Thriller Tour Group

834 Icelandic Horror (337) There will be another update soon...

‘What’s going on?’

Seeing that the little golden gecko had merged with most of the rune stone tablet in just a dozen seconds, even Bingyi felt incredible. The silver-white big cat had deep blue eyes, and all kinds of conspiracy theories suddenly came to his mind, such as the Fang Hunter hiding his incompetence or he and the little lizard secretly reached a contract to borrow each other’s strength. But there were Director Huang and Grandma Miao who had woken up next to him. The most important thing was that he borrowed not just a finger bone from Taoist Kongkong, but a whole bone hand. At present, he still had four bone fingers. No matter how you look at it, he has the advantage.

So Bingyi calmed down and discussed with the people around him.

‘It may be because he and the little lizard have not merged.’

An Xuebao frowned very tightly, walked around the little golden gecko and the stone tablet a few times, and gradually his expression became a little subtle.

‘The rune stone tablet represents wisdom, and the separation of the Fang Hunter and the little lizard made him lack some wisdom.’

Because he was still uncertain, An Xuefeng said it a little euphemistically. He still remembered that night during the dressage competition, Bingyi and Fang Hunter exchanged identities, Fang Hunter became the number one Icelandic horse, but the host failed to dig out the brain from it during the spirit stripping session.

The connected guides are connected in spirit, and the spirit cannot be easily stripped away, but this refers to a deep connection. There are three possibilities for Fang Hunter not being able to dig out the brain. The first is that he and Fenrir Wolf have been secretly building a plank road and have long been deeply connected. The second is the rules of the competition, and the hunter cannot dig out the brain. The third possibility is that he used some special method to separate his spirit.

Judging from the appearance of the little lizard, the third possibility is more likely. The little lizard represents the spiritual power and all experience of Fang Hunter, and took advantage of the loopholes in the hotel to save all memories. Fang Hunter himself has all the power except this. It has always been extremely dangerous to want to separate memory and spirit, because these follow the soul. It can be said that the Duke of Lizard cut off part of his soul, which is a very dangerous thing.

Although it seems that he has concealed the truth and has not been discovered by the hotel. But if he hasn't been able to re-integrate after the competition, he will definitely be discovered as soon as he returns to the hotel. At that time, the little lizard may have to ascend to heaven to be the master.

In addition, the soul division is extremely dangerous. No one can absolutely control the essence of it. Just like the Fang Hunter and the little lizard, they are divided so thoroughly that the Fang Hunter has no feelings for the little lizard, only deep hostility. That's why Bingyi can find a way to successfully pull the Fang Hunter to his side.

And this kind of soul division also affects the integration of the Rune character slate. The human soul is like a blank sheet of paper, and those spiritual and soul-related titles are like various colors. The more you master, the more the soul is painted. When a person becomes powerful to a certain extent, it is difficult to master new power unless it is a derivative of the original power.

An Xuefeng guessed that the little lizard separated by the Lizard Duke not only has most of his spiritual power and all his memory experience, but those soul-related titles are probably also divided on it. After all, although the Lizard Duke has strong hard power after zeroing, he is not completely ignorant of soul and spirit.

If the relevant titles were all split, it would be easy to say. The soul of the Fang Hunter is now like a blank sheet of paper to the Rune Character Slate, and it can easily accept new power. This is also one of the reasons why many people finally choose to be cut to become the master. Their own strength has reached the peak limit, but both parties can make further progress after slicing.

If the master and the original body can be integrated again in the future, there may be a chance to break through the shackles of the hotel and find a new way out. An Xuefeng was originally planning this, so when he saw that the Fang Hunter could integrate the Rune Character so easily, he thought of this at the first time.

‘What you said makes sense, but it can integrate so quickly, it must be particularly compatible with the character’

Bing Yi pondered, a pair of cat eyes flashing with a deep light, it held the empty rune slate and walked to the side of the golden little gecko, closed its eyes and carefully sensed the power of the Rune Character core. After a while, when the golden little gecko completely integrated the Rune Character Slate, it looked much more energetic. When it lay in the same place to digest the power, Bing Yi suddenly opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

He understood!

He knew why the Fang Hunter merged the Rune Slate so quickly!

The Rune corresponding to the Fang Hunter is Odel, which corresponds to the English letter O. The original meaning is inheritance. From a positive point of view, it represents separation.

The Fang Hunter and the little lizard are currently in a state of separation, and they are completely separated at the soul level, which corresponds to this Rune! Not only that, Bingyi also took the opportunity of his fusion of the Rune to sense the deeper soul origin of the Fang Hunter-

The Fang Hunter has a soul connection with the Fenrir Wolf, Bingyi has already noticed it, but maybe it is related to what An Xuefeng said, that the little lizard is where most of his spirit is. In a sense, the soul connection of the Fenrir Wolf is deeper with the little lizard, and the sensing from the Fang Hunter is more ethereal.

Therefore, the Fang Hunter has never been confident that he can take Fenrir Wolf away from Bingyi, so Bingyi cannot use him to feel the deeper state of Fenrir Wolf - although there is a soul contract, Bingyi finds that his contract with Fenrir Wolf is relatively shallow, far less deep than that with An Xuefeng, and he cannot sense many subtle things.

But this time, through the Fang Hunter integrating the original power of the rune character slate, his entire soul power has been enhanced and is active. It is very clear and obvious, and the connection between him and Fenrir Wolf is even more obvious. The opportunity was not to be missed, Bingyi took the opportunity to deepen his senses, and he caught him.

Fenrir Wolf's soul is also split, showing a state of separation! And the Bifan Hunters separated even more completely! No wonder Fang Hunter can integrate the rune characters so smoothly. He has the right time, place and people to take advantage of them all. Even B1 has not yet finished integrating the characters. I thought the tooth hunter was the last piece of the puzzle, but now B1 is the last one.


Bingyi was telling An Xuefeng his speculation when he heard a small snapping sound. The silver-white cat instinctively raised its ears and lowered its body, its eyes locked on the target. The hunter's sinister gaze made the little golden gecko freeze slightly. The tip of its tail that had just patted the ground impatiently paused in embarrassment and stopped moving.

Cats like playing with lizards just like they play with bugs and mice. The little golden gecko scolded the cat in his heart, but he was so honest that he didn't dare to move. Now this dream cannot be compared with reality. To be honest, even if it is fused with the rune character slate, it can feel that its own strength has been suppressed to an extremely weak state. It would be really embarrassing if it was really pounced on by the silver-white cat and played with beautifully. Big face.

Fortunately, An Xuefeng used the tip of his tail to divert Bingyi's attention in time. The silver-white cat relaxed all over. He felt that the little golden gecko had something to say, so he connected it with a lead wire.

‘This… is what you said, the rune character slate that is difficult to fuse? ’

Being hit by the silver-white big cat, the proud little golden gecko became much more low-key. It looked like it was calmly concentrating with its eyes closed, but it still didn't hold back in its heart. It was unique to the fang hunter, with a bit of arrogance and sarcasm. The voice sounded in Bingyi's mind: 'How long did it take me to fuse, huh? ’

‘Three or four minutes’

‘Three or four minutes? Not right’

The little golden gecko lazily raised his eyelids and smiled: "I kept the count in mind, it only took me one hundred and forty-five seconds."

‘Who is faster than me? ’

One hundred and forty-five seconds, less than three minutes, really the fastest.

‘No one is faster than you’

Bingyi praised honestly, making the hunter feel very comfortable. In particular, Bingyi was very wise and asked Fenrir, who had been watching for a long time, to go to the little gecko to accompany him. The fang hunter felt Bingyi's sincerity and thought that the friendship between the two could be improved. If you go deeper, you can give him some words.

But now is not a good time. Shortly after Fang Hunter fused the runes, B1 finally completely fused his corresponding runes. So far, only Bingyi is left of the original slate of runes that still exists in the world. The empty talisman under the claws, and the originally empty stone slab began to glow, and twenty-four light spots appeared faintly. They were grouped into eight groups and arranged in three rows across the stone slab, corresponding to the twenty-four rune characters. ! And they appeared on the stone slab of Kong Fu, a total of twenty-five in one, which made Bingyi vaguely understand, and An Xuefeng also thought deeply.

He still remembered that when he first got a lot of fast rune character tablets, when he put the character tablets together, they would naturally join together. It made people think that the correct way to collect characters was to collect all the characters and put them all together.

However, resurrecting the characters in the old dream requires letting them fuse their respective rune character tablets, which violates this collection method. In the end, it may be a waste of water. This is the authority of wisdom. If it were another tour guide, most tour guides would probably not give up their own interests for the lives of other tourists. At most, they would be able to save a few peak tourists in exchange for some benefit.

However, An Xuefeng didn't remember Bingyi's mood swings at that time. It seemed natural that when he said he wanted to fuse runes to save people, he took out all of them. Perhaps Bingyi was smarter and had already seen another possibility, but An Xuefeng thought that he really didn't care about it that much.

Can a wisdom and authority be compared with the brigade that Bing led for several days and went through life and death with him? Bingyi had already made a choice in his heart. When it came to the end, he never hesitated. He could see clearly what was important and what was more important. It was this strange sense of being rational and calm but with a touch of humanity that made An Xuefeng more and more fascinated. Emotions are everywhere in every moment. Deepen in aftertaste.


When all twenty-four light points lit up, Bingyi closed his eyes and began to fuse his own empty talisman. At the same time, deafening thunder sounded, and lightning fell from the sky like a downpour. Odin was obviously anxious, and the God of Thunder He is also becoming more and more impatient. The thunder and lightning that originally attracted Fenrir Wolf to the old dream can no longer affect Bingyi in the dream and crashes down again. This shows that the thunder god in reality is probably attacking Xiaocui, and may even be attacking Bingyi. A body that stays in reality!

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