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845 Icelandic Horror (344) Can he slice you...

Speaking of astrologers, Ban Ming Taoist has a lot to say. Listening to his narration, Taoist Kong Kong narrowed his eyes slightly, and his expression gradually became solemn. Of course, he heard that Cen Qin was exaggerating, as if he wanted to mobilize his emotions so that he could hold on longer. The kindness of his disciple warmed Taoist Kong Kong's heart, but it involved Bing Yi and their metaphysical destiny line, which was really a big deal.

"Please tell me in detail." Taoist Kong Kong said in a serious tone. The so-called "destiny line" was a secret word-of-mouth by the captains of the metaphysical team of all generations.

Cen Qin knew this, which was enough to show that he was indeed the captain of the next generation selected by Chen Cheng, and also showed the importance of the matter.

Metaphysical has been the strongest team for many consecutive generations, and generations of metaphysical people have naturally left a huge legacy and a lot of wisdom and experience to the younger generation. The captains of the metaphysical team elected in the past generations are also the most powerful Taoists of the contemporary era, who are good at peeping into destiny and intervening in fate.

After countless years of desperate struggle to become stronger, An Xuefeng finally understood the rule that 'each generation of the hotel will introduce a gap powerhouse as the leader, and the hotel only allows one such powerhouse to appear'. In fact, the captains of the previous generations of metaphysics have long understood it and called it 'fate'. The gap powerhouse is the child of destiny.

Only the gap powerhouse is the least restricted by the hotel, and most of the rules of the hotel cannot restrain him. In this way, there is a tiny chance to eventually break through the hotel and change all destinies. This is the 'destiny line', and metaphysics has always been on this line.

Therefore, when other teams are not yet established and their goal is just to survive in the vast journey, each generation of metaphysics gathers the power of all sects, widely recruits the most talented newcomers, and strives to provide the strongest person of the gap.

And talent is usually related to blood relationship, less mutations, more inheritance, hotels usually like the Belt and Road, a traveler entering the hotel can bring in a family of old and young, descendants. After the powerful travelers join Xuanxue, when their descendants are selected to join the hostel, Xuanxue will naturally have a sense of incense for them and will take special care of them. These descendants are also more likely to trust the brigade where their relatives have been.

This will become a virtuous circle. Xuanxue will never lack the best newcomers, and basically every time it can force its own people to succeed. With connections, strength, background, inheritance, and new blood, Xuanxue has been the first brigade in the East District for a long time, and even the first brigade in the entire hostel, and has been closely connected with the country for many years. Naturally, there are reasons for it.

The hostel can tolerate Xuanxue's dominance for many years, probably because it has weighed this point. Xuanxue is a kind of bridge between the country and the hostel, and China is a very stable talent source for the hostel. There are too many scenic spots and natives in this land. The power in the hostel is also overwhelming the East District over the West District. Naturally, it has to be relatively good. Xuanxue can always be in the first position, and the people of the country can also rest assured.

This is the "destiny line" of metaphysics.

So when the country is no longer closely connected with the brigade, metaphysics is no longer a bridge to communicate between the two parties, and is no longer indispensable in the hostel. Naturally, it can no longer stay on the fate line for a long time. The hostel will not tolerate a long-term monopoly of powerful forces for too long. If it is sensible, it will naturally retreat while the tide is flowing, otherwise it will be liquidated by the hostel.

At that time, most countries in the world were very secretive about the hostel and withdrew all their tentacles. This had a lot to do with the painful experience of Taoist Master Kongkong and his team who were almost wiped out.

Taoist Master Kongkong couldn't help but think of the scene he saw in the depths of the primitive abyss at that time. He saw how the primitive abyss operated and deeply realized the significance of the existence of the hostel. At that time, there were many international ideas about the hostel. Some people thought it was an alien product, and some thought it was an ancient relic.

Most people believed that destroying the hostel would make everything return to normal and make all kinds of supernatural events in reality disappear. There were also many people who wanted to use the hostel to plunder more wealth, gain more power, and achieve a leap in national strength. The rule that the hostel changes generations every ten years and all powerful tourist guides of this generation are sent to the battlefield and disappear is a stumbling block for these people to achieve their ambitions.

They are also dissatisfied that tourist guides with titles find it difficult to use their titles and show their power in the reality of normal people. Therefore, among the forces that overthrow the hostel, many want to control the hostel, replace the hostel, change the rules, and make the hostel work for them. Some of those who use moderate means want to establish diplomatic relations with the hostel for mutual benefit.

However, no one can find out who is behind the control of the hostel, and even the person in charge cannot find the god or person behind the hostel. Perhaps it is not controlled by anyone, but a "procedure" that acts according to the rules. Perhaps it is itself a "natural" product of this planet, just like a volcanic eruption, an earthquake, and a natural disaster.

The number of people who are robbed by the hostel every year in the world is far less than the number of people who die in various natural disasters and accidents. Humans can only monitor and avoid most disasters now. The power of nature is difficult for humans to resist, and the terror of the hostel is even more impossible for humans to resist. People can use it, but they can never completely control it.

The existence of the hostel is an important part of ‘nature’. It cannot be eliminated. Once the turbulent rules get out of control and there are not so many people absorbing pollution, the whole world will be out of balance and the consequences will be even more disastrous.

In the face of a terrifying force that cannot be resisted at all, temporarily retreating is undoubtedly a smart strategy. Think of the hotel as a natural disaster, and not too many people die every year. Therefore, the major powers in the world at that time decided not to explore the hotel anymore and sealed up all the information. It seems that some treaties were signed. It is unknown to Director Kong Kong because he could not leave Iceland.

I just remember that the deputy team member came to Iceland to see him after attending the meeting. His eyes were bloodshot. He, who was always neat and self-disciplined, turned out to be unkempt and had a gloomy face.

‘We are all outcasts’

His voice was extremely low, suppressing unspeakable emotions. This series of blows was too great. Taoist Master Kongkong was trapped, and the country decided to evacuate. Everyone felt confused and weightless, as if they had fallen into a bottomless abyss and been abandoned by the world. .

In this situation, it is easy to have extremely negative emotions. It was Taoist Master Kong Kong who woke up the deputy team with a stern sound.

‘You are still here, metaphysics is still there, don’t act like this’

‘So many people are looking at metaphysics and looking at you. If you fail to calm down immediately and your metaphysics becomes unstable, how many demons and demons will come out, how many people will cause chaos in the hotel, and how many people will die, have you ever thought about it! ’

‘What’s the point? If you die early or die later, you will die! ’

The deputy team leader’s voice was trembling and his expression was painful: ‘You are already...cannot be considered a living person, and even so, you still have to care about the lives of others! ’

‘something to take care of’

Taoist Master Kongkong calmed down his anger and said in a gentle voice: "We are the leaders in metaphysics in the East District. If we don't become chaotic, the East District will not be chaotic."

‘Everyone must have some hope in life, even if the hope is false. But you have to survive’

'But the hotel will soon be in chaos'

The deputy captain was bitter, and he was also keenly aware of the change in the hotel's attitude. The hotel, which has always treated metaphysics very favorably, had no say at all when Taoist Master Kongkong was trapped in Iceland.

'No one can always stand at the top, and metaphysics should also hide its capabilities and bide its time and take a break.'

Taoist Master Kongkong said calmly: "Chen Cheng is a good boy. Next time you come to see me, you can bring him over and I will teach him something."

‘The hotel will not let the tourist guides cause chaos, and Xuanxue should be able to sit in the first position for another generation. The next generation may have the power of the Western District rising, and what the hotel wants is balance’

'But it is impossible to balance the East and West districts, because there can only be one child of destiny'

Taoist Master Kongkong smiled: "The hotel will not allow two sons of destiny to appear at the same time in one generation who may overturn the hotel."

Otherwise, what if it is really subverted?

‘So in the next generation, whichever district can cultivate the children of destiny will have an absolute advantage. I guess the hotel-oriented Destiny’s Child will be a newcomer who doesn’t have much to rely on and will build a new brigade’

Metaphysics has dominated the rankings for too long. Learning from the past, the hotel will not let the old team have such a child of destiny again. However, pure newcomers and new brigades do not have the background of established brigades, so they need more support from the hotel and are easier to be controlled by the hotel.

‘What metaphysics has to do is to continue walking on this line of destiny’

The pollution in the petals deepened every moment. While he was still awake, Taoist Master Kongkong told the deputy team everything he had thought, divined, and spied on, as if he was saying his last words. The deputy captain's eyes were red and he remembered every word he said.

'Initially the talented juniors in metaphysics may be hostile to the child of destiny, but in the end they will become good friends'

Just like the state advisors and priests beside the emperors of many dynasties, this is the path that metaphysics will take next. If you don't even take this road well and are squeezed out by other brigades, then the fortune of metaphysics will continue to decline, and the future situation will be worrying. What metaphysics is best at is not drawing talismans, refining elixirs, and raising zombies, but peering into fate and divining omens.

This is what astrologers are best at, and the competition among peers is the most fierce, so Taoist Master Kongkong pays special attention to it. Maybe B wants to combine opinions when thinking about them all, but he will always lean towards one side.

That side must be metaphysics.

"Since that astrologer in the West District wants to compete with us, we will compete with him."

Taoist Master Kongkong said calmly: "You have a great advantage."

He looked deeply at Cen Qin in his hand, and couldn't help but sigh with regret. He still remembered that he was talking to the deputy team about the next generation of metaphysicians. At that time, Taoist Master Kong Kong sighed: "It's just a pity. Not only is metaphysics not a support for the next generation, I'm afraid it will also implicate him."

Even if Cen Qin, who has great talent, cannot compete with An Xuefeng and becomes the child of destiny, she should not have ended up losing half her life and working hard for ten years. At that time, Taoist Master Kong Kong had a premonition that the hotel would ruthlessly restrict metaphysics and give the seedlings that had not yet grown up too many hardships, destroying them for life.

He was an innocent victim.

But after ten years of grinding his mind and ten years of refining his sword, Taoist Taoist Ban Ming has strong willpower and has maintained his original intention until now, so he still has a chance. According to what Yu Xiangyang said, An Xuefeng is the destined son of this generation. And he was still in the hotel, not yet on the battlefield. Bingyi, a variable, also joined the hotel and became a tacit tour guide with An Xuefeng.

I'm afraid the rules of the hotel can hardly suppress them, so naturally they have no time to deal with metaphysics. This is an opportunity for the half-life Taoist.

‘Do you think the astrologer cut off the principal and stayed with brother Bingyi to gain an advantage? ’

Taoist Master Kongkong smiled lightly and nodded to Cen Qin, shaking his head: ‘Wrong, wrong’

‘He has taken the wrong path and misjudged his destiny. It’s hard to trace, but it gives you a chance’

'My chance? ’

Taoist Ban Ming, who has always been able to understand the spirit, did not understand it this time, and his doubts were repeated.

‘He can slice it, can’t you? ’

Taoist Master Kongkong saw that he hadn't figured it out yet, so he couldn't help but point out: "I think Bingyi doesn't want to be the boss, but the hotel gave him a knife, so he has no choice but to do it." "In that case, you said that the astrologer's slices were given to Brother Bingyi as the boss, so you can just slice them and give them to Bingyi as his boss. This way, you can help Bingyi and deepen the relationship. Why would the astrologer argue with you?" "With a ready-made example in front of you, can't you copy it? '

Ah this, ah this? ?

He sliced ​​them to be the boss for Director Bing? This, this, this——

Taoist Master Kongkong said it lightly, but it made Taoist Banming dumbfounded!

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