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831 Icelandic Horror (335) There will be another update soon...

Strictly speaking, the empty symbol is not a rune character. There is not a single character on this slate, it is just a smooth and smooth slate. If it hadn't been thrown into the Fountain of Wisdom by the God of War, no one would have known that it would be a member of the entire rune character system.

Bingyi clearly knows that the empty symbol is not a symbol. It has no corresponding English letter. The symbol is "empty", but people have always used it in divination and called it Ward.

‘Without the entire rune character system, the empty symbol would have nothing’

After several failed fusions, Bingyi calmed down completely and said thoughtfully.

I'm afraid it's not his problem that he can't fuse the empty talisman, but that the time has not come yet. At present, all rune characters have been identified with corresponding characters, and because of old dreams, after these characters were completely mastered by Bingyi, the characters engraved on various media have been fused with the corresponding people.

The cat Bing, who was deep in thought, walked up to Miao Fangfei with an empty rune slate in its mouth, and tentatively pressed its paws on the snake's seven inches. That is the core of the Golden Snake, and it is also where the source of her power lies after the fusion of her rune characters. Miao Fangfei didn't dare to move. The whole snake froze into a golden water pipe, and she suppressed the instinct of struggling and dodging. If anyone dared to touch her, I would have been poisoned for a long time and wouldn't be able to recognize her. But Director Bing was none other than Director Bing. Director Bing must have had his own intentions in doing this.

Sure enough, Miao Fangfei soon felt a warm current of power pouring into her body from the place where the cat's claws came into contact. This force was harmless and gentle, making Miao Fangfei involuntarily relax and let it touch within seven inches. The source of power of the rune character, and then lightly hooked.


The little golden snake couldn't help but spit out messages, and the whole snake twisted into an S shape comfortably. Just now, the power of the rune character was activated, and a large amount of pure energy full of majestic vitality poured into her whole body. Miao Fangfei felt as if she were lying on a cloud, and the whole snake had grown a bit longer. When the cat's claw was about to leave, she felt a little disappointed, and subconsciously wanted to lean over and wrap it around the cat's claw.

But before he could get close, a beautiful little phoenix stood in front of him, stopping his movement. For a moment, the little golden snake had cold eyes, staring closely at the bird in front of it, locking its prey. But she soon broke away from her hunting instinct and turned her head with difficulty.

This is not fun to eat. Although this bird really attracts snakes, it cannot be eaten.

When he didn't see her, he glanced at the little phoenix bird one more time, revealing that he wanted to hunt. The bird was immediately taken back into the arms by Cat Bing! Seeing the little phoenix diving into the soft belly of Bing Dao Cat, chirping and cooing, and feeling Bing Dao Cat's slanting gaze, Miao Xiaojin Snake coiled herself up obediently, resting her head on the twisted body and vomiting in depression.

Alas, I don’t know how strong she can be after this experience in the competition, but I’m afraid she won’t be able to join the Homecoming. Alas, when will she be able to join in the upright journey and post with Director B? Seeing the big white cat and the little phoenix hanging together openly, Miao Fangfei couldn't help but sigh in her heart, but she also felt a bit worried about preparing for a rainy day.

After this journey, the relationship between Director Bing and Wei Xun has improved by leaps and bounds, and they have even made it clear in front of their parents, but there is Captain An outside. It stands to reason that Captain An and Director Bing are a serious couple. , now that the competition is over and I have to return to the hotel, what can I do? It's also my fault that the elders always thought that they would be a couple once they were connected. Did Miao Fangfei know that the relationship between Wei Xun and Director Bing was still in its infancy before? It only improved by leaps and bounds after entering the old dream. Maybe there are elders who are indispensable. They beat the drum.

Miao Fangfei explained to her aunt several times that the bonding between guides and brigade in their era was different from before. They didn't have to be a couple to be together. How could the entire brigade be together if the tour guide was connected? It’s definitely not allowed. Director Bing and Wei Xun are brothers!

But the old man was stubborn. On the surface, he smiled and said, yes, yes, they are not a couple. But the next sentence was not right. With an "I know everything" expression on his face, he whispered to Miao Fangfei with a low smile that they were not a couple. We Fangfang still have a chance. Then she regretted saying that it was a pity that she didn't carry the Love Gu with her this time, but it didn't bother her. Previously, when Miao Fangfei was sleeping, Grandma Miao used her snake body to make wine. This wine was prepared by her secret method to become the poison base. It can be used to grow various kinds of poison, including love poison.

If Miao Fangfei doesn't want to use poison and wants natural love, she can also give wine to the person she likes. The secret wine made by Golden Snake is the best. It can not only prolong life and improve physical health, but also nourish yin and yang. It is guaranteed to be a good product for cultivating relationships.

Auntie Miao's misunderstanding was so complete that Miao Fangfei wanted to roll her eyes after hearing this. She wished she could tell her aunt about her first meeting with Director Bing. Even if she really had something to do with him after he was saved by Director Bing. , when she mistakenly thought that Director B was interested in her and went all out to recommend herself, but found out that it was just a misunderstanding, this little bud was completely nipped.

She has pure admiration for Director Bing, which is truly unadulterated. It is not only a reverence for the strong, but also the extraordinary person in Director Bing who seems to be unconstrained by any convention and can break through everything. Attracted by his charm, I hope to follow him and experience all kinds of miracles with him.

However, no matter what Miao Fangfei said, Grandma Miao didn't believe it. The more she said it, the more she felt that she was moved. Miao Fangfei was so anxious that she almost couldn't breathe. Later, she simply stopped saying anything. After all, this was just an old dream, Auntie. He was dead long ago, and the current behavior may just be the old man's stubbornness to tease her. As long as Miao Fangfei ignores her, she will naturally change the topic.

Miao Fangfei was thinking about Director Bing's tomb of the Tusi King and wanted to help. She had previously agreed with her aunt who woke up that she would repay Director Bing for saving his life several times. Coupled with the relationship with Xuanxue, her aunt also promised to reveal more about the tomb of the Tusi King to Director Bing.

But this had to be done after the rune character issue was dealt with. The little golden snake's worried eyes fell on Director B, and he hissed a letter, hoping that the experiment Director B had just done on her would be helpful.

‘The void symbol cannot be fused now’

Miao Fangfei's expectations were not disappointed. Bingyi found that when he activated the rune power in Miao Fangfei's body, the empty talisman tablet he was holding in his mouth was also glowing slightly. Sure enough, together with other rune characters, Kong Fu is "Kong Fu", and only by mastering the full power of the other twenty-four rune characters, Kong Fu can be completely conquered by him.

The original meaning of the empty symbol is 'destiny', which symbolizes the will of God. Conquering it is the end of conquering all runes.

But even if he conquers all the runes, Bingyi cannot directly become the God of Wisdom. In the process of mastering the rune characters, Bingyi also had his own insights. Simply collecting characters and understanding the origin of power is equivalent to understanding the rune characters created by Odin, and cannot touch the foundation of wisdom and authority.

Only by 'using' these characters, letting them trigger their respective characteristics to cause the corresponding people to suffer or even die, and then curing or rescuing them, can we finally get in touch with the source and the wisdom and authority itself.

But this is not enough, because the stone tablets or antlers on which the characters are engraved still exist, and the power of the characters is not completely separated from Odin. Bingyi had a vague understanding from the beginning. Even if he mastered all the rune characters and wisdom and authority appeared naturally, he and Odin would still have to fight for it. After all, he created the characters, and the stone slab with the characters engraved on them still existed. Who has the real wisdom between the original creator and the late comer? Whether the late comer is better than the old master can only be proved by fighting.

But now, in order to resurrect the dead animal states and parents in the old dreams, they fused the rune character tablets into their bodies, which actually erased the 'original version'! Neither travelers nor guides belong to the Norse pantheon per se, but rather to the aloof inn. The characters merge into their bodies and undergo various evolutions, so naturally they are no longer considered Odin's things.

It can be said that in this situation of wearing the tiger skin of the hotel, as long as the fang hunter fuses the rune character slate corresponding to himself, Bing repeatedly fuses his own empty symbol, and masters the power of the origin of all rune characters, then this The entire set of runes was completely taken away from Odin! The fact that he can do this shows that his wisdom is better than Odin. If he drinks some fountain of wisdom, he can seize the power of wisdom without having to fight Odin!

‘Brother Long, I want to ask you to do me a favor’

Thinking of this, Bingyi's idea was completely clear. The key now is whether to take the character slate out and let the tooth hunter fuse at the risk of being recycled by Odin, or to find a way to bring the tooth hunter into the old dream. From a safe point of view, the latter is of course the first choice, but Bingyi can bring Fenrir Wolf into the dream, but he cannot bring Fang Hunter. After all, he has no soul connection with him.

So Bingyi looked at Crystal Xiaolong and had to consult him about falling into a dream.

'Hey, there's no need to call me brother, I'm not older than you either...'

As soon as Bingyi said "Brother Long", Crystal Xiaolong stopped and didn't care what kind of help Bingyi wanted to ask him for. He shook his head and retorted weakly, but soon he was immersed in the sincerity of the big cat. Under Brother Long, no one has ever called him Brother... Anyway, he calls me Brother Long! Crystal Xiaolong deeply felt his responsibility. He and Bingyi were not only friends, but also brothers who could stand up for each other! How can I not help my younger brother? If I don’t help, I won’t be worthy of Bingyi shouting out Brother Long more than a dozen times!

Therefore, even if Bingyi said that he wanted to get the tooth hunter into the old dream, which seemed like a fantasy, Crystal Xiaolong was still racking his brains to think of a way. He can dream because the source of his power is in the dream. But it is too difficult for a fang hunter to dream. Soon, the Crystal Dragon came up with a way to make the tooth hunter's soul go out of his body, then put his soul into an icon full of dream power (obtained from Remiller), and then sneak into the dream.

The method is feasible, the question is whether the tooth hunters will cooperate with it. Crystal Xiaolong felt that the fang hunter would not be so obedient. After all, the trust between him and Bingyi had not reached this level.

"In addition to this method, if you can establish a deep enough soul connection with the tooth hunter, you can also bring it into your old dreams."

Crystal Xiaolong had a headache and felt that this method was impossible. The 'deep enough' soul connection he was talking about was on the level of Fenrir, Wolf Xiaocui and the others, which was almost equivalent to handing over his own life. It is impossible to do this with the fang hunter's paranoia.

But Bing felt thoughtful after hearing this.

‘Soul connection’

Bingyi pondered for a moment and then said cautiously: "My soul connection with Fenrir Wolf is deep enough, so I can bring it into my old dream, right?"

Crystal Dragon nodded.

‘Then if there is someone who has a deep enough soul connection with Fenrir Wolf, then when I bring Fenrir Wolf into his dream, can I also bring him in? ’

Crystal Xiaolong’s pupils were shaking: ‘Ah this! ’

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