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‘The condition of George’s soul in the Tower of Babel was already very bad’

An Xuefeng said, he said it lightly. An Xuefeng didn't know exactly what happened back then, but seeing that the 'Morning Angel's Skull' and 'Morning Angel's Feather' were placed in the blind box by the hotel, he knew that the hotel must have recovered George's body.

At most, the Black Widow only secretly intercepted George's soul. It was hard to say whether it was complete or broken. But when An Xuefeng learned that George's soul had survived for ten years by traveling to the Tower of Babel on the 30th parallel journey north, he shook his head in his heart.

It's hopeless. How deep is the pollution? I'm afraid it's almost the same as Taoist Master Kongkong's current situation. It's simply impossible to save George. Black Widow must also know this. She has spent countless costs over the years to collect George's bones. His bones can give the polluted soul a moment of respite, but it won't be long before the bones will be seriously polluted again.

Except for the skull that Wei Xun gave her, Black Widow has given all the other bones to Bingyi. Presumably they have been soaked with the pollution of the 30th North Latitude and can no longer support the soul.

‘This pollution soaks in too quickly’

An Xuefeng said that George was the Angel of Dawn during his lifetime, and he also opened the Tower of Babel himself. In the Bible, the city of Babylon will eventually be judged and destroyed. The weak angels will be extremely hated by the monsters in the Tower of Babel, but the powerful angels can completely suppress the Tower of Babel.

George was strong enough when he was alive. Even after he died, his bones and soul full of light power still have the power. The Black Widow is his connecting guide and can relieve his pollution. If you calculate it this way, a bone can last a long time. If those bones themselves were contaminated and damaged, so they eroded quickly, then the skull that Wei Xun gave her at the establishment ceremony of the Mutual Aid Alliance was intact. The skull was also the one with the strongest remaining light power among all the bones of the Angel of Dawn.

But how long has it been since the completion ceremony? Black Widow is even more anxious and crazy, which means that the skull may not last long.

This is very strange.

‘It would make sense if the Tower of Babel contained not only the pollution of the 30th degree north latitude, but also butterfly fragments and the petals brought back by Our Lady of Whitechapel.’

The pollution of flower petals and butterfly fragments complement each other. The pollution at 30 degrees north latitude alone can compete with the butterfly fragments, but when coupled with flower petals, the east wind becomes the west wind. I'm afraid that the state of George's soul was even worse than they expected. It was not only soaked by the pollution of the 30th North Latitude, but also severely affected by butterfly pollution and petal pollution.

After ten years, even gods can hardly save people. But Black Widow hasn't given up her efforts yet. On the surface, all her actions seem to be logical, but in fact she has gone crazy. It was Bingyi who gave her a glimmer of hope. An Xuefeng understood clearly in his heart that the puppet master probably gave the Dawn Angel skull to Bingyi, and Bingyi easily transferred it to the Black Widow, allowing the door to the new world to open in front of the Black Widow.

Bingyi may be George's noble person.

Coupled with the following events, everything made Black Widow more paranoid and out of control. When Bingyi 'hatched' the owl Xiaoguang from the Tower of Babel token, allowing a trace of George's remnant soul to truly escape the Tower of Babel and escape its fate, Black Widow completely identified Bingyi.

'What if the phantom cat listened to the speech of Our Lady of Whitechapel and learned that the petals were in the Tower of Babel. In order for the Tower of Babel to come... no wonder it seriously injured the little owl’

Bingyi rationalized the motives of the phantom cat, and at the same time kept instilling power into Xiaoguang's body. He mentally informed Tong Hege to tell Yu Hehui to contact the little lizard to see if he could contact the black widow and tell her the current status of the little owl.

But the possibility is very slim. According to An Xuefeng, there is a high probability that the Black Widow is in the Tower of Babel, not in Iceland or Northern Europe. Not everyone can go to that place. It's just that the Black Widow could immediately feel that the little owl was severely injured, so there must be some soul connection between them. It stands to reason that she can feel the improvement of the little owl's condition.

The Phantom Cat did not take action to kill Xiaoguang, but to completely destroy Black Widow's sense of security.

As long as people are not forced into a desperate situation, they will not completely risk everything. Now not all of George's souls were trapped in the Tower of Babel and were seriously polluted and almost lost their minds. Now there is a little owl. For it, no matter how crazy Black Widow is, she will still consider the consequences. She is smart and she weighs the pros and cons.

Can George be resurrected by forcing the Tower of Babel to descend and snatch away Bingyi, completely falling out with the hotel, Bingyi, the way home, and the tour guide alliance and the brigade?

In fact, the chances are slim.

Now that Bingyi has created Owl Xiaoguang, if she doesn't make any more troubles, Owl Xiaoguang may survive. Will the soul be restored one day in the future?

Also a possibility.

Bingyi is really good at making love.

Balancing the two aspects, Black Widow may not let the Tower of Babel come to Northern Europe, and may try her best to transfer this journey to Bingyi after the competition. George's soul was assimilated into the Tower of Babel. It was considered death and integrated into the tower. If Bingyi mastered this journey and had a little owl in his hand, he might not be able to slowly get out George's soul.

However, once Xiao Guang dies, or is seriously injured and on the verge of death.

Black Widow has no way out, she can only go all the way to black.

No wonder she was so frightened and angry that her mental illusion began to fluctuate abnormally. Bing narrowed his eyes and licked his paw thoughtfully. The phantom cat knew that he had already seized the power of wisdom and Xiaoguang would not die as long as he arrived in time, but he still only dug out Xiaoguang's rune. I'm afraid he didn't want it to die.

Once Xiaoguang died, given Black Widow's personality, I'm afraid the Tower of Babel would fall before she could wait, and by then the entire competition and the old dream would be destroyed. But now there is only a little more than an hour before the end of the old dream, so it's harmless to end the old dream in advance.

Unless it doesn't want the old dream to end yet.

‘It may not have gotten the petals in Director Hong’s hand yet’ Bingyi suddenly said, muttering to himself: ‘Maybe it wants to guide me to think so, so that I can go find Director Hong’ ‘It’s very likely’ An Xuefeng’s eyes were deep. In the current ‘awakening’ mental imprint, the petals of the Red Team were given to Bingyi, and the petals of Taoist Kongkong were suspected to be stolen by the Ximing people, and part of them were in Chen Cheng’s hands; Long Nu Aping’s petals were in Wuluo Mountain, and the petals of the Virgin Mary of the White Church were in the Tower of Babel. An Xuefeng knew the location of Director Huang’s petals, and the only ones left were the petals in Director Hong’s hand. Taoist Kongkong had vaguely said before that Director Hong destroyed the flowers. She must know more about the inside story, and maybe she still has more petals in her hand. To be honest, An Xuefeng didn’t want Bingyi to see Director Hong. It was too dangerous. The petals were too tempting to the butterfly fragments, and Bingyi’s life experience was unspeakable. In addition, Director Hong’s attitude towards Bingyi was unclear, and there was also the illusion cat involved. An Xuefeng really didn’t want Bingyi to take risks. As long as he thought of Bingyi being abducted, An Xuebao's tail would stand up, but saying this directly would only make Bingyi rebel. The snow leopard curled the tip of his tail and said slowly: "I don't think Tang Xiang's father can find the phantom cat. It may be with Director Hong now. '

Even the phantom cat watched the Virgin Mary of the White Church for a long time, and these people were unaware, so how could they expect them to find the cat? Sure enough, when Xiaoguang's condition was completely stable, Tang Xiang's father came back with a grim face and empty hands.

He didn't catch the phantom cat, but the phantom cat hurt Tang Xiang at the time and stained the blood of the little turtle. He traced the blood and found that the place where the phantom cat disappeared was halfway up the mountain.

Halfway up the mountain. An Xuefeng and Bingyi looked at each other. The volcanic cave where Director Hong was currently was halfway up the mountain.

Was it intentional to lead Bingyi there? Or was it a trick?

‘Let’s go, meet it.’

All the thoughts and words finally hid in his throat. An Xuefeng nudged the silver cat, stood up, shook off the snow foam, and said seriously and firmly.

It knew Bingyi’s self-esteem and pride. Facing the problem presented by the illusion cat, he would never back down. In this case, An Xuefeng would never give up on Bingyi. His only bottom line was that they must go together and would not let Bingyi go alone.


Bingyi’s thoughts were interrupted, and he looked at the snow leopard. Suddenly, he curved his eyes, looking in a good mood, and whispered to An Xuefeng in a low voice: ‘Be honest, you don’t want me to go, right?’

‘I don’t want to.’

Since he said so, An Xuefeng also said honestly: ‘Before you can find a way to resist the temptation of petal pollution, it’s too dangerous to be alone with Hong Dao or the illusion cat.’

‘So if you go, I must go with you, otherwise...’

‘Then I won’t go.’

‘Well? ’

An Xuefeng was interrupted before he finished speaking. Looking at the blue eyes of the snow leopard, which were rarely confused and surprised, Director Bing stood up in a good mood, put his front paws on its chest, raised his head and licked the tip of the snow leopard's nose, and repeated with a smile: "Then I won't go."

"Knowing that there is a trap ahead, you still go in. This is a fool."

He smiled meaningfully: "There are many ways to solve the problem, not just a straight line."

The phantom cat provoked him, and he accepted the challenge. Sometimes "accepting the challenge" fell into the rhythm of the opponent.


An Xuefeng frowned, hesitant to speak. Will Bingyi not go to see Director Hong for the last time? Director Hong has petals.

"I will go, but not now."

Bingyi shook his head and saw it clearly. Even if Director Hong had petals in his hand, I'm afraid it fell into the hands of the phantom cat. Before the last meeting of the Red Team, it was the phantom cat who met him, and it must have known that the Red Team had petals.

But the last chance to meet, the phantom cat gave it to Bingyi. Let him take the petals. From then on, Bingyi knew that even if Director Hong had petals, they would probably have fallen into the hands of the phantom cat.

The petals of the Red Team were bait, a legacy, and a tacit understanding between brothers. Before the swords met, it seemed that everyone was willing to maintain that relationship. Bingyi had already taken the petals of the Red Team. If he wanted the petals from Director Hong, the phantom cat would probably not show mercy.

‘The rest depends on your ability’

Bingyi smiled and made a decision in his heart: ‘The old dream is left to you. I want to return to reality in advance’

Return to reality and prepare for the ‘feast’ at midnight. As for the Babel Tower, forget it if you can’t contact the Black Widow. The situation will only become more chaotic if the Babel Tower really descends, which is also good for them.

An Xuefeng understood what he said: ‘Stock up some munitions? ’

‘Stock up some munitions’

The silver-white cat shook the tip of its tail and meowed. Not only for Taoist Kongkong. Bingyi suddenly felt that it would be difficult to revive George in this situation, but perhaps he could cut everything, which sounded much more reliable than reviving a person.

But he still had too few spiritual swords at the moment, at least two digits would be enough!

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