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844 Nutrient Solution 284 plus update. Mr. Kongkong’s look...

‘I don’t remember very clearly what you said’

Bingyi felt the snow leopard's sudden silence, and paused in his steps. Curiously, he grabbed the back of its neck and pressed it against the snow leopard's semicircular ears and asked, 'What are you careful about? Be wary of hotels? ’


An Xuefeng continued to move forward, and the snow leopards carried the silver-white cats to climb the mountain against the wind. They had been climbing the mountain after coming out of Huangdao Cave. In order to avoid the interaction between awake and unawakened passengers, and to conceal the existence of the owl Xiaoguang, there is a certain distance between its location and both sides, close to the top of the mountain.

So much so that after walking such a long way, there is still a short distance to go.

‘It should be past ten-thirty now’

When Bing heard that An Xuefeng only said the word 'no', he lost his voice. He did not ask any more questions and changed the subject to talk about the next arrangements: 'I want to set aside at least an hour, and at most I can make it in the old days. I couldn't stay in the dream for less than half an hour'

In reality, the belief in the sun has to be harvested, and Bingyi and B1 have to lead two brigades to the summit of the volcano. This is their small goal in the scenic spot for free activities. In addition, there are unified giants, observation angels, etc., which are all trivial matters.

The most important thing is that after reaching the top, before zero o'clock, and before the hunters are all recruited into the Hall of Valor as heroes, Bingyi has to take the fang hunters to go back to the old dream again and do some cutting. The time is very tight.

‘Do you want to kill Taoist Master Kong Kong? ’

Being obedient and listening, not to mention that the two of them were spiritually connected, when An Xuefeng talked about such a shocking thing, his tone was calm and he asked directly: 'Has everything been planned? ’

‘It’s planned’

Bingyi smiled and said with profound meaning: "After traveling for so many days according to the itinerary specified by the hotel, it is easier to travel independently."

The last three days are classified as the second phase. The hotel must have designed many dangerous, exciting and terrifying levels, and its supervision of the attractions will definitely be strengthened, at least it will not be as loose and free as it is now.

But if you are used to freedom, who wants to dance with shackles? Especially since the hotel set the last three days of the second stage at Ragnarok, Bingyi had to think too much. If the hotel's purpose is to require them to go down to the Jinlunga Chasm, the Primordial Abyss, then Bingyi may have to go down in the end no matter how much preparation he has made. He does not have the ability yet to completely break up with the hotel.

In this case, then simply leave the hotel speechless, Bingyi thought of a damaging move.

Taoist Master Kongkong is already like this. Rather than being exterminated immediately after his old dream ends, it is better to let him go to heaven and give it a try! Taoist Master Kongkong is also a serious soul. With Bingyi and Ya Hunter cutting pollution together, and Taoist Master Kongkong and Taoist Half Life singing sutras, Bingyi will repeatedly bring out more water from the Fountain of Destiny, maybe he will really have a chance!

There is no reason why Roger Betty can attract the light path after removing the pollution, but the empty Taoist priest can't. With his strength, even his remaining soul would definitely be able to follow the path of light all the way up.

Giving the hotel a little shock from the empty Taoist priest will definitely disrupt this muddy water. And even if this journey is basically a life-and-death experience, Taoist Master Kongkong must be willing to take one last look at the hotel and the metaphysics twenty years from now. Bingyi had communicated with Yu Xiangyang privately, and he believed that the difficulty in this matter was not whether Taoist Master Kongkong would agree - basically he would definitely agree.

The problem lies in cutting the pollution. Bingyi alone may not be able to do it. The key is that if he finds foreign aid, the Tooth Hunter, can he cut the pollution from Kong Kong Daochang?

‘The dragon hunter took Kong Kongdao’s long phalanges out and clasped the little lizard. I asked him to nudge the little lizard a few times and treat it as one of his own.’

Otherwise, it would be impossible for a long-haired Kongkong Taoist to guide a Western dragon.

Bingyi straightened out the plan and asked An Xuefeng to help check for leaks and fill in the gaps.


An Xuefeng nodded after hearing this. No matter the mental sword or the mental light whip, they are essentially 'knives' and can only cut themselves. Bingyi was breaking new ground when he cut Roger Betty, because they were seriously polluted, the same pollution as him, thus misleading the spiritual knife. The situation of Taoist Master Kongkong was worse than that of Roger Betty at that time, but very similar. He was also soaked in pollution.

Bingyi cut him for a long time, which shows that this method is also feasible for Taoist Master Kongkong. But if you want the fang hunter to be able to use the whip on the Taoist priest, the fang hunter must also be seriously contaminated by the petals. This is a test for their friendship, and feelings are always tested one point at a time. Bing has never made a loss-making business.

He had better options.

Taoist Master Kongkong's finger bones holding the little lizard is direct pollution, Taoist Master Kongkong preaching to the little lizard is spiritual pollution. The little lizard itself is spiritual, so polluting it will have a better effect and indirectly affect the fang hunter.

As for the tooth hunter who was listening to the training next to Director Huang, he himself was also being polluted. If there were too many lice, it would be difficult to tell which was which. Even if it senses the pollution coming from the little lizard, the little lizard is also having an epiphany. This is Taoist Master Kongkong's personal guidance. How precious it is. If you tell the truth, the little lizard can be hunted down by jealous metaphysicians.

After all this going around, no one lost, except for Bingyi, who lost the favor of Taoist Master Kongkong for his guidance, but it was more likely that it was a gift from Taoist Master Kongkong on purpose. He wished that Bingyi had something to do that needed his help. In this way, the remaining heat can be used to take care of the younger generations. Whether Chen Chengpiao can come back from the battlefield is probably difficult to rely on this generation of metaphysicians. But as long as Bingyi and the others still want the petals, they must find a way to get Chen Cheng. Get it back.

Thinking about it this way, metaphysics is really too closely related to Bingyi. It would be good to take advantage of this time to deepen the connection. In addition to teaching chanting, Taoist Master Kongkong can only do these things. After all, people who have died for decades can still make use of their remaining heat, and Taoist Master Kongkong is also very satisfied. Even if he agreed to instruct the Western Dragon, he also bought one and got one free. He peeled some dragon brains from his new apprentice's zombie and removed most of the pollution.

'But you have to consider one thing'

An Xuefeng laughed in a low voice: 'The weight of your words is heavier than you think'

Instructions will transmit spiritual pollution, and clasping the finger bones will cause body pollution. Can't Taoist Master Kongkong think of this? If the little lizard is really the 'ally' that Bingyi wants to win over, then Taoist Master Kongkong will definitely 'clean up' for him to prevent good things from turning into bad things.

What if Taoist Master Kongkong removes the pollution from the little lizard? Without pollution, the tooth hunter can't cut the Taoist master, and Bingyi's plan will go wrong.

‘The Taoist priest is a smart man’

Bingyi had thought about this long ago, and smiled with his beard curled up, saying meaningfully: ‘Smart people know what to do’

‘I am worried about another problem’

Bingyi asked An Xuefeng for advice: ‘How can we make Taoist priest Kongkong persist until the end of his old dream? His obsession is to teach him to chant the sutras. Once that half-life Taoist priest learns it, I am afraid he will not be able to persist for long’

Bingyi’s current plan is to let Yu Xiangyang tell the Taoist priest their plan when Taoist priest Kongkong finishes teaching him to chant the sutras and his obsession is about to collapse, to see if metaphysics can stimulate his obsession and make the Taoist priest re-energize.

But Bingyi is a little worried that this stimulus is not big enough, and that Taoist priest Kongkong will not be able to hold on.

‘To stimulate a metaphysical person? Simple’

‘You tell Yu Xiangyang these few words, and let him tell Taoist priest Kongkong’

Bingyi’s problem is not a problem at all in An Xuefeng’s mind. Without pausing, he whispered to Bingyi this and that, and that and that. Bingyi’s cat eyes lit up when he heard it, and he contacted Yu Xiangyang through the crystal dragon on the spot and passed the message on.

* *

In the cave, Taoist Master Kongkong sang the Pure and Tranquil Sutra, feeling peaceful. Just as Bingyi said, he knew that he was too deeply polluted by the petals, and neither his finger bones nor his words could be heard or seen by ordinary people. The little lizard was not obvious now, but the pollution might have penetrated into his spirit, and it would be more serious in the future.

Bingyi was still too young, so in order to prevent him from making enemies out of his kindness, Taoist Master Kongkong took care to deal with all the pollution, leaving only a little bit.

Think about both sides when doing things, this little pollution is nothing, and it will be wiped out in less than three or two months. But if Bingyi just wanted to socialize on the surface, but actually played some tricks on the lizard secretly, then Taoist Master Kongkong could use that little pollution as a secret door at any time to flush a large amount of petal pollution into its body.

It all depends on what result Bingyi wants.

It's a pity that he might not be able to hold on until the time to see the result.

Taoist Master Kongkong could feel his power rapidly draining away and his spirit disintegrating, but he didn't feel sad. Looking at the little man Cen Qin who had already understood the essence of chanting scriptures and was practicing singing repeatedly, Taoist Master Kongkong lowered his eyes and smiled. It was a satisfied smile.

That's great. Maybe this child's initial talent was not as good as the current number one, so he didn't win in the end. But maybe it was because he had fallen to the bottom for a long time, but he never gave up, struggling to seize every opportunity to climb up. That kind of willpower and belief is worthy of praise. Maybe even if Taoist Master Kongkong didn't teach him in person this time, he could gradually understand the two scriptures of the Pure and Quiet Classic and the Tao Te Ching, but he would have to take some detours.

But now that he has his guidance, he doesn't have to take those detours.

Taoist Master Kongkong knows that his obsession is here. When Cen Qin learns it, once his obsession is loosened, he may not be able to hold on anymore and his soul will fly away. This is also good. He has been holding on for so long and he is also very tired.

I want to take a break.

It's just...

Master Kongkong sighed in his heart. It would be a good use of his resources if he could use his death to gain something for metaphysics. Unfortunately, he had nothing on him except pollution. As the leader of metaphysics and the representative of the country, in that relatively poor era, Master Kongkong was best at calculating carefully. He was even said to be ruthless because he even calculated his own death.

But calculating his own death can't be called ruthless.

His consciousness was gradually dissipating. It is said that before a person dies, there will be a revolving lantern in front of his eyes. Master Kongkong closed his eyes slightly, and the most distant memory passed by his eyes. He never forgot those old friends and partners who fought side by side.

People die like dead leaves, and fallen leaves always return to their roots. And he is destined to disappear in this vast snowfield, and even his bones are swallowed by the primitive abyss.

How can he return to his roots?

If someone can pass down his Taoist tradition and let the voice of the Pure and Quiet Sutra sound again on the journey to his hometown, this can also be considered a return to his roots.

He can also close his eyes and meet his old partners.

As the tune of the Half-Life Taoist chanted more and more accurately, Taoist Kongkong's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and his thoughts gradually sank into chaos. All the sounds around him seemed to disappear, leaving only the sound of the chanting, and only -

Hmm? Why did the chanting stop?

If you don't concentrate on your homework, you will be punished, Taoist Kongkong thought vaguely, and his thoughts barely came back. No, did something happen to Cen Qin? He tried his best to open his eyelids that seemed to be glued together, and his scattered eyes gradually focused. He saw that Cen Qin, who was originally concentrating on chanting, was now standing in front of the red-haired little 犇, listening to it talking, with a red face as if he was very angry, gesticulating and saying something.

The ignorant 犇, even the dragon's brain couldn't stop its mouth. What could be more important than chanting? It was just a matter of understanding!

Taoist Master Kongkong thought with dissatisfaction, took a deep breath to make himself clearer, and stretched out his hand to Cen Qin: '...What are you talking about? ’

‘Master, something big has happened! ’

After learning about Director Bing's plan from Yu Xiangyang, the half-life Taoist naturally knew what to do. The villain angrily jumped onto Taoist Master Kongkong's palm, grabbed his bone finger and said: 'Master, you have to stand up for our metaphysics in this matter! ’

"There is a fortune-telling brigade in the West District who wants to steal our metaphysical destiny line. The captain is called the astrologer. He started a journey of 30 degrees north latitude. He even sent his own slices to Dao Bing's brother and took advantage of it. Now it's even more... They are trying to get together with Director C! ’

The half-life Taoist was righteous and confident, as if he was complaining to his elders: 'You really have to take care of this matter, my apprentice is useless, I really can't fight! ’

'Um? Is this happening? ’

Taoist Master Kongkong's eyes suddenly became sharp.

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