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839 Icelandic Horror (340) Wuluoshan is a Miao...

‘The spider can’t hold on?’ Bingyi pondered. Ever since he had specially demonstrated to the spider how the Nordic God of Light could transform into an angel, the rather troublesome spider had never bothered them again. No new ‘George’ had appeared during the journey, and it had been quiet until now. But both Bingyi and An Xuefeng knew that the Black Widow’s silence would only be temporary. George’s real condition was extremely bad. The owl Xiaoguang that Bingyi had made from the owl’s mummy was just a little bit of George’s soul and spirit. In terms of strength, it was not as strong as the spiritual imprints of Director Huang and the others. It had no memory of its past, just like the Fenrir wolf. It did not have George’s bones and flesh, any memory related to him, no human form, and even no connection with the Tower of Babel. It only had a very incomplete soul. Although Xiaoguang had escaped his original fate, could it be considered George? Black Widow would never be satisfied with a little owl. She must have hoped to revive George. But most of George's soul, spirit and even body are closely connected with the Tower of Babel. It can even be said that it is the power of the journey to the 30th degree north latitude that allows George's residual soul to survive until now. After seeing that C-1 turned George's version of the God of Light Balder into an angel, the Black Widow gave him almost all the bones of the Angel of Dawn, except for the most important skull.

An Xuefeng thought that George's situation was probably very bad at the time. The owl corpse of the Babel Tower's token was originally a human-faced owl. The soul of the pioneer was connected to the token, and the human face could represent the soul of the George people to some extent. I don't know how the Black Widow did it. After George's death, he was still able to force his soul to stay in the Tower of Babel, but the soul of a dead person would slowly dissipate in the long years to come without a living body to rely on.

The matter of forcibly seizing souls is obviously against the hotel's business of recycling the dead. Black Widow must have considered many factors when using the owl corpse as a temporary residence for George's soul, and one of them is probably to use the power of 30 degrees north latitude to deceive the world and the hotel. But all choices have pros and cons. George's soul can no longer leave the token and is deeply polluted, and his bones are also seriously polluted. Only the head that was recycled by the hotel has not been completely polluted.

At that time, Black Widow's plan should be very perfect. It can be regarded as holding the 30 degrees north latitude journey to the hotel. With the hotel's appreciation of 30 degrees north latitude, plus George's soul is still there, she thinks it should not be difficult to resurrect George. Who knew that the hotel was extremely cold and cruel, and would not give any hope to the travel guide who violated it. After ten years of hard work, she didn't know how much she paid to collect all the bones of George except the head, but still failed to successfully resurrect her lover.

Until now, Black Widow still looks human, but in fact she has been crazy for a long time. An Xuefeng speculated that she left the skull, most likely to put it in the Tower of Babel, hoping that the flawless and uncontaminated skull would give George's extremely weak soul some breathing space, but this was tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst.

Once the skull was also contaminated, there would be no place on George's body that was not contaminated. By then, even if he was successfully resurrected, he would have the pollution of the 30th degree north latitude in his bones, no different from a monster.

'I'm afraid there is something wrong with the skull'

An Xuefeng said solemnly, the Black Widow's willpower was extremely amazing, and she was so paranoid that she seemed to be burning her life all the time. If there was a day when she really couldn't hold on, it must be that George's condition was so bad that it was irreversible.

The news that the little lizard told them was indeed very important. An Xuefeng knew that the Black Widow now completely regarded Bingyi as a life-saving straw, and she would not recognize anyone except him. Now she still had some reason. Once George's condition in the Tower of Babel was so bad that it was irreversible, she would definitely risk it and force Bingyi into the Tower of Babel to fight for the last hope.

If the ending is unacceptable to her, I am afraid that Black Widow will go completely crazy and go to another extreme.

And An Xuefeng knows that Black Widow can definitely do it. Although she cannot appear in the journey openly, she cannot forcibly take Bingyi away under the protection of many top travelers. But she can airdrop the Tower of Babel to Northern Europe, and there was a sign before on the black beach.

Since it is impossible to bring Bingyi into the journey, then bring the journey over. This makes An Xuefeng feel tricky, but he is still calm. As early as before, various preparations were made for Black Widow on the way back. If it really comes to the worst step, it is nothing more than fighting against the enemy.

Bingyi has the owl Xiaoguang in his hand. Maybe it can become the last straw that pulls Black Widow's sanity. As long as a person does not reach the point of being completely penniless, he will not go all the way. The little lizard reminded him to pay more attention to the situation of the owl, and also hinted to Bingyi not to forget to grasp the eagle's nature.


'How does the little lizard know the existence of the owl Xiaoguang? ’

Bingyi said to himself, he had never let Xiaoguang show up in front of outsiders, even B1 and the others didn’t know Xiaoguang, how did the little lizard know? Of course, the Black Widow should be able to feel the remnant soul of George that Bingyi peeled off from the owl corpse. But if she told the little lizard about such an important thing as Xiaoguang’s existence, then Bingyi had to reconsider the relationship between them, which was deeper than he thought.

Of course, it could also be that the little lizard got some information from the Black Widow, but it was not certain, and the message was sent to deceive them to see if the owl really existed. Or maybe the owl he was talking about was the owl corpse of the Babel Tower token, and he was testing whether the token really fell into the hands of Bingyi and the others.

Thinking of this, the silver-white cat glanced at the little golden gecko. The Tooth Hunter and the Little Lizard will probably fuse, it just depends on the time. If they share memories after fusion, then the news that the fang hunter knows is equivalent to the fact that the little lizard also knows it.

In this case, Bingyi is considering whether to take a step closer to cooperation with the Tooth Hunters. After all, his next actions really need the help of the tooth hunter...

‘What do you see me doing? ’

The silver-white cat's eyes only circled around the golden little gecko, but the tooth hunter reacted very strongly to the gaze. He immediately looked back at the cat suspiciously and said unhappily: "You won't doubt that I told you about the owl." It's it! ’

'Of course I didn't doubt you'

Bingyi said lightly to appease the tooth hunter: 'After all, you don't know anything about the owl, how could you possibly tell it?'

Ah, this, the little golden gecko choked when he heard this. Although Bingyi did not doubt him, this reason made him feel suffocated. He didn't know what the owl was, as if he was not capable enough! The little gecko couldn't help but muttered a few times. Who said I didn't know, but everyone knew that it liked to be harsh, so they didn't care. The top priority was to go to Tang Xiang's family to see how the little owl was doing.

Just like Yu Xiangyang's father elicited the spiritual imprint of the then metaphysics captain Kong Kong Taoist priest, the spiritual imprint of Our Lady of Whitechapel had to be elicited by Maria or Dan Lin's corresponding relative. However, this matter involves petals, and neither Bingyi nor An Xuefeng want the news to be revealed. Bingyi suddenly had a whim and wanted to try using Xiaoguang to see if he could lure out the Virgin of Whitechapel. After all, George was also the Holy Son of Whitechapel back then, and he had embarked on a journey to the 30th degree north latitude, so the probability of attracting spiritual imprints was very high.

It's a pity that An Xuefeng is not a man with three heads and six arms after all. He and Yu Xiangyang both correspond to Director Huang and Taoist Master Kongkong. It is difficult for Director Hong to take care of both sides, let alone having an extra eye on the little owl. So An Xuefeng entrusted this matter to Tang Xiang. Feihong and Crimson people were still worthy of trust.

There has been no news from Tang Xiang, and he doesn't know what's going on there.

‘You have something to do, so go ahead and do it first. ’

Grandma Miao had been listening to their conversation. When she heard this, she nodded and said, 'I have been associated with too many mountains in the past, and I won't be able to explain them to you for a while. As long as you carry this human skin map with you and enter the Tomb of the Tusi King, Wu Ge will naturally tell you everything.'

Before the dragon hunter brought new news, Director Huang closed his eyes to recuperate, while Granny Miao told Bingyi and the others about the Snow Mountain. Of course, these conversations related to Bingyi's journey to the 30th North Latitude and the regular mission. The conversation in the thread was still hidden from the fang hunter, just like now. Fortunately, Ya Hunter's attention was all on Director Huang. Director Huang also covered the children and gave Ya Hunter a few words, which made him feel that he had benefited a lot. He listened attentively and didn't care about those people who were carrying him behind his back. Secretly starting a group chat.

Under An Xuefeng's various guidance and hints, Bingyi vaguely remembered that he seemed to have been to western Hunan and obtained a human skin map, and Dieda seemed to be closely related to the human skin map. Reluctant to bear the child, Bing took out the human skin map (a token from the tomb of the Tusi King) and Die Da to show Grandma Miao, and finally got her to reveal more information.

‘The petals are not on me, I did not leave them here’

Grandma Miao gently stroked the human skin map, just like stroking the skin of a lover. She fell into memories: 'But given my condition at the time, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold the petals for too long. If I entrust the petals to someone else, it is most likely to be entrusted to Ugo’

The Wu Ge in her mouth refers to Wuluo Mountain. All the sacred mountains at home and abroad, large and small, became brothers in her mouth, and they all had human-like appearances. Grandma Miao said that Wuluoshan was a Miao man. He was thin, with a stern face and indifferent eyes. He had loose black hair, silver ornaments hanging from his ears, and a dark complexion with snake patterns painted with golden concoction. He carried it with him. A golden silkworm, that was his pet.

Shan also has his own personality. Wuluoshan is always silent on weekdays. Grandma Miao just thought it was because he didn't like to talk. Later I found out that he had a blood jade cicada in his mouth, so he remained silent.

‘There is a large tomb deep in Wuluo Mountain, which influenced him. ’

Grandma Miao said with profound meaning. After the ancients died and were buried, the seven orifices were sealed with jade, and the jade cicada was a kind of mouth. But Brother Wu is a mountain god. I have only heard that tombs are built in mountains, but I have never heard that tombs can in turn affect the mountain gods.

That means there is something strange about this tomb. After several explorations, Grandma Miao finally unearthed a shocking tomb on Wuluo Mountain that shocked the hotel.

That was the journey she started to 30 degrees north latitude - the Tomb of the Tusi King!

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