Xiaosheng to draw a conclusion. Until Bingyi opened the Tomb of the Tusi King, the name of this attraction was It was the same as what Grandma Miao had pioneered, which really caught their attention.

Now it seems that the Tibet side is most likely the journey that the Red Guide and the Red Team couple once made, and maybe there is something left behind. The Mingxi people obviously know this... Thinking of this, An Xuefeng felt more urgent. Feeling, but also helpless. Currently, he has lost contact with himself in reality. In reality, the return journey is under the nose of the jury at the hotel. It is difficult to react. He can only wait for the end of this competition and the return of the life-seeking people.

‘I want to know what their plan was and how it failed’

An Xuefeng shook his head and focused on the present. Not enough historical records were circulated, so they might follow the same failed path of their predecessors again and again. There is always a subtle commonality in the ideas of the strong, the older generation decided to do that at the time, and they might have done the same if they didn't know that this approach would eventually fail.

'These are all assumptions we are talking about at the moment'

Yu Xiangyang said rationally and calmly: 'It's possible that they are not from the same era, and they are not exploring with the same team... At least we at Whitechapel can't be sure of the era.'

Among the five strong men from the East District, there was a West District guy who looked like an outsider. Moreover, the people in Whitechapel had extreme personalities, and Director Huang was an alienated demon, so how could they live in harmony with each other.

But no matter whether the guess is accurate or not, just like An Xuefeng said, they must not miss this precious opportunity and must find out enough information from the mouths of people who can wake up.

‘Let Miao Fangfei come in too, we don’t have much time’

An Xuefeng said that although Bingyi had created another Fountain of Destiny, it was still unclear whether the old dream would be extended - the possibility was not high. If they end the old dream in the early hours of tonight, they have to resurrect people, and they have to get information from tour guides and tourists who can 'wake up'. There will definitely not be enough time... Not necessarily all people who wake up are kind to their descendants. Like Director Huang not long ago. If this happens frequently, it will take a lot of time.

Yin Qiaoqiao, Tang Xiang and Master Bai Lian encountered difficulties in using the abyss sheepskin to resurrect people, and they would not be able to spare their resources for a while. He and Yu Xiangyang would definitely have to immerse themselves in studying the matter of 'waking up', and there was a corresponding Miao Fangfei He had to let her fall asleep. He pulled the person who could use it, and the snow leopard flicked the tip of its tail. Fortunately, Bingyi decided to seal off the Jinlunga Gap and did not plan to explore it this time, otherwise it would be impossible to squeeze in this time.

‘Have you encountered a problem with the Risen Man? ’

Director Bing's cat-like eyes quickly wrapped his paws around the trembling leopard's tail, holding it in his arms and pedaling. When he heard An Xuefeng talking to Yu Xiangyang about the topic he originally wanted to talk about when he fell asleep, he asked about the currently resurrected people. Which step has been reached.

Yin Qiaoqiao, Tang Xiang and Bailian layman are obviously the best combination for resurrecting people. It is best to resurrect the incarnation and incorporate the corresponding runes. If the corpse of a relative who died is well preserved, then do the same. That’s it.

Only if a relative dies and the body is lost, or if the incarnation of death does not bring back the body, it is necessary to re-sew the human form with abyssal sheepskin. White Lotus, the incarnation of the layman Bailian, chants sutras to purify the sheepskin. Tang Xiang, the incarnation of a little turtle with extremely strong vitality, cuts the flesh - the flesh corresponding to the relatives and the flesh of the incarnation. He cuts the meat again and again, and the cut meat is used to fill the sheepskin.

When it's almost done, then blend in the corresponding rune characters, and you're done. Only if relatives and incarnations are dead and there is only one rune character that is not enough to be divided, Yin Qiaoqiao needs to use the rune character as a medium to summon the soul, and then divide the rune and the summoned soul equally and place them separately. This will be considered a success.

It's just that the 'people' who have been resurrected using the sheepskin of the abyss are still alive, but they are all giant sheep of various colors.

'It's like when we transformed into Icelandic horses'

An Xuefeng explained that the layman Bailian said this might be because the sheepskin is just a skin bag, and the human body is still conceived in the sheepskin. When the sheepskin is mature and cut open, the person will be reborn and come out. This seems to be related to some Buddhist allusion. Bingyi nodded repeatedly after hearing this. This is similar to what Binger said. It really needs to be peeled off.

'The problem now is that sheep grow too slowly and they need to be matured faster. And peeling is quite complicated’

An Xuefeng shook his head: "Now some of the mobile incarnations and elders in the old dream went to herd sheep and find food, and the other part went to the Land of Fire."

'Bing'er is good at herding sheep, but it's a pity that he can't enter the old dream. I'll go out and ask him later.'

Bing nodded and then asked curiously: ‘In old dreams, someone went to the Land of Fire? ’

Yu Xiangyang replied that it was Miao Fangfei and the others who opened the passage between the Warner Dalshnuk Volcano and the Land of Fire in reality. This passage also existed in the old dream, and some of the animals in the old dream used it to enter the Land of Fire. , to search for a passage that opens up the Fire Nation and ultimately Snæfellsjökull. The combined efficiency of reality in dreams is doubled. This is the correct way to open old dreams.

‘You can enter the Land of Fire even from old dreams...’

Bingyi drawled his voice with deep meaning. He was thinking about the things in his old dream and didn't want to leave, but he still had to get Surtur's flame magic sword. It might take a lot of time. After all, in In reality, Loki has caused so many troubles that no one in Northern Europe doesn't know his name. It would be too bad if people were on guard as soon as they met Surtur. After all, Ragnarok was very close now. If he accidentally got into a fight with Surtur, it could really trigger Ragnarok in advance.

But in the dream... some items with special energy can be brought into the old dream, and there is a high probability that the world will be burned down. I just don't know Loki's reputation in the old dream...

‘In my old dream, was Loki’s reputation okay?’

The big white cat meowed expectantly and asked: "I mean these natural and man-made disasters should not be counted on Loki, right?"


Yu Xiangyang hesitated for a rare moment, and An Xuefeng was silent, which made Bingyi wrinkle his beard. What's going on? Did the bad reputation spread here?

'This... is actually not bad'

An Xuefeng said solemnly: 'Because Michael has been promoting the Red Team as Satan's parents, so, ugh, most of the disasters were attributed to them and the phantom cats'

'You don't often enter the old dream, and not many people know that you exist'

Hearing his words, Bingyi the cat purred happily: 'Then I'm relieved! '

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