Thriller Tour Group

854 Icelandic Horror (350) A2 Magical Uses (mainly...


A low and suppressed horn sounded from above the dark sky. Vannadalshenuk volcano is the highest peak in Iceland and the place closest to the sky. Standing on the top of the volcano, the warning horn from the distant kingdom of God resounded. In everyone's mind, the sound was not loud, but it was like a thunderous drumbeat, which pressed heavily on the chest, making people breathless, and the heart seemed to be controlled by the sound of the horn, beating heavily again and again.


When the horn sound paused for a moment, the sound of wolves howling came from all directions. The tourist guide who heard the howl of the wolf subconsciously looked towards Bingyi, looking for Fenrir Wolf. But Bingyi left Fenrir wolf in his old dream, and the wolf howling now had nothing to do with it. The sunbird looked at the large tracts of snowflakes falling from high in the sky. The heavy snowflakes were swept by the strong wind and gathered together, like snow wolves galloping arrogantly in the sky, provoking the gods and making ferocious wolf howls one after another.

Suddenly, countless snow wolves were swept away by the strong wind, and the low and distant horn sound sounded from the sky again, which was heavier and more shocking than the sound just now. The sound of horns and the howling of wolves alternately sound, which is the test and game between gods and giants before Ragnarok. The dragon hunter walked to the edge of the sun carriage and looked out. The frost giants standing like snow peaks in the mountains could not see the boundary at a glance, just like the mountains surrounding the highest peak.

Among them, the tallest Frost Giant's whole body showed a faint blue color of ten thousand years of ice. Thick snow covered his body like armor, making it cold and cold. He is the only frost giant who can look directly at the sun and the sun, Begelmir, the grandson of the ancestor giant.

Seeing him there, the dragon hunter's heart sank. According to Nordic mythology, the Frost Giants should have returned to the Kingdom of Giants long ago to board the ship of Hela, the God of Death, and be carried to the final battlefield. Who would have thought that at this juncture, Bergmir would actually bring so many Frost Giants with him? Stopping here and surrounding the highest peak where tour guides and tourists are stationed, it is obvious that there is a plan.

However, the dragon hunter was not nervous, and his expression became calmer in the violent storm. These were all anticipated and arranged by Bing early in the morning.

‘Then everything goes as planned’

Amid the sound of horns and howls of wolves, Bingyi’s voice echoed through the strings in the minds of every tour guide. Sunbird will take control of the sun car and make it bigger until the car covers the entire top of the volcano, just like a majestic open-air sun palace suddenly appeared on the top of the volcano. The sun can definitely fit in the sun car, and the real size of the Nordic sun at its peak was far larger than the top of the volcano.

In this way, although the tour guides cannot leave the bus as planned, they can still have enough space for activities. Bingyi said no more after the expansion day car, closed his eyes and fell into the old dream. He had to cut the Kongkong Taoist Master with his own hands, and this also left him no time to take care of the most precious few dozen minutes before Ragnarok, so he had to cooperate with others.

Just like now, when Sunbird closed its eyes, Dragon Hunter and A2 became the temporary "commander" and "deputy commander" of the current tour group as planned, responsible for the next affairs. When the new officer takes office, the first problem Dragon Hunter and A2 face is the frost giant Begelmir, which is enlarged by the sun car and further stimulated by the sun's heat.

"Director C has something urgent to do."

Facing Begelmir's huge, oppressive ice crystal eyes, the dragon hunter took out a bottle of milk from his arms and threw it to Begelmir without changing his expression. He said with profound meaning: "He has already arranged it. If If you don’t want to ruin things, you should know what to do.”

This large bottle of milk was not as big as the giant's fingernail. After being thrown, it fell into the gap between Bergmere's fingernail. The fragile glass bottle was shattered by the extreme cold, and the pure energy immediately overflowed, making Begelmir clenched his hands in excitement, and looked at the dragon hunter's eyes. This is the milk of the big cow!

Bergmere thought of a lot in that moment. Ragnarok was approaching, but Bingyi always had an ambiguous attitude and did not fully express his support for which camp he supported. Even though his daughter Xiaocui, the god of death, had already started transporting giants in a big ship, the giants still couldn't completely rest assured. Especially the ancestor giant Ymir also wanted a clear statement from Bingyi.

But now Bergmere's mood is completely relaxed. There is no mistake. This is the freshest milk from a big cow that was squeezed within ten minutes! Sure enough, the big cow that disappeared had actually fallen into Bingyi's hands. With the nourishment of the big cow's milk, the ancestor giant Ymir will no longer have any worries, and will definitely be able to break through the seals of the gods and be resurrected successfully in Ragnarok!

"Go ahead and follow Director C's arrangements."

After comforting Bergmir, the dragon hunter turned around and looked at the tour guides. Seeing that Begelmir was coaxed into being ready in seconds, everyone became more convinced of Director B's plan. Some people's subtle emotions that had just arisen because of Director B's sleep were swept away, and they followed the Dragon Hunter's arrangement to share their shares. Four groups - not according to the original country, different groups of tour guides are responsible for different tasks.

B1 and Bing Er are in charge of the team originally led by B1 and C, always monitoring the status of sleeping passengers to ensure that they can wake up from their old dreams. Since abyss sheepskin is used to reshape the body of the deceased, and it involves resurrection from the dead, Undead B1 and Big Black Sheep Bing Er are the most authoritative in this regard.

A5 and B5 are responsible for connecting the Holy Son Danlin and Yun Tianhe, responsible for the team of archangels and communicating with heaven, and are always ready to take over the Moon Angel Sariel who will be sent by Yu Hehui; the Fallen Angel Mentor Lei is likely to surrender. Miller and Danlin were confident that Gabriel, whom he had deceived with the key to the Gate of Heaven, gave away the resources in his hands before leaving. Not only did he give the dragon hunter the right to freely enter and exit the Lost Paradise, but he also gave away the key to the Gate of Heaven. If it were lent to Dan Lin.

To destroy Ragnarok, in addition to killing Nidhogg in advance so that the World Tree that supports the nine worlds will not collapse; and stealing Surtur's Fire Demonic Sword so that he cannot burn the world, the key is It is the opportunity for the angels to invade from all directions and set off the Doomsday Judgment. In this regard, the succubus A5 and the extremely clever and scheming Yiwu are the best to be promoted. Of course, accidents may occur at any time during this process. For example, the probability of occurrence is very low. For example, the archangel Michael becomes completely furious and turns his face. He goes through the previous plan and kills the evil Satan Bingyi immediately even if he does not invade Northern Europe.

Therefore, Yi Er, who is the strongest, fights the most ruthlessly, and is the most loyal to Bing Yi, is a mobile patrol post, ready for combat escort at any time. Of course, A2, who has "deep hidden strength", will also provide support when necessary. Bingdafang handed over part of the authority of the Japanese car to A2, allowing him to use the Japanese car as an undead ship, deploying undead firepower to the maximum extent possible. B1 will also help in this regard.

The B3 puppet master has only one mission - before sinking into the old dream, Bingyi entrusts the owl Xiaoguang to B3, and summons the flame angel Francis so that they can communicate at any time, through Xiaoguang and the God of Light Badr To focus on the mental state of the black widow, it is best to contact the black widow.

B3 couldn't believe it when she took the little owl. She actually felt a hint of George's power from the little owl! The puppet master who had held the skull of the Angel of Dawn for many years would certainly not make a mistake in judgment, and a turmoil arose in her heart. The fact that the most important Angel of Dawn skull fell into the hands of Black Widow, who is her mortal enemy, shows how unwilling the hotel is to see George resurrected.

But now Bingyi has successfully resurrected a trace of George! Is this a resurrection? Even the well-informed puppet master had never seen such a situation. She felt extremely complicated for a moment. Bingyi dared to hand over this little owl to her. He didn't know about the various grievances between her and the black widow. , Are those who don’t know fearless? With such a weak owl in her hands, she could stun it with just a little force. With a few puppet strings, she could control it into a puppet and plot to seize the Tower of Babel!

However, after seeing the Flame Angel Francis and realizing that something was wrong with this angel and that he was suspected of being an infiltrator, the Puppet Master immediately calmed down. Of course Bingyi couldn't completely believe her. Bingyi took this step carefully. Francis is his spy. With him constantly communicating with the puppet master, and revealing at the right time that he is not a local angel, but a guest in the hotel invading the tournament, he can make the puppet master cautious. Will act rashly.

Putting aside the puppet master's ambitions for the journey to the Ten Degrees of North Latitude and the grievances he has had with the Black Widow over the years, she is probably the tour guide who knows the Black Widow the most. Many times enemies know you better than friends. What's more, An Xuefeng vaguely mentioned that George's death had something to do with the puppet master. She started planning the Tower of Babel so many years ago, and she almost succeeded. The widow's character control is definitely better than anyone else's.

Black Widow also absolutely hates her more than anyone else.

Bingyi said nicely that he wanted Fallen Angel B3 to contact Black Widow as much as possible, but in fact he was just looking for a target. A target that can make Black Widow completely immersed in the madness of resurrecting George. Once it appears, it can still firmly attract Black Widow's hatred and divert her attention. Bingyi was not sure how long Black Widow could last, but he hoped that Black Widow could last longer, at least through the first day of Ragnarok.

Even if the Tower of Babel were to come, it would be delayed by the Doomsday Judgment brought about by the invasion of the Angel Legion.

Although Bingyi's purpose is to disrupt the journey, the more chaotic the better, but the chaos must also be layered, just like they plunder the springs of the big world in sequence. Only by going before and after can they gain the maximum benefit. If Ragnarok is about to begin just after midnight, and Black Widow frantically lets the Tower of Babel descend, there is no chance that the power of the ten-degree north latitude journey can directly break out of the Golden Lunga Chasm of the Primordial Abyss, which would be more than worth the loss.

With this allocation, every tour guide was used to the extreme by Bingyi. The only thing that may puzzle them is why Bingyi chose A2 as the deputy commander of the current temporary group. Even after zero o'clock, the Dragon Hunter will be summoned to the Hall of Valor. If Bingyi does not return immediately by then, A2 will even take over as the commander, with the greatest authority in the team, and can even control the Japanese car.

Many people can't understand that this position should be given to the person Bingyi trusts most, right? This is not the time to pay attention to the balance of tour guides in the east and west areas, unless Bingyi is a fool. Everyone is puzzled, even A2 doesn’t understand, why would Bingyi choose him? It can't be because his eight thorns are the strongest.

C chose him because A2's eight thorns are the strongest. Because Bingyi understands that even if he is stuck in his old dream of sending Master Kongkong up to disrupt the hotel, at this juncture, the hotel will issue the last two key fragments. At that moment, the hotel will definitely not have control over the journey. weak.

To catch the thief first, the hotel will naturally target the leader of the tour guide group. By then, A2 will be a lightning rod. Bingyi believes that A2’s hidden potential can withstand this crisis.

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