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812 Nutrient Solution 275+ Updates The Angel Who Takes the Blame

Long before the commotion broke out among the horses, the crystal dragon quietly merged with the dream, making it impossible for others to see or notice it. This was the convenience of old dreams. If the crystal dragon is outside, of course it can be hidden in many dreams, but dreams are spiritual things, illusory and nothingness. The dragon hidden in the dream will also become ethereal, but it cannot resist Bing Dao Ma.

But this is an old dream, and everything in the dream has reality. Therefore, even if the crystal dragon is completely hidden in the dream and cannot be discovered by others, it still has an entity and can carry the guide horse.

So now in the eyes of outsiders, it's just the Bingdao horse that is standing and flying - the Nordic Pegasus does not necessarily have wings to fly, and many magical horses can fly in the clouds without wings. The fact that the third horse can fly further proves that its bloodline is noble and pure. The head horse behind him, who was anxious and frightened by Surtur's arrival and wanted to shrink back, became elated and decided to give it another try and continue to chase!

This made Surtur's eyes darken, but when he saw the flaming war horse, his eyes became more and more blazing. The flaming war horses chased it based on instinct. They did not understand or care about the kind of hatred towards them. Where does the fatal attraction come from? However, when Surtur first saw the mare flying in the air, he knew that it was not only a flaming horse, but also the sun of the new world!

That's right, the sun in Northern Europe has now been destroyed and died, and the world has fallen into deep darkness. But when Ragnarok ends and a new world and a new era arrives, a new sun will appear. It’s just that the new sun is obviously not as hot and huge as the original sun. According to the myth, when the new sun goddess brings the new sun across the sky, the sun car does not even need the Sivaling shield to resist the heat, because the new sun The new sun is far less huge and hot than the previous sun.

People said that because God King Odin died, no gods or giants could select such a large flame crystal from the Kingdom of Fire to serve as the sun. This argument made Surtur extremely angry.

He was born in the Country of Fire, grew up in the Country of Fire, has been in the Country of Fire all his life, and has the absolute deepest control over this world. However, Odin, who only came in for a while, was able to find the largest flame crystal to serve as the sun and moon. This was a slap in his face!

Therefore, Surtur often wanders in the Kingdom of Fire, hoping to find the flame crystal that is qualified to become the sun of the new world. Surtur is ambitious. He knows that he will die in Ragnarok, and the flames The magic sword will burn the world. He single-handedly caused the death of most Nordic creatures, but this did not satisfy his ambition.

He also wants to leave his mark in the new era so that no one can forget the name Surtur. He is the first giant born in the Kingdom of Fire. Why can't he find a new sun in the Kingdom of Fire?

Now, Surtur stared closely at the fiery red gem horse flying in front of him, his eyes lingering on it as if it had substance. It is not an ordinary flame war horse. It does not have a charred and dry body, nor a mane made of flames. However, it is nobler and more pure than any group of flame war horses. It can be said that it is the purest piece of blood. Flame crystal is the purest war horse!

The flame war horse feeds on flame crystals, and there are many traces of crystallization on its body. When they die, their bodies will merge into the earth and turn into new flame crystals. The purer the crystal on the Flame War Horse, the more in tune it is with the Fire Nation, and the nobler its bloodline. Surtur has many sons, and has been with many flame war horses of noble blood, but he has never seen a mare as special and with such unparalleled charm as before him!

It is a living creature, but its entire body is almost made of flame crystal. It can make all the flame war horses go crazy for it, but it may be so pure that it can become the sun in the future. How pure, how noble, and how incredible is this. Surtur wants to laugh and shout. This is how he finds countless Even Surtur could not imagine how powerful the offspring would be if he combined with such a pure mare, but he was bound to win it!

'He has already thought of a name for the child'

The crystal dragon flying in front said silently, telling Bingyi about Surtur's daydream: 'If it weren't for the Ragnarok in a few hours, he would have wanted you to have dozens of litters.'

‘It’s just a daydream, what I’m thinking about is really beautiful’

Bingyi chuckled: "The big fish has taken the bait, just put me in the same place."

The crystal dragon was not flying aimlessly. When Surtur took the bait, it accelerated its flight and quickly reached its destination. The red flames all over the sky stopped abruptly here. Piles of flame crystals formed mountains, but in front was a cliff and an abyss. The deafening sound of water flow mixed with the sound of ice cubes colliding. They went round and round and returned to their old place. Place, this is the Jinlunga Divide where the Land of Fire and the Land of Mist meet.

On the high mountain made of flame crystals, Bingyi asked the dragon hunter to put it down. This crystallized mountain towered into the clouds. From the top of the mountain, Bingyi could overlook Surtur and even the entire flame war horse. The group controls the overall situation. However, for the lustful war horses and Surtur, the fact that the mare stopped running only meant one thing——

It has attracted enough suitors, now is the time for a duel, and only the winner can finally own it!


War horses neighed under the flame crystal mountain, and a series of grand duels suddenly began. The flame war horses as tall as mountains bit and collided with each other, and the flames burned the weak and were suppressed by the strong. Among them, Surtur and the leader were undoubtedly the best. Surtur needed no introduction. He had a pair of powerful arms and more wisdom than other war horses. Surtur threw the flaming magic sword aside and rushed into the herd. He was as powerful as a bulldozer and swept away all the competitors around him in an instant.

The leader was not to be outdone. Flames ignited around it, and half of its originally charred body turned pure red. It was a stallion with a very noble bloodline and deep flame crystallization. It was two heads taller than other war horses. Dueling with other war horses was like a giant beating a skinny monkey. Just shaking its head could easily knock out the enemies on the left and right.

However, in just a few minutes, most of the flame horses were defeated. The battle was completely one-sided. The losers all stood aside dejectedly. In the end, only Surtur and the first horse were still in the center of the battlefield, and they were going to have the final duel. The first horse was still there, not crushed by Surtur, which made Bingyi couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

This horse is good, and you can move into the Lost Paradise with your luggage. But the current situation is not optimistic for their plan.

'The first horse is not dead, it is not recommended to let Surtur fall into a daydream, he will wake up soon under external stimulation'

The dragon hunter said helplessly, Bingyi attracted the attention of all horses on the flame crystal mountain. When the battle began, when Surtur threw down the flaming magic sword, the crystal dragon took the scabbard made of the burning world wood and quietly sneaked into the center of the battlefield and began to exert hints on him. The sword cannot be taken by force, and the subsequent handling must be more cautious. Bingyi had already found someone to take the blame for him. As long as the crystal dragon successfully exerted hints on Surtur, the plan would succeed.

However, no one expected that Surtur, who should have crushed the herd, did not defeat the leader, and still wanted a one-on-one duel! Obviously, the leader was no match for Surtur, so Bingyi and the dragon hunter could not understand why he did this, but after taking a closer look at Surtur, Bingyi had a plan in mind.

The leader was very strong, and the battle between male horses for mates was extremely brutal, and there was even a possibility of a fight to the death. Surtur did not want to be injured at this critical moment before Ragnarok, nor did he want to kill the leader. He treated the powerful flame warhorse like a fellow tribesman. They were going to fight side by side on the battlefield, so how could they kill each other?

So after he showed his strength and saw that the leader did not withdraw from the fight, he simply gave in, and this "fight" was a draw. Next, according to the rules within the flame warhorse tribe, there should be less bloody ways to fight.

But in this way, the plan was stuck at the most critical point. Even if Surtur was successfully hinted at, the duel with the leader would affect his spirit and make him sober quickly.

‘Wait for the leader to lose?’

The dragon hunter hesitated. Surtur and the leader had already begun to circle in front of the flame crystal mountain in turn, showing their strong muscles, healthy and beautiful bodies and light steps to attract Bingyi to make a choice. Obviously, they would not duel and fight again. This round of ‘literary battles’ will continue until Bingyi makes a choice.

‘No need to wait, use plan B’

Bingyi said simply. It is obvious that Surtur has regained his sanity from the frenzy of fighting and will only become more and more sober in the future. The best time for him to completely fall into a daydream and be hinted by the dragon hunter has passed, unless something else happens next that makes him excited - but Bingyi will not really sacrifice himself.

The fiery red gem horse watched Surtur and the leader circling in front of him and doing various poses without interest. He glanced at the intersection of the Fire Country and the Mist Country from the corner of his eye. That was a big crack. Even if it was not connected to the bottomless pit, it could be called the original abyss of the Jinlunga Chasm. This big crack has been almost sealed by the Norse gods, but the big crack on the bottomless pit can only be visited once.

Michael has been to the bottomless pit once. He led the angel army to ambush in the Jinlunga Chasm. He could not ambush on the bottomless pit, but only in the depths of this crack. Bingyi specially asked the dragon hunter to bring him here, originally wanting to put the blame on Michael for stealing the sword.

But now the daydream hint doesn't work, so just pretend to be real. Under Bingyi's command, the crystal dragon that was integrated into the old dream and could not be discovered by anyone quietly reached the edge of the crack cliff, moved its claws slightly, and took out a statue, which was the statue that sealed the spirit of the archangel Remiel! Bingyi had made all the preparations and brought the statue into the old dream.

At the moment of taking out the holy image, the dragon hunter immediately felt a slight fluctuation in the dream power in the holy image that trapped Remiller's spirit and induced him to fall. This was a special induction, a subtle mutual induction between the missionary spirit fires, which meant that in addition to Remiller, another person who was preached by the spirit fire was not far away.

Michael had indeed lurked here, and the cracks that the Norse gods had sealed with their own hands did not even find him! It seems that he hid very well, but this will soon be a thing of the past -


When the head horse and Surtur raised their front hooves and stomped the ground, engaging in a stallion contest that people could not understand, Bingyi shouted softly and the dragon hunter threw the holy image. He threw it very accurately, and the holy image that sealed Remiller's spirit was thrown by him right under Surtur's horse hoof. No one reacted, and the hard horse hoof burning with blazing flames was landing, and in an instant stepped on the holy image, about to crush it to pieces.

But at the next moment, a sharp fiery red sword light shot out from the depths of the big crack and struck Surtur's horse's hoof!

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