Thriller Tour Group

858 Icelandic Horror (353) There will be another update soon...

An Xuebao quickly carried Hong Dao down to the snow cave where Taoist Kong Kong was. At this moment, Hong Dao was not in a "conscious" state, but could still move. When she went down to the snow cave, she was polluted by the petals and rushed by the power of Taoist Kong Kong's awakening. When she looked at Taoist Kong Kong, who was now drastically cut, her eyes changed from astonishment to shock, and then to understanding and complexity.

The silver-white big cat looked back at Hong Dao in his busy schedule, and saw that compared with her first awakening, Hong Dao's strength was much weaker, and the weird and terrifying distortion was also much lighter. Obviously, the mental imprint was on the verge of disappearing. I'm afraid this was her last awakening.

If it weren't for the suggestion of the phantom cat, Bingyi couldn't get away from Taoist Kong Kong, and it would be impossible for him to see Hong Dao for the last time. Now, although Bingyi still didn't know how to get along with Hong Dao, his mood was even more complicated, but he felt much more relieved in his heart.

Finally, they met again.

No discussion of the whereabouts of the petals, no discussion of what Hong Dao did in the original abyss, whether the baby she gave birth to was the fetus in her belly or the light ball in the original abyss, whether they were mother and son, and whether their feelings were fake or real. Just staring at each other in silence, there were some sporadic moments that made people reminisce about the tacit understanding and illusory warmth that they treasured.

The mother and son just stared at each other, and then their attention was focused on Taoist Master Kong Kong. During the time when An Xuebao carried Hong Dao down, Fenrir Wolf had already taken the little lizard to the Old Day Dream. Surtur's flaming sword had disappeared, and Sariel was also given to Yu Hehui. The station in the Fire Country didn't mean much to the little lizard. The Fang Hunter couldn't get out of the Old Day Dream, and it couldn't get in or merge. The little lizard simply hid and comprehended the words that Taoist Master Kong Kong enlightened it, avoiding the most chaotic moment before midnight.

However, when Fenrir Wolf took the initiative to find it to enter the old dream, although it was a little suspicious, it felt that the split between itself and the Fang Hunter was intensifying, as if a knife was cutting (entangled) on its body. The gloomy and anxious little lizard still actively entered the old dream. ——As soon as it arrived here, it was tied up by the mental whip of light that was unstable and about to lose control and could no longer extract more mental power from the overdrawn Fang Hunter.

The little lizard was shocked at the time, but it was obviously more patient than the Fang Hunter with the memory experience of the Duke of Lizard. Under the "deterrence" of the phantom cat and petal pollution next to it, the little lizard understood from the few words revealed by Bingyi that this was not to completely separate it from the Fang Hunter, but to use it. After roughly understanding the current situation, the little lizard quickly agreed to join.

It exposed a lot of problems in this competition, and it will definitely face more or less punishment from the hotel after the end. Especially Fenrir Wolf and Silver Moon Killer, how to bring the wolf back is a difficult problem. The split of the Silver Moon Killer must be complicated, and there may be some rules of the hotel involved. The little lizard didn't want the wolf that he had finally got to be taken away by the hotel, so he had never taken the wolf seriously before.

The wolf is probably safer in Bingyi's hands than in his hands, but this is definitely not enough insurance.

If anyone can completely divert the hotel's attention at this time, the little lizard will certainly be very happy! What's more, it is also very interested in Taoist Master Kongkong. Such a "living fossil" must have so many secrets of the hotel that it is unimaginable. It is simply the most precious wealth! Even if more little lizards have to sacrifice, they are definitely willing to send Taoist Master Kongkong up, not to mention that now only mental power is used to maintain the light whip.

But although its brain circuit is not synchronized with Bingyi's plan, it also has the keen observation of a big director, and quickly pointed out that the success rate of sending Taoist Master Kongkong to the hotel is not high. The hotel is not a fool, unless something can explode at the same time, blinding the hotel's cognition and allowing Taoist Master Kongkong to walk through the light path safely.

The little lizard wanted to move his mind to the Tower of Babel. The pollution caused by the out-of-control journey of the 30th degree north latitude can definitely deceive the perception of the hotel, especially the current person in charge of the hotel is a useless thing, * * * and he is in cahoots with Bingyi and others. It is definitely more than enough to let Taoist Kongkong complete the light path without telling the hotel.

While Bingyi and others are paying attention to Taoist Kongkong, in the Jinlunga Gap, and in the original abyss competition, Duke Lizard can take advantage of the opportunity to enter and grab the butterfly fragments of the Tower of Babel. The little lizard can see the current situation clearly. It claims that it is not a greedy person. It can give up the original abyss, the gate of the abyss, the butterfly cocoon, the abyss flower, etc. It will be satisfied as long as it can grab a butterfly fragment.

But before the little lizard can express his opinion, An Xuebao carried Hong Dao down and blocked its mouth. Hong Dao is the biological mother of the two perverts Ximingren and Bingyi. What a dangerous woman! The little lizard instinctively protected Fenrir Wolf and the overdrawn silly gecko behind him, and looked at Hong Dao with vigilance, curiosity and a hint of inquiry, his brain working quickly.

Could it be that Bing Yi and the others wanted to use Hong Dao to deceive the hotel?

What were they going to do? Could it find out some secrets? Seeing that Bing Yi and the others had no intention of hiding it, the little lizard raised his head and eavesdropped openly, especially when he heard the conversation between Hong Dao and Taoist Kong Kong, the little lizard was so focused that he even forgot the severe pain of the four light whips wrapped around his body.

"Captain, I owe you a life."

Hong Dao stared at Taoist Kong Kong with a complicated look.


Taoist Master Kongkong's thin lips were slightly opened, but he could no longer speak. He could only look at Director Hong quietly, his eyes softening, just like before. Director Hong wanted to say something, but in Taoist Master Kongkong's calm eyes as always, all the past obsessions and contradictions, the unwillingness, resentment, pain, pride, ambition and ambition that had been engraved in her heart suddenly seemed like a breeze, and became unbearable. Not so important anymore.

Time is like a giant wheel that will crush everything. The good, the bad, the important and the unimportant are all mixed together without distinction in the end, turning into gray sand that is thrown into the past and cannot be grasped. To this day, Director Hong still does not think that her original choice was wrong. She just chose a different path from Taoist Master Kongkong. The medium's love and hate are the most intense. The death of his lover, the abnormality of his child, the incomprehension of his partners, the disintegration of his team, his ambition to reverse everything, and all kinds of strong emotions pile up like a volcano on the verge of erupting.

Along the way, she chased time and life. She went too fast. Her family, friendship, past and future, and even her two children were all left behind. So much so that when we meet again now, we feel unfamiliar and missing them is a mistake.

Does she regret it? Director Hong asked herself that she had been sorry to many people in her life, especially her two children. She felt guilty, but she had no regrets.

Time will prove everything.

Now the old dream is coming to an end, and her spiritual imprint will be dissipated. Director Hong also hopes that at this last moment he can help the old captain who sacrificed himself to help the team escape from the primitive abyss. She didn't say anything more, she just slowly took off her scarlet cloak, threw it forward, and threw the cloak onto Taoist Master Kong Kong.

Travelers cannot wear the cloak of a tour guide, but Director Kong Kong has long been outside the scope of hotel rules. The scarlet cloak wrapped the illusory body of Taoist Master Kong Kong. The phantom cat stepped forward, stood up, stepped on the scarlet cloak with its front paws, and closed its eyes slightly. Invisible spiritual power was poured into the scarlet cloak, but after a moment it opened its eyes. Eye.

not enough.

Just the infusion of its spiritual power cannot give the Scarlet Cloak much parliamentary power. After all, it is just a phantom cat, not its original form. The phantom cat raised his head and glanced at Bingyi. He was dissatisfied when he saw that the silver-white cat was scratching the air on its chin. Judging from its absent-minded appearance, it must be mentally communicating with An Xuefeng.

‘I feel that the red conductor memory is more than when I left the primitive abyss’

Bingyi secretly whispered to An Xuefeng. Normally, the memories of awakened tour guides would only stay at the moment when they left their spiritual mark, that is, when they left the primitive abyss, unless their souls were left behind by flower petals like Taoist Master Kongkong. Come down.

Bingyi felt something subtle in the look between Hong Dao and Kongkong Taoist Master. He intuitively believed that the awakened Hong Dao's memory had more mental imprints than normal. Did she leave the petals here, or did she eventually die on the edge of the primitive abyss and get a new spiritual imprint? Bingyi was discussing this issue with An Xuefeng when he was suddenly slapped by the phantom cat.


Bingyi was shocked out of his ears by the cat punch. He shuddered and cut off a large piece of distorted petal bone from the face of Kongkong Taoist Priest. When he saw that the person who slapped it was an illusory cat, he restrained his explosive fur and looked confused.

'Your dog, call it back'

The phantom cat said concisely: 'Do you remember where it came from?'

dog? Is the phantom cat talking about making money? Bingyi's heart moved slightly, thinking that the phantom cat must be talking about some of his lost memories. However, it is difficult for him to recall now. He had consumed more than ten mental lancets and obtained them from others. So far, he has only used ten of them. His own nine swords have not been used at all. His mental strength has reached its limit. It is difficult to break the rules and recall anything, especially since he is still cutting Kongkong Taoist Master and cannot concentrate on it.

However, Bingyi paid great attention to the phantom cat's suggestion. While calling Wangcai back, he pondered and then privately chatted with An Xuefeng, asking him if he knew the origin of Wangcai.

Of course An Xuefeng knew, he was in the parliament with Bingyi at the beginning! He could tell what the phantom cat was up to with just a glance at the scene in front of him. Wangcai was the dog Bingyi got from the council. The phantom cat clearly wanted Bingyi to recall things in the council, and thus 'recall' some titles and items. , just like the red nameplate of the Vice Speaker. It is true that An Xuefeng also believes that letting Taoist Master Kongkong have the power of the council can deceive the hotel more, but this power must be moderate!

Once Master Kongkong puts on his scarlet cloak and puts on his nameplate, he becomes a proper member of the Council. There is no problem in deceiving the hotel. The problem is that he may not have to go through the light and will be directly reported to the parliament. The parliament is still under martial law and all members will be called back to the parliament.

The Mingxing people must have a plan on the council side. Once Daoist Master Kongkong is brought into the council, it will be like entering a wolf's den, and it will be difficult to get out again. An Xuefeng would never let this happen, not to mention there was no need for a nameplate. With the wealth and the scarlet cloak, and one more thing, An Xuefeng was confident that the parliamentary power of Taoist Master Kongkong could not only cover the hotel, but also be absolutely appropriate.


After comforting Bingyi, Snow Leopard took a step back, his throat moved, and then he vomited a big hair ball. It was the 'Hawthorn Pills' that Tong Hege refined before leaving for Iceland. This small pill that could be stored in the stomach was filled with the high-energy mutton that Bingyi abducted from the Undead Bunker!

With a soft snapping sound, the 'Hawthorn Pill' split open in the middle, revealing a pile of slimy mutton like a hill. The mutton in this bunker was exclusively for the council. An Xuebao pushed and piled the mutton next to Taoist Master Kongkong, and even went one step further, holding the mutton in his mouth and getting it on the scarlet cloak. In this way, the parliamentary flavor is definitely strong enough.


An Xuebao purred at Bingyi as if he was taking credit, and glanced at the phantom cat warily from the corner of his eye, to be on guard against it coming up with other bad ideas. But An Xuebao saw that the phantom cat that was originally beside Taoist Master Kongkong unexpectedly took several steps away. The cat leaned back in disgust, and its tail slapped the ground unbearably. When An Xuebao looked over, its hind paws were gone. I couldn't bear to dig the ground. Looking at Director Hong, he also leaned back with his lips pursed tightly. The big silver cat Bingyi even shrank back hard, and the whole cat was piled on the face of Daoist Master Kong Kong. He was so frightened that he looked like a ball of silver and white cats. He was obviously trying to Farther away from the mutton on the empty Taoist cloak.

broken! An Xuefeng's entire snow leopard froze, and his heart skipped a beat.


The atmosphere in the snow cave was a little stagnant for a while, but there were still people who couldn't read their faces.

‘What kind of meat is this? It smells delicious’

The exhausted little golden gecko fang hunter was eager to try. He knew that the meat was probably a precious item, so he was very polite: "Brother, I want to have a bite, just a little bit."

His words spread in the Liansi chat room, and the silver-white cat finally couldn't hold it back.


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