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837 Icelandic Horror (339) There will be another update soon (…

Dan Lin had revealed to Bingyi earlier that the Angel Legion was preparing to invade Northern Europe at Ragnarok. Due to the serious losses of the archangels (too many fallen ones), Michael was very hostile to Satan Bingyi and listed him as a must. The target to kill. But unlike Michael, the son of light, who extremely hates darkness, Sariel, the angel of the moon, the 'Judge of God', is very interested in Bingyi.

If you want to completely invade Northern Europe and invade a local pantheon, you must gather all the forces that can be united. Just like magic is considered evil, but it is the power of the Norse gods. Sariel is very good at magic. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in a hundred battles. His evil eye sees everyone die. In the eyes of orthodox archangels, he is undoubtedly a deviant. The power of an angel starts with the word "evil", which is enough to get a glimpse of Sariel's character.

Dan Lin saw this clearly, so he chose Sariel as the object of persuasion. If he dared to tell Gabriel about cooperating with Satan, Gabriel would have to purify him first. But Sariel felt that Dan Lin's idea was a good one.

If the angel army is strong enough, then there is no need to cooperate with Satan. Just as angels spread faith, Satan will also spread faith. Asking him for help is bound to get a piece of the pie. However, the current situation is that he, Michael and Gabriel are the only ones left among their seven major trumpet-blowing angels. The other archangels have either fallen or been captured, which is enough to see how powerful this generation of Satan is.

And he is indeed good at bewitching, and he even turned into a Nordic god, and was valued and feared by many Nordic forces! If such a powerful Satan does not win over and allows him to work on the side of the Nordic gods, then they will simply shoot themselves in the foot.

What Sariel meant was that Satan had already accepted several of their archangels, so they should be considered allies. If you can win over Satan and old friends can still fight side by side, it's equivalent to no angel falling, and everyone will be happy. As for the future liquidation, that is a matter for the future. The most important thing is to spread the faith.

Of course, he also knew Michael's character. If he wanted to tell him this, he would have to be exploited first, so Sariel found another excuse - he wanted to sneak into the Nordic Land of Fire and look for opportunities to use the flaming magic sword. Use hands and feet.

The old Nordic world was destroyed by fire, and the root cause was the flaming magic sword. If they angels can grasp this sword, they can intimidate all the Nordic gods and giants when they invade Northern Europe. If possible, they don't want the world to be burned and destroyed. After all, preaching also requires believers. As long as the sword can be obtained, it is equivalent to gaining the initiative.

Sariel knew Michael would agree. No archangel understood the importance of fire better than him. Sure enough, Michael not only agreed to him, but also divided out a flaming holy sword, which even contained part of the precious flame of wisdom (small spiritual fire). Michael told him to take back the magic sword, and if that didn't work, destroy it with the holy sword.

Most of the seven trumpet-blowing angels have Michael's flaming holy sword divided into two swords, so that they can unite their forces to fight together during legion operations, and they can also protect themselves with the flame of God on weekdays. But Sariel basically does not wear the Holy Flame Sword except when fighting in the legion. He is the Angel of the Moon and naturally does not like flames that are too hot and bright.

But for his plan to secretly meet with Satan, he endured the heat and took the holy sword. He smiled and told Michael that he would return before midnight. Sariel is good at magic and has done a lot of research on the various lives of the Norse gods. After midnight, it's Monday. In Northern Europe, this is the day of the moon god, which corresponds to his power. If the Army of Tomorrow wants to sneak into the Golden Lunga Gap and hide in Northern Europe quietly, he must take the lead.

Compared with the tomorrow that Sariel was looking forward to, today was much more annoying to him. Today was the day of the sun. Perhaps Sariel was the only angel who didn't like the sun. The moon's brilliance comes from the sun. When the sun rises during the day, it can be completely hidden in the sunlight. But when night falls, the sun's day makes the moon extra bright, making it impossible for Sariel to hide himself in the darkness.

Sariel didn't know that the Nordic sun radiated heat directly, no matter how bright it was, it had no effect on him. To be on the safe side, instead of turning into the moon as soon as he sneaked into the world, Sariel decided to follow the guidance of the Nordic moon power and first find a way to obtain some Nordic moon power to disguise himself and hide the power of the angel.

Then he carefully followed the power of the Nordic moon and descended into a certain world in Northern Europe. As soon as he sneaked into Sariel, he was almost stunned by the heat wave that swept over him. When he found the Nordic 'moon', he saw a huge and blazing flame in front of him. The crystallization made Sariel even more suspicious of Angel's birth.

How come the moon in Northern Europe is as hot as the sun? !

Myths always repeat themselves. During the last Ragnarok, the Angel Legion also invaded Northern Europe, but preaching does not involve changing the sun and moon, so the archangels have never been much interested in the Nordic sun and moon. Naturally, it is not clear that the sun, moon and stars in Northern Europe are all the fiery 'big sparks' in the Land of Fire, which are large flame crystals. It’s just that the sun is the largest, the moon is second, and the stars are third. Due to different sizes, the degree of burning is also different.

The huge sun is so hot that it must be resisted by the Sivaling giant shield, otherwise it will burn out the sun's chariot, and the moon is not so hot.

But no matter what, the essential power of the sun and the moon is flame. After realizing this, Sariel's face turned pale, and his long, cold and smooth platinum hair became a little fluffy and curled up - he was here to absorb it. Those with the power of the moon are not here to swallow fire! How can the Angel of the Moon absorb the power of fire? This is impossible!

Fortunately, Sariel was an archangel who knew how to adapt, and he had an idea and thought of the flaming holy sword in his hand. I heard Michael say that the flame of wisdom residing in the holy sword can absorb all kinds of flames. He can use these flames to absorb the power of the Nordic moon. When the time comes, he can disguise himself as long as he holds this sword and still achieve his goal.

Just as he said, Sariel tried to summon some flames of wisdom. After successfully absorbing the power of the Nordic moon, he let them absorb as much as he could, and he prayed along with the sincere prayers of the flames of wisdom. Michael also kept a lot of wisdom flames in his hands, and they could communicate through the flames. Since several archangels were seduced and corrupted by Satan one after another, Michael was very worried about Sariel sneaking into Northern Europe and forced him to report the situation every once in a while.

Sariel reported the special points of the Nordic moon, and was about to walk around the huge Nordic moon to see if he could find any trace of the Nordic moon goddess and replace her. At this moment, Sariel felt that a line of sight was staring at him. The archangel lowered his head sharply, his platinum hair falling down to cover his forehead. A mark like a silver crescent in the center of his forehead opened slightly and gradually became rounder, like a crescent moon. At the full moon, it is the evil eye! Sariel's evil eye stares at everyone to death. Despite his handsome and cold appearance, he actually kills a lot and is very evil.

But when he saw the thing staring at him, was it you? Sariel's eyes softened. Next to the moon, a small lizard was looking up at him. It had some flame crystals in its mouth, as if it was looking for food. It was obvious that he was not very vigilant, and he did not run away when he looked over, but stared back blankly.

It should be a native creature in this land of fire.

Sariel thought about it, and closed his evil eyes a little. After thinking about it, the archangel squatted down. The little lizard backed away warily, its tail tip swaying as if it was ready to run away at any moment. Sariel calmly plucked a feather from his wing. The power of magic wrapped around the feather like tiny points of light from his fingers. The pale golden feather turned into a pale golden string, with fluffy tips hanging from the top. He dug some scraps from the moon and tied them to the tips of the string to tease the little lizard.

Sariel wanted to tame a native creature of the Land of Fire and use it as his spy. Whether he was looking for the Moon God or contacting Satan, he never thought of showing up personally from the beginning. After all, Satan's power to bewitch angels is too strong, so Sariel must be more cautious.

The little lizard in front of him obviously feeds on flame crystals, and the moon is the purest crystal. After being teased by Sariel with the string for a while, the little lizard finally let down its guard and was obviously taken the bait. It followed the string with its eyes and suddenly lunged forward to bite the moon crumbs into its mouth, but was caught by the sand. Li Ye grabbed it in his hand.

"Ha, I caught you—"

Sariel got what he wanted and smiled, but the smile froze on his face the moment it appeared, and the little lizard that was caught bit him in panic. But Sariel didn't care. How could a little lizard bite an angel? However, the next second he felt severe pain in his spirit body, as if he had been bitten by something. This little lizard actually bit his spirit body directly! Sariel realized something was wrong but it was too late. In shock and anger, his vision went dark and he lost consciousness.


When the angel was completely unconscious, the little lizard relaxed. It looked tired and listless, and the scales on its body looked dim. After all, injecting most of the mental poison into it in one breath still took a lot of energy out of it. Thinking of this, it glanced at Sariel with disdain. The mental toxin that can directly numb the soul is one of its trump cards. It was specially stored by the phantom cat to be wary of, but now it has been used on an archangel.

But whoever let this angel fall into his hands deserved bad luck. Didn't Sariel notice why there was a lonely moon here? How come Luna and Luna are not around? Things turned out to be extremely strange, and the little lizard was this monster. The disappearance of the Nordic moon gods and lunar chariots was naturally its fault, in preparation for Ragnarok.

It originally planned to obtain the flaming magic sword of the flame giant Surtur to control the outcome of the entire Ragnarok. However, the little lizard was shocked to find that the flaming magic sword Surtur carried had disappeared, and the flaming giant didn't bother to search for it, as if the sword had been lost for decades.

Damn it, the little lizard knew as soon as he thought about it that Bingyi and the others must have succeeded in his old dream! Moreover, the fang hunter did not follow up on such an important matter, and was still having fun with Fenrir in Asgard. The anxious little lizard felt suffocated in his heart. The flaming magic sword is in Bingyi's hands, who else can compare with their brigade? He must merge with the fang hunter as soon as possible, otherwise he will be played by Bingyi at will!

But no matter how anxious the little lizard was, it still calmed down as quickly as possible, and was even a little calm. It had long been accustomed to plans that didn't go well - ever since it left Bingyi's side and started to be alone, the little lizard's plan had not gone smoothly!

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