Thriller Tour Group

862 Icelandic Horror (356) Zero o'clock is here...

[Do you think Cen Qin will succeed?]

In the highest void of the virtual hall, above the void, stood several black figures as tall as mountain peaks. They were the principals who had gathered again due to the appearance of the light path.

It's just that unlike the last meeting, this will be the critical time of the competition. The hotel ordered that nothing should interfere with the live broadcast. Therefore... the loan, with a pale face, laid colorful paintings on the dome of the hotel's virtual hall to show the journey of the competition. Wonderful moments, and the posters that will appear in Haiyi are placed on the dome. Even if the passengers look up again, they will not be able to see the principals in the void and will not be affected. Therefore, this time the audience was not forced to return to their homes. Residents are not restricted from going out.

But the leaders of the gathering above the void could see the unusual pollution on Dragon Triangle's body, and the new mountain god who sneaked up on Cen Qin, causing him to be seriously injured and on the verge of death. The leaders had different expressions, but they all frowned.

[This kind of power...Snow Mountain God? 】

[No, like a volcano]

[This is the mountain god of Mount Fuji in Japan, but it is seriously polluted...hiss, why does it feel like a snow-capped mountain]

[When Bingyi was traveling to the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing, he must have also encountered the seriously contaminated corpse of the mountain god]

[There are quite a few polluted mountain gods and water gods during this period]

Mountain gods and water gods are both gods of nature, and if one is polluted, the other will most likely be severely affected. Someone in charge felt that the pollution contained in the Dragon Triangle and Mount Fuji was a bit strange. It was neither pollution from the 30th degree north latitude nor butterfly pollution. It's like the pollution in normal tourist attractions, but the level of pollution is too serious. It can seriously injure Cen Qin, and it may also injure the person in charge.

However, for the vast majority of those in charge, the pollution of these mountains and rivers is not important for the time being. They are more concerned about whether Cen Qin can pass the test, complete the journey to heaven, and become one of them.

[I think Cen Qin can succeed, as long as he lasts until zero o'clock]

[Zero Point Hotel’s attention will be transferred to the staged awards in the competition, and it will no longer pay too much attention to him. As long as Cen Qin can take the opportunity to walk through the light path, he can become the person in charge]

The person in charge said calmly, overlooking Mount Fuji, the heart that had just been dug out by the god of Mount Fuji was snatched back by Hei Cenqin despite serious injuries, and forced back into Bai Cenqin's chest. With the vitality of a peak traveler, his heart could survive even if it was temporarily separated from the body. However, the problem was that clusters of white pollution accumulated in the wound in his heart. The pollution from the God of Mount Fuji occupied Cen Qin's chest, spreading quickly and violently. Once his heart was released, If you go back, you will definitely be surrounded by pollution and erosion.

Unless Hei Cenqin can use her butterfly eyes to absorb all the pollution, will she have a chance to put her heart back into her chest. However, the God of Mount Fuji and the Dragon Triangle, who jointly attacked, would not give him time. Hei Cenqin was forced to fight one against one. Hei Cenqin could only rely on himself to remove the contamination. He had to wait until the heart activity disappeared. The longer the body was separated from the heart, the faster the power disappeared, and the further it went, the slimmer the chance.

[Even if Cen Qin dies, he can still be the person in charge]

Someone raised his chin and said casually: [At most, it’s like...that way]

Like..., Slice became the main person, but the original body died. Future development prospects are limited, so we can only rely more on hotels. Cen Qin was born in metaphysics, and he regained half of his life after receiving the old captain's true message. It is impossible for the hotel to allow him to fully become the person in charge. Now, this half life and half death is probably the bottom line drawn by the hotel.

Perhaps it was also because Cen Qin joined the Mutual Aid Alliance and was Bing Yi’s right-hand man, so he gave Cen Qin half a way to survive?

It sounds like a fantasy that a hotel will take a tour guide's attitude into account when making rule decisions. However, looking at Bingyi's performance from joining the hotel to now, no one in charge will underestimate him anymore. If Bingyi is now the one who cuts the light, he will definitely not be hindered by anything. Judging from the nine knives issued by the hotel, he is eager for Bingyi to be the person in charge.

For a while, no one in charge spoke anymore. Everyone had their own thoughts and considerations, and the atmosphere was a bit stagnant. Until the person in charge had nothing to do and asked: [? ? ? (Astrologer’s slice), what do you think]

Every time in this situation,? ? ? He should always make some pessimistic remarks. Although the pessimism and ominousness make people want to sew his mouth shut, he is indeed very powerful in prophecy, and the people in charge are used to hearing it. But this time he remained silent, which made the principals feel a little strange.

【I am listening to the sound of the golden bell】

? ? ? But the answer was wrong: [Listen, the bell is ringing again]

"Dong-dong, dong-dong-"

When the bell rings, it means that the countdown to zero has reached the last minute and a half. ? ? ? Looking down through the dark void, a clock seemed to be reflected in the dark pupils. In addition, it also reflected the figure of Cen Qin, who was seriously injured and fell into the blue pollution.

His broken chest was filled with polluted white ice and snow, but the ice and snow failed to freeze his wounds. The gurgling flow of bright red blood soaked through the ice and snow, soaking into his chest. His eyes were blank and his fingers were trembling slightly. The hand holding his heart seemed to be trying hard to tighten the heart that was beating slower and slower, but in the end he was unable to loosen it. The bright red blood spread over his chest and dripped to the ground.

Seeing that Cen Qin could not survive, he separated his butterfly eyes into the other half of his life, but he did not have the power to eliminate the pollution when he was seriously injured and on the verge of death. In the eyes of the principals, this is not too unlucky. At least he has half a life to survive, and he should be able to become the principal.

But the one whose eyes were fixed on Cen Qin from beginning to end? ? ? But he saw the tip of Cen Qin's free finger moving slightly, as if he was calculating. In the eyes of those who are best at divination and calculation, every movement has profound meaning. ? ? ? Looking towards..., I saw that Captain Wan Anqian of Xuanxue was furious and declared war on the person in charge. The always good-tempered man burst out with his true strength and restrained... completely, completely suppressing him. beat.

Although the metaphysicians could not help Cen Qin break through the obstacles and complete the path of light, they had nowhere to vent their anger and could declare war on the person in charge and avenge Cen Qin. Wan Anpong was so deadly that he turned a deaf ear no matter what he screamed or said in anger.

See this scene? ? ? Then he understood that it was not that Cen Qin was unable to remove the contamination and put it back into the heart, but that he decided to die at this moment.

The gifts given by fate have already been marked with a secret price. Those who play with fate are all madmen and gamblers. Can astrologers of the past reconcile? ? ? Breaking up and letting Him defect to the life-seeking man was a huge gamble that the two of them made tacitly.

At this moment, Cen Qin is also gambling.

Currently, there are only two vacancies among the top ten core managers. These two vacancies are still vacant today. Obviously, the hotel has its own arrangements. It is definitely not part of the hotel's plan for Cen Qin to become the person in charge. Even if he succeeds, it is very likely that he will not be able to achieve his goal under the arrangement of the hotel.

If that's the case, then simply kill the person in charge and replace him. ··· is the best to kill, Cen Qin survives, and ··· dies, the change of fate. It's just that the hotel is afraid of metaphysics, so Cen Qin follows suit... abandoning his original identity, and only by becoming a person in charge can he be recognized by the hotel. It's like the reincarnation of history.

exist? ? ? It seems that his move is tantamount to his determination to take a big gamble. Even if it costs half his life, he will become the person in charge and do things for Bingyi. Just like the astrologers back in the day. ? ? ? Understand that if he was the one making the choice at this moment, he would do the same thing like Taoist Half Life. then? ? ? I just watched this scene quietly, envious of Cen Qin's good luck, lamented the decisiveness of the whole metaphysics, and felt melancholy that the astrologer had admitted his wrong fate, and the two of them were indeed unlucky.

exist? ? ? It seems that the intertwined red and white on Cen Qin's chest and the mixed blue and black of the polluted ocean current behind him are like the threads of fate crisscrossing each other. Even his death is so in line with the trajectory of fate and so beautiful.

【? ? ? , do you think Cen Qin can survive? 】

at? ? ? While he was quietly admiring the beauty of fate, the person in charge next to him kept asking him questions, which was really annoying. ? ? ? Gang just said casually: [I think - huh? 】

But the next moment He stopped speaking, his heart moved slightly, and he listened attentively.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

The blood dripped on the ground, gradually taking away Cen Qin's life force, just like the sound of the person in charge's blood dripping when Wan An's coldness penetrated his chest. The sound of dripping blood was like the beating of clock hands and the ringing of a golden bell. .

"Boom--boom! Boom--boom--!"

Above the void, Cen Qin was dying, Wan An was seriously injured... Qi Lecheng, who was assisting in the battle, lit up the Golden Crow fire and burned out the Dragon Triangle, polluting the sea currents. Black Cen Qin blasted the God of Mount Fuji into pieces, and the melee has reached its most intense stage. time! In the virtual lobby of the hotel under the void, as the golden bell rang, the countdown to zero reached the last thirty seconds. Millions of viewers followed the countdown with excitement, and the atmosphere was extremely heated.

In the midst of this excitement, the astrologer's eyes were slightly closed. With help? ? ? With his eyes, he saw everything that happened in the void, and also saw through Cen Qin's decisive choice. Although his mood was extremely complicated, the astrologer didn't look like a pessimist? ? ? I just felt that Cen Qinhao had chosen the right fate in his bet, and those who chose the life-thirsty man were destined to be unable to compete with him and lose the opportunity.

Astrologers are wondering, does Bingyi know that Cenqin Slice will completely give up half his life?

Cen Qin gave up half his life. Was it Bingyi’s choice or Cen Qin’s choice?

The most failed gamble in the past caused astrologers to toss and turn every night in their dreams. After thinking about it countless times, they finally had some clarity. The real bet on fate is not to do it arrogantly because you think that a certain approach will be in the interest of fate. Instead, think about what fate will do, and then follow his approach.

The astrologer thought again, if Bingyi witnessed the fierce battle in the void, would he watch Cen Qin die?

He will not.

In this case, the astrologer knows what to do. His eyes were slightly closed, the same as those above the void? ? ? Whisper. When he opened his eyes again and looked at the still dark picture frame above the virtual hall, the astrologer's heartbeat accelerated slightly, and his emotions became difficult to calm down after a long time.

Maybe this is a rare opportunity for him to break into the inner circle of Bingyi!

[I think——Cen Qin’s plan will definitely not succeed]

Above the void, just paused for a moment? ? ? Then he said, in his usual melancholy tone: [Cen Qin wanted to kill him at first sight, and then killed his original body, pushed Cen Qin to be the person in charge, and replaced him with...]

[But how could the plan go so smoothly? Cen Qin has lived half a life for so many years and has a very strong vitality. How could he die just because he wanted to?]

[Oh, it’s impossible, I don’t think he can die]

When you say these words? ? ? His eyes moved slightly, he had been in charge for several years, and the core power of prophecy and divination had long been strong enough to approach the rules. No one knows? ? ? His pessimistic prophecy not only sees the future - in fact, even if he does not foresee it, when he uses the power of the rules of pessimistic prophecy, what he says will become the 'future'!

This power is too powerful and the consumption is too terrible,? ? ? I rarely use the power of this rule, and usually just talk casually. But this time he did not hesitate after receiving the message from the astrologer. The pessimist and the optimist were in the same mind at this moment, and both felt that this was an opportunity they must not miss! The power of the rules of pessimistic prophecy? ? ? Perform quietly.

Prophecy has a strange magical power. The more you believe it and the more people believe it, the more likely it is that the prophecy will come true in some way. Now, the people around you who are used to hearing his prophecies and unknowingly are used to believing in his prophecies. yes? ? ? The springboard for the increase in the power of pessimistic predictions, the ticking hands of the clock looming in his eyes suddenly trembled with hesitation, as if stuck and unable to go any further, as if Cen Qin's life force that was constantly passing by suddenly stopped. die.

At the same time, Cen Qin, whose breath was getting weaker and weaker, almost nonexistent, coughed suddenly for some reason. It happened that the ice and snow pollution in the wound in his heart had been soaked and eroded by his powerful blood, and Cen Qin coughed and wheezed violently in his chest. During the ups and downs, a large amount of ice and snow contamination happened to be shaken out, and it shattered next to it with a crash!

Most of the ice and snow pollution in his chest suddenly disappeared. Cen Qin, who had been suffocated by the pollution and was on the verge of death, suddenly regained his breath. After a while, he didn't die! Not far away, he grabbed the weakly struggling... throat and knocked him to the ground. Wan Anpong, who was about to twist off his head simultaneously, keenly noticed the movement on Cen Qin's side and suddenly stopped with his hands. If Cen Qin is not dead, then he has no intention of killing... and 'avenging him'. A cough ruins their plan?

No, this is definitely not a simple cough! Who influenced Cen Qin’s future? Who has this ability? Astrologer still? ? ? , why do they do this? However, there was no way to make up for the missed fate. In this moment of pause, the sound of the golden bell suddenly became louder. The magnificent and long ringing of the golden bell could be heard in all the tourist attractions throughout the hotel.

It's midnight!

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