Thriller Tour Group

855 Icelandic Horror (351) There will be another update soon...

A2 has no idea what Bingyi is planning. In fact, he is still confused about the fact that he can create eight thorns. What does the thorn represent? what's the effect? Is quantity related to strength?

But he never had the chance to ask Bingyi privately. In addition, strong men are confident. With Bingyi's nine swords and jade in front of him, A2 actually didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his eight thorns. In addition, A5 , B3 and others' overt and covert attempts, and the dragon hunter's eyes that looked at him thoughtfully from time to time, as if it was some incredible thing that A2 corresponded to eight thorns, which made A2, who had a strong self-esteem, feel rebellious and unhappy.

He is so strong, what happened to the eight thorns!

Bingyi can have nine knives, but he can't have eight thorns? !

But the ghost captain has a natural instinct for danger. Although he said haha ​​on the face and said that eight thorns are nothing, more numbers do not necessarily mean stronger. The number of six demons and the six knives corresponding to the dragon hunter definitely have more meaning, but I still have some murmurs in my heart. Even if Bingyi gives him most of the authority over the Japanese car, if the situation goes wrong and A2 can even drive away directly, taking Bingyi's entire team and the sun itself hostage, A2 still cannot feel at ease.

So when Bingyi invited him to become the temporary deputy commander of the tour guide team, even though the eyes that Bingyi looked at him were full of jealousy and hostility, even though the other tour guides were incredulous, and even A2 felt that there was something fishy about it, after pondering for a moment, he still agreed.

The fact that he corresponds to the eight thorns has changed irreversibly. If the number of thorns will really attract the attention and targeting of some existence (such as a hotel), then it is the best choice for him to stay with the current tour guide team - after all, this is There is still Bingyi with nine swords in the team. After all, Bingyi is more eye-catching than him.

"Man, when will Director B wake up? I always feel uneasy about dealing with these big guys."

However, after keenly discovering that Bingyi's soul actually pulled out after falling into a deep sleep, A2 still had some ominous premonitions in his heart, so he took the opportunity of being alone with the dragon hunter behind the detachment to ask the dragon hunter insinuatingly. Is Bingyi going to leave behind his great body, the sun, and the tourists in his team and the tour guides who trust him and run away? Putting himself into Bingyi's situation, A2 feels that running away is the last resort. As long as he is cruel, cold and shameless, nothing is more important than his own life.

Fortunately, the dragon hunter's words reassured him a little.

"You are worried that he will run away."

After dealing with Begelmir, the dragon hunter took the time to look at A2, taunting his lips and saying to the point: "Where can you run? Who can run away from the control of the hotel? You can't, he can't, no one can. ”

Speaking of this, the dragon hunter's expression was a little ugly and helpless. Finally, he said coldly: "Don't worry, you can go and see him and the passengers brought by B1. There are not a few in the same situation. This is what the two teams received. Special mission, the hotel will award key fragments at midnight, and they will all come back naturally. "

"You're right, no one can escape the hotel, just as those of us have not been able to escape death before."

A2 thought for a while and felt that there was really no need to run away from Bingyi from all aspects, so he smiled, his eyelids closed his overly sharp eyes, and he returned to his old lazy and sleepy look and smiled.

"Oh! Shit, what are you talking about? We have escaped death, we have already trampled death under our feet!"

A harsh and noisy cry came from under the A2 tour guide's cloak, and a macaw head emerged from the cloak on his chest, complaining dissatisfiedly. He didn't say a few words before he screamed due to the extremely high temperature in the car, and then he huddled back into the A2's cloak.

"You idiot, I'll burn you to death if you don't stay honest."

A2 scolded, but his tone was obviously not so harsh. It was obvious that he loved the undead parrot very much and kept it with him. The high temperature of the Japanese train made the ghosts feel disgusted and uncomfortable. He simply hid the parrot in his cloak to avoid burning it. Noticing the dragon hunter's gaze, he happily said: "The little thing is ignorant, don't argue with it."

The dragon hunter had little contact with A2, but this was the first time he saw this parrot. His eyes flickered on A2's cloak and he said calmly: "There will most likely be a battle in a while. If you want to protect it, you can send it to B3. Go over there and be with Xiaoguang."

"I can't trust her."

A2 was also very straightforward and frank. He patted his chest, causing the parrot to scream and curse. "And my old guy is very domineering. Bad guys love to bully small animals. You can't let him stay here." Director B’s owl side.”

"what ever."

Seeing that he was unwilling, the dragon hunter ended the topic. When he continued to negotiate with Bergmire, he felt a little frustrated. He had secretly fought with A2 just now, but he didn't gain much advantage. A2 suspected that Bingyi had other plans and wanted to throw them off and use them as human shields. The dragon hunter directly used the hotel to block him. With the hotel watching, who could escape?

But this cannot dispel A2's wariness. He seems to agree with the dragon hunter, saying that no one can escape the hotel, just like no one can escape death. But the parrot in his arms simply screamed that they had escaped death.

Indeed, during this journey they gained all kinds of extraordinary powers, and they were no longer troubled by terminal illnesses. There are too many unknowns and mysteries in this world. Even death can be escaped. Maybe someone has a way to escape from the hotel.

The dragon hunter was agitated and simply threatened, saying that it would be dangerous to fight for a while, so why not send the parrot to B3. In order to raise the dragon hunter's vigilance, Bingyi briefly told him what kind of person B3 was. B3 doesn't seem to show much strength, but in fact he hides it very deeply and is best at making puppets.

Moreover, Xiaoguang is of great significance to the Tower of Babel and Black Widow, and the Dragon Hunter is also testing A2. It is important to know that a tour guide was very secretive along the way. At the last moment, they suddenly discovered that this person actually corresponded to the eight thorns, and everyone had to murmur in their hearts. The dragon hunter is even more worried that the control of the Japanese car will fall into the hands of A2 after he leaves, and wants to find out for Bingyi what his true purpose of hiding his strength is before leaving.

Unfortunately, A2 was so slick that Dragon Hunter couldn't get any information from him. It was approaching midnight, and he knew that Bingyi was doing many dangerous things. In the hotel with such terrible calculations, the dragon hunter became more and more irritable and anxious, and his face became colder. He really didn't trust that such a dangerous person was controlling the Japanese car, so he simply The thought of A2 forcefully pulling him into old dreams to figure out his origins went back and forth in the dragon hunter's mind, making his expression become colder and colder, and he didn't even bother to maintain a semblance of harmony.

Dragon Hunter still remembers that during the Japanese car's climb to the top, he and Bingyi secretly discussed how to deal with A2, whether to win over it or just use it. He remembered that Bingyi smiled and said softly: "I don't have that much time," which meant that he simply wanted to use A2. This is actually not in line with Bingyi's usual style. No matter how A2 can correspond to eight thorns, Bingyi should also take a special fancy to him——

He can even have the patience to gradually win over the rebellious hunter who wants to steal Fenrir Wolf's fangs, but why does he have this attitude towards A2? There are many ways to attract the firepower of a hotel, so why use the simplest and crudest one?

Dragon Hunter wonders if Bingyi knows the forces behind A2, and if he already knows the real reason why A2 hides his strength, which is detrimental to their plan, so he assigned A2 to the enemy?

This must be the case, otherwise it would be impossible to explain! Therefore, I saw A2 inspecting the Japanese train, dispatching its undead crew members to all parts of the Japanese train, and even sent an undead first mate. Twenty undead sailors used the excuse of protecting Director C to kill Sunbird Bingyi who had slept there. Surrounded by everyone, the dragon hunter couldn't help but feel murderous intent in his heart.

Bingyi thinks that the dragon hunter is friendly and pure, but there is a dark corner in the dragon hunter's heart. Years of illness can distort a person's character and destroy his original good nature like a demon. Perhaps he has killed people in his lost memory. When thinking about how to deal with A2, the dragon hunter was extremely calm and without any disturbance, as if killing the tour guide was a trivial and trivial thing for him to do frequently. Even if the hotel rules state that the tour guide on this journey will not really die, the dragon hunter has a vague feeling that as long as he wants to kill someone completely, it is not impossible.

But despite the darkness churning in his heart, the dragon hunter decided to carry out Bingyi's plan with all his strength. From the corner of his eye, he saw A2 seeming to be aware of the danger, and avoided him and went to Yiwu's side to help receive the Archangel Sariel sent by Yu Hehui. The dragon hunter simply stayed out of sight and out of mind, while Begelmir, who was still coercing and coercing him to get more milk, said directly:

"If the ancestor is to be resurrected around midnight tonight, how much milk will be needed?"

"If you can offer milk from a river, the ancestor will surely be resurrected in Ragnarok!"

Begelmir said something but was interrupted by the dragon hunter.

"I'm talking about how much milk it would take for Him to be resurrected at midnight tonight."

The dragon hunter said expressionlessly: "There is still a quarter of an hour."

"At midnight tonight?! Human, are you kidding me!"

Bergmire was shocked, even picking out his own ears with a big ice pick, and said in an exaggerated voice: "Do you know how long Ragnarok will last? This is a war between gods and giants! It's not like those small battles of you humans. It will be over in a few days, a few months, or a few years, and the divine war will even last for decades, hundreds of years!”

Especially this time it involves the invasion of the alien gods. Everyone will definitely not go all out to fight at the beginning, and the battle line will be stretched longer. Bergmir firmly believes that the ancestor giant Ymir will definitely be resurrected, but this should be more than ten years later - at least a few years later. What's more... Begelmir stopped talking and looked at the dragon hunter, not knowing whether he should say anything.

The so-called hostel owner had signed some agreements with them regarding the trip, including that the final attraction was Snæfellsjökull. At that time, the person in charge, who was so arrogant that the giants were disgusted, made it clear that Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, should not be resurrected too quickly, otherwise the difficulty would be too high and the hotel would be held responsible if the group of tourists was wiped out.

It's good now, this dragon hunter wants to resurrect the ancestor giant at zero point! But - why not.

This is because the people in their hotel actively wanted to resurrect the ancestor giant in advance, and it has nothing to do with their frost giants. What's more, Bergmir really hated the tone of the arrogant hotel owner when he talked to the ancestor. The dignity of the giant cannot be trampled on!

"Hahahahaha, I admire you, young man!"

Bergmir laughed wantonly and heartily, his voice so loud that it stirred up the blizzard above them like a ball of rags and was torn to pieces. In the icy hurricane caused by the giant's laughter, the dragon hunter turned into a crystal dragon with an indifferent expression.

Bingyi gave him free access to the Lost Paradise, and he naturally knew that there were three milk rivers and three milk lakes in the Lost Paradise. The big cow kept eating the abyssal parasites to produce milk, and the amount was enough to resurrect the ancestor giant who was about to be resurrected and just had a chance. Not to mention that Miao Fangfei and the others found the flame passage from the Fire Country to Snæfells Volcano, and were able to transport milk directly and quietly to the depths of the volcano.

Bingyi actually thought about borrowing the power of the ancestor giant Ymir to make the situation more chaotic, but there were too many things to do, and he just casually told the dragon hunter that it would be best to resurrect him at zero point. He couldn't. does not matter. But the dragon hunter wanted to do his best. He knew that the more prepared he was in Iceland, the less pressure he would feel when Bing did something shocking.


After summoning the passengers who had woken up, and when Bergmire and Bergmere began to deliver milk to the Snaefellsberg, the dragon hunter couldn't help but feel his own scales, but he didn't feel anything. The horn calling from the Hall of Valor is getting louder and louder. He has used up a lot of strength to resist the call from the Hall of Valor by continuing to stay in the world. He has no time to feel the old dream again. He doesn't know what Bingyi's current situation is.

The dragon hunter can only pray that Bingyi is safe and everything goes well.

* *

It was twenty-three forty-seven in the middle of the night, less than a quarter of an hour before midnight.

In the old dream, the silver-white cat's four claws shone with the cold light of the sword, stepping on the pieces of contaminated bone fragments that had been cut off, and stared heavily at the Taoist Master in front of him, with an indescribable solemn expression on his face. The expressions on Yu Xiangyang and Taoist Ban Ming who were rushing to the side were extremely ugly, not to mention the little golden guard who was almost lying down from exhaustion. The atmosphere in the field was particularly serious.

But this does not mean that Bingyi’s plan to cut Kongkong Taoist Master did not go smoothly. On the contrary——

He cut a little too smoothly! It was originally expected to cut out the empty tunnel around midnight, but it turned out to be almost clean now!

At this point, Bingyi can't stop anymore!

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