Thriller Tour Group

853 Nutrient solution added (287) A carload of tour guides...

When the eighth soul thorn turned into a real thing and appeared in B1's hand, no new ghost thorns finally appeared. But even if there is no record of breaking the Bing-19 knife, the eight thorns are enough to shock people. Not to mention that each tour guide has different opinions on the A2 that is hidden so deeply. The puppet master who is not affected by amnesia secretly clenches his fist. The tumor in his chest was beating as hard as his heart.

What is the concept of eight thorns? Her puppet master only corresponds to six thorns! Although the number of 'knives' is not completely positively correlated with each person's strength, having fewer swords does not necessarily mean that you are weak, but having more swords definitely means that you are special! Just like Nine Knives Bingyi, and An Xuefeng who was slicing back then.

Nine is an extreme number. Most people will never be able to reach the number of nine. The most people usually have about six or seven knives. Those with eight knives are very rare. The matter of slicing is extremely private. Apart from making a fuss, the whole hotel will know about it. Except for a few people, most of the tour guides and tourists hid the slices, and no one knew how many knives they used at that time.

But it can probably be estimated. At least A2, a mediocre tour guide with a reputation that is not even comparable to that of the Yin-Yang Butterfly, and who has never set up a journey to the 30th degree north latitude, cannot be worthy of eight knives!


The puppet master's tumor trembled slightly, and he suddenly felt enlightened. There are too many people crammed into this competition, which has already exceeded the normal range. Not to mention the passengers who were trying to sneak across, just talking about the A-class S-class leader, her puppet master came in, the black widow intervened, the dream chaser and the lizard duke were on the journey themselves, leaving those two silent.

A Jia Yixi Mingren, an S1 Devourer.

How could they be silent when it came to the primeval abyss of the Jinlunga Gap. Even if the real person here is still at the Sun Gate, he must have found a way to get in. Bingyi's phantom cat is really suspicious. So how does the Devourer prepare to intervene in the competition?

A2 is the ghostly alienated tour guide. Before Devourer disappeared that year, his code name was Ferryman, and he is also the ghostly alienated tour guide. Although it is a bit difficult to judge the connection based on the alienated state alone, coupled with these eight thorns, the puppet master has every reason to suspect that the A2 ghost captain must have been tampered with by the Devourer!

A2 has never done anything suspicious before, so he must have hidden it very deeply. But I'm afraid even Devourer didn't expect that at this critical moment before Ragnarok, A2's problems would be discovered by everyone in this way. Looking at the tour guides who were chatting with A2 to test the depth, and then thinking about the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon among them, the puppet master's sense of superiority in having memories disappeared at this moment. She was now extremely grateful that she had worked hard enough in the past few days. , and revealed some true strength, which caught Bingyi's eyes, otherwise Black Angel, a B3 tour guide, would not be worthy of joining such a valuable tour guide team!

If the puppet master was still a little worried about the group's ability to share risks before, after all, the only one in the group who is currently famous is a dragon hunter in the first class. But now she can feel at ease. Even if the hotel wants to punish her, how can he punish her? An unprecedented large-scale connection between high-level tour guides from the east and west districts. Even if people from the parliament came to judge, would they dare to try it? Not to mention the two people in charge this year, * * * are our own people on the way home,...

···No need to say more.

The puppeteer looked around the shuttle bus and saw all kinds of tour guides surrounding Bingyi and B1. For the first time, he felt sincerely that "the eight of us are really powerful". Although there were some who made up the numbers, the weak ones also followed. Director C is related to them, Director C is willing to lead them, and luck is also part of their strength.

The remaining two brigades led by the two tour guides Bingsan and B2 were completely marginalized. They lacked strength and luck, and no one here could think of them.

‘Let’s go to the top, we don’t have much time’

After taking a deep look at A2, Sunbird Bingyi stopped the tour guides’ greetings. A2 There must be something wrong with this person, but it doesn’t matter. Bingyi will not give him a chance to perform in Ragnarok. The deeper he hides, the more 'strength' he will have, and the more reassuring he will be when we face the hotel together. A2 was stunned by Sunbird's 'appreciative' look. A2 actually didn't understand how he could deal with so many soul thorns. Maybe it was because of his strong strength. But he doesn't like to be the center of attention. Once a pirate gets a lot of attention, it doesn't mean glory, it means he will be unlucky.

In particular, the ghost captain likes the sea, is accustomed to moisture and moisture, and becomes increasingly uncomfortable with the hot, dry, and scorching sunshine. But everyone is on the Japanese bus, so you can’t get off the bus during the journey. But the Japanese train really made it difficult for Ghost, who was used to darkness and coldness, to feel at ease. When Bing said it was possible to leave, A2 immediately asked me to take the passengers.

Yun Tianhe is so eloquent and has a good relationship with Director B, so he should be able to share a lot of pressure.

However, who would have thought that as soon as A2 opened his mouth, it would attract the eyes of Yiyi and others, and the tour guides looked at him incomprehensibly.

No, there is no real tour guide who wants to take tourists to do big things together. This is a conspiracy between their tour guides. Why do they ask tourists to come up? Their tour guides are not going to die. What’s the use of calling the tourists? Will they be a hindrance? What's more, they don't talk about life and death with the tourists in their own team. They look at each other and plot against each other throughout the whole journey. It's impossible for any tour guide to really have any sense of responsibility for the tourists. They think they should take them through the journey to the end. .

Of course, Director C is an exception. As long as their other tour guides can take care of themselves.

But after hearing that A2 said that the passenger he wanted to take was Yuntianhe, Yiwu (Silverfish) and others understood it instantly.

So he surrendered to Guide C. Everyone knows that Yun Tianhe is very enthusiastic about Guide C. It's not surprising that A2 wants to take him.

"Guide C, do you want to take the other East District passengers with you?"

A5 asked with a smile, saying softly: "After all, they are on your side."

On your side? Sunbird glanced at A5 with a smile, but didn't say anything. Dragon Hunter spoke for him and said coldly: "No."

"On this Japanese train, except Yun Tianhe, only Guide C and Team B1 will take the passengers, but it is only to complete the mission of the top scenic spot."

"After reaching the top, all passengers will get off the train, and only the tour guide will be left in the Japanese train, and at most Guide C and the strongest few East and West District passengers in Team B1 will be left to protect them."

First, the passengers will be resurrected when the old dream ends at midnight, and this time conflicts with the space plan of Master Kongkong of Plan C1. There is no time to take care of the passengers, so it is safer to let them stay outside the Japanese train.

First, there is the issue of risk. It is most dangerous to put all the eggs in one basket. If the hotel really wants to make trouble later, then they can just find the tour guides in the Japanese car. The passengers who did not participate in this matter can stay out of it, and there may be other wonderful uses.

No matter what Bingyi thinks, the tour guides have their own ideas and are relatively satisfied. Yiwu thinks a lot and thinks of risk sharing. He thinks there is nothing wrong with having more passengers on the Japanese car and then sharing the risk evenly, but Dragon Hunter also said that the strongest passengers from the East and West zones in Bingyi and B1 team will be on the car. Quality is always better than quantity. He thinks Bingyi is very careful.

A2 is also very satisfied. If Bingyi really wants to let all the passengers from the East zone on the Japanese car, then he really feels that he has boarded a pirate ship. At present, it is more balanced. There are four East zone tour guides and four West zone tour guides on the Japanese car. Dragon Hunter was summoned to Valhalla at midnight, which does not count-of course, no matter the East and West zones, they are now considered to be the faction of Bingdao, and there are no other small groups. It's not that he said that the tourists are always scheming and have so many things to do, and they are all healthy people before the trip, and they really don't have the same language as their tour guides.

In short, everyone is very satisfied now. The tentacles of corn shoots are withdrawn from all directions, rolling up the tourists who are either asleep or awake in Bingyi and B1 team to get on the Japanese car. The Pegasus pulling the car was released by Bingyi from the Lost Paradise, and walked to the front of the Japanese car with a neigh in the wind and snow, and its mane was shining.

Late at night, the tourists who were released by the tour guides gathered in the snow caves according to the east and west areas, warming themselves in the cold winter, anxiously waiting for the arrival of midnight. At this time, someone suddenly found that there was a bright light in the pitch-black darkness outside the snow cave. Someone curiously got out of the snow cave in the extreme cold, looked in the direction of the light, and was stunned.

In the middle of the night of the blizzard, a Japanese chariot carrying a fiery red sun was pulled by a Pegasus with bright sunshine reflected between its manes, flying to the top of the volcano covered with frost and snow, just like the sun rising in the dark night. In the darkness around, the roars of dissatisfaction of the frost giants could be heard, but no giant dared to stop the Japanese chariot. The frost giants standing in the snow and wind were like pillars that reached the sky and the earth, silently watching the blazing hot sun set on the top of the highest volcano in Iceland.

It was late at night, 13:35.

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