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841 Nutrient Solution 283 plus update Chunmiao Grandma's past has no...

Once people have wisdom and calmness, it is difficult to rely on others for everything. However, when they find themselves unable to change everything, some people begin to numb themselves, muddle along with the flow, and some people are unwilling to resent and want to retaliate. Long Nu Aping has believed since she was a child that she would be the wife of the mountain god, and that husbands and wives should support each other. She believes that she can give everything for the mountain god, but now she feels like a joke.

She thought that her soul would be with the mountain god forever after her death, but in the end she found out that from the moment she married the mountain god, her self-consciousness would be polluted and dispersed, and no one or god loved her.

How terrible, Long Nu Aping found death terrible for the first time.

The mountain god brothers were still very good to her, and she did not show any resentment, but day after day, the resentment in her heart became heavier and heavier. From childhood to adulthood, she had only this one way to go, no one asked her if she wanted to go another way, and no one gave her another choice. From that day on, Long Nu A Ping no longer expected the love of the mountain gods. Gradually, she began to stir up conflicts between them and increase their obsession with her. Whenever they asked her to make a choice, she would cry softly, saying that she was unwilling to abandon anyone and throw the question back. Seeing the mountain gods worrying and helpless, they finally surrounded her to make her happy, but she no longer had the throbbing in her heart.

Long Nu A Ping was unwilling to choose any mountain god, because she knew that once she chose any mountain god, her fate would be the same as countless fallen women in the past years, dying with a smile. And she also knew that this kind of evasion was only a temporary solution, and once the mountain gods really lost their patience one day, or decided to share her, she would face a more cruel ending.

Fortunately, the gods did not care about the passage of time, and their perception of the rotation of years was much slower than that of humans. The mountain gods only thought that they had a small quarrel, but in fact it had been a long, long time. The mountain gods treated her well day after day, and even the coldest heart could be warmed up. However, the knot in her heart could not be untied. Luohua Dongnu's love was extremely passionate, and Luohua Dongnu's hatred was also extremely persistent.

She was now glad that the mountain gods chose her, so that her sister would not fall into such an ignorant and desperate fate. When she finally sent her sister away, Longnu Aping began to plan for herself, but no matter how long time passed, Longnu Aping knew that it was impossible for a human being to defeat the gods. She was unwilling to accept her fate and did not want to go to an ending that could be seen at a glance. If she had to die, she wanted to die in a blazing manner.

Perhaps Longnu Aping's desire was too strong, which eventually attracted the hotel. She joined the hotel and became a traveler, and from then on she entered a new world. Longnu Aping saw with her own eyes that the two mountain gods who were as powerful as giants to her had no power to fight back in front of the hotel, and could only let her be taken away. The excitement at that time was like an electric current running through her spinal cord. Until now, she can still recall the violent beating of her heart at that time.

It's great to be strong.

When she learned that her initial title level was purple, or the Fallen Flower Cave Girl, Long Nu Aping lowered her eyes and smiled. Her innate talent put her in a predicament that ordinary people could not solve, but talent should not be a sin, but a weapon to overcome obstacles on her way to becoming stronger. Her physique is much stronger than that of the Fallen Flower Cave Girls of previous generations. These two mountain gods refused to give in to her, so what about other mountain gods?

She accepted her power frankly, but "travelers" and "ordinary people" seemed to be somewhat different. The hotel sheltered travelers and allowed them to jump out of their original world. The mountain gods would choose the destined Fallen Flower Cave Girl as their wife, but when the Fallen Flower Cave Girl became a traveler, they would be more vigilant. Was this Fallen Flower Cave Girl born naturally, or was she made by the "hotel"? The mountain gods were very concerned, so it was not easy for Long Nu Aping to summon a strange mountain god.

But it didn't matter. After the first journey, Long Nu Aping returned to the place where she was born and found the mountain god brothers again. They still couldn't forget her, and were even more fascinated. Being chosen by the hotel is enough to prove her strong qualifications. Tourist guides are essentially absorbing pollution from the natural world during their journey. The more she can bear, the stronger she has the potential to become, and the mountain gods will pay more attention to her. The mountain gods hate the hotel that robbed her, but they pity her innocence and purity.

The arrogance of the gods made them too lazy to get to know a human with a short lifespan in depth, and they were deceived by her appearance. Even though they had quarreled and fought for Long Nu A Ping, the mountain gods thought she was very good. What's more, Long Nu A Ping had never done anything that was not good for the mountain gods. When the full moon night came, she even became the wife of the mountain gods to relieve them of pollution.

I heard that the tour guides who were in tune with each other also did this kind of thing. Long Nu A Ping had nothing to be embarrassed about, especially because of the existence of the hotel, the pollution that the mountain gods stuffed in was within her tolerance, and they were also handsome and beautiful that ordinary people could hardly see, so it was not a loss. After this night, their relationship was more harmonious than ever before. Although it is difficult for mountain gods to understand human emotions, Long Nu Aping had the qualifications of a fallen girl when she was born in a village deep in the mountains, and was raised by the mountain gods. They watched her grow up, argued for her, accompanied her, and witnessed her being abducted by the hotel. Now she has become their wife, helping them deal with pollution. Perhaps the mountain gods are not without emotions, but human life is too short for them. But the more attention they pay to her, the deeper their feelings for her.

When they learned that their beloved wife had been harassed by tour guides during their trip to the hotel and saw her crying helplessly late at night, the mountain god brothers were shocked and furious and cursed the tour guide who tried to harass Longnu Aping. However, Longnu Aping's steps will go through every corner of the world, but they can only stay in one place forever with the eternal mountains, unable to accompany her.

Even a curse will not cause death immediately. The mountain god is not an evil god, not to mention that there are powerful tour guides and tourists in the hotel who can even kill gods and are more powerful than them. What if she was bullied and hurt somewhere they couldn't see? Before Longnu Aping's next journey, the mountain god brothers gave her countless mountain treasures, and each gave her the most precious gift.

The mountain god Adi gave the green spirit accompanying him to Longnu Aping, which was a small emerald green snake.

Anyone bitten by it will be cursed by the mountain god. He hopes that it can protect the dragon slave Aping, and secretly says that the green spirit is always more useful than the deer spirit. The mountain god brother knew that the dragon slave Aping preferred his brother's deer spirit on weekdays and often rode it for walks in the mountains. But when encountering danger, Lu Ling can only escape with A Ping, but Qing Ling can transform into a giant python and fight for her.

But the mountain god brother did not give the deer spirit to the dragon slave Aping. On the night that belonged to her, the moonlight fell and reflected the stream. Longnu Aping's feet were immersed in the stream, her soft body lay on the mountain god's lap, letting him caress her hair, and pinned one of the earliest wild azaleas to her ear.

It’s hard for us to protect you on our own.

Longnu Aping heard the mountain god whisper, and she was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the mountain god would actually admit it. After all, gods have their own dignity, which cannot be violated. Or is it that the mountain god is aware of her secret intentions? Long Nu Aping wanted to raise her head to see the mountain god's face, but her head was held down. That night passed, she couldn't finally see his expression, and she felt extremely nervous and anxious.

The mountain god brother didn't see her off until she left the next day. The failure of the plan made Long Nu Aping feel gloomy when she returned to the hotel and didn't want to wear the wild azalea anymore. But when she picked the azalea out of anger, she was surprised to find that the petals of the azalea were imprinted with the power of Brother, the mountain god.

This brand of divine power can be regarded as Longnu Aping being certified by the mountain god, recognizing her as the most powerful and pure Luohua Cave girl. She was born to be the wife of the mountain god, and was not created by the hotel.

What Longnu Aping wants is this kind of proof, which is a stepping stone for her to gain the trust of other mountain gods. But when she actually got it, she found that she was not as excited as she imagined, but rather anxious and embarrassed. She asked herself how jealous and possessive the mountain god was. This could be seen from the fact that the mountain god brothers wanted to monopolize her for so many years.

Is this sharing due to the excitement of the hotel, fearing that she will run away from the Luohuadong girl who has been guarding her for so many years, and not using it in vain, or worried that she will be bullied in the hotel, and wants to have a further relationship and better protect her? ? Brother Mountain God was finally willing to give her this certificate. He knew what would happen and knew that Longnu Aping would own other sacred mountains from now on, but he still gave it to her.

Can mountain gods have love? Long Nu Aping was a little confused, and even a little bit unspeakably sad. But if she had not joined the hotel, her consciousness and soul would have been destroyed after she got married to a certain mountain god. After death, there would be no love left.

It doesn't matter to her whether there is love or not.

Before entering the journey again, Longnu Aping put on this wild azalea that would never wither. From then on, she was no longer doubted by other mountain gods, but was accepted by more mountain gods. Later, the title of Luohua Cave Girl was raised to orange. She no longer needed wild azaleas to gain the trust of the mountain god. The flower was shelved and never taken out again.

Every full-moon night, she would use wild cuckoos and green-spirited little snakes to relieve the pollution of the mountain god brothers, but just like a routine, she never returned to the mountains, just like the past she didn't want to face.

Years passed by in a flash. To the mountain god, it was just a few springs and autumns, a time of waiting. For Longnu Aping, she has buried the past deep in her memory, no longer thinking about it, and almost forgotten it.

It wasn't until the mountain god brother was implicated by her and killed by a curse that her soul was in severe pain and her heart felt like it had been crushed. Only then did she realize that she had never forgotten the past and that the knot in her heart was always there. Her mind was empty, and she hurried back to her hometown and the mountains, only to see white snow covering the branches and deathly silence everywhere.

The mountain is dead.

These two mountains are too remote and no one has worshiped them for a long time. There are many mountains in this area, rolling up and down, and not all of them have names. People only talk about this mountain and that mountain, and these two mountains are so close that they are called Brother Mountains by the old people in the village. Brothers Mountain is their name.

'I've actually always wanted to ask...'

Grandma Miao narrowed her eyes. She had changed into what she looked like when she was young, even younger than when Director Huang met her. She looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old, with red lips that were bright and beautiful. There was a wild rhododendron in her shiny black hair. The giant python spirit turned into a small green snake and wrapped around her snow-white slender wrist, resting on her fingertips.

'I want to ask...'

In fact, she had always wanted to ask the mountain god brothers, did they know that after forming a contract with them, she would be so polluted that she would lose her self-consciousness and die completely? This question often came to her mind when she dreamed about it at midnight, making her unable to sleep peacefully. In the past, she always thought that the mountain gods knew everything, and there was nothing they didn't know. They may have even had other Luohua Cave girls or other mountain god wives in the past.

The world gives personification to the sacred mountain. Some local people will say that the mountains next to the sacred mountain are his brothers, the mountains opposite are his wives, and the mountains surrounding the sacred mountain are their children. The couple in the sacred mountain are having conflicts, brothers and children Encouraging them. When Longnu Aping traveled around the world, she encountered a mountain god who had a wife and children and came to provoke her. He also encountered someone who wanted to treat her as a girl from the Fallen Flower Cave to forcefully release pollution. It was really disgusting.

But then she thought that the mountain god brothers might not know. The Luohua Cave Girl doesn't just appear anywhere. An unknown mountain like Brother Mountain is comparable to a rustic among mountain gods. For thousands of years, the Luohua Cave Girl was born because of the Mountain God Brothers. They have never experienced Luohua Cave Girl, so naturally they don’t know the outcome of Luohua Cave Girl. Or maybe human life is too short for the mountain gods. Whether they die after marrying them or live for decades and die, it may be equally short to the mountain gods.

Mountain gods are not omniscient and omnipotent, and they may also have things they don't know. Like they can even be killed by other people. Of course, the organized brigade that secretly cursed her and them were bloodbathed by her, and no one was spared.

'I avenged you'

Grandma Miao's figure became increasingly faint. She moved her fingertips slightly, caressing the little snake on her wrist, and then caressed the wild cuckoo on her temples. She finally breathed a sigh of relief and her expression became peaceful. She also left some marks on Bingyi's mountain god statue. She had a good relationship with Yanshan at the beginning. The spirit of the Luohua Cave Girl can greatly alleviate the pollution of the mountain god. If it is true as An Xuefeng said, the current situation of the Yanshan Mountain God is worse than She was even worse back then. With her imprint, she would be able to regain some sense and be able to take care of Dian Bingyi.

At the last moment, she talked to Bingyi about Wuluoshan and Yanshan. She talked about whatever came to mind, but did not mention the Mountain God Brothers. After all, they really didn't have much to say. This was a memory that belonged to her alone.

"If, if you see something that looks like me in Wuluo Mountain, or anything that is familiar to me, remember, she is not me."

At the last moment when it was about to fade away, Apo Miao suddenly remembered something and said seriously to Bingyi: "Brother Wu has gone crazy. It may be pollution, or it may be something else. For example, the original mountain spirits and mountain ghosts in the mountains have been distorted and affected by his will." '

‘If you can’t find Brother Wu in the Tomb of the Tusi King or Wuluo Mountain, maybe he is attached there’

After finally saying this, Grandma Miao's eyes closed slightly. The azaleas on her temples and the little green snakes on her wrists disappeared. She returned to the old appearance in her old dream, and her spiritual imprint completely dissipated.

* *


The moment Miao Po's spiritual imprint completely dissipated, Taoist Master Kongkong in the snow cave not far away looked up as if feeling something, looked over there, and finally sighed and shook his head.

‘Infinite longevity’

‘Disciple, come and join me in singing sutras to see your seniors off’

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