Thriller Tour Group

840 Icelandic Horror (341) There will be another update soon...

"Fortunately, I discovered it early, so the pollution in the tomb of the Tusi King did not have a serious impact on Ugo."

Recalling the past, Grandma Rao Shimiao's tone was a little more happy and complicated: 'Otherwise he would not just have jade cicadas in his mouth and be taciturn.'

The jade cicada is the manifestation of the pollution-distorted mountain god at 30 degrees north latitude in the tomb of the Tusi King. Wuluoshan is taciturn because the words he speaks after containing the jade cicada are like polluted gibberish. If Grandma Miao comes a few years later, the impact of pollution will be deeper, and when the eye mask, nasal congestion, and ear plugs of the Qiqiao Jade can appear on the Wuluo Mountain God, then what the tourists will see when they enter the mountain again, what they hear in the ears, and even Even the wind in the mountains (the breath of the mountain god) will carry extremely heavy and terrifying pollution.

By then, I'm afraid the hotel will have to mobilize the person in charge to solve the problem.

Of course, the internal rules of the hotel do not expect a certain generation of managers to be particularly strong and launch several trips to the 30th North Latitude. Usually when this kind of journey starts to appear, young guides with high potential who belong to the next generation are sent to travel there. Just like Bingyi back then, just like Longnu Aping in the past.

Beauty that can bewitch the gods is like a kind of original sin in the hotel, especially when she has not found a backer in the big hotel and her own strength is not strong enough to crush everything. Therefore, Longnu Aping always had a sense of crisis during the journey. On the first day of the journey, everyone else slept in the Safe Point Hotel and B\u0026B, so she stayed up all night to flirt with the mountain god.

Everything in the world has animism, the mountains have mountain gods, the rivers, lakes and seas have water gods, and the villages and towns where people gather have land. Longnu Aping can always find a protector to rely on, but when it comes to security, the mountain gods are the first.

"The Luohua Cave girl married the mountain god not because the mountain god was greedy for human beauty."

Grandma Miao said calmly: ‘How can a god be fascinated by human beauty? The mountains also have resentment, and the mountains also have pollution left over time. Compared with pure 'spirits', humans who have wisdom, good and evil, and come from the world of mortals are naturally able to withstand more pollution.'

‘The Luohua Cave Girl is the most outstanding human being among them. The so-called beauty is nothing but attraction. She naturally has a strong attraction to all good and evil thoughts, pure energy and pollution, so everything in the world wants her and thinks she has unparalleled beauty.'

‘The mountain god’s contract with the Luohua Cave girl is to pour out the pollution accumulated over thousands of years and the various consciousnesses left by human beings. Therefore, after being betrothed to the mountain god, the Luohua Cave Girl will not eat or drink, but smile all the time. Her consciousness has been washed away. Even if the Luohua Cave Girl dies, her soul can stay with the mountain god and continue to deal with the pollution until a new Luohua Cave Girl appears in the world’

What she said was extremely rational and calm, tearing apart the hypocritical appearance of the so-called mountain god's beloved Luohua Cave Girl, and revealing her more bloody essence. But Longnu Aping was very calm when talking about these, and his eyes were even gentle.

Even if you cared about it at first, you no longer care about it later. The natural world is more realistic and cruel than human society, and you can't ask the mountain god to use human's three views. Except for those very famous sacred mountains, most mountain gods are more animalistic and wild than divine, and it is impossible to reason with them. She became the beloved wife of the mountain gods and helped them deal with pollution. The mountain gods gave her the most powerful protection, and even the hotel could hide it.

She borrowed the power of the mountain god to block live broadcasts at will, and blocked trips assigned by the hotel that she didn't want to go on. She can also use the hotel to intimidate the mountain gods so that they will not flood her with too much pollution. It is within the range that she can bear, and that is enough. The water came slowly, and as it flowed, she became stronger.

Those seriously polluted mountain gods will naturally come to her, and during the journey, pollution is usually linked to events with generous rewards such as "new attractions" and "extra tasks", just like the trip to Wuluo Mountain in western Hunan.

On the first night, the mountain god of Wuluo Mountain stared at her outside her window. On the second day, various small animals observed her in the mountain. The mountain wind taught the tour guide a lesson for plotting against her. On the third day, she deliberately fell off the cliff. The mountain god of Wuluo Mountain transformed into an aborigine and rescued her. In the evening, they drank together and watched the fireflies in the forest. On the fourth day, they slept in a stilted building under the same quilt.

The tour guide who wanted to attack her that night died completely. The body was eaten by the mountain god's tiger, and the hotel could not recover it.

On the fifth day, Longnu Aping, who was suffering from back pain and drowsy, no longer had to walk on her own, and had to ride on the tiger sent by the mountain god for the journey. On the sixth day, the mountain god of Wuluo Mountain gave her the blood jade cicada in his mouth. It was a token from the Tusi King's Tomb and the most important necessity for starting the journey to the 30th North Latitude.

Wuluo Mountain is not a very powerful mountain, and there are no records in history. The village of tombkeepers who originally lived in this mountain is dead. No one worships it, and it is forgotten. The power of the mountain god will gradually fade away.

So he couldn't bear the pollution of the 30th North Latitude, and he didn't care about the treasures in the tomb. He agreed with the hotel to open scenic spots in the mountains, and also hoped that someone could help share the pollution. But he didn't bother to pay attention to the overt and covert hints from the host sent by the hotel.

Wuluoshan wants to throw away the source of pollution. Unfortunately, this journey to the 30th North Latitude is already a part of him. Giving up the journey is equivalent to giving away himself. If the person who takes over lets the pollution riot in the tomb of the Tusi King, the first person to suffer will be He, Wuluoshan doesn’t trust anyone, so how can he give it away casually?

But giving it to your destined Luohua Cave Girl can’t be considered casual. Who else could the mountain god choose if he didn’t choose Luohua Cave Girl? The mountain gods are somewhat obsessed with Luohua Cave women. The mountain gods of Wuluo Mountain are taciturn, have no communication, and have no one to worship. Coupled with the influence of pollution, their animal nature is far greater than their divine nature, and they have not become shrewd because they have seen too many people.

He didn't have so many twists and turns in his stomach. He was sure that Longnu Aping would send Yuchan away and cooperated with her in all her actions. Even if Longnu Aping didn't immediately start her journey to the 30th North Latitude, the mountain god of Wuluo Mountain helped her hide it from the hotel. The hotel didn't even know that she had obtained the Blood Jade Cicada.

It was not until later that Longnu Aping recognized a few more mountain gods, accumulated enough strength, and joined the first brigade Xuanxue after the journey with Huang Dao, that he started to open the tomb of the Tusi King. The journey to the 30th North Latitude is of great importance, and it is wise to divide the cake. Long Nu Aping secretly studied metaphysics for a long time and determined that this brigade was strong, had a good style, and was supported by the country. The captain, Taoist Master Kongkong, even opened up two journeys to 30 degrees north latitude. There was a high probability that he would not rob her, so he made up his mind.

Recalling that when she and Xuanxue opened the tomb of the Tusi King together, Taoist Master Kongkong and the others were thrown out by Brother Wu, and they fell into a terrible mess. Apo Miao's eyes were filled with laughter lines. The mountain god of Wuluo Mountain is extremely wary and only trusts her. After opening the hotel, they became half of each other. He had the strongest desire to possess her and was most jealous.

Until later...

‘Mountain gods will also die, but since the Tusi King’s Tomb has become a journey to the 30th north latitude, the mountain gods of Wuluo Mountain will not die’

Grandma Miao said: 'His spirit may not be very good, and he may have completely lost his mind. This is the effect of pollution, not His intention. I left a mark on your human skin map. If I finally entrust the petals to him, he will take you to get the petals.'

The mental imprint only preserves the memory of the time when the imprint was left, and Grandma Miao doesn't know what happened after that. But she believed that the petals were most likely to be in Wuluo Mountain. She felt a familiar aura of power from both the human skin map and Die Da.

But Wuluo Mountain could barely withstand the pollution at 30 degrees north latitude, and with the addition of petals, how painful it must have been for him, let alone the pain of her death back then.

Grandma Miao closed her eyes slightly and sighed in her heart. The wrinkles on her face disappeared one by one, and her appearance no longer looked old, but gradually became younger. However, at the same time, her whole body became more and more transparent. She imprinted most of her spiritual imprint power on the human skin map, and she was about to dissipate.

Maybe people like to think about the past when they are dying. Grandma Miao still remembers the severe pain in her heart when the mountain gods died one by one, as if her soul was being ripped off piece by piece. She is connected to the mountains through a contract. When the mountain god dies, her soul feels like a heavy blow. When she dies, there must be thousands of mountains mourning. But the most painful time was when the mountain god brothers were killed.

At the time, she was very popular in metaphysics and extremely powerful. Coupled with the powerful Kongkong Taoist priest, no organization wants to see the Xuanxue family dominate. It was a warning to her, a curse aimed at her. She did not die, but the pair of mountain god brothers she had originally contracted with died. Grandma Miao has not visited them for a long time. They are not powerful mountains, nor do they have any journey, so they cannot bring her any help.

In particular, they represent that before she joined the journey, as a human being, she could not resist all the humiliation and fear of the mountain god, and she always did not want to think about the past. But now that the mental imprint is about to dissipate, she seems to be dead again. When her spirit gradually fell into a trance, Longnu Aping seemed to be back to the beginning.

When she joined the hotel, she was too smart and shrewd to look like a woman who was born and raised deep in the mountains and was raised as the wife of a mountain god.

But in the past, Longnu Aping was also ignorant of innocence, longing for God's love at first sight, and possessing all the qualities to serve the mountain god - innocence, purity, loyalty, and enthusiasm. She was born to be the wife of the mountain god, and the mountain god should cherish her.

Being spotted by the mountain god brothers at the same time made Longnu Aping distressed and frightened. Is she okay? Dragon slave Aping didn't want the mountain gods to cause disputes for him, but he was powerless to stop them.

In order to compete for the Luohua Cave Girl with the most powerful talent in this millennium, the two mountain gods turned against each other. At the same time, they tried their best to please her, hoping that she would choose him. She wakes up from the sea of ​​flowers every day, sleeps on the softest bed woven from green grass, drinks the purest mountain spring water, eats extremely precious mountain delicacies and game, and is accompanied by mountain gods who accompany her on her travels. The spirit deer and spirit python she plays with are babies transformed from ginseng and ganoderma. The two mountain gods brought all kinds of precious treasures to her with the help of the mountain creatures, and they would transform into human forms to accompany her every full moon night.

Longnu Aping was frightened and moved, and determined to repay the love of the mountain gods. She hoped that she could become smart. If she were smart, she might be able to think of a solution that would have the best of both worlds, and she wouldn't be as distressed as she is now. And just as she hoped, God's aura is like an empowerment for people, and the company of the mountain god makes Longnu Aping gradually become wiser.

But when she was smart enough, she saw clearly the most essential core of all the excitement and pursuit. After discovering that the Luohua Cave Girl was just a tool to share pollution for the mountain god, Longnu Aping's world collapsed. When she is confused, she hopes that wisdom can solve her troubles. But when she gained wisdom, knew more, and saw more, she could no longer escape the pain and troubles.

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