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835 Nutrient Solution 281 Damn it, why are you faster than me...

But no matter how powerful the thunder and lightning was, they were all lured away by Director Huang and Granny Miao. However, it was not just the power of the thunder and lightning itself that was fatal. This terrifying sound made people's chests ache, their heads became dizzy, and their hearts pounded as if they were about to jump out. The little golden gecko had no shame and hid in the thick fur of Fenrir Wolf. The little golden snake and the black goat cubs were The shock caused his mouth and nose to bleed. In just a few seconds, the originally solid rock cave roof was shattered by the blast, and large chunks of rock crashed down with lightning. The scene was once very dangerous!

‘You go first’

Seeing that the situation was critical, An Xuefeng immediately asked Miao Fangfei and the others to leave first. Before the cave completely collapsed, the snow leopard grabbed the big cat in its mouth and hurried to Miao's side. An extremely large python spirit appeared vaguely, twisting to protect a person, a leopard and a cat in the center, resisting the falling rocks. This kind of snake and insect beast was most afraid of thunder and lightning, but now all the thunder and lightning were directed by Huang The attraction was gone, and it didn't fall to them at all.


The demon dragon roared, and Director Huang's spiritual imprint was as if it had returned to zero. He was covered in scales and armor. Black dragon breath filled the air, and a pair of dragon eyes flashed with scarlet blood. The demon dragon originated from the abyss, and both its power and dragon breath were inherently heavy. The power of the abyss, coupled with the pollution of the original abyss, exploded instantly. Director Huang often transformed into a dragon in his old dreams before, but never had such terrifying oppressive power. It was like a real dragon of the abyss, which was frightening. , suddenly sucked away all the thunder and lightning!

This was the decision made by Director Huang and Granny Miao long before the cave collapsed. One of them would attract the lightning, and the other would protect the big snow leopard cat until Bingyi could gain the power of wisdom. However, this is God’s authority, and who knows how much time it will take. Grandma Miao's face became more solemn, and An Xuefeng rarely squinted anxiously at the place that was flooded by bright thunder and lightning.

After all, Director Huang here is just a spiritual imprint. How long can she hold on no matter how strong she is under the violent bombardment of thunder and lightning?


However, unlike the worries of An Xuefeng and Miao Apo, Director Huang did not show any weakness even in such an unfavorable situation. The dull thunder could not suppress the wanton and wild roar of the demon dragon, and the lightning could not break through her secret. The golden scales could only slide down like mercury. Electricity jumped and splashed in the snow foam, and that place had become a terrible battery, but no matter how powerful the lightning was, it was not enough for Director Huang who had returned to zero. She could tear the lightning to pieces with her claws and roar to pieces. Jing Lei, his body has been polished and tempered to the extreme. This is the strongest physical strength. In this regard, even Taoist Master Kongkong is far behind Director Huang!

It is almost a rule for any kind of power to reach its extreme. This is not only because Huang Dao is resisting thunder and lightning, but also using lightning to force out all the pollution in the spiritual imprint to maintain the strongest zero state and turn this strongest Show it to her children, show it to An Xuefeng to see and understand! It's just that although An Xuefeng has a strong understanding, he prefers killing and specializes in swords. He has reached the pinnacle in this aspect. He does not take the path of polishing the body. It is not easy to understand anything.

However, Bingyi, who was deeply connected with him, was realizing the power of wisdom. This aura of wisdom also affected An Xuefeng, making him fall into a state of sudden realization in a second, and he was dazzled. Not only him, the power displayed by Director Huang is actually more in line with the hunter's approach. The little golden gecko who had been ordered to stay outside sensed something and couldn't help but jump off his wolf body and rush towards the area that was flooded by thunder and lightning.

Fenrir wolf cannot enter that place. Once lightning is attracted by it and strikes it, it will affect Bingyi. But without its protection, how could the little golden gecko withstand such a terrifying lightning rain? Fenrir whined anxiously and kept using various methods to stop the golden gecko. In desperation, he even bit its tail. But the little gecko did not hesitate to cut off its tail, and resolutely rushed into the lightning rain, just to take a look and gain some insights.

People who can reach the top of the strongest mountain have the keenest intuition and the strongest perseverance to become stronger, even if they lose their memory. The moment he rushed in, just the residual power of thunder and lightning paralyzed the little golden gecko. His eyes were stabbed with severe pain and bleeding from looking directly at the too bright and white lightning, but it still watched and observed without blinking. Soon He was mesmerized by the sight, and even though the charred black scales on his body were turned up by the electricity, he was still slowly crawling towards the center, as if he had lost the sense of pain.

Until the moment it was like an ice pick piercing the top of its skull, and the sudden danger was like a basin of ice water poured on its head, causing the little golden gecko to suddenly wake up and stare at the lightning hidden behind countless lightning bolts in the sky. It looked no different from other lightning, even the light was dim and inconspicuous, but this lightning brought a dangerous omen of death to the little golden gecko.

No, this is not lightning! The little gecko's pupils shrank suddenly, watching the 'lightning' fall silently but very quickly, and it was about to fall on Director Huang in an instant, but she seemed not to notice it and was not particularly defensive! Fang Hunter didn't know that Director Huang had been hacked for too long, and most of the abyss pollution in her body had been wiped away. If she wanted to maintain the zero state, she was not actually resisting the lightning with all her strength all the time, and occasionally she would have to restrain her strength. Clearance.

That 'lightning' caught the gap and struck viciously, facing Director Huang's back scale. When Director Huang noticed it, the 'lightning' had already struck in front of her. The sense of crisis made her scalp numb, but There is nowhere to retreat at this moment!


But just then she heard a snow leopard roar, and a snow-white figure stood in front of her. An Xuefeng was extremely sensitive to danger. When he saw it, he jumped up without warning. With a knife in his mouth, he blocked the sharp light that hit him. In an instant, he was shocked and his mouth was full of blood. The blood marks that stretched from the corner of his mouth were almost horizontal. Crossing the entire leopard's face, the murderous knife was shaken with a clang. If the blade hadn't been strong, it would have been directly broken by the blow. As the sharp blades struck each other, the lightning-like silver light finally revealed its terrifying power. It was actually the Spear of Odin!

The pressure of the divine weapon was difficult to withstand, and it was only blocked by the snow leopard for a moment before forcing it down to chop it down again. However, it was not just An Xuebao who jumped up at this moment. Odin's spear struck the golden dragon scales, but it was not Director Huang's dragon scales. A small golden dragon with ferocious bones and horns unexpectedly appeared at some point and blocked the slash. The Spear of Odin directed by Xiang Huang is none other than the Tooth Hunter!

It no longer looked like a golden little gecko, but turned into a dark golden dragon. This change made An Xuefeng look sideways, but now was not the time to pay attention to this. Odin's spear pierced the golden dragon scales and almost penetrated its body, but was finally blocked by layers of hard dragon bones. The Nidhogg dragon bone and heart swallowed by the fang hunter finally came in handy. Odin's spear finally failed to penetrate its body. It was repeatedly blocked by snow leopards and dragons. Odin's spear finally pulled away with all its strength. However, everyone present His expression became more solemn.

This Odin's Spear is not thunder and lightning. It disappears after being consumed. I saw this silver light return to the sky, circle around and then accumulate full power. It is packed with more terrifying power than before and crashes down. This time the Snow Leopard Unable to resist forcefully, the golden dragon could only evade the attack temporarily. Seeing that the snow leopard was covered in blood and still standing in front of him, the golden dragon gritted his teeth and did not retreat.

But the next moment, the huge dark golden dragon claws scooped them up behind them, and it was Director Huang who took action. The child standing in front of her and being injured by Odin's Spear completely angered her. So what if the King of the Gods had never been killed before? The dragon roared angrily, and in an instant, the thunder and lightning that crashed down around him were heard with a deafening roar. With a blast, even Odin's Spear, which was falling rapidly, was suspended in the air for a few seconds due to her roar. The originally pure silver-white divine power was contaminated by the dragon's breath and turned faintly black!

At this moment, even if Odin comes in person, he can't defeat Director Huang immediately, let alone there is only one Spear of Odin. However, before An Xuefeng and the others could relax, Director Huang's body, which was about to get angry, suddenly stopped. The whole old dream was shaking slightly, like water ripples. Miao Apo suddenly looked up at the sky with sharp eyes, hovering over her. The huge python spirit on his body was showing signs of collapse!

Damn it! The Nordic gods touched the Fountain of Destiny!

In an instant, An Xuefeng understood what had happened. Just as the whole old dream was shaking, he felt a sense of dissociation. He almost woke up from the old dream! In fact, old dreams may not necessarily end on time, and they may end a little early if something unexpected happens. The zero point is not far away now. If there is another god outside to move the fountain of destiny, the old dream will definitely be affected, not to mention ending early. If Bingyi hadn't transferred half of the Fountain of Destiny to the Lost Paradise, allowing the old dream to have the blessing of two Fountains of Destiny, I'm afraid that the old dream would have ended prematurely on the spot, let alone struggling to maintain it now.

However, the current situation is extremely pessimistic. No one can stop the Spear of Odin from falling. The anger almost tears Director Huang's heart into pieces. If she is still alive, if - but she has to do her best to maintain the spiritual imprint. To be able to watch with anger as Odin's Spear suddenly fell——

Not down!


With a meow, the silver-white cat, who was closely guarded by Grandma Miao, opened its eyes at some point. Its pupils turned dark blue, extremely deep, and seemed to contain countless wisdom. Wisdom is introverted. The more people know, the more they understand that what they know is just a drop in the ocean, and the more calm and silent they will be. The same is true for the perception of wisdom and authority, which is not like the enthusiastic publicity of the god of fire, nor the heat and heaviness of the sun.

When the power of all rune characters is integrated, the fusion of empty rune tablets comes naturally. Bingyi originally thought that he would have to use the Fountain of Wisdom to gain the authority of wisdom, or that he would have to encounter some secret hand left by Odin, but everything went surprisingly smoothly.

He used to think that the tooth hunter was too fast to fuse the stone slab, but when it came to him, the stone slab took over the power, and he was even faster than the tooth hunter. The thunder was so loud that Bingyi couldn't count his heartbeats, but he could feel the fluttering wings of butterflies, and the butterfly fragments vibrated in his heart more than ninety times.

In less than two minutes, he had completely mastered the power of wisdom and became the Nordic God of Wisdom. This can't help but make Bingyi look at himself. Anything you get too quickly means that you may have paid the price without your knowledge. The fang hunter is the separation of himself and the separation of Fenrir Wolf, which corresponds to Rune. character. Then how does it correspond to the empty talisman and how does it correspond to wisdom?

But this is not the time for deep thought.

The battle for wisdom and authority ended before it even started. Thunder and lightning stopped falling. Odin's Spear wanted to escape, but it fell to the side of the new God of Wisdom in the meow. Just like Bingyi pretending to be Odin that day. Same as when you come to Spear of Odin. The pointed spear itself was forged by the children of the dwarf blacksmith Ivaldi entrusted by Loki. The runes engraved on the tip of the spear have been completely mastered by Bingyi, and its handle is made of the bark of the Nordic World Tree. It was made, and the saplings of the World Tree are currently planted in Byeichi's Lost Paradise.

It is a spear that belongs to the god-king Odin, but it is not something that only Odin can use. The empty talisman itself represents destiny and the will of God, and Bingyi is the god of wisdom who 'defeated' Odin, so of course he can own this spear.

The strongest spear, owned by the strongest god in Northern Europe. Odin dared to send the spear, and Bingyi dared to accept it directly. The big silver-white cat pressed the Spear of Odin under its body and looked around. It was a mess everywhere, and everyone was in shock. But the good news is that the old dream no longer fluctuates. It is a foregone conclusion that the gods will come to see things, and they will no longer stir the fountain of destiny. However, it is best for someone to go to the fountain to guard it.

With something in mind, Bingyi sincerely thanked Granny Miao and Director Huang. It was thanks to their protectors that he was able to successfully gain wisdom and power this time. Although Director Huang and Grandma Miao just laughed and said it was just a trivial matter, everyone was still a little embarrassed. The silver-white big cat licked the corners of the snow leopard's blood-stained and torn mouth in distress, then turned to look at the battered golden dragon with a bloody hole in its body.

Although he was concentrating on comprehending wisdom and authority just now, it was not that he had no sense of the outside world. The tooth hunter took the initiative to help Director Huang block Odin's spear. Neither Bingyi nor An Xuefeng expected this. The snow leopard looked at him with a more grateful look, and the silver-white cat looked at Xiaolong with a much gentler look. He used a string to connect the little dragon, which was panting violently and licking its wounds. He was about to take out some more Nidhogg's flesh and blood and asked it which ones it wanted to eat. He quickly replenished and treated the wounds.

As a result, he heard the fang hunter's slightly twisted, unwilling, and slightly jealous voice ringing in his mind.

‘Oh, damn it, you’re faster than me! ’


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