Thriller Tour Group

814 Icelandic Horror (322) Huang Dao’s past (mainly...

"I'll go take a look at Lost Paradise first!"

After leaving these words, Bingyi quickly went to the Lost Paradise to check the situation. As soon as he entered, he felt that the temperature in the Paradise had increased significantly. The Lost Paradise, which was originally cold and gloomy, was now as hot as summer. The magic sword, which continued to radiate heat even though it was wrapped in insulating bark, hung at the entrance to the Lost Paradise. The saplings of the world planted by Tong Hege's cuttings were wilting and curling due to the heat.

It can only be said that it is lucky to be wrapped in the bark of the Burning World tree, otherwise this flaming magic sword would have burned all of Bingyi's Paradise Lost. Upon seeing this, Bingyi quickly placed the flaming magic sword in the cold spring of the Kingdom of Mist. He heard a sharp sound like a quenching sound, and the white mist suddenly rose up, spreading menacingly around, covering a large area around it in the blink of an eye. In the mist, the water in the cold spring was also reduced by half, and the remaining water could barely compete with the slightly cooled flaming magic sword.

"Hiss, I think the cold spring may not be able to withstand it now."

Tong Hege was already in a vegetative state. Even though he had transplanted some Fire World Trees, he was still most afraid of the heat. Seeing this, he quickly took a few steps back. When he saw that the newly cut World Tree saplings had rolled up their leaves and dried up less than half, they gasped in distress. , suggested to Bingyi: "I think we need to get some more spring water from the Kingdom of Mist, otherwise we won't be able to suppress this magic sword."

Currently, the gate of Lost Paradise is open inside the Fountain of Destiny, and it is still plundering the water from the Fountain of Destiny. This is not bad. The key is that the Kingdom of Mist does not know if there are any giants and gods who are still investigating. After Nidhogg's death, it would be a bit troublesome if there are still people out there trying to get water from the spring. After all, the spring is at the root of the World Tree.

"Bingyi, Bingyi?"

Tong Hege thought to himself for a while, and suddenly realized that Bingyi had not replied. He immediately felt that something was wrong. He screamed twice and got no response. He immediately called and poked him mentally. At the same time, he braved the white mist and rushed to Bingyi as fast as possible, pinching his wrist: "Bingyi!"


Bing Yi slowly came to his senses and looked at Tong Hege. Tong Hege's heart pounded when he saw Bingyi's face. Bingyi's eyes were slightly narrowed, his snow-white eyelashes were drooping, and his blue eyes were blurred. His cheeks were red, his lips were slightly open, and he could vaguely see the tip of his tongue. His whole person was full of emotions. He was in a slightly drunken state, like a big cat that had eaten and drank enough, lazily squinting its eyes.

But is there anything he likes to eat here? What did he eat again? Tong Hege's doubts suddenly came to an answer when Bingyi took a deep breath of mist and let out an imaginative sigh of contentment. Damn it, the spring water of the Kingdom of Mist and the mist rising from the flaming magic sword, won't The intersection between the great river of the Country of Fog and the flames of the Country of Fire is probably similar to the Golden Lunga Gap. Does this mist contain some tiny abyssal power?

"Wake up!"

Regardless of thinking, Tong Hege immediately pushed Bingyi out of the gate of Lost Paradise. Hearing a splash of water, Bingyi's figure disappeared into the water of the Fountain of Destiny. After pushing Bingyi away, Tong Hege hurriedly contacted the dragon hunter while collecting and dispersing the fog. However, something strange happened. No matter how thick the fog was, Tong Hege still didn't feel the slightest bit of the power of the abyss. It stands to reason that he was already very sensitive to this kind of power.


Tong Hege frowned tightly. Is it because the butterfly fragments in Bingyi's body are already active enough to sense the smallest power of the abyss, or is the power contained in the white mist different from the ordinary power of the abyss? Realizing the special nature of the white mist, Tong Hege immediately collected them all before the mist dissipated and waited for Bingyi to return to him.


In the old dream, the big silver-white cat woke up in a daze. When it stood up, its paws went limp, and it lay dizzy in the snow nest. It simply lay there unable to get up, and slowly licked its fur from left to right. Until he licked the soft white long hair on his chest until it became stringy, the big silver cat's blurred eyes were focused, showing a calm and sharp look.

How is this going?

Bingyi also felt incredible in his heart. Just when the thick white mist enveloped him, Bingyi felt a familiar feeling of soul trembling, and his heart trembled, making him involuntarily put down all vigilance, wanting to relax and sink in. Now that I think about it, that feeling is simply evil.

It is not the feeling of pollution from the abyss, it is also subtly different from the pollution of the original abyss. It is a more primitive, more essential and purer feeling.

Bingyi was thoughtful, the tip of his tail slapped the snow, and the fluffy white hair on his chest trembled slightly, as if his fast heartbeat was vibrating through his chest, making him unable to truly calm down - no, it wasn't him. Unable to calm down, it was the butterfly fragment residing in his heart that could not be calmed down. Including the shuddering familiarity that made the heart beat before, it is essentially the familiarity of the butterfly fragments. They are very intimately longing for the power in the white mist.

'The first encounter between ice and fire, the force that initially prompted the formation of the primordial abyss, the Jinlunga Divide...'

Countless thoughts quickly formed a line in Bingyi's fast-moving brain. He still remembered An Xuefeng saying that butterflies are the abyss, and the birth of the abyss is the birth of butterflies. The butterfly fragments yearn for the belt created by the interweaving of ice and fire. There is a trace of the mist of the most primitive power. Does that mean that the broken butterfly has to break out of the pupa again as it did in the beginning to recover?

Or is it that the butterfly was born from the flower of the abyss, and that it must return to the flower if it wants to be whole again?


Bingyimao was thinking excitedly when suddenly the crystal dragon appeared next to him. The dragon hunter, entrusted by Tong Hege's concerns, lived up to expectations. The dragon's claws tightly grasped a snow leopard and delivered it directly to Bing Dao Cat. The big silver-white cat was instantly pressed firmly into the snow, as if it was covered with a thick snow leopard fur blanket, unable to turn over or breathe. He quickly told An Xuefeng to get away.

However, An Xuefeng felt that the butterfly fragment in Bingyi's chest was too active, and his nerves were tense on the spot. He pressed the big cat and kissed it indiscriminately. The big cat's fur was smooth and oily, and he never resisted. Biting his claws became pleasurable, eyes closed and snoring, the butterfly fragments he kissed became at ease, and Bingyi's heart beat simply because of the intimacy between them.

After the snow leopard rolled around with the big cat and passionately licked and kissed the dragon hunter, his face flushed and his ears were flushed and he ran away without looking, the snow leopard finally let go, turned over and let the big cat lie on his soft and warm belly, with long and fluffy legs. The leopard's tail wrapped around its body like a quilt, isolating the falling snow. The big white cat was relaxed mentally and physically. It narrowed its eyes slightly and purred, sucking on the snow leopard's body.

However, the topics they exchanged in their minds were anything but easy.

‘What did you do with those two rings? ’

Before An Xuefeng could ask Bingyi how he stole the sword like this, Bingyi asked first. He had just been held down and kissed by Snow Leopard for so long and he didn't feel hungry anymore, which showed that the ring was not on him.

‘Leave it to my mother first’

An Xuefeng answered truthfully, then bit the cat's ear and asked it what was going on. It's fair to ask and answer, and Bingyi also told him his guess.

'I think these butterfly fragments are probably trying to return to the whole body'

Bingyi talked about their yearning for the white mist, and immediately asked: "How about it, did Director Huang and the others see flowers under the abyss?" ’

Bingyi knew An Xuefeng's strength and efficiency, and he must have discovered it after such a period of time. An Xuefeng also knew Bingyi's acumen and never thought of hiding it from him. He said frankly: "Director Huang has been awakened by me three times so far. Although it has not been completely revealed, I think they have reached the deepest part of the Jinlunga Chasm, and I should have seen the flower of the abyss'

'think? should'

Bingyi's eyes suddenly lit up. The cat's paws contracted and grabbed the fur on the snow leopard's neck. He leaned forward and read 'I want to know' written all over his eyes. An Xuefeng summarized it for him in a few words. When Director Huang woke up for the first time, he mistakenly thought that his soul was dead and trapped in a puppet, and wanted to kill him to free him. Later, An Xuefeng told him that he and Bing were in a relationship, and that the puppet belonged to Bing Yi. After they were young lovers, Director Huang did not touch him again when he woke up for the second time, and the mother and son talked harmoniously. meeting.

The plan that the red team told Bing Yi that year was told again by Director Huang, but the red team was on the radical side, and Director Huang said it from a conservative standpoint. They didn't want anyone to destroy the hotel, and they didn't want anyone to make a big move against the abyss, not only because they were conservative and wanted to investigate first, but also because the conservative side had already vaguely sensed a trace of the truth at that time.

The real reason why the hotel sends tourist guides to travel around the world is not to cultivate some superman to destroy the world (after all, a group of people will be destroyed every ten years), nor is it to use the earth as a hunting ground for collecting energy. It can even be said that the hotel does not like pollution, and is even afraid of it. polluted. Putting aside the phenomenon and looking at the essence, the fundamental purpose of hotels doing these things seems to be to reduce various pollution on the earth.

This truth is really shocking. If it comes true, it will suddenly change from human beings being afraid of hotels and wanting to use hotels, to human beings having to rely on hotels to ensure that the society of normal people is not destroyed, and these people may be selected by the hotels because they are seriously ill and dying. Or people who are selected by the hotel because their desires are strong enough. They are not struggling to survive. They become stronger just to make the final 'sacrifice'.

If this speculation is revealed, the currently relatively stable world will be thrown into chaos. People like Director Huang and his group really want to go deep into the abyss to see what is in the abyss, how the hotel is controlled, and whether its fundamental purpose is to remove pollution from the earth.

So in the end, the dominant conservatives finally relented and agreed to the adventure to Iceland, and everything went exactly as the red team said. But when they reached the deepest part of the Jinlunga Chasm, Director Huang was separated from the others.

Then there is the news revealed by Director Huang when he woke up for the third time - Director Huang is really strong, and he should have left the Jin Lunga Chasm alive in the end. His mental imprint is particularly strong, and even after waking up three times, there is no illusion at all, but his face is getting worse. Lai Yue stink, talking about what happened deep in the Jin Lunga divide at that time.

'At first they thought that the bottom of the bottomless pit was the primordial abyss, but the bottomless pit was endlessly deep. During the process, there were sneak attacks by various abyssal monsters, and there were intermittent floating pure abyss pollution that could make the tour guide instantly return to zero and become crazy. So as we walked down, everyone gradually dispersed’

Director Huang was originally responsible for keeping an eye on the Virgin of Whitechapel, always on guard against her betrayal and causing trouble. However, after escaping from a wave of pure abyss pollution, the Virgin of Whitechapel she had been monitoring suddenly disappeared. Not only that, other people also disappeared one after another. Director Huang was the one who persisted the longest. In the end, he was the only one left on the rock wall of the bottomless cave. The surroundings were filled with thick and desperate darkness, and even the rock wall became smoother and steeper. , if you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss.

There was pure pollution mist underfoot, and there was black pollution light and shadow above the head. The rock wall was as hard as iron and even the dragon's claws could no longer dig out the shelter. But at this desperate moment, Director Huang suddenly had an epiphany.

‘She figured out how to truly enter the primitive abyss! ’

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