Thriller Tour Group

849 Icelandic Horror (347)

At 22:53 local time, Bingyi returned to reality from his old dream. He opened his eyes in the dark volcanic cave. Outside there was the sound of howling wind and snow. Ice and snow were splashed on the basalt like grains of sand. The chill permeated every ray of air. When he breathed, the chill poured into his body, and his heart felt like It's like being frozen.

Bingyi squinted his eyes due to the cold, and his snow-white eyelashes trembled slightly, as if they were covered with frost. The little owl he brought back shivered sickly into a small ball of wool and kept burrowing into Bingyi's arms. But it was too weak now, and even if it got into Bingyi's arms, it was still shivering from the cold.

"Stab it."

The sound of slight friction of scales was heard, and with a little phantom light, the dragon hunter returned to reality with Bingyi. At this moment, it is not the little dragon in the old dream, but has become as big as a horse. It spreads its wings like a shield to block the cold wind that hits Bingyi.

'I heard the trumpet of Valhalla'

The dragon hunter whispered to Bingyi, and his crystal-clear dragon eyes suddenly flashed a bright light in the darkness: 'It's Heimdall blowing the trumpet on the Rainbow Bridge, and his trumpet can be heard throughout the universe.'

In Norse mythology, the poisonous dragon Nidhogg bit through the roots of the World Tree, causing Ragnarok to come completely. Heimdall, the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, blew the trumpet. When the trumpet sounded, the Nordic gods of Asgard and The Valkyries and heroes in Valhalla will be fully armed and rush to the battlefield predicted by the God of Destiny*

But now Nidhogg has been killed by Bingyi and the others in advance. The World Tree has not yet collapsed, and the nine worlds on the tree are not on the verge of collapse. Odin and other gods are still making final preparations to seal the Jinlunga Gap. So although Heimdall had already begun to blow the trumpet, the sound of the trumpet was not too urgent, and he did not forcefully summon the hunters to the Hall of Valor.

As expected, there is still an hour left. Half of Bai Lian's soul went into the old dream, and half went to the Hall of Valor. In the dream, he acted as a spy to deliver the news about the Hall of Valor. In reality, Bingyi brought the dragon hunters out specifically to estimate the time it would take for the Hall of Valor to summon the hunters. Before the summons, he had to return to his old dream and join hands with the tooth hunter to send Taoist Master Kongkong to heaven.

‘Brother Long, fortunately you are here’

Bingyi raised his hand and stroked the crystal dragon's meekly lowered head gratefully. His pale fingers with clear bones crossed the crystal dragon scales, leaving a little trace of dust on them. Bingyi rubbed his fingers thoughtfully and looked at the parchment that slipped from his chest to his legs when he sat up.

When he woke up from his old dream, he was lying in his sleeping bag, and there was a piece of brown paper in his hand on his chest. It looked very old, and the pages had turned yellowish brown. It was only four fingers wide, and the bottom edge was There are also some damages, like a piece of paper that has been torn from the middle. The writing on it is mottled and faded, making it almost unclear.

But occasionally a few clear characters can be seen. This is not English, German or Latin, but a more primitive character.

【The seven-day journey is coming to an end! Tour Guide B1, you have achieved the highest status and prestige among the Nordic aborigines, Nordic gods, Nordic giants and other forces. The hotel intends to award you the honor of 'Best Tour Guide in the First Stage', so you have won a gateway to The key fragment to the center of the earth! 】

[Please decipher the key fragments within twenty-four hours and follow the instructions to reach the final attraction of the second stage of the journey! 】

The prompt from the hotel appeared in Bingyi’s mind. This page of brown paper was the so-called ‘Key Fragments to the Center of the Earth’. There were three pieces in total. One will be awarded to the 'best tour guide', and the other two will be awarded to the brigade with the most survivors and the brigade with the highest degree of completion of the scenic spots in the team.

The three key fragments respectively record the location of the final attraction in the second stage of the journey, the attraction tasks to be completed, and the meeting point when leaving on the last day. When the three fragments are combined, they will become a complete key, with the methods and objects to be used. It is up to the brigade to do their own research.

In addition to the first key fragment that gave Bingyi the first place in prestige in advance, the other two key fragments will appear at midnight tonight. At the same time, the hotel jury will comment on and reward the performance of each brigade team in the first stage.


Bingyi narrowed his eyes and tapped the brown paper thoughtfully with his fingers. The dragon hunter who came out of his old dream also got the hint from the hotel. He tilted his head to look at the paper in his hand and suddenly let out a surprised sound.

‘The characters on this... look a bit like rune characters? ’

‘It’s the rune character’

Bing Yi smiled, twisted up the brown paper and shook it. The hotel prompted a 'key fragment' that needed to be deciphered, and the lines on it were all written in rune characters! If others want to interpret it, they have to ask Odin, the goddess of fate, or the giant who guards the fountain of wisdom, or the native Icelanders should be able to interpret it.

But in front of Bingyi, the Nordic ‘God of Wisdom’, the hotel’s so-called decryption of rune characters was like a trick in front of Guan Gong. Bingyi understood the meaning at a glance.

[Go down the Snav Yaoko's pit. The shadow of Skadanlis will fall on this pit before July. Brave prospectors, you can reach the center of the earth through this*]

‘Sniffer Yakko’s danger? Isn’t it Snæfellsjökull? Isn’t the source of pollution in Iceland the Snæfellsjökull eruption? ’

Hearing what Bingyi said, the dragon hunter was a little confused. Bingyi, who was deep in thought, laughed when he heard the words: "Snaeffel is Snæfellsvolcano. I thought about the origin of this piece of paper."

‘You know “Journey to the Center of the Earth” right?

‘Of course I do. Who doesn’t know about Journey to the Center of the Earth? ’

Crystal Dragon flapped its wings, and then coughed a little awkwardly: 'Of course, I can't remember exactly what's inside. ’

‘Let’s go, I’ll tell you as we go’

Bingyi stood up and put on his jacket, scarf, snow goggles, hat and gloves, covered himself up tightly and came out of the cave fully armed. The entrance to the volcanic rock cave was tightly blocked by a 'door curtain' made of hanging golden vines. When Bingyi passed by, those 'golden vines' wrapped themselves around him intimately. They were the tentacles of worms and corn shoots.

I heard from the corn shoots that the temperature dropped so horribly that their tentacles could freeze into ice. Those tourist guides who came to Bingyi couldn't hold on in the cave, so they all moved near Bingyi's volcanic cave. The sun car that was out collecting sun beliefs for Bingyi was brought back by Yuntianhe. Although the sun was not on the car, the sun car had been burned for many years and was somewhat hot, so that the surrounding temperature was not too low. , can still survive.

‘The bamboo shoots are staring at them! ’

The tentacles of corn shoots swayed to ask for credit from their father. The tourists and guides who came over did not stay together, but were 'supervised' separately according to the brigade area, and there were corn shoots watching everywhere.

'well done'

Bingyi twirled the tentacles of the corn shoots in appreciation and fed it a little bit of petal pollution. Hearing the corn shoots happily tasting the new delicacy, hissing out the polluted ‘spicy’ food but still wanting to eat it, chirping a series of nice words to Bing Yi, making Bing Yi smile slightly at the corner of his mouth. There was too much wind and snow on the ground, and the corn shoots used their tentacles to dig tunnels in the ice under the snow, leading directly to the Japanese train. Anyone could walk here without being discovered.

Bingyi accepted the idea of ​​​​corn shoots and walked towards the sun train through the underground tunnel, preparing to accept the faith and become the sun completely. At the same time, he told the dragon hunter about Journey to the Center of the Earth.

"Journey to the Center of the Earth" is a very famous science fiction novel by the French writer Verne. It is so famous that it is recommended as a book by many primary and secondary schools. Many people have heard of it. Whether they have read the book or not, they probably know what it is about. It is the story of an adventure to the center of a volcanic earth.

But when it comes to the specific details in the book, people who have never read the book or heard about it will have only a partial understanding.

'The uncle of the protagonist in the book, Professor Lidenbrock, found an ancient Icelandic book made of cowhide at a Jewish bookstall. Inside the ancient book was a piece of contaminated parchment, which was recorded in rune script. Way to the center of the earth'

Bingyi mentioned what he just said to the dragon hunter. Yaoko means glacier. Most of the volcanoes in Iceland are covered with ice and snow, so the volcano above it is called Yaoko. Snæfells is Snæfells volcano. It has many traps and can safely lead to the center of the earth. That gap is the gap recorded on the parchment, where the shadow of the Skadanlis peak fell at the end of June and the beginning of July*

‘But it’s almost the end of October now, how can we see the shadow of the mountain peak’

Crystal Xiaolong was puzzled. Suddenly he thought of something and stopped thinking.

‘This is just a way to get to the center of the earth’

Bingyi smiled, flicked the parchment and put it away, and said casually: 'Why should we go to the center of the earth so much trouble? ’

The protagonist in Journey to the Center of the Earth goes on an adventure. In reality, their brigade has only one goal in going to the center of the earth, and that is that the ancestor giant Ymir is imprisoned deep in the Snæfells volcano. Not to mention that Miao Fangfei and the others have been diligent and progressive, and have already found the flame passage leading to the volcanoes from the Kingdom of Fire. They will be able to reach the volcanoes directly. From Heiyi's point of view, he is the 'son' recognized by Ymir. If he wants to go to the center of the earth to find his father, can Ymir not show him the way?

‘So the message on this parchment is useless, it can finally close the key’

The Dragon Hunters were a little disappointed when they heard this. They had long guessed that the center of the earth for the final attraction was Snæfells Volcano, and now it was finally confirmed. To him, this was far less useful than the other two parchments recording the final attraction mission and the meeting point when leaving.

'The main thing that trains during the journey is the passengers. It is normal for those two important pieces of parchment to be used as rewards for the passengers.'

Bingyi said it didn't matter, the parchment would fall into his hands in the end anyway.

To say that his brigade has the highest degree of completion of the scenic spots, and to say that the most people have survived. When everyone is resurrected after the end of the old dream, both his and B1 teams are fully alive. Just because of his relationship with B1, and because of the Eastern District travelers in the B1 team, this parchment can be shared with them.

In this way, the three important information points and the key to the final synthesis are all on their side of the Icelandic team.

'I'm just curious, what tasks can be completed in one day'

Although Bingyi doesn't plan to follow the hotel's plan, he also wants to know what the hotel's target attraction mission is. Originally, Bingyi thought that the last three days of the journey would involve three days of Ragnarok, but after getting a reminder from the hotel, he found out that was not the case. Just to decipher the parchment and go to the center of the earth, the hotel gave him twenty-four hours, a full day.

Three days, three pieces of parchment, a location, a task, and a gathering place when leaving. Bingyi had reason to speculate that the last three days were one day for traveling to the center of the earth to rest and recuperate, one day for sightseeing missions, and the last day for evacuation and arrival at the assembly point.

It only takes one day to actually complete the task.

In fact, the arrangement of the hotel is very reasonable, Ragnarok is an unsolvable divine battle! And the dead ones are all gods! This kind of scenic spot mission is more than enough for top tourists, not to mention that their competition mainly trains young tourists, and they can't let all the talented little guys die. Going to war for a whole day is enough for the hotel to increase the intensity for everyone.

But after punching Nidhogg and kicking Odin, not only Bingyi but also the dragon hunter felt that the last three days were too unscheduled.

‘Is there any conspiracy? ’

The dragon hunter always felt that it would not be that simple, and frowned in thought. After a while, they had reached the Japanese car, which was also buried in the ice and snow. The car that originally contained the sun is now filled with floating red light, which is the belief of all living things in the sun that are struggling to survive in the cold winter.

As soon as Bing came closer, he took a deep breath intoxicated and couldn't wait to turn into a sunbird. He jumped into the sun car with a heavy jump and was surrounded by people of faith. He was extremely happy. A large amount of faith surged towards it like waves, and then they were all absorbed by the sunbird, and the fast red light stirred almost into a vortex. With the blessing of huge faith, Bingyi Sun's identity is becoming more and more stable, gaining more and more recognition, and the heat around it is also continuing to rise, and its power has increased frighteningly, becoming more and more like a real sun. .

Under this increase, Sunbird B closed his eyes, and suddenly a bright light flashed across, and there was a shining mental lancet in front of him.

‘No matter what conspiracy or plan it has’

‘It’s okay if we don’t go according to its plan’

Previously, Bingyi broke through the limit of 'spiritual power' and obtained a total of nine spiritual lancets. He discussed it with An Xuefeng and believed that nine was the ultimate number and the hotel might not give him more knives at once.

But this limit is the limit of human beings. Bingyi is now the sun in Northern Europe. Today is the day of the sun. Everything in Northern Europe is eager for the sun and believes in the sun! Under such circumstances, there is no limit. The new sun is still a teenager, so there is no limit!

‘Condensing these rules-based spiritual swords will consume the power of the hotel to some extent’

Bingyi felt dark in his heart, closed his eyes and recalled, and the memory kept him back to the starting point when he was about to break through, and then there was a lancet in front of him. One handful, two handfuls——

Only allow hotels to test tourists, test tour guides, and increase the intensity of tasks at scenic spots?

Bingyi also increases the strength of the hotel to see how much mental lancet it can unleash!

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