Thriller Tour Group

843 Icelandic Horror (343) There will be another update soon...

‘It’s also possible that Longnu Aping has realized this a long time ago’

Bingyi mused, the silver-white cat had already moved its position to the snow leopard's back, and it was really uncomfortable for a cat as big as his to be carried around.

An Xuefeng believed that Grandma Miao Fangfei had an impression of Golden Silkworms because Long Nu Aping once returned to reality with the Mountain God of Wuluo Mountain to look at them quietly. This reminded her that Director Huang had come to reality to see their father and son silently. It's good for oneself and others, but Bingyi has different ideas.

Some tour guides and tourists have a sense of luck, thinking that if they are completely separated from reality, they will not find relatives in the hotel. These tourist guides essentially tie all abnormal phenomena to the hotel and believe that reality is safe. But Longnu Aping saw the mountain god before encountering the hotel, and knew that there were all kinds of supernatural phenomena in reality.

Even if relatives do not contact the hotel and stay in reality, they are not absolutely safe. Because her younger sister is also a Luohua Cave Girl and has the talent of a Luohua Cave Girl. This talent is likely to be passed down through the bloodline, and in the end, she may also be favored by the mountain god. Ordinary people have no power and cannot save their lives in the sudden disaster, just like Longnu Aping's despair when she first learned everything.

Many people, longing for power when they don't have it, invite themselves to hostels. But after struggling to gain strength in the hotel, he wanted to leave the hotel and find his freedom. Everyone's thoughts will change according to the situation at that time, which is understandable, but Longnu Aping probably never regretted being selected by the hotel. This was an opportunity for her to change her destiny.

Other ordinary people may be able to survive even if they don't join the hotel, but the Luohua Cave Girl is really dangerous. Other tour guides and tourists are worried that their relatives will be selected into the hotel, but Longnu Aping is worried that if her sister is killed in the future What should I do if my descendant inherits the bloodline of the Luohua Cave girl and is favored by the mountain god, but fails to be selected by the hotel? Ordinary people can't deal with the mountain god!

In this case, it would be better for her to lay the groundwork first and give her sister's heirs an opportunity.

'you mean……'

An Xuefeng immediately understood that perhaps when Dragon Slave Aping returned to reality, he specifically let his sister see the mountain god of Wuluo Mountain and the golden silkworm Gu. Although it is impossible for people to remember things that are too polluting, my sister is also a Luohua Cave girl, so she can remember some things. This is a clue.

The relationship between the two sisters is very good. Long Nu Aping believes that her sister will find a way to find her. Of course, at her age and with such physical fitness, it is impossible for her sister to be selected by the hotel again. She may leave this matter to herself. My favorite and most trusted junior. My sister's disappearance is an extremely secretive and important matter and can only be left to someone who can trust her.

If there is no one in the younger generation who can reassure Grandma Miao, she will keep silent. If there is someone she likes enough, she will know about 'looking for the golden silkworm', such as Miao Fangfei.

For Longnu Aping, the younger generation that her sister trusts and loves the most is her sister's bloodline inheritor, and she will recognize it. If there is no such person, my sister decides to keep the secret forever, and she doesn't care what happens to those people in the future.

And once someone starts 'looking for the golden silkworm', and sincerely searches for grandma, is obsessed enough, and has a strong enough talent, she can be selected by the hotel.

‘Miao Fangfei entered the hotel, it was destined’

An Xuefeng said lightly. Not only that, Longnu Aping did not take other mountain gods, but only Wuluo Mountain. He probably also knew that the same journey to 30 degrees north latitude might appear again in the next generation. She wanted her sister's bloodline to have another chance to become a pioneer.

Miao Fangfei is filial enough and sincerely treats her grandmother well. When she enters the hotel, she will definitely work hard towards her grandmother's obsession and eventually obtain the golden silkworm Gu. Just like in Iceland, Miao Fangfei has obtained the golden silkworm. If she had brought the Golden Silkworm Gu with her during her journey to western Hunan, the outcome might have been different.


'She thinks too simply'

An Xuefeng sighed: "The hotel won't allow it."

Miao Fangfei didn't have the Golden Silkworm Gu yet, so the hotel arranged for her to take a trip to the beautiful Xiangxi. At that time, she didn't even reach the safety point on the first night, and she almost died under the siege of the corpse-turned-flying fox. It was obvious that Miao Fangfei was the highest-ranking and most powerful passenger in the brigade at that time.

At that time, no one thought there was a problem. They just felt that Miao Fangfei was too unlucky. The negative effects of the title were fully restrained. The corpse-turned-flying fox was not afraid of poison and was very restrained with her natal poisonous snake. If she hadn't been lucky enough to meet Director Bing who turned around to save her, she would have been killed long ago. Just die. But there is no way, luck is also a part of strength during the journey, and sometimes luck is even more important.

However, now that he knew about Longnu Aping, and when he recalled the intoxicating and beautiful journey to western Hunan, An Xuefeng could appreciate a hint of subtlety. All of this was just too perfect, too coincidental, and Miao Fangfei was too unlucky. Wei Xun saved Miao Fangfei, and he later opened the tomb of the Tusi King. It was as if he had the opportunity to open the tomb of the Tusi King with the help of a life-saving grace.

Just like now, Longnu Aping learned that it was Bingyi who opened the tomb of the Tusi King instead of Miao Fangfei. Bingyi even saved Miao Fangfei's life during the journey. After being saved, Longnu Aping He imparted the secrets and key points of the Tusi King's Tomb without showing any emotion at all. The only regret is that Miao Fangfei is not with Bingyi, so that the wealth will not go to outsiders. With her intelligence, she must have guessed something.

‘Hotels are actually very contradictory’

An Xuefeng sighed with mixed emotions. Hotels have their own logic. It requires someone to open up the journey to 30 degrees north latitude, but it also requires this person to be restrained by the journey to 30 degrees north latitude. How to contain it? It depends on the degree of exploration of the journey. Top tourist guides currently predict that the more exploring a journey is, the more pollution it absorbs, and the stronger the developer will be accordingly.

However, when a traveler becomes strong enough that even the person in charge cannot restrain him, he becomes strong enough to threaten the hotel.

Just like people like An Xuefeng. If he hadn't contacted the tour guide, and had been acting like he was on the verge of death all these years, I'm afraid the hotel wouldn't have given him the preferential treatment it did now, and the whole trip home.

It is enough to have one such person in front of us as a role model. The hotel definitely does not want too many such people. How to slow down the speed at which the developer becomes stronger? Then we need to let "people who have never embarked on this journey start this journey." From unfamiliarity to familiarity, the degree of exploration grows slowly. The pollution on the trip to the 30th North Latitude is so strong, and the hotel has other arrangements for the trip. The developers want to explore it to the fullest, and it will be almost ten years.

Ten years of Tanman were just thrown into the battlefield and let him take the journey with him and bring pollution to beat people. Don't stay in the hotel any longer.

But if you are an ‘acquaintance’ on this journey, the opening speed will definitely be greatly improved. Just like Miao Fangfei, if you bring the golden silkworm Gu, you might be able to attract the mountain god of Wuluo Mountain on the spot. He has a deep relationship with Long Nu Aping, loves the house as much as Wu, and will most likely take care of her (sister) offspring. If Long Nu Nu Aping left something for Miao Fangfei, and she took it to the Wuluo Mountain God. The situation was even better.

With the help of the Wuluo Mountain God who is the core of the Tusi King's Tomb, I know that the exploration level will definitely increase very quickly. If you were to explore it as an uninformed person, you would definitely think that the chieftain king in the tomb of the chieftain king is the key. Who would have thought that Wuluo Mountain and the mountain god are like a background board.

If the exploration level is almost full within a few years and the person becomes accustomed to the pollution of this thirty-degree north latitude, then this pioneer will have the strength to start a second journey to the thirty-degree north latitude. The hotel definitely doesn't want to see too many people like this.

He is talking about people like An Xuefeng.


Hearing An Xuefeng laugh at himself, Bingyi couldn't help laughing, scratched the thick hair on the back of Snow Leopard's neck, and said deliberately: "You are the only person who is as annoying as you?" ’

‘That’s right, there can only be one like me’

An Xuefeng smiled and said: 'Actually...'

In fact, he suspected that the Pharaoh's Pyramid, the first journey he made at 30 degrees north latitude, might have been made by his mother. An Xuefeng had seen his mother's 'shadow' in the pyramid, and his speed in exploring the pyramid was also extraordinary. Very fast. The current exploration rate of 99% is stuck on purpose by him. In fact, it would have reached 100% a few years ago.

Thinking about it now, the various horrific dangers he encountered during his journey to open up the pyramid may have been foreshadowed. But unlike Miao Fangfei, An Xuefeng survived those dangers.

'Sometimes I wonder...'

An Xuefeng thought of Taoist Bansheng, who was considered a very recognized new generation hotel leader before he entered the hotel. Team Lao Chen wants to transfer the ancient oasis, which is equivalent to the creation of bloodline inheritance. However, the transfer failed, and Cen Qin spent half his life trying to seal the Butterfly Eye, which led to a sudden decline. He even voluntarily quit metaphysics and stayed in the Laoshan Brigade.

Taoist Master Kongkong transferred the journey to Team Chen, which gave Team Chen a vague subconscious idea that the journey could be transferred, so he transferred the journey to Cen Qin. This is very similar to the clues of the 'Golden Silkworm Gu' buried by Longnu Aping. .

Because Lao Chen's team had no petals, unlike the original Daoist Master Kongkong who could completely shield the hotel and withstand the force of the journey to the 30th North Latitude, coupled with various complicated reasons, the plan ultimately failed. It seemed like it was just a matter of rules. , the rules stipulate that journeys and butterfly fragments cannot be transferred at will. But if, if the title of Banming Taoist Singing Sutra is not distorted to singing Chu Ci, if he can understand and sing the Qingjing Sutra and Tao Te Ching on his own, then not to mention the ancient oasis opened by Chen Cheng himself, at least the one that Taoist Master Kongkong transferred to Chen Cheng Two butterfly fragments will likely resonate with him.

Then the journey to 30 degrees north latitude may not fail. Taoist Half Life will be the first of the new generation of travelers to embark on a journey to 30 degrees north latitude, and the degree of exploration will naturally be 100%.

After all, it's talent.

The titles of the Tao Te Ching and the Qing Jing Jing were originally placed in the inner treasury of metaphysics. Cen Qin also read them countless times, but failed to understand them. He just didn’t understand them.

‘Maybe this is a rule set by the hotel, but if you want to have the power to subvert the hotel, you must have the talent and will to break the rules from the beginning.’

An Xuefeng had some enlightenment in his heart, and things that were originally vague became clear again. It may just act according to the rules, even if it is judged that an overly powerful tourist guide will appear and attack the hotel. However, when the tourists or tour guides have extremely high talents and can break through its rules soon after entering the hotel, the hotel will only give more tests, but it will not No restrictions will be imposed.

Every era should have a leader, so that it can invisibly restrain the vast majority of tourists and tour guides. This will not make everyone lose hope. There is a positive goal ahead, so that the people below can strive hard and work hard to absorb pollution through the journey, instead of just showing off one by one.


If Miao Fangfei could have unleashed her potential under various adverse influences and weathered the difficulties when she was in the beautiful Xiangxi, such as awakening the bloodline of the Luohua Cave Girl to summon the mountain god, maybe she would have been the visitor who opened the tomb of the Tusi King at that time. The hotel will set up various difficulties, but as long as you overcome it, you will be treated favorably by the hotel.

But there is no such thing as talent. Miao Fangfei's talent was just not as good as that of Longnu Aping back then. She was missing every step, so she couldn't survive the death hurdle——

'You have to be careful'

An Xuefeng suddenly frowned.

Grandma Miao said that the mountain god of Wuluo Mountain has gone crazy, so no specific items, such as golden silkworms or Grandma Miao's spiritual imprint, can bring him back to his senses.

But if, if Miao Fangfei died in the beautiful Xiangxi and her blood was soaked in Wuluo Mountain, Wuluo Mountain God would most likely be stimulated! Longnu Aping and Miao Fangfei’s grandmother are twin sisters, and their blood relationship is very similar! If she really wants to die in Wuluo Mountain, once there is a riot in Wuluo Mountain, the entire brigade will be wiped out.

Even An Xuefeng has no confidence that he can withstand the riots on the journey to the 30th north latitude! And who was on the beautiful journey to western Hunan at that time?

If Bingyi did not come in and replaced Bingjiu's identity, then there would be in this drunken beauty's journey to Xiangxi -

There is a puppet of a life-seeking man, who looks like Bingjiu that he deliberately planned.

There is Miao Fangfei who 'tried' to fish in troubled waters to inherit the inheritance.

Wang Pengpai has the power of sealing and sneaks in dishonestly.

There is Wu Lao Liu who is sliced ​​into foam and lives happily.

There is Yu Hean who has been looking for his missing brother Yu Hehui.

The Sunset Brigade is favored by Shi Tao, the younger brother of Shi Xiao, the leader of the new generation.

There was even * * * who took the job of monitoring the journey at that time!

Once Miao Fangfei dies, the mountain god of Wuluo Mountain goes berserk, and there is a riot in the tomb of the Tusi King on the 30th journey north latitude, the consequences are simply unimaginable! An Xuefeng didn't believe that so many "problem" people could gather in one trip. He said that the hotel was not intentional. It just wanted to clear the place and wiped out the entire brigade before the scenic spots arrived and before the trip started. '!


Who would have thought that Bingjiu, who was selected to lead the journey, would be killed in advance by An Xuefeng, and Wei Xun would enter the journey by mistake.

Who would have thought that the younger brother raised by a life-loving man would take on the identity of Bingjiu, and when he first entered the journey and discovered a conflict between the tour guides and was cautious, he would turn around and save a stranger!

Bingyi saved Miao Fangfei, so no one had to die.

Opening the tomb of the Tusi King was his 'breakthrough' in the chess game of the hotel, and he deserved it.

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