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813 Icelandic Horror (321) Successfully captured the sword...


There was a deafening cry of pain, and hot blood spurted out, sprinkling on the ground and making a sound like boiling water. Half of the huge horse's hoof was cut off by the sword light, flew up and landed like a meteorite. Everything happened in an instant!


Surtur roared angrily. He devoted all his energy to pursuing his spouse. Besides, all the flames in the Fire Country could not cause any harm to him. The sword light coming from the big crack happened to be of the fire attribute. Various factors combined. He didn't take precautions when he got up, and thought it was a normal splash of fire. It wasn't until his front hoof was cut off that he suddenly came to his senses. This was not the flame of the Land of Fire!

"Michael! The damn birdman, how dare you appear in front of me, Surtur!"

When he saw that there was Jin Lunga Chasm next to him, and he felt the divine fire still burning fiercely at the broken part of his front hoof, Surtur immediately understood. His long red flaming hair flew with anger. The Norse gods and the group of frost giants were all useless. The seal of the great rift failed to discover that Michael was hiding in the chasm? ! The injured front hoof was bent and bleeding, but instead of retreating, he suddenly stepped forward. The gravity of the horse's hoof stepped on the ground, causing countless flame crystals to fly. The fire surged and rushed towards the sword light that was about to retract into the chasm, although he was quickly crushed by the sword light. It was broken into pieces, but what was being carried away by the sword light was intercepted by the flames.

The icon rolled to the ground, and its hard skin cracked with many cracks after being polished over and over again. The power of dreams and illusions overflowed, but it was controlled by the dragon hunter, perfectly hidden in the old dream. Except that Michael could sense the presence of Remiller's spirit body in the icon through the small spiritual fire, Surtur could not detect anything hidden in the icon at all. Seeing that the icon was blocked, another sword light came from the depth of the crack. It shoots out and kills the fiery red gem mare on the mountain of flame crystals.

This battle for spouses was taking place on the edge of the Golden Lunga Chasm. Michael had observed it for a long time with his eyes, and knew that this mare was the object of Surtur's passionate pursuit. At this moment, in order to regain the icon, he simply attacked east and west. If it weren't for him not being able to appear openly in Northern Europe, there would be no need for such trouble!

"you dare!!"

However, at the moment when Michael threw out the sword light, Surtur unexpectedly threw the flaming demon sword at the same time. There was a loud bang and the flaming demon sword pierced the flame crystal mountain sideways, blocking the panicked people. In front of the ruby ​​mare, Michael blocked Michael's sword light, as if he had expected him to do this.

Surtur didn't know that Michael came for the icon. He only thought that he was lurking in the chasm when he sensed the opportunity to become the perfect mare for the sun of the new world. He made false claims to start a war with him, but in fact he wanted to kill him in advance. Damn the sun! The fact that the angels are attacking the soul of Baldr, the God of Light, has long been spread throughout the Nordic continent. They are a group of birdmen who claim to bring light, but in fact they kill all the original light and sun in their Nordic countries, and then use the outer gods to The bright sun takes its place!

After the dark and cold winter, nothing can make people believe more deeply than light and heat. If light and the sun are controlled by the outer gods, then there will be no need to make the Nordic gods great again. All Nordic beliefs will be controlled by the outer gods. Loot and take away!

Therefore, Surtur did not hesitate to throw out the flaming demon sword to protect his beloved mare. Even if his strength would be greatly reduced after losing the flaming demon sword, he did not hesitate. Not only to protect the mare, Surtur knew that he With a violent and irritable character, he was worried that he would fight with Michael and burn the world with a flaming sword, causing Ragnarok to arrive early.


But even without the magic sword, it doesn't matter. The flame war horse-headed horse that was originally dueling with him also neighed in anger. The giant and the horse, who were just opponents, became allies in an instant. It happened that all the horses here were powerful stallions, and the horse-headed horse neighed. Accordingly, the group of flame war horses, led by the leader, and Surtur fought mightily towards the abyss. Not to mention that Michael is alone, even if he hides an angel army in the chasm, he will have a headache when facing the extremely powerful war horses born and raised in the Land of Fire and the strongest flame giant Surtur.

The sound of fighting disappeared in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, only the earth cracked by horse hooves and the solitary mountain of flame crystals were left. The ruby ​​mare seemed to be stiff with fright, and her four hooves were bent and she was kneeling not far from the flaming magic sword. He was there, not daring to move. His jewel-like pupils were wide open, flashing and dilated, as if he was still immersed in fear.

‘Quick, quick, quick, dragon, come quickly! ’

However, it was in an extremely excited mood and kept calling for the dragon hunter to come quickly. Bingyi really didn't expect that this plan would go so smoothly. He originally thought that Surtur would fight Michael in a duel with the flaming magic sword, but then Bing repeatedly found opportunities to send his fallen angels to pretend to be angels to join the battle to seize the magic sword and frame the angel.

With Michael's pride, he would never call Raphael and the others fallen angels in front of Surtur. Besides, even if they fall, they are still angels, not people from the Nordic god system. They won another flaming magic sword, This is extremely beneficial to their invasion of the outer gods. Bingyi believes that Michael will most likely not ruin his plan.

But who would have thought that Surtur would directly throw the flaming magic sword up to protect him! Moreover, Surtur also took away all the flame horses, leaving him and the dragon hunter alone! The right time, the right place, and the right people, it would be a fool not to seize this opportunity. The dragon hunter was also very excited at this time, and immediately took out the burning world wood scabbard to wrap the flaming magic sword.

Bingyi looked at the demon sword with burning eyes. It was extremely hot, and the surrounding air was burned and distorted. In just a moment, the flaming demon sword had sunk halfway down, because the pure flame crystals were burned and melted by it. The Burning World Wood, which was originally burned to the limit, ignited flames on the wood pieces again after coming into contact with the Fiery Demonic Sword. The iron-red wood pieces shrank further, and finally shrank to only a little bigger than a palm.

Fortunately, Surtur was afraid of cutting off the crystal mountain and killing his beloved mare, so when he threw the flaming magic sword, it shrank, just like an ordinary broad-faced heavy sword that could barely block Bingyi. Otherwise, if the flaming demonic sword was originally as big as a mountain, it would be useless no matter how much the world burned in the Bing area.

While the Crystal Dragon was busy packing the flaming magic sword, Director Bing opened his mouth, and a flaming holy sword appeared out of thin air and was bitten between his teeth. This is the flaming holy sword of God’s Mercy Remiller.

The seven angels all have flaming swords or flaming holy swords. They have different names, but they are essentially swords separated from the flaming holy sword in the hands of Michael. They are mainly used to fight in the angel legion and enjoy the power resonance increase to form a group. In combat, in fact, each sword has different effects in the hands of different angels. Raphael, who is the main healer, uses a snake staff for treatment, and the flaming sword is only his last self-defense weapon. Raguel, who is accustomed to using bows and arrows, is also accustomed to using bows and knives even in close combat. The flaming holy sword is just a decoration.

Remiller is good at guiding souls and enlightening prophets. His power lies in controlling dreams and hallucinations. He is obviously not a person who can fight in close quarters with a sword. This flaming holy sword was used by him to protect his spirit body. Even if he fell into the devil's trap while dreaming, it would protect his spirit body from being completely corrupted until Remiller killed the devil or waited for support.

This was convenient for Yun Tianhe. When Remiller's soul entered his dream and inspired him, his spirit body brought his own sword. After trapping his spirit body with the holy icon, Yun Tianhe deceived the flaming holy sword out, and also dedicated it all to Bing. one. During this period, no matter how slow Bingyi was, he never forgot to inject spiritual fire into the Holy Flame Sword, working in tandem with the dream coming from the dragon hunter.

Up to now, although Remiller's soul has not turned black and has not completely fallen, he has already developed new thoughts. As long as angels devoutly believe in God, worship God, and submit to God, once they have their own thoughts, that is the source of their fall. And Remiller is undoubtedly smart. He is often in contact with people's souls and dreams. He has seen all kinds of life, and he thinks more than Raphael and the others.

It is recorded in the classics that Remiller will become the mentor of apostates after his fall. The mentor will definitely think more and deeper than other fallen angels, and will be better at bewitching and instructing. This time Bingyi threw the icon not only to lure out Michael, but also to set Remiller free.

He wanted to put Remiller back to Michael's side. Remiller controls the dream, so he naturally knows that this is a dream rather than reality. Let him leave and he will return to reality from his old dream. There is no need to worry about there being two 'Remieres' in the dream. But as long as it appears in old dreams, the time difference between dreams and reality will have a profound impact on him.

‘You keep saying this is a dream and hallucination, not reality’

Biting the flame holy sword, Bingyi communicated spiritually with Remiller who was trapped in the icon. His spirit is extremely tenacious, and the mental fire and repeated interference from dreams can only shake his faith, but it will not completely degenerate him.

‘Michael is here

Bingyi said lightly, Remiller in the icon was extremely quiet. Michael's fiery sword was very close to him when he rescued the icon from the hooves of Surtur's horse. I'm afraid he also noticed Michael. The little spiritual fire in the flame was just like the visions and dreams had repeatedly shown him.

Smart people are like this. They don't accept death and think about doubts until they think deeper and deeper and can no longer look back. Bingyi laughed, biting the flame holy sword and cut his body with difficulty, shaking off a lot of flame crystals, leaving a "tragic and bloody" scene. Then it threw the flaming holy sword, causing it to cut through the icon and release Remiller's spirit body.

Remiller has long silver-white hair, and wears a crystal single-piece round mirror in front of his left eye. His tortured face is pale, and his blue eyes are as deep as the sea. He took a deep look at the horse on the mountain, then clutched the flaming holy sword and jumped into the Jin Lunga Chasm.

"Look, he didn't extend his wings when he jumped into the chasm. I suspect that some of his wings may have been blackened."

Bingyi said to the dragon hunter with great interest.

‘Come on, I’ve got the Flame Demon Sword ready! Put it away and take a look! ’

The dragon hunter didn't care about the confrontation between Bingyi and Remiller outside. Which angel could outplay Bingyi? He wrapped up the flaming demon sword with all his concentration, and his eyes were bright at this moment. Upon hearing this, Bingyi immediately took back the flaming magic sword wrapped in the 'scabbard' to Lost Paradise, and then let the crystal dragon carry him and fled the scene quickly, leaving only a mess. The dragon hunter was also worried that Surtur would be furious and flew away as fast as possible. After returning to the temporary camp at the volcano, he immediately left the Old Daydream Field offline.


Returning to reality, feeling the flaming magic sword in the Lost Paradise, Bingyi and Dragon Hunter looked at each other, and the two couldn't help laughing excitedly. Success, the flaming magic sword they took away from the old dream was successfully brought back to reality! Dreams and reality interact with each other. Surtur, who lost his sword in the old dream, may have lost his flaming magic sword for decades in reality!

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