Thriller Tour Group

830 Icelandic Horror (334) Mainly excessive plot...

Director Huang and Granny Miao chatted for less than a quarter of an hour, but a lot of things happened in Bingyi and his friends during this quarter of an hour. After all, Thor struck thunder in reality. Although it affected the old dream, it was no longer controlled by Thor himself. Bingyi would naturally attack him with light, but if there was strong abyssal pollution around Bingyi, he would naturally attack the pollution first.

So this idea An Xuefeng came up with is really useful. Director Huang and Granny Miao were awake, and Lei Quan was sucked away by them. Although the sound of thunder was a bit scary, it didn't hurt Bingyi and the others. , just treat it as background sound and not disturb them.

Time was tight and the task was heavy. They had to dare to absorb the power of the stone slab before Odin freed his hands from the Jin Lunga Chasm to deal with them. Bingyi decisively asked B1 to start fusing the stone slab. If you want to absorb the power from the rune character tablet, fusion is of course the fastest. Bingyi didn't do this before because he knew that once he plundered all the rune tablets and absorbed all his power, some wonders might come and be discovered by Odin.

But now that Odin has discovered the problem, there is no need to worry about it anymore.

B1 always respects Bingyi's judgment on major matters, and starts merging characters without saying a word. Although it had not been long since he got it, he had basically determined that the character he corresponded to was Menaz (M), which represented ‘self’. The power aura of this character was most consistent with him. However, they are consistent, but it is a bit difficult to integrate them.

The original meaning of this character is human, but B1 is currently not in human form, but a black goat cub. If you want to fuse with it, you will probably have to go through a lot of pain and torture, and you may even die from it - there is no animal cultivation in foreign countries. Jing said this, the black goat cub corresponds to the devil, how can it be a human being?

This made B1 couldn't help but sigh. Although in reality, he has absorbed the power of too many dead souls and has become neither human nor ghost, but in any case, the 'ghost' can be regarded as a change of human being. It shouldn't be difficult to integrate, even It is possible for him to take the opportunity to completely contain the overflowing undead power, transform from ghost to human, and touch a new level of power.

However, the current situation obviously makes it impossible for him to go out and fuse the characters. In reality, Thor is going crazy, and Odin can no longer tolerate it. Once they realize the power of the rune characters in reality, B1 will probably be killed as soon as he goes out.

So all this is like the trajectory of fate. B1 must combine the character representing a person in the shape of a black goat cub at this time and place. Everyone who obtains the rune character and the person who corresponds to the rune character must endure the test of the character and experience the hardships brought by the character before he can finally integrate it.

However, it is time and destiny. If this matter had been put forward before, B1 would have been worried about it, but now it has a deep understanding of how to "change from a sheep to a human". When it comes to skinning a sheep, no one can compare with it now. Get over it. The black goat cub lowered his head slightly, and a bloody skinning knife appeared in front of him. It doesn't have any exquisite patterns, it looks very ordinary, but the blood-colored blade carries an indescribable cold evil aura, which makes people feel frightened just by looking at it.

Seeing the skinning knife, B1 remembered what happened before.

When he was snorkeling in the Silfra Fissure and was surrounded by salmon schools, B1 awakened the power of the Skinning Butcher in a dangerous situation, and this skinning sharp knife also appeared as he awakened this extraordinary power. Although B1 couldn't figure out how he could awaken the extraordinary power of a skinned butcher by killing fish, but the awakening of this power allowed him to at least have weapons at that time and be able to fight alongside Bingyi. It’s just that B1 hasn’t used it much since then, until now.

When he was watching the resurrected 'elders' skinning sheep, he suddenly realized that this sharp skinning knife was just right for use here! Skinning a sheep is not an easy task. The deceased elders used the abyss sheepskin to reshape their bodies, and the sheepskin grew firmly with them. If the sheepskin could be completely peeled off, with the strength of the elders and the power of the runes, it would not be difficult to regrow a complete human skin and restore it to the original state. The problem is how to skin the sheep completely.

The werewolf captain loved to eat sheep, and the werewolf Walker who turned into a little wolf also did some research in this area. At first, he entrusted them with skinning the sheep, but when he got angry, various accidents occurred. First of all, although the inner side of this abyssal sheepskin is pure and pure, the sheepskin itself is full of strong abyssal power. Once it is contaminated by it, the new body will be completely destroyed.

The inner side of the sheepskin has grown completely together with the new body, without any gaps. When cutting, no fat, blood, or flesh can be taken away. It must be cut cleanly. The peeled off sheepskin will be the same as the original abyss sheepskin. Otherwise, as long as it is stained with human flesh, blood, and fat, the pollution on the sheepskin will be directly transmitted to the corresponding person through this, and in the end the pollution will be widespread.

Thanks to the caution of the werewolf captain, he did not attack people directly. Instead, he first caught a few snow giants and tried skinning them several times before finding out the pattern. However, when the pattern was found out, everyone's expressions were not good-looking. If this time After being peeled off, they don’t have time to use sheepskin to reshape their bodies! Who can peel skin with such precision? Who can keep their hands steady when they are so nervous?

Maybe Grandma Miao, the Red Team, Director Red and Director Huang could do it, but now they are in special circumstances and isolated and unable to do anything. Just when the elders were silent for a moment, and finally decided that the werewolf captain and Tang Xiang's father would perform the surgery together and coordinate the cutting, B1 stepped forward to take over the heavy responsibility.

It obviously doesn't even have hands, and can only hold the skinning knife with its mouth, but its skinning technique is perfect, like a sheep killer who has skinned tens of millions of sheepskins, and it skins every skin perfectly and beautifully.

Not only that, B1 had a vague understanding when using the skinning knife, and it seemed to be best at skinning human skins compared to skinning sheepskins. B1 had a sudden idea, and I don't know how he did it, but he used the skinning knife to peel off a large piece of almost transparent, extremely thin skin from the inner side of the peeled abyss sheepskin.

This is the contact surface between the abyss sheepskin and the new body that others can't distinguish at all! If B1 peels a little thicker, it will damage the sheepskin itself and let the pollution leak out. If it peels a little thinner, the skin will be torn and fragile. It is precisely because of his super-god skinning skills that he can peel off this little skin intact.

Sticking this layer of skin to the skinless person is just like human skin, or even better than human skin. The inside is fused with flesh and fat without a trace, but the outside is immune to sheepskin contamination like the characteristics of the inside of the abyss sheepskin. It can be said that with such a layer of skin, there is no need to worry about whether there will be any side effects in the future, such as being contaminated by the abyss sheepskin.

B1's performance really made everyone amazed and praised him. Even Bingyi's eyes were full of light after hearing it, and he praised him again and again. Thinking of the praise of the silver-white big cat, B1 was happy to bleat, and now he also wanted to quickly integrate the rune characters so that he could help Bingyi on his own.

Although it had peeled other people's skins before, it was not at all vague to peel itself now. B1 skillfully held the skinning knife, knelt on the ground with four hooves curled up, tilted his head and used the knife to cut the left side of his body. Obviously, it didn't seem to use much strength, but the knife was sharp enough to blow off hair. With just one stroke, a large piece of sheepskin on the left side of his body was torn open, and it fell loosely, revealing a thin layer of fat under the skin and slightly twitching bright red sheep meat.

The skin was peeled very beautifully, without any excess fat, and without damaging the blood vessels and flesh. Even an experienced old hunter would peel it like this. And how could B1's superb skinning skills be matched by ordinary hunters. After cutting a hole in its own sheepskin, it did not continue to cut with the skinning knife. Instead, it began to bite the tip of the knife and turned the blade, using the blade to hit its body. Strangely enough, all the sheepskins that were hit by the skinning knife suddenly bulged up, as if air was pumped between the skin and the flesh.

As the blade hit, the slightly raised area of ​​sheepskin became larger and larger. B1's forehead was also covered with cold sweat. He could not bear the severe pain of being skinned alive, and he was shaking so much that he could hardly bite the skinning knife. He moved his body painfully, changed his posture, stretched out his front hoof, and looked at Miao Fangfei for help. The little golden snake knew what he meant, and bit B1 and injected a little bit of venom.

Skinning is extremely painful, especially when it is the sheepskin from the abyss. The burning pain is not only on the flesh, but also on the spirit and soul. It is as if the sheepskin is not only on the body, but also on the soul. Once the sheepskin is worn for a long time, I am afraid that even the soul will turn into the shape of a sheep, which makes people terrified and anxious. They want to peel off the sheepskin as soon as possible, but they can't bear the pain of peeling off a layer from the soul.

At this time, Miao Fangfei came in handy. Her venom can not only paralyze the body, but also poison the soul. A little poison can alleviate a lot of pain, but B1 always let Miao Fangfei use only a little poison. He said that this skin can only be "alive" when it is peeled off under pain, and the skin on the soul can be peeled off as well.

On the contrary, if the person is knocked unconscious and skinned, even if the outer layer of skin is peeled off, the "skin" on the soul is still there, and the person will sooner or later grow sheepskin from the inside out again.

Miao Fangfei was horrified when she heard his words, but when she saw B1 peeling off his sheepskin without changing his expression in the severe pain, she admired him in her heart. The devil merchant is really a ruthless character. This kind of person can endure and be ruthless. As long as his luck is not particularly bad, he will definitely achieve great things in the future.

But Miao Fangfei didn't care whether the devil merchant could achieve great things. After biting it and injecting some venom, her attention returned to Bingyi and she was very worried.

Compared with the smooth progress of B1, Bingyi's current situation is not good. Apart from the rune symbol of B1, there are only two pieces left, which are the inherited characters Osera (corresponding to the letter O) and the empty symbol. Bingyi didn't have any special power sense for these two characters, and he didn't feel that the character was his after careful distinction.

But it was this feeling of "emptiness" that made Bingyi's attention shift from the character Osera to the most peculiar empty symbol, and then began to try.

It's a pity that after several attempts, this attempt didn't go smoothly.

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