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829 Nutrient Solution 279 Snowy Mountain/Empty Talisman

‘There’s something like a mountain god about him. ’

As if he had a tacit understanding, Director Huang was recalling the past when he heard Grandma Miao talking about the mountain god. She followed Granny Miao's gaze and found that she was looking at the silver-white cat.

'OK? ’


Grandma Miao's tone was low, and her face became more and more ugly: "I feel deep resentment, bad luck, corpse air and the power of pollution... This reminds me of bad things."

‘Zombie Qi…you mean that snow mountain? ’

Director Huang's face changed slightly, his mood became serious, and he looked at Bingyi with a more worried look. No one knows the sacred mountain better than Longnu Aping. If she has a problem, she will definitely not go wrong.

‘It should be Him, it can’t be wrong’

Grandma Miao's eyes were slightly narrowed, her eyes cold and complex. Layers of wrinkles piled up around her eyes like waves. Her snow-white hair fell down. The wrinkles, white hair and slightly rickety back made it impossible to mistake her age. However, the wife of the mountain god is not supposed to age. Miao Miao's transformation from a beautiful woman to her current appearance naturally has unspeakable secrets, among which there are even more frightening dangers.

Director Huang was also well aware of the seriousness of it. Seeing that the situation on Big Cat's side was not bad, he called An Xuefeng. He seemed to be a little impatient and asked when it would be over, but in fact he used Grandma Miao's heart poison. He brought An Xuefeng in and got straight to the point, asking about the relationship between Bingyi and the mountain god.

‘He received a commission from the mountain god’

An Xuefeng heard Director Huang say that Grandma Miao knew the mountain gods best, and her eyes flashed slightly when she passed by the lover of more than a hundred sacred mountains. After looking at Bingyi who was concentrating on sensing runes, he carefully told part of the truth. The mountain god's commission is a regular task that Bingyi receives. Basically, such tasks go directly to the person in charge.

The mountain god's commission is a series of tasks. Currently, Bingyi has completed the third link. An Xuefeng will always remember that after the third link of the task was completed, a ghost appeared on Bingyi's body. It was supposed to be a sign of slicing, but Bingyi What appeared on his body was not the other half of himself, but the shadow of a butterfly!

Even now when he recalls the horror and uneasiness, An Xuefeng is covered in cold sweat, as if he has fallen into a bottomless abyss, so that his first reaction at that time was to have a deep connection with Bingyi immediately after returning, completely tied to death. Together. But now An Xuefeng discovers that connection is not a panacea. It treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

He selfishly did not want Bingyi to continue with the mission, especially this time that Icelandic Bingyi casually obtained so many mental lancets, which made An Xuefeng even more worried. He had thought before that if Bing Cheng became the principal, with his assistance on the original side and * * * on the principal's side, he might be able to find the core secret of the hotel more efficiently and faster.

But now An Xuefeng has long since thought about it. He even had nightmares for a while in which he sliced ​​himself into pieces and cut out a butterfly. The butterfly was led to the hotel by the light path, causing the owner and the entire hotel to be destroyed.

However, regardless of whether we reach the step of slicing or not, we must continue to carry out the task entrusted by the mountain god. After all, the mountain god who entrusted the task was a dead mountain god. Not only was he polluted, but his body was also dismembered, and a large piece of his body was buried in Wuluo Mountain—that is, the journey to the 30th degree north latitude opened by Bingyi! This thing is a time bomb, and Bingyi will definitely have to face it when he truly starts his journey.

An Xuefeng had too many things on his mind and was usually focused on the present. However, the importance of the journey to the 30th North Latitude was needless to say. This matter flashed in his mind every time he had free time. Now I heard that Granny Miao felt the items from the sacred mountains in Bingyi, and that she had conquered countless sacred mountains. Her heart suddenly moved, and she talked about the series of tasks entrusted to her.

At present, this mission has mentioned some past events of the mountain god. It is said that a snowy mountain polluted the mountain god, divided his body, imprisoned his soul, and caused the mountain god to fall into endless pain after death and never have peace. The fourth ring task entrusted by the mountain god is to find the Snow Mountain, and the fifth ring task is to release the mountain god's soul. The task is specifically marked that the road ahead is dangerous. If necessary, Bingyi can rely on the power of the mountain god - he obtained a small clay sculpture of the mountain god.

This clay sculpture is always with you, but Bingyi hasn't recalled it yet. It was probably the mountain god's item that Grandma Miao felt.

‘Snowy Mountain, it is indeed Him’

Hearing what An Xuefeng said, Grandma Miao's expression calmed down, but she clenched her hands. She was about to say something, but then there was movement on the other side of the big silver cat Bingyi. It seemed that Bingyi failed to fuse with the rune stone tablet, and the backlash caused it to explode into a cat ball, making her whole body feel uncomfortable. Director Huang saw that Xiaofengniao was looking over there frequently, and his mind was no longer here, so he asked him to go over to help. He would talk about the matter of the Mountain God Snow Mountain later. Grandma Miao's mental imprint was also in good condition.

'He's a good boy'

Director Huang looked at the big silver cat whining in pain and the little phoenix bird that hurriedly got in front of it but was taken into its mouth by the big cat. He sighed in his heart: 'It's not been an easy journey for them.'


Grandma Miao frowned slightly and agreed: "They are unlucky. Everything bad happened to them. I didn't expect that after all these years, the Snowy Mountains are still there."

After saying that, she sneered again: "If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have swallowed up all his power. If I kept it, I would have raised a madman."

‘I remember that the Air Force said at that time that they would settle the matter in the Snowy Mountains after returning from Northern Europe.’

Unexpectedly, the words turned out to be a prophecy, and these words should not have been said at all. Overcoming the sadness, Director Huang added: "They just came back from the empty team. I heard that they finally found a successor for Xuanxue who can sing sutras. The empty team must be happy."

'It's happiness, his obsession is here'

Speaking of this, Grandma Miao also showed a faint smile. She had stayed in Xuanxue for several years, and Taoist Master Kongkong also took good care of her. She is naturally concerned about her own brigade: "Thanks to your Daxue and the tour guide this time, it is Daxue's blessing that your Daxue can have a close connection with him."

'That's it'

It was obvious that Snow Leopard was his biological son, but Director Huang agreed with Grandma Miao's words. She looked at the pair of catbirds who were having an 'intimate' relationship, and saw that the little phoenix bird was almost completely held in the big cat's mouth, leaving only the tip of its feathered and exploded tail, and she couldn't help but say 'yes'

'Daxue is not a thing. He fell in love with someone and forced the child to follow him. Now he is suffering and suffering with him. If I am still alive, I will never spare Daxue... Sigh'

An Xuefeng had taught her a lot of nonsense the few times she woke up Director Huang. He knew that there was something fishy in Bingyi, and he also knew that Director Huang had a firm and decisive approach, that he was wary of the obsession of the abyss, and that he was most easily pitiful. He has a weak character, so he simply denigrated himself and said that he was the one who forced him to do it in the first place.

Why did Bingyi get caught up in him and forcefully sign a contract when he first entered the journey? Why did the principal and himself take turns to coax Bingyi into confusion? Why did he know that Bing's eldest brother would definitely disagree, so he simply kidnapped Bing during the connection? He went to bed and cooked rice, and he knew clearly that there was an age difference between himself and Bingyi. He was in the late tenth year of his late tenth year, and Bingyi would have to die in a few months, leaving Bingyi alone. But even so, he still couldn't. To be with people——

After hearing all these things, Director Huang almost had a cerebral hemorrhage and wished he could strangle An Xuefeng back into his mother's womb. But just as An Xuefeng expected, this did arouse Director Huang's deep love and guilt for Bingyi, feeling that he had failed him.

Even if you know in your heart that there may be something wrong with Bingyi, it will be difficult to get your mind back on track. Now that he knew that Big Cat might have to compete with the Shenshan Snow Mountain, he would need the help of Grandma Miao. Director Huang suppressed his thoughts and took his time to test Grandma Miao's attitude. He wanted to make full use of this time while the spiritual imprint was still there, and help Bingyi. Make a plan or two.

'He's a good boy'

‘Fangfang blew him up so much that my ears grew calluses’

Grandma Miao's eyes turned to the little golden snake, and she saw that the little golden snake was stretching its neck and watching the big white cat fuse with the slate in concern, its anxious tail tip was about to turn into a rattlesnake, and she thought in her heart: "Fangfang said that this tour guide saved her life. It’s not just once or twice. But let me see, this is not just a life-saving favor.'

In ancient times, it was said that the favor of saving one's life should be promised with one's own body. It is very easy for people to fall in love with the person who saved them at the critical moment of life and death. Especially this person is a tour guide, young and good-looking. Even if Grandma Miao's preference is not for people, she has to admit that this big white cat tour guide is indeed extremely charming. Even if Miao Fangfei is determined and tough-minded, it is inevitable that her heart will be shaken.

It's just that the son of Director Huang's family has better vision and stronger strength. He wants it earlier and keeps a close eye on him, which makes it impossible for others to develop feelings. Speaking of this, Grandma Miao couldn't help but said: "He not only has the aura of the sacred mountain, but also the aura of the Tusi King's Tomb. I'm afraid it was opened during the time to save Fangfang."

‘He also opened the tomb of the Tusi King? ’

At this time, even Director Huang was surprised and sincerely sighed: "This is such a coincidence."

Grandma Miao rarely agreed: "The sacred mountain, the snow mountain, and the tomb of the Tusi King are all destined to me. I was able to find a successor to pass on the chanting before the spiritual imprint of the empty team dissipated. He is also quite destined to our metaphysics."

Speaking of this, Grandma Miao regretted: "If he hadn't already followed your Daxue, assigned Fangfang, and joined our metaphysics, that would have been very good."

Director Huang:?

Director Huang doesn’t like hearing this!

The young couple is living well in their own caravan, and no matter how good the metaphysics are, it has no appeal to them at all! Director Huang raised his eyebrows, and just couldn't help but say with a smile that Fangfang was still young, and people still need to have an older person around to know what is cold and what is hot. But at this moment, the movement from Bingyi and the others attracted their attention again.

‘I think this is my corresponding rune’

After finally suppressing the restless energy, the big silver cat reluctantly vomited out the little phoenix bird after being relieved. It also secretly shaved off two bird feathers and kept them in its mouth. On the surface, it said business seriously.

'But my fusion failed'

It patted the rune character slate in front of it with its claws. There was not a single character on the slate. It looked ordinary, but if you carefully sensed it, you could feel a subtle power fluctuation, which was faintly connected to all the rune characters. It was the last Special empty character!

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