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836 Icelandic Horror (338) The Tooth Hunter's Troubles...

'You're so fast'

The golden little dragon gritted his teeth and said, enduring it again and again, swallowing the words that came to his throat. Of course he is not competing with Bingyi on how fast he can fuse the rune character tablets. Who would be so naive? What he cares about is his own chance of enlightenment! It took a lot of effort to get to the side of this completely alienated dragon, which had trained its body to the extreme. It was mesmerizing to watch, but it took less than a minute for it to enter a whole new realm!

The fang hunter firmly believed that his power was that of a dragon, so he clearly transformed into a dragon during several hearty battles with angels. But there must be something wrong, otherwise it would be impossible. He was almost given the name Lizard Hunter at the beginning, and the little lizards he allegedly sliced ​​were actually in the state of lizards, and were even hatched from volcanic lava lizard eggs. A real lizard.

Even for himself, the corresponding image after entering this old dream was a golden gecko, not a dragon.

There must be something wrong here, or maybe his power is not at its maximum. The fang hunter has always cared about this very much. He can't understand the dragon hunter. Not only can he dislike his style, but he is also exploring why he and he are both dragons, so they behave differently. But until just now, until he entered the old dream, the tooth hunter had not been able to find any opportunity.

The opportunity turns out to be here! He only watched the dragon fight against the lightning for less than a minute, and somehow he transformed from a little lizard into a dragon state! The tooth hunter was shocked. At the critical moment of realization, of course it was impossible for Odin to kill Director Huang. Carrying Odin's Spear was an instinctive move, but after being severely injured by Odin's Spear, he realized more in an instant.

If you want to temper your body to the extreme and go further on this road, you must constantly fight against the most powerful enemies and be injured again and again between life and death, so that you can continuously polish your flesh and temper your scales. Reshape the bones, and finally touch that level of perfection under a certain opportunity.

But what is the opportunity and what is the ultimate ultimate, the tooth hunter has not yet understood. All he could think about was getting another spear from Odin or continuing to pick on Director Huang, but who knew that the next second the damn Norse god would disturb his old dream and interrupt his thoughts! Not to mention this, Bingyi woke up right after, and had already integrated the runes and gained authority!

The old dreams have quieted down, Odin pinched his nose and gave in, the God of Thunder stopped striking, and the tooth hunter became depressed.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for enlightenment! It was gone with a bang!

But he couldn't say it directly. Even if the fang hunter didn't even blink, he knew that maintaining Director Huang in that state would be very exhausting and very dangerous. Everyone was working hard in that environment just now. Bingyi could wake up even one second late. Irreparable losses. Moreover, he is not Director Huang or anything. The opportunity to have this kind of realization is pie in the sky. Even if you see it, you can earn it, let alone ask for more. Even if he blocked Director Huang's spear, it would be completely incomparable to the value of this insight. Logically speaking, after he went out, he would have to give Snow Leopard and the others some benefits and thank them.

The atmosphere is just right now, it would be outrageous for him to push further. But the fang hunter was really uncomfortable holding it in, especially when the power he had just realized was still unstable. The golden dragon degenerated into a golden gecko after a while, which made him feel even worse. He couldn't help but complain a few words. One is really too fast.

But it was already a worthwhile gain. The golden little gecko comforted himself, and his tail had grown back, so he finally felt a little more comfortable. When Bingyi asked him if he wanted to take some supplements, the little gecko asked for some. As he gnawed on the dragon bones, he was thinking about whether Director Huang would have the chance to order some dragon rice with her after spending so much money, and then discuss the matter of tempering his body.

As a result, I heard from Xue Bao and others that the current guide Huang was just a mental imprint of waking up. He was not the same as the guide in the old dream. He couldn't eat and couldn't bear any energy replenishment.

It cannot be replenished and cannot be taken away, especially after being severely chopped. Although most of the abyss pollution has been chopped away and people are becoming more and more awake, after all, it has become fragile after so many years and may dissipate at any time. The tooth hunter couldn't help but sigh, and cursed Odin Thor in his heart. Why bother? You can't kill Bingyi anyway. Haven't you learned enough lessons before? Just give him some wisdom and authority. Anyway, you have to die in Ragnarok. You can still fall well. How can you still catch up with him now? Spear of Odin.

Grandma Miao and Director Huang were still awake and unable to move. Fenrir Wolf and the Snow Leopard, who had simply healed their injuries, jumped onto the roof of the damaged cave and filled the holes and gaps with ice and snow gravel to resist the cold wind.

Bingyi and Xiaoshou Gong gathered next to Grandma Huang Daomiao. Director Huang was severely beaten, although eliminating some of the abyss pollution would make them more awake and less likely to be completely engulfed by the pollution. But there is a limit. Their spiritual imprints have remained on this ice sheet for so many years, and they can no longer be completely separated from the pollution and have become one. If too much pollution is consumed, the spiritual imprint will become weak and unstable.

Bingyi saw if he could give Director Huang and Grandma Miao some more pure abyss pollution to balance their current state. The fang hunter came here by force. Even though Director Huang had released the state of zero alienation, he still didn't miss any opportunity to get closer to see if he could gain any more insights. One cat and one guard chatted while watching Fenrir Wolf and Snow Leopard mending the top of the cave.

‘So now wisdom and authority have been obtained? God of wisdom? ’

The tooth hunter asked curiously. After hearing Bingyi's answer, he stood up and looked at the big cat for a few times, and commented: "I don't see any changes."

‘Ragnarok is coming soon, and the strength of the Norse gods has already been weakened. Wisdom and authority are about runes and the understanding and application of Nordic magic. But now that all the magic in Northern Europe has been disrupted by the Fimbul Winter, it is difficult to have any resonance with it.'

But for Bingyi, the main purpose of fighting for wisdom and authority is not this.

"Seizing the power of wisdom is just to perfect Loki's identity"

Bingyi tentatively added some pure abyss pollution to Huang Dao, and found that it had some effect, so he continued to add pollution to her in small amounts and many times. At the same time, he told the tooth hunter about the historian's opinion on whether the God of Wisdom is Loki or Odin. debate.

Although all the gods, giants and angels have recognized his identity as Loki, Bingyi still wants to make it perfect, more perfect. At that time, even if he ends his journey and leaves Northern Europe, and stays away from the gods and giants and other Nordic specialties, without their recognition, he will still be able to maintain his identity as Loki, and still have the authority of the God of Fire, the God of Deception, etc. This is enough .

'And in this way, I can coordinate the two brigades in Iceland, and I can give you an increase in strength when you fight.'

Up to now, every tour guide and tourist in Iceland has integrated the rune character slate corresponding to himself, and Bingyi, as the god of wisdom, can exert an influence on them and stimulate the core power in their bodies. The big cat shook the tip of his tail in a good mood. This way, he no longer had to worry about whether Maria and others would rebel after regaining their memory. The rune tablets in their bodies could increase their strength and were also invisible ropes.

‘This will make you happy’

The little golden guard snorted and poured cold water on Bingyi: "It's just that you are not the only smart person in Northern Europe. Let me tell you, the fox you sent to the Land of Fire to keep an eye on the little lizard can't even watch the little lizard. Even if it hides it, You took the Demonic Sword of Surtur, I'm afraid you don't even know'


Bingyi coughed inwardly, thinking that the matter of seizing the Demonic Sword of Surtur was indeed not disclosed to the fang hunter. So what he meant was that he was telling him that the Demonic Sword of Surtur had disappeared?

Unsurprisingly, the source of this news should be the little lizard. It seems that the Fire Country has indeed been deeply penetrated by it.

However, Yu Hehui cannot be blamed for not keeping an eye on the little lizard. Bingyi remembered the secret conversation he had with Yu Hehui before.

'Do you ever think the little lizard is too conspicuous?'

Yu Hehui whispered: 'It used to hide itself, but recently it has become more and more unscrupulous. By now you have all guessed that it is one with the fang hunter, and it has not restrained itself at all.'

The little lizard’s behavior can easily be interpreted as that it was avoiding the live broadcast before, but now the hotel has less control over the journey, so it no longer has to have so many taboos. However, Yu Hehui, who basically lives in the Land of Fire and frequently interacts with small lizards, saw some clues.

It seems to be intentional, trying to attract everyone's attention.

'you mean……'

‘The original lizards were more than just the tooth hunter and the little lizard’

Yu Hehui said softly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the fox's tail swung back and forth behind him, showing a bit of the cunningness unique to the sky fox: 'Where did that volcanic lava giant lizard go? ’

Yes, at the plane wreckage attraction, the volcanic lava giant lizard was a powerful being that both brigades could not contend with. Moreover, it showed a certain degree of intelligence and wisdom. At first glance, it was not a native giant lizard.

The lizard egg was obtained from the volcanic lava giant lizard cave under the plane wreckage. The hatching of the lizard egg was assisted by the volcanic lava giant lizard. But I don't know when it was completely hidden and no longer exposed to everyone's eyes. The journey was packed with dangerous and exciting attractions, and everyone was exhausted. The main leader, the tooth hunter, kept moving with the team, and no one paid much attention to the movements of the volcanic lava giant lizard.

But Yu Hehui felt that no details could be ignored. If the Tooth Hunter was in the light and the little lizard was in the dark at first, now the little lizard is basically in the light, but the volcano lava monitor has completely fallen into the dark, and no one pays attention to its existence. Yu Hehui had been observing the volcanic lava lizards in the Kingdom of Fire while transporting the flame crystals, and had already made preliminary discoveries.

It was Bingyi who agreed to Yu Hehui's plan. On the surface, he kept an eye on the little lizard, but in fact, he focused on the volcanic lava giant lizard. Even if he failed to keep an eye on the little lizard, it would be excusable. After all, it has all the memories and experiences of the Lizard Duke. With the Lizard Duke's arrogance, it is natural that it can go to Asgard without telling Yu Hehui. Of course, it is not Will pay attention to the movements of a little sky fox.

This time the little lizard is going to the Kingdom of God, not the Kingdom of Fire. Yu Hehui will never miss the opportunity. Bingyi asked the dragon hunter to escort the little lizard to the Land of Fire, just to connect him with Yu Hehui and bring back first-hand information.

‘There’s no way, the little lizard has too many hidden cards, and there’s nothing Yu and Hui can do if they can’t guard against it’

In front of the tooth hunter, Bingyi said it very grandly and even praised him: "Although the little lizard is not stronger than you, it should not be underestimated."

‘Hmph, it does have some strength’

The fang hunter was secretly happy to be praised, especially since he had just gained new insights from Director Huang. He was determined to deepen his relationship with Bingyi and the others so as to find more opportunities. After pondering for a moment, he said to Bingyi: "I guess your subordinate There was no news that Sariel, the Angel of the Moon, had fallen into the hands of the lizard. ’

'ah? ’

Bingyi was stunned, he really didn’t know about this! The angels he has not actually come into contact with so far are Gabriel and Sariel. Dan Lin previously predicted that Sariel might sneak into the world to seduce the Bingyi Alliance. How come he fell into the hands of the little lizard who has been in the Kingdom of Fire? In? ?

He is the Angel of the Moon, why are he going to the Land of Fire!

This matter starts with the special relationship between the sun and the moon in Northern Europe.

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