Thriller Tour Group

833 Icelandic Horror (336) Golden Little Gecko...

"What is this?"

The fang hunter who watched with cold eyes saw that the little lizard no longer struggled, and was clasped by the snow-white finger bones like a dead dog. If it weren't for the tip of its tail that was still twitching, it would be impossible to tell whether it was alive or dead. Although the fang hunter was fed up with the little lizard, it was indescribable to see it in this situation. He looked at the dragon hunter with a little more scrutiny and caution.

Is this killing a chicken to scare the monkeys? Or do you want to control the little lizard to threaten him?

The fang hunter couldn't help but think about what the little lizard said. They were one body and wanted to merge together. The tooth hunter always took it as a joke, but did he really not take it to heart? Not really. Thinking that when he racked his brains to recall, he broke through the limits of his mental power, and the few light whips he obtained were able to cut off his connection with other things, it shows that this is not impossible. I don’t know what kind of multiple personalities he had before, but several of them were separated.

It's just that Fang Hunter doesn't want to merge with anyone. Will he still have himself after fusion? Who is in charge? The little lizard mentioned several times that they were originally one, and its initiative made the tooth hunter very wary. Whoever benefits from the integration will take the initiative, and he is not stupid. What's more, he doesn't know how to fuse it himself. Looking at the little lizard like this, I'm afraid it knows.

Why does it know more than he does? Could it be that all the memories he lost were with the little lizard? Could it be said that when discussing multiple personalities, one is more important than the other? Does the main personality want to swallow up all other personalities? Although Tooth Hunter tracks animals in the wild all year round and rarely returns to the city a few times a year, he has also watched some movies and European and American dramas. For a while, I liked to play criminal detectives in American dramas, such as FBI and criminal psychology. Tooth Hunter Without taking a closer look, I remembered that he seemed to be a serial murderer with multiple personalities. The main personality devoured the sub-personalities in turn to enhance his own power.

Now that he brings it to himself, the fang hunter shudders. Even if he kills Nidhogg and eats a bunch of dragon hearts, dragon bones and dragon meat to increase his strength, it is still difficult to eliminate the restlessness and depression in his heart. The mental weakness is always the fang. The hunter's knot in his heart usually depends on which side has stronger mental power, and the fang hunter is really unsure about this. This is actually not the first time that he and the little lizard have met alone. They have met many times in private. The most damning thing is that the tooth hunter tried to kill the little lizard several times, but there seemed to be a force in the dark to stop him, so that He became increasingly distraught.

There was even a time when he was determined to swallow a large piece of dragon's brain, and with his newly replenished mental power, he suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and when he was about to kill the little lizard, Fenrir Wolf seemed to be aware of it and was standing in front of the little lizard. , the angry fang hunter's eyes were blood red and he just stopped his hand. Seeing Fenrir Wolf being attacked all the time, he seemed to be letting out anger, but after calming down, Hunter Houya didn't blame the wolf. He saw that Fenrir Wolf's expression was actually confused at that time, and he didn't know why he blocked it. .

Fenrir Wolf's actions convinced the fang hunter that he and the little lizard might really be one, and could not harm each other, or even worse - they lived and died together, and no one could live alone.

But this made the fang hunter hate fusion with the little lizard even more. If he wanted to fuse, he would have to restrain the little lizard and then devour it. He had never been a passive person to be beaten. It is difficult for him to properly solve the little lizard problem alone. Maybe he has to find a helper, but who can he cooperate with on this kind of thing? The tooth hunter didn't believe anyone. For a while, he even doubted Bingyi. After all, Bingyi had carried the lizard egg everywhere before, and he might have something to do with the little lizard.

But if he had to choose a cooperation partner, the tooth hunter would only decide to choose Bingyi. After all, among all of them, only Bingyi broke through the limit of mental power and got the knife. The fang hunter thought that they might be in a similar situation in this regard, and that only the two of them could solve each other's problems.

After fighting side by side with Bingyi for so many days, the fang hunter has a little bit of a liking for him. Bingyi probably won't like someone who is too smart and ambitious and can't be controlled. Compared with the little lizard, he should still prefer him. This is his confidence. There are still tooth hunters. Now that the fang hunter has a plan in mind,

This time, he and Fenrir Wolf were guarding the Fountain of Destiny. The fang hunter was already prepared to kill one of the Nordic gods, which was regarded as a vote for Bingyi. Who would have thought that the little lizard would come here quietly and disrupt his plan. But soon the tooth hunter came up with a better idea. He pretended to be angered by the little lizard and made a bet with it, asking Bing to come back to reality and catch the little lizard off guard, which was exactly the tooth hunter's purpose.

Bingyi's failure to come back was indeed disappointing to Ya Hunter, but seeing Dragon Hunter restrain the little lizard with just one finger bone, Ya Hunter felt excited and fearful at the same time. Seeing that Dragon Hunter didn't reply, he asked again: "What is this?"

"This is what Director Bing cut. It is the most restrained dragon."

The dragon hunter withdrew his gaze from observing Fenrir Wolf's battle with the God of Thunder, looked at the fang hunter and said: "I was caught by this bone hand and almost had my brain ripped out. Fortunately, Director B reached an agreement with that thing, and this time I specially let him I took him out and acted accordingly. He guessed that something must have happened to you this time, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to watch Fenrir being attacked."

Tinglong Hunter was also caught by Bone Hand, and he was not the only one to be embarrassed. Fang Hunter felt much more relaxed and sneered when he heard this: "It should be struck by lightning, otherwise it will not be clear who to protect."

That's enough for the smart people's exchange point. The fang hunter's words are exactly revealing to the dragon hunter that the little lizard may also have a deep influence on the Fenrir wolf. After all, this wolf belongs to Bingyi, and no one wants to see it. Your own dog licks others, and so does the wolf.

"I told him a long time ago that this little lizard is not a good thing, but he said that if you hurt the little lizard, you may also have problems. What kind of thing it is, you know better than us."

Hearing Dragon Hunter say, 'If you hurt the little lizard, you might also have problems.' Fang Hunter was shocked and his pupils shrank suddenly. As expected, Bingyi knew the secret! However, the fang hunter didn't want to go into details with the dragon hunter. Sensing his probing gaze, the fang hunter laughed and changed the topic perfunctorily: "Okay, Bingyi asked you to come to reality for more than this, right? What does he want? "

"He wants you."

The dragon hunter said something shocking: "You are the only one who can help him when he encounters this problem."

Then he roughly talked about the Rune Character Slate, saying that only the Tooth Hunter could inherit the wisdom and authority if he fused it with the slate. Hearing this, the Tooth Hunter was stunned, and his expression changed unpredictably. Bingyi asked him for help. The tooth hunter was happy at first, and then became suspicious. How could such a coincidence happen? The little lizard has been restrained. If the hunter throws himself into the trap again, won't he be caught in one catch?

But just as he was deep in thought, he heard the dragon hunter say coldly: "If you want to use this to control Bingyi, don't do it as soon as possible. Even if you don't fuse the stone tablets, Bingyi will master all the runes and defeat Odin, and his wisdom and authority will be gone. The master is ready to catch you."

"Whether you want to go or not."

"Shit, what are you talking about!"

The fang hunter's face darkened, he stared at the dragon hunter for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "Is this how Bingyi asked you to pass the message? Huh?"

Dragon Hunter was silent for a moment. Apparently, the words "Do you want to go or not?" were added by Dragon Hunter himself. Seeing that he looked grim and speechless, Ya Hunter suddenly felt good and sarcastically said: "Why, you are so good to him. Brother, are you just helping your brother? Bingyi doesn’t like people who make their own decisions.”

The dragon hunter said displeasedly: "This is none of your business."

"Why is it none of my business?"

The tooth hunter raised his eyebrows and said with a smile in a good mood: "Huh, he just can't live without me."

People can be mean sometimes. The more kindly the dragon hunter begs him to go, the more the fang hunter will feel that there is something deceitful there. If the dragon hunter keeps blocking him, the fang hunter will also feel that he is playing hard to get and will become more vigilant. However, Dragon Hunter himself stated that he did not want Ya Hunter to go, but he revealed Bingyi's true intentions at the end of his words, which actually made Ya Hunter feel comfortable.

Dragon Hunter definitely doesn't have this kind of emotional intelligence, and Ya Hunter knows that this must be what Bingyi taught him. But this made him feel more at ease. Bingyi had always been like this. If he wanted to ask others to help him with something, he would do it for him if it would make him happy and happy. It seemed that it was Bingyi's fault that the dragon hunter invited him over, and he really needed his help.

Don't listen to the Dragon Hunter saying that defeating Bingyi can also gain the power of wisdom. The Fang Hunter simply sneers at it. The two things are not the same thing at all. Once the wisdom and authority have to be snatched by fighting, Odin will definitely declare war on Bingyi. This is the majesty of the God King. But if there is no need to snatch it, the wisdom and power will directly fall into Bingyi's hands, then the deal is done. No matter how angry Odin is, he will weigh the pros and cons.

Odin, unlike Thor, has more on his mind. Wisdom and authority belong to Bingyi, and they cannot be regained in a single battle. Ragnarok is about to come in just a few hours. Is there any gain in a duel with Bingyi at this juncture? Tour guide Bingyi will not die! If he can understand this, Odin will most likely hold back his breath and continue to work on sealing the Golden Lunga Gap.

Just now, it is known that all the runes are in the hands of Bingyi. Odin has not impulsively gone to Bingyi for a duel, but has sent the God of Thunder. This means that the sealing of the Golden Lunga Gap must be at the critical moment. Time, you can't walk away easily.

Thinking of this fang hunter, he knew that Bingyi really needed his help. Besides, he had already decided to cooperate with Bingyi before, so he would not hesitate to take a gamble now. Hearing Dragon Hunter talk about wanting to leave his body, and entering old dreams as he connected with Fenrir Wolf's soul, Fang Hunter just pondered for a moment and agreed.

"What to do with it?"

The tooth hunter pointed at the little lizard. He and Fenrir Wolf were both in their old dreams, and they were worried about leaving the little lizard alone here.

"I will send it to the Fire Country again, and Yu Hehui will keep an eye on him."

The dragon hunter said with profound meaning: "It cannot be brought into the old dream together. You must know that its spirit is far stronger than yours, just like the dragon brain. Once you both enter the old dream at the same time, you will be completely suppressed by him, Until then...tsk."

"Okay, you're the only one who talks a lot."

The tooth hunter seemed to have thought of something, his face darkened and he said no more. He said impatiently: "Let's go back to the old dream. I'm too lazy to tell you more."

If the tooth hunter makes sense here, then the next thing will be easier to handle. With Yu and Hui on the Fire Country side, the dragon hunter quickly sent the little lizard there and went back to his old dream to tell Bingyi the good news. Then he returned to Asgard as if in a hurry and defended Fenrir Wolf himself. The God of Thunder's attack allowed the out-of-body fang hunter to stay in Fenrir Wolf's body and not be struck by lightning.

There is a soul connection in the first place, and in addition, the fang hunter's soul is currently close to the Fenrir wolf when he leaves his body. There was nothing wrong when Bingyi summoned Fenrir wolf to his side in the old dream, and he successfully summoned the fang hunter too. ! It's just that when I entered the old dream, the fang hunter was naturally no longer in human form. I saw a snow-white wolf cub snoring close to Bingyi, its tail dangling, and the wolf's neck was coiled with strips. A small golden lizard with a sad expression.

Bingyi thought it was a lizard, but Grandma Miao's eyes lit up and said that this little thing was a palace gecko, one of the five poisonous creatures, with excellent appearance and a good material for soaking wine. After that, he smiled and looked at Miao Fangfei, which made Miao Jinshe speechless and ashamed, wishing to bury his head in his stomach.

Ancient books record that "palace geckos are extremely lustful and like water. They have sex every time they meet water. Their semen is extremely poisonous, and people who eat it turn it into pus water." Grandma Miao was alluding to Miao Fangfei's Yin-nourishing and Yang-tonifying snake wine to tease her to talk. At this time, Miao Fangfei was glad that unless someone knew the business, they could not hear the meaning of Grandma Miao's words at all, and thought that soaking wine was just soaking wine.

The little golden palace gecko was obviously not in spirit, and was too lazy to care about it, so he asked Bingyi to work quickly and stop talking.

Bingyi saw that the tooth hunter was not in a good state, and guessed that it might be the problem of the little lizard. The tooth hunter's soul was incomplete, and he couldn't help but worry whether he could fuse the rune characters in this situation.

If it really takes a complete person to fuse, then you can only take the risk of reality! Anyway, Bingyi would never bring the little lizard into his old dream. Not only him, but An Xuefeng and others also had this worry. They frowned and watched the little golden gecko climb onto the corresponding rune stone tablet, closing their eyes to sense it. But to everyone's surprise, it merged the rune stone tablet very smoothly, without even a test!

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