Thriller Tour Group

859 Nutrient solution added (289) The end of Ragnarok...

Although the sticky mutton made all the tour guides present except the tooth hunter suffocate, it did perfectly solve the problem of the lack of parliamentary power in Taoist Master Kongkong. Especially when Wangcai was tricked into the old dream again by Bing, the light path that faintly shrouded Taoist Master Kongkong became dimmer, turning from spiritual to slightly dull.

It was as if someone who was originally staring at the light path finally moved away, which made Bingyi finally breathe a sigh of relief. With the phantom cat and the little lizard around, the speed of cutting pollution is completely back under Bingyi's control. There is no problem at all when cutting at stuck points, just waiting for zero o'clock to arrive!

* *


In the late night of a violent storm, the sound of roaring waves echoed across the frozen ocean. The frozen ice on the sea surface was violently smashed into pieces, and the ice ballast splashed to reveal the thick black water under the thick ice. The Jörmungandr Corn Snake that coils around the world is stirring up huge waves wantonly in the sea. Amid the huge waves, a huge ship full of lifeless energy is riding the wind and waves. The huge ship is filled with fully armed frost giants. The god of death, Hela Xiaocui, is at the helm. Drive this big ship to the destined final battlefield.

"Hela, why don't we go to the volcano and rescue the ancestor first!"

On the giant ship, the voice of the frost giant Helem was as loud as thunder, and the vibrations sounded like he was angry. But Xiao Cui, who seemed extremely small in front of his huge body, was calm and cold, and said impatiently: "The ancestor giant will have enough milk, and he can get out of trouble with his own strength. In addition to arousing the vigilance of the gods in advance, you can't will make any difference."

"Remember, the destined battlefield is in the wilderness of Vigrid (violent battle), not on earth!"

"you're right."

The seemingly grumpy and angry Frost Giant was actually persuaded by Xiaocui and stopped questioning. The frost giants on the big ship made of dead men's nails roared wantonly in the wind and snow, and greeted Jörmungandr rudely. The bigger the waves were, the bigger they were. They couldn't wait to go to the final battlefield and fight to the death with the gods!

Xiaocui already knew the characters of these giants, and as long as they followed the normal development trajectory of events in the myth, they would not have any objections. What looks like anger is actually just that they have a bad temper and a loud voice, and are actually very easy to fool. Because the smartest and most powerful frost giants were not on the big ship, Begelmir, the grandson of the ancestor giant, also led them to guard the Wanadalshenuk volcano, surrounding the brigade station.


Thinking of Wangcai who was suddenly recruited away, Xiaocui couldn't help but worry about Bingyi. She didn't know what exactly happened on Bingyi's side, but she firmly believed that her father had no plans, and she only needed to follow the original plan with the corn snakes to transport a large number of frost giant warriors to the final battlefield, and prevent them from having the chance to return. Just the human world.

"Ha ha ha ha--!!"

Suddenly, the big boat started to bump up and down violently, and even the huge body of the corn snake surfaced. The earth was shaking violently, and even the bottom of the sea was seriously affected. The frost giants on the big ship suddenly began to laugh and scream crazily. They shook their fists ferociously into the sky, enthusiastically expressing their ecstasy at the moment. The frost giant Helium was even more happy to jump into the sea and onto the corn snake, excited. The ground roared.



They laughed and called the ancestral giant Ymir feverishly. The earthquake in the earth just now was the ancestral giant Ymir pulling the chains. The seawater finally slowed down the shaking, and the increasingly intense earthquakes were felt more clearly on land.


In Iceland, there was a thunderous rumbling sound from deep underground that had been repeated several times, as if someone was struggling to pull the chains on his body. The shock shattered the ice sheet, and thick snow everywhere swept across the land like an avalanche, raising a thick snow mist. The shock spread throughout the world, and could even be heard in Asgard, Jotunheim, the Kingdom of Fog, and the Kingdom of Fire. To the shaking of the earth! That was the ancestor giant Ymir struggling to pull the chain, trying to break free from the shackles and rush out of the volcano to avenge the gods!

White milk full of energy poured into the deepest part of Snæfells Volcano from the flame channel all the time, watering the dismembered ancestor giant Ymir, causing his remains to gradually grow new flesh, as if he was about to be reborn. newborn. The majestic and terrifying power spewed out from the crater and shot straight into the sky. The dark clouds were broken and torn apart. The dark sky seemed to be torn open with a terrifying crack thousands of miles long. The human world could be vaguely seen. In the very high sky outside, I saw the huge looming shadow.

That's the shadow of the World Tree! Even if Nidhogg doesn't eat the giant tree again, the poisonous dragon's gnawing for thousands of years has already scarred the World Tree with holes. When the ancestor giant pulled the iron chain with great force and the earth shook, the World Tree also shook. , all nine worlds began to tremble!

【Oh oh oh——】

The ominous tremors of the World Tree caused Fayala, the rooster perched on the top of the Hall of Valor, to sound the alarm loudly, calling for the heroes to return. The birdsong of the alarms in various worlds rang out, and the birdsong was mixed with that of Heim, the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge. Dahl's horn sounded increasingly urgent and shrill! His horn sounds throughout the nine worlds, alerting the Norse gods to the final battlefield!

But just as the myth has been rewritten, Loki Bingyi, Fenrir Wolf and Cerberus were not imprisoned by iron ropes like in the myth. The guardian's urgent horn reminded the gods that the battlefield they were heading to was not predicted by the God of Destiny. Vigrid, the battlefield of the long-awaited final battle, instead asked them to be wary of the Angel Legion lurking in the Jinlunga Gap, and to be wary of Ymir, the ancestor of the giants in the Snaefell volcano!

Ymir should not have woken up in Ragnarok. He who was killed should never have had a chance to be resurrected. The battlefield of the gods should have been in the Wilderness of Vigrid. But damn Ymir, damn him. Michael left Odin, the God of Thunder and the God of War, the most powerful warriors of the Nordic gods, stranded in the world.

The other Nordic gods were already fully armed, mounted their mounts, and bravely rushed to the battlefield destined to kill the gods, but Odin, Thor, and the God of War could not leave yet. The travelers who were supposed to be assisting the gods or the giants actually stayed on the highest peak and refused to participate in the battle. However, the gods, who were so excited and anxious about the battle, had no time to pay attention to the little humans.

The Archangel Michael is as cunning as the salmon that Loki turned into, hiding in and around the large cracks of the Kinlunga Chasm. The God of War captured Michael's traces several times, but was unable to capture him because he lost his right arm. Retain. There were several times when Archangel Michael was locked by Odin. However, losing the authority of the God of Wisdom caused Odin to lose the magical power of the rune characters and was unable to trap him. The loss of the Spear of Odin prevented the invincible God King from piercing Michael's heart immediately. Although the archangel was scarred, he was able to escape from God's pursuit many times.

The flames on his sword are as flexible as the annoying Loki. It cannot really hurt the gods, but it can disrupt their sight and interfere with their battles, making Odin and the God of War furious. But there was nothing he could do.

[The Birdman Legion has not been found for so long, maybe there is only one Birdman in this gap! 】

The most grumpy Thor finally roared that their main purpose this time was actually to clean up the angel army. It is impossible for a birdman alone to subvert the Norse mythology. Norse gods and giants are not vegetarians. If there is only one birdman in this gap, then they have been fooled, and there is no need to linger here any longer.

[The night sky turns red, the damn flame giants are going to invade Asgard, they can’t delay any longer! 】

Before the voice of the Thunder God fell, a loud rumble resounded throughout the universe. This was the sound of the Rainbow Bridge connecting Asgard being trampled down by the heavy hoofs of the Fire Giant! The God of Thunder roared like a vent and flew up, throwing a heavy hammer to the earth. Amidst the roaring thunder, the large cracks that were riddled with holes in the chase were completely destroyed by the thunder and lightning that tore the sky. So far, except for the last one, it is possible to truly With the exception of the large fissure leading to the Primordial Abyss, the remaining small, medium and large fissures leading to the Kinlunga Divide were all destroyed. As long as he holds on to the last crack, Michael will be like a blocked mouse unable to escape.

[Let’s go to Vigrid! 】

The three Gods of Thunder, Odin, and God of War soared into the air, looked at each other without hesitation, and headed to the battlefield of the final battle. Even though Ymir is making so much noise at the moment, it is impossible for him to wake up within a few years according to common sense. What's more, Odin has left his own divine power to guard there, and he can go back at any time if there is a problem.

They must first go to Vigrid to participate in the battle. The gods who have arrived on the battlefield say that the Frost Giants have arrived on the battlefield, and the earthly python Jörmungandr and the god of death Hela are also in the wilderness! Such a powerful enemy must be defeated by a destined opponent, and these guys are from the hotel, unlike the original Nordic gods and giants who follow the rules.

If they attack other weak gods, the gods will suffer heavy losses, so Odin and other gods must take the first step to stabilize the war situation!

"You see clearly, it's the Norse god."

In the distance, on the sun train on the highest peak in Iceland, Yuntianhe stared at the sky wearing a pair of special glasses. The originally dark night sky was now filled with red light. It was the flame giant Surtur and his sons galloping across the sky. The flaming horse hooves trampled the Rainbow Bridge. The fire light came from extremely high in the sky. When reflected, it even reflected the sky in the world red.

The red and dark clouds mixed together to form an ominous and dirty black-red color. In the black-red sky, the place with the densest thunder and lightning was extremely conspicuous. Three light groups could be vaguely seen, which were Odin, Thor and God of War.

At this moment, they were about to head to the final battlefield, but Director B’s plan was to keep the three of them!

"Uriel, it's your turn."

Yuntianhe whispered and laughed softly. Even Michael in the Gimlenga Divide couldn't keep the Norse gods here anymore, so what could keep them?

Of course the trumpet-blowing angel appears and the last judgment comes!


When Odin, God of Thunder, and God of War were about to leave, a passionate and distant horn sound suddenly sounded high in the sky. This horn sound was definitely different from Heimdall's horn sound. When the gods heard it, they felt their blood boiling, and they felt deep in their hearts. There was a feeling of disgust and rejection everywhere, no, this is not the horn of Northern Europe, this is the horn of the invasion of the outer gods, and the second and third different horns sounded soon after!

【He is the loyal servant of the sun——】

【He is the flame of Satan——】

[He stands at the gate of Paradise Lost with a flaming sword in his hand——]

A low and hoarse song sounded from high in the sky, the thick red and black clouds rolled and cracked, an ominous black light invaded the heaven and earth, and a raging fire bloomed like a fire lotus in the middle! The sinful light lingered, six jet-black wings stretched out, Uriel's spirit returned to his body after believing in Satan, the originally petrified angel's body shattered, and the fallen angel with six jet-black wings vaguely appeared!

Satan's dark magic light and flames reflected the flaming sword in his hand, as well as the sun disk and star disk behind him. The low demonic song became louder and louder. Satan's believers sang loudly, and another angel's figure was faintly visible. Chuo appeared next to Uriel!

[He is Satan’s most loyal angel——]

[He is the Lord of the Healing Serpent——]

[He is the guardian of the Tree of Life in Paradise Lost——]

[He stands in front of Satan’s throne holding a flaming sword——]

The black hair is like splashing ink, the original emerald eyes have become as crimson as the flames of hell, the six black wings are stretched out layer by layer, the magic light of the fallen angel lingers on the snake-shaped scepter that represents healing in the hand, the fallen angel arch Raphael raised his head high, with an expression on his face that was arrogant and cold as never before, but the one with a colder face and a more arrogant expression was the fallen angel next to him holding a long bow!

[He is the fallen angel of punishment——]

[He will judge the souls that are not loyal to Satan——]

[He is the creator and guardian of the evil code in Paradise Lost——]

[He holds a long bow and guards Satan's side——]


【Who is He——】

【Who is He——】

【Who is He——】

Explosions of thunder tore through the clouds, and bright lightning illuminated the darkness. The God of War, the Thunder God, and the Fallen Angels fought together. Three songs of the Fallen Angels sounded at the same time, mixed with the blast of thunder and lightning and the roar of the God of Thunder, showing an evil charm—— ——

[He is the fallen archangel Uriel——]

[He is the fallen archangel Raphael——]

【He is the fallen angel Raguel——】

As early as the moment the fallen angel Uriel appeared, Thor, Odin and the God of War did not hesitate to kill the fallen angels. One-on-one they could definitely kill the fallen angels as quickly as possible. However, what shocked the gods was that there were not only these three fallen angels behind the clouds, but also the evil eyes of Sariel, the Angel of the Moon, who secretly attacked!

The three gods were caught off guard for a moment and fell into a siege. Under the blessing of singing, the fallen angels' speed, power, healing ability, etc. were all improved. In addition, most of them were avoiding frontal fierce battles. God is dragging down the world! The demon's low singing voice resounded throughout the world, making the owl Xiaoguang in B3's arms extremely excited. He wanted to join the chorus several times but was forcibly held down by the puppet master.

"Ancestor! Look at how weak you are, stop making trouble!"

The puppet master suppressed Xiaoguang but did not dare to use too much force. Xiaoguang's condition was good and bad, and she had to use it to estimate Black Widow's current condition. But after all, Xiaoguang is just a little bit of George's soul, and it is far less intuitive than the reaction of George's version of Baldr, the God of Light. But the damn thing was that the flame angel Francis had lost contact since just now, making the puppet master angry and vigilant.

She suspected that the Flame Angel seemed to be invading the competition, but in fact he was not the real owner. His silence at the moment was too weird. It was going to be zero o'clock soon, and I'm afraid something big was coming!

* *

‘Oh, damn it, Astrologer, Astrologer, say something! ’

However, in Xiaocui's Little Hades Kingdom, the Flame Angel David is more anxious and irritable than the puppet master! The countdown to zero o'clock was about to begin. According to the plan, the astrologer would contact him at this time, and the two would swap the astrologers to sneak into the competition. But time passed and David could not contact the astrologer at all!

Damn it, David couldn't help but say bad words, and looked anxious and worried. What happened in reality and what the astrologer was doing!

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