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827 Icelandic Horror (332) Thor deserves to die...

‘So this is what happened’

Hearing what he said, Bingyi was not surprised. Instead, he smiled and said: "I'm surprised that Odin only discovered it now. It seems that he has really worked hard to seal the Jinlunga Gap."

‘It’s not because of you’

Speaking of this, the dragon hunter's expression was indescribable, and he glanced sideways at Bingyi: 'Have you forgotten about the Land of Fire in the dream, when you led Michael and Surtur to the Jin Lunga Gap?

In reality, Loki was too popular. At that time, Bingyi wanted to steal the Flame Demonic Sword, but he didn't want to confront Surtur or cause Ragnarok in advance, so he simply went to the Land of Fire to steal the sword in his old dream. . Because the extraordinary charm of Loki Horse attracted the fire giant Surtur in the form of a centaur, the operation went exceptionally smoothly.

Byeiyi not only transferred the suspicion of stealing the sword to the archangel Michael, but also conveniently returned the fallen angel Remiller, who was about to rebel and was disturbed by the spiritual fire and the dream of the dragon hunter, back to Michael. It can be said that It was killing two birds with one stone, but now it seems that it actually killed three birds with one stone.

Michael lurked in the gap between the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Mist. Surtur, the Fire Giants and the Fire Horses also directly killed him. Old dreams affected reality. In the dream, he fought in the Jin Lunga Chasm. It was dark and dark. In reality, Odin and other gods who were sealing this big rift naturally had no good fruits to eat and were very busy.

After the return of the God of War, Tyr, he told Odin that he had thrown the runes into the Fountain of Wisdom, but Odin did not feel that the other scattered runes were drawing them back. Instead, he found that the authority of the God of Wisdom became increasingly dimmer, almost Yu Wu. At that time, Odin was shocked and furious to find that his plan had gone awry. However, he suffered from the repeated resurrections and riots of Ymir, the ancestor of the giants sealed in the Snaefell volcano, and from the inexplicable vibrations in the Jinlunga Gap that destroyed the seal and even caused him to suffer. The backlash meant that he couldn't take action at all. Not only him, but also powerful Norse gods such as Thor were trapped in the rioting Jin Lunga Chasm.

Now it is estimated that the battle between Surtur and Michael in the Land of Fire in the old dream is over, and the situation in the Jinlunga Gap is better, so Odin can be free to ask the God of Thunder to investigate the situation.

"In reality, it's the God of Thunder who strikes thunder, right?"

When Bingyi spoke, a thunderbolt accompanied by lightning struck down, and the long snake-like snow-bright lightning struck the ground as if it was about to split. The lightning came so fast and fierce that even An Xuefeng's extremely agile dodge almost made it to the side. He was burned to the tip of his tail, and his body was covered in ice and snow when lightning exploded in a snowdrift. Even the silver-white cat that was held in its mouth was covered in cold snow.

There is no way, the snow leopard can run fast and its movements are nimble, but it is on a cliff. The snow was now so thick that a leopard's legs could be buried under one paw, so of course it would be difficult to outrun the lightning. The tip of the silver-white cat's pink nose was covered with snow. Even if it was licked off, the snow would come back quickly, causing it to sneeze several times. He mentally laughed and said something: 'I think Odin is too weak to fight with me now.' He scolded Fang Qiu very forcefully, but in fact, he sneezed and made the blue cat's eyes watery and confused. The tops of the trees were all covered with snow, which looked very pitiful.

The situation of the snow leopard was not much better than him. The blue leopard's eyes were also slightly narrowed by the wind and snow, and he had to work hard to hold the cat with his head held high. The dragon hunter couldn't bear to see the big kitten suffering in the violent storm, so he simply enlarged his body and flew low, grabbed the snow leopard's neck with his hind paws, and easily lifted them up and grabbed them. fly.

After experiencing the experience of Taiyang Bingyi, the weight of this snow leopard cat is just water to the dragon hunter. It could fly far faster than lightning, and the crystal dragon's body flashed with phantom light. When the thunder and lightning struck again, they had already teleported dozens of kilometers away.

However, even after teleporting so far, the next moment there was another rumble of thunder above their heads. It can be seen that in reality, the thunder is probably hitting Bingyi, which is why it affects Bingyi like this in the dream. No matter where they hide, the thunder is probably hitting Bingyi's head directly.

‘You’re not necessarily trying to hack me’

But Bingyi smiled and said with profound meaning. Seeing that the dragon hunter could teleport them again even if the thunder and lightning struck them down, he didn't worry at all and let the dragon hunter continue.

Odin sent the God of Thunder to investigate the situation, and the first suspect was of course Bingyi. After all, they were competing for wisdom and authority. But after all, this is just a suspicion. Today is the sun, and Bingyi and the group of tour guides and tourists behind him are the forces that the gods want to win over. Odin, who has always been domineering, cannot directly attack Luo Luo without any evidence this time. If you want to fight, you have to hold your nose to find out the clues.

Of course, nothing can be found at the Fountain of Wisdom. The giant guarding the Fountain of Wisdom has returned. It is time to be vigilant. Odin does not want to beg him and ask him at the moment when he is about to completely break up with the giant, so he simply plans to Asking advice from the three goddesses of fate - Odin often does this. Norse mythology records that even when Ragnarok arrives, he goes to the Fountain of Destiny to inquire about his fate from the three goddesses.

Now that Odin had to maintain the seal of the Golden Lunga Gap, he sent Thor back to Asgard to have a look at the Fountain of Destiny.

This was a bad sight, and the God of Thunder was shocked. The three goddesses of fate were missing! Not only that, the demon wolf Fenrir is actually guarding the edge of the spring, and someone is stealing the spring water! The Fountain of Destiny suffered without their knowledge, and when we think of the mysterious death of the demon dragon Nidhogg in the Kingdom of Mist, the three worlds and the three springs connected by the roots of the World Tree almost always had accidents happening one after another. Naturally, people suspect that they are all done by the same group of forces.

The demon wolf Fenrir beside the Fountain of Destiny is the ironclad proof! The small Cuihai pulling the Dead Man Nail Boat that blocks the entrance to the Kingdom of Giants and crosses the Kingdom of Giants and the Kingdom of Fog is also irrefutable evidence! The main messenger behind them will be no one else but the abominable Loki.

‘When I went out, Fenrir Wolf was fighting Thor, and the Fang Hunters were fighting on the side. As soon as I saw you, I told you to call you back as soon as possible’

The dragon hunter also reacted and became interested: "This thunder and lightning is killing the Fenrir wolf, so it must have affected you in the dream."


Bingyi responded, feeling uncomfortable as the snow leopard kept holding the skin on the back of his neck, so he waved his four claws to try to change his position. An Xuefeng also had four paws hanging in the air with nowhere to touch the ground. How could the snow leopard go to the sky? The snow leopard's fear of heights and sensitive nerves made his tail hair explode. The leopard's claws were blooming and his limbs were a little stiff. It was difficult to calm down even if he wanted to participate in the discussion. mind.

During another teleport to avoid thunder and lightning, the crystal dragon's dragon tail used all its strength to lift the silver-white cat onto its back, while the snow leopard turned into a small phoenix and flew into the big cat's paws. The dragon's posture changed. The cats and birds were very satisfied, and they all discussed happily together: "Don't rush back to reality, it's just the God of Thunder, the fang hunter can deal with it."

An Xuefeng said: "There is no rush to return to reality after Odin frees up his hands. Now before the struggle for power, you'd better master the power of all rune characters."

That is, the three runes corresponding to Bingyi, Devil Merchant and Tooth Hunter. Take all their power into your hands and use it for your own use. Even if Odin has the means, there will be nothing he can do.

'I think so'

The big cat nodded and muttered: 'This is the thunder and lightning that has always been with me...'

The reason why Leiden followed so closely was because in reality it was always the Fenrir wolf who got attacked. Although the fang hunter values ​​wolves, he does not dote on them carelessly. As long as he can't be killed, he probably won't intervene. It should be a training exercise before Ragnarok. If even Thor's little thunder can't handle it, Fenrir Wolf won't even bother to kill Odin.

Bingyi can recruit Fenrir Wolf into the old dream, so the thunder god will probably stare at the fang hunter and attack him. If Bing Yi had done this before, anyway, even a little thunder couldn't kill him. Even if he was angry, for the sake of the wolf, the fang hunter would have to hold his nose to resist, but after cutting the Kongkong Dao for so long, he knew that With the magical effect of the mental lancet, Bing Yike plans to have a good relationship with the tooth hunter.

After all, apart from him, the only fang hunter in Northern Europe has also broken through the limit and has several mental whips in his hands. Bingyi felt that the little experiment was a bit inconclusive on his own. After all, the spirit knife in his hand was not even in double digits, so he didn't know if it would be enough. When the time comes, it might be more secure to add the tooth hunter to work together, and it will also provide a back-up.

In this case, the tooth hunter cannot be used harshly. But in this case, this thunder and lightning is a bit troublesome——

‘Taoist Master Kongkong is afraid of thunder and lightning because his spiritual imprint is too weak and he has to pass it on’

Knowing what Bingyi was worried about, An Xiaoniao patted the cat's paw with his wings and reassured his lover: "Not all spiritual imprints are so weak. Thunder and lightning will be attracted by pollution, and it can also hedge against a lot of pollution, which is harmful to spiritual imprints." It's not a bad thing, it helps them stay awake'

Hearing An Xuefeng say such and such, such and such, Bingyi's eyes lit up.

* *



Outside the cave, the wind was strong, the thunder was deafening, and the cave was crumbling with lightning strikes. Rock powder puffs fell from time to time. The power of nature showed no reservation, and it was like a terrifying scene of impending disaster.

Amidst the thunder that was buzzing in people's minds, even Director Huang's countless heavy memories and unspeakable painful past were all shattered into pieces by the thunder.

That's right, Director Huang was awakened by An Xuefeng again, but this time her eldest son was not here to talk to her about the past and the future. Director Huang sat expressionless, letting streaks of lightning strike her head. , like a lightning rod. And she's not the only one like this. Grandma Miao was sitting next to her. The bright light of lightning flashed from time to time on the top of the cracked cave, making Grandma Miao's old face expressionless and the corners of her mouth turned downwards.

In front of them, the little crystal dragon, the big silver cat, the little phoenix bird, the little golden snake (Miao Fangfei) and the black kid (B1) gathered together, playing with several rune character slates. Looking at their serious expressions and remembering the severe situation outside that Miao Fangfei/An Xuefeng mentioned when begging them, Director Huang and Grandma Miao were so angry that they couldn't let it go. How could they be angry with the children? It was definitely not allowed.

"The God of Thunder outside is really outrageous."

After a long silence, another thunder struck, and Granny Miao finally spoke, quietly.


Director Huang was indifferent and said in a cold tone: "It's really damned."

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