Thriller Tour Group

828 Icelandic Horror (333) Be careful when buying mainly Mia...

Director Huang has never experienced this kind of fire. It's not like she has never killed gods and immortals. Demon dragons are the most aggressive. The more they fight, the stronger they become. If this kind of thing had happened before, she would have gone out to fight with the thunder god. But who told her to die a long time ago? Now she is just a spiritual imprint that cannot be moved, so she can only be beaten in place.

She is dead after all.

Thunder and lightning have always been the best at restraining evil evil spirits. Director Huang's own mental imprint is very stable, and it is not a problem to wake up ten or eight times, not to mention that there is Granny Miao beside him to help share the burden. Therefore, not only did the heavy thunder strike not damage the spiritual imprints of Director Huang and the others, but they also scattered a lot of the abyss pollution entangled in the imprints, making Director Huang become more and more sober and calm. The eyes he looked at the little animals in front of him became more and more profound and complicated.

The next second, Director Huang felt a pain on the back of her hand, and she saw a small translucent insect worming its way into the blood vessel, and then Grandma Miao's voice sounded in her mind.

‘Look, your child and my Fangfang are both so fascinated by that tour guide.’

That little bug is called 'Heart Gu', which allows people to communicate in their heads without opening their mouths. However, it is more advanced than Liansi and Miao Fangfei's Spiritual Heart Gu. It is a top-notch spiritual Gu that can be used by not only living people. , can also be used on dead people and souls, even if only the spiritual imprint is left, Grandma Miao can use it. However, spiritual Gu is the purest and cannot be used on pollution. It has been struck by lightning for so long and has torn down a lot of pollution before it can be used reluctantly.

Grandma Miao saw that the little black goat and the big silver cat in front of her seemed to have separated the character stones. She was thinking deeply, worried that the communication would disturb them, and she wanted to chat with Director Huang about the past, so Grandma Miao used it. This reminded Director Huang of the past. Even though Grandma Miao spoke normally now, a long time ago, when she first met Grandma Miao, Grandma Miao had never spoken and everyone thought she was mute.

And Grandma Miao was not an old man at that time.

Director Huang couldn't help but think of the first time he went on a journey with Grandma Miao.

Grandma Miao is a very evil person. She didn't look so old at first, but a beautiful woman who looked to be in her thirties. She had a very good figure and was dressed in an exotic style. She was very cool and had red lips. Zhu, there is a small emerald green snake wrapped around the snow-white arms, and the hook of those peach blossom eyes can draw away the souls of men and women.

Although it is a pity that the woman is mute, she has a kind of charm that does not distinguish between genders. She is the center of attention wherever she goes. She is so famous that Director Huang has heard of many of her deeds. It seems that there are many The tour guide couldn't walk when he saw her, and he arrogantly wanted to keep her as a captive.

Director Huang had just entered the hotel for a short period of time. He was an upright person and couldn't bear to see this evil way. Any man outside who dares to act like a hooligan should be shot. But the hotel doesn't follow this principle. As long as you don't mess around in the hotel lobby, you are not just a tour guide when you enter the tour, and there are countless tourists who are in trouble. A weak woman can't survive under such coercion except giving in.

But this woman with a very strange name was not a weak woman. Basically, all the tour guides who wanted to attack her ended up dying quietly, and many of them were unlucky. For example, when a landslide occurred during the trip, the tour guide fell on top of a venomous water snake and bit him.

Maybe those big tour guides who could return to zero wouldn't die because of this small disaster, but at that time they were at most on a difficult level journey, and they were all tour guides waiting at the end, and they basically couldn't bear it and died. Even if he could withstand it, it would still be a serious injury. Most of the passengers in the team were severely oppressed, but there were still a few thorns in the road, which would kill the tour guide over and over again.

Although these are all coincidences, after many things happened, the middle and lower-level tour guides felt that this woman was really unlucky and were unwilling to do anything to her again. There are so many good-looking and fragile tourists, and she is not lacking. However, not only within the country, after this woman’s passenger level increased and she went abroad for a few trips, she also ‘overcame’ many tourist guides who wanted to do evil things to her. Her reputation spread and was even used by some people in the West District at that time. They compare it to the famous tourist 'Orchid Mantis'.

When this reputation spread to the country, some big tour guides who originally looked down upon her began to think that prickly roses are more interesting, and the harder they are to master, the more they can give people a sense of accomplishment. I heard that the Orchid Mantis in the West District is a ruthless character with great charm. He has seduced big tour guides and big tourists into jealous duels for him. It is difficult for tour guides to cross districts at will. Some of the top-notch second-class guides here in the East District are bored and itchy. , just want to taste their beautiful woman who can be compared with the 'Orchid Mantis'.

Director Huang has the backing of the state and extensive information channels. He despises these degenerate tour guides the most and wants to shoot them all. But in a place like a hotel where strength is paramount, she didn't have much to do. It happened that she was traveling with this woman in the same team. At that time, the big tour guide spread the news and many people knew about it. Some passengers in the team had a wrong idea and wanted to threaten the woman to teach her a lesson first, as if she was a criminal. A stepping stone to the great guide.

Director Huang seemed to be watching indifferently, but in fact he had been secretly paying attention to the woman. Seeing that she didn't use any powerful means to teach the enemy a lesson, but instead looked weak and bullied, she was forced to burst into tears, which made her feel disappointed. There are endless bad guys in this world, and women are more likely to be bullied in this jungle hotel. If you don't stand up for yourself, it will be useless even if others help you hundreds of times.

But Director Huang still couldn't bear it. Late one night, when those dog-legged tourists took advantage of everyone else's sleep and coerced and coaxed the woman into the deep forest, Director Huang still followed her. The charm of this woman is really too evil, and the title should be related to this. Before, these tourists only threatened her to give in after going out, but in the past few days, the look in the woman's eyes was obviously getting more and more wrong.

After all, Director Huang couldn't bear to see such a scene and followed him secretly. Sure enough, as soon as she arrived in the deep forest, she heard the sound of silver jewelry clinking and falling, and some unsuppressed obscene words. The woman was surrounded by several tall tourists and they couldn't see her. Director Huang was anxious at that time. Okay, draw your gun and get ready.

However, at this moment, the back of her neck felt numb, as if she had been bitten by a mosquito. Then Director Huang's whole body froze and could no longer move, and the scene before her eyes made her pupils tremble and opened her eyes. I saw the ground in front of me was churning like cement, and it took only ten seconds to swallow all the passengers. They were all very strong, but they couldn't even let out a cry, only their crushed bones and blood were like streams. It flowed gurglingly, but was quickly swallowed up by the soil.

Not only them, but the woman was also swallowed up by the earth and disappeared without a trace. After a minute passed, the numbness dissipated. Director Huang was covered in cold sweat and subconsciously took a step back. However, he held on and walked to the strange place with a gun. He picked up a branch and rummaged around carefully. When there was no movement, she started again. Carefully dig up the soil here. Director Huang was also bold. She saw that the earth had swallowed the woman, but no blood seemed to come out from there. She didn't know whether she was full of enthusiasm or was scared to death, but she just wanted to see if she could be rescued, and if she could be rescued, she would take her with her.

It wasn't until after searching for a long time that the pit was dug several meters deep, not even the woman, not even the flesh and blood of the tourist whose bones had been crushed, that she was ready to give up. However, just when she was about to jump out of the pit, a The translucent earthworm-like insect suddenly got into her hand. Before Director Huang could think of a way to drive it out, she heard a slightly hoarse and deep female voice in her head.

‘Are you looking for me, Director Ding’

At that time, Director Huang was so frightened that she broke out in a cold sweat. Let’s not mention this for now. After the trip ended, she also had nightmares for several months. But this time, Director Huang finally made friends with the woman and completely remembered her strange name - Longnu Aping.

After the trip, Long Nu Aping joined the number one metaphysics. At that time, there was quite a stir in the hotel, but no tour guide dared to challenge her.

Later, during a party with Xuanxue, the woman talked about this matter while chatting with Longnu Aping. Director Huang realized that all her behaviors since entering the hotel were noticed by the woman. It was Longnu Aping who deliberately lured those tourists to the deep forest that night. The mosquito that bit her on the back of her neck was the provincial guide Huang who was in the way.

"As the wife of the mountain god, she must prepare three meals a day for him, wash her hands and make soup."

Longnu Aping said with a smile, but the words he said made people feel chills down their spines.

"If you dare to attack the wife of the mountain god, such death is already the most forgiving thing."

After a heart-to-heart talk, Director Huang found out that Longnu Aping's original title was Luohua Cave Girl, a woman dedicated to the mountain god. Being able to seduce the mountain god, she naturally has infinite charm. Longnu Aping stopped talking because after becoming the wife of the mountain god, she got rid of all the previous problems. She no longer communicated with the common people and only talked to the mountain god. Not only that, she no longer eats, and no longer has the reincarnation of grains as a normal person. She will only smile sweetly like a dream until she dies smiling and completely becomes the wife of the mountain god.

However, Longnu Aping did not die after being sacrificed to the mountains, because the mountains were connected, and two mountain gods were worshiped inside and outside the mountains. So she and her twin sister were sacrificed together. As a result, when the mountain gods fell asleep, the two mountain gods chose her at the same time. She actually became the wife of two mountains at the same time!

This is certainly not a good thing for a normal person, but for Longnu Aping, it is a way of life. Since the battle for the mountain god was extremely long, she was not considered the true wife of the mountain god until the winner was decided. She did not die with a smile, and even protected her sister. In the end, she was able to please the mountain god and send her sister out of the mountain alive.

Dragon slave Aping knew that he would die sooner or later, and the battle between the mountain gods would eventually come to an end no matter how long it lasted. However, her fate was not meant to be cut off. Before the two mountain gods were about to decide the winner, she was selected into the hotel, and from then on she entered a strange and vast world. In order to make a living and become stronger, Longnu Aping started working in his old profession from the first time he was looked at by the tour guide with lewd eyes in the brigade——

She started to be the wife of a mountain god again, but this time she had many choices. Wherever she went on her journey, she would become a wife. Not only were all the famous mountain gods in China obsessed with her, there were also many sacred mountains abroad who were jealous of her. Beaten to death. In front of hundreds of sacred mountains and gods at home and abroad, they are the most popular among tourists and tour guides.

If you dare to mess with Longnu Aping, you are seeking death!

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