Thriller Tour Group

863 Nutrient solution added (291) Kill him...

At this moment, the virtual hall has already become a sea of ​​enthusiastic cheers. The majestic music that resounds throughout the hotel has a sharp metallic texture, like swords clashing and weapons clanging. Ragnarok is coming, the final battle is coming, and the live broadcast is coming. All kinds of exciting pictures flashed across the screen.

There are volcanoes erupting, the earth shakes, sea water surges, roosters crow, heroes (dragon hunters, tooth hunters and other hunters) are summoned to the Hall of Valor, fully armed and go out to fight in the wilderness;

On the final battlefield, the two sides faced off against each other. On one side were the Aesir, the Vanir, the Valkyries, and the heroes; on the other were the flame giants led by Surtur, the frost giants led by Hreem, and the sea of ​​​​deaths. La Xiaocui, Corn Snake Jörmungandr and Demon Wolf Fenrir, these two giant beasts spewed poisonous mist and frost, filling the entire universe*, and even the World Tree was crumbling, making an overwhelming crackling sound.

However, the most exciting battlefield at this moment is not in the wilderness, but in Iceland! The ancestor giant Ymir suddenly broke free from his shackles and broke free from the Snaefell volcano. His huge body split the extremely wide crater, but before he completely broke free, Odin deliberately left the majestic divine power in the volcano. The shackles were trapped again, roaring angrily, and the head covered with ice crystals almost broke the sky!

Above the sky, Odin, God of Thunder, and God of War Tyr were chasing the exhausted Fallen Angels, and the battle was about to end. But at this moment, the sky suddenly split open, holy and brilliant light spilled out, and the dark and ominous clouds were reflected. After leaving the circle of gold, the song of the fallen angels had just come to an end, and the real angel hymn sounded. Dan Lin and Yun Tianhe unexpectedly opened the door to heaven. The archangel Gabriel and the nun Maria led the angel army to invade the gods. dusk!

When the Angel Legion arrived in Iceland, the situation suddenly changed. The fallen angel archers, who had been chased to the point of exhaustion, actually turned around and gathered with the Angel Legion to fight side by side. The elite frost giants led by Begelmir were originally interfering with Odin and wanted to help the ancestor giant Ymir escape quickly, but after the invasion of the angel army, they immediately joined forces with Odin to fight the angels.

The battles in the two major battlefields in the wilderness and Iceland were so fierce that it made people's blood boil. However, millions of viewers in the virtual hall became passionate and enthusiastic. The shouts surged like a tsunami. However, it was the passengers who originally died in the two Icelandic brigades. Big scenes of resurrection one after another! Miranda, Roger, Betty, Charlie, Philip; Shao Yuan, Di Feiyu, Yin Guangyuan; Lisa, Heydrich, Yu Xiangyang, Yin Qiaoqiao, Bailian Jushi——

When figures that are familiar or unfamiliar, weak or powerful are resurrected on this snowfield after death, and when two Icelandic brigades appear neatly in the violent snowstorm as if they have just embarked on a journey, regardless of whether the East District The passengers in the West End cheered and shouted for them, and the emotional people even had tears in their eyes. I have never seen this situation before. The two brigades participating in the competition remained full after the first stage!

The vast majority of passengers had no idea how difficult it was to resurrect the dead in their old dreams with all their relatives alive, and how valuable it was. They simply screamed and excitedly for the miracle of the entire team's survival that they had witnessed. Their faces were red, as if they were venting all the fear and panic they had felt since entering the hotel. At this moment, they substituted themselves for the passengers who had grown from weak to strong in the Icelandic brigade. They felt extremely excited, as if something had appeared in the originally confused darkness. A shining future.

And this future is brought by Director B!

[The first phase of the year-end celebration warm-up competition has ended. Based on the performance within the itinerary, the brigade led by tour guide Bingyi won the first place in the completion of the scenic spot tasks in the first phase of the journey! Congratulations to tour guide Bingyi’s brigade for obtaining a key fragment to the center of the earth! 】

At the stroke of midnight, the voice of the hotel manager rang in the minds of all the tour guides and tourists... Their lives were hanging by a thread and they could no longer host the competition. At this moment, the one reporting on his behalf was * * *. However, the vast majority of tour guides and tourists were not able to distinguish the voice of the host. For a while, they did not notice that the host had changed. There were only waves of excited cheers following the host's announcement. Come.

[The first phase of the year-end celebration warm-up competition has ended. The brigade led by Tour Guide B1 and Tour Guide B1 has passed the test of the first phase of the journey. All passengers in the team survived, and they are tied for the first place in the number of survivors in the team! Congratulations to the brigade of tour guide Bingyi and tour guide B1 for jointly obtaining a key fragment to the center of the earth! 】

The tour guide in a dark cloak stood in the middle of the Japanese train. It was as if he could hear millions of spectators cheering and shouting for him in the distance. Bingyi had a smile on his lips. The tour guide's mask could not completely hide his handsome face. His passengers stood there. Behind him, he was following his back enthusiastically, while seven tour guides, B2, B5, B2, A2, A5, B1, and B3, stood beside him, turning their heads to pursue his gaze. An attentive audience noticed that except for A2, the other tour guides spontaneously took a step back than Bingyi. It was obvious who was the leader among the tour guides.

In fact, A2 also wanted to retreat, but was pulled by Bingyi and stood beside him. Two pieces of brown paper fell into his and B1's hands respectively. They were the 'brigade with the highest degree of completion of scenic spots in the team' and 'the team with the largest number of survivors. The Brigade's rewarded with key fragments. Bingyi took out the fragment of the key that was awarded to the 'Best Tour Guide', and put the pieces of kraft paper together to transform into a dark gold paper key. On the first day of Ragnarok, Bingyi united the fragments and obtained the complete key!

Bingyi held A2's hand with a smile and put the key in his hand. The two held the key together. This scene made the audience in the West District scream with excitement. The audience in the East District also marveled at Bingyi's majesty. The virtual lobby of the Time Gate Hotel The audience in the east and west areas of the scene were particularly harmonious. They looked at each other very well and the atmosphere became more and more lively.

Suddenly, the light in the door virtual hall suddenly dimmed. When the audience looked up at the dome in confusion, they found that the painted dome turned into a starry sky, and a dark golden picture frame stood in the starry sky. Only the original picture frame remained. Get this one. Just as more and more spectators discovered the changes in the dome and were wondering, the next change made everyone subconsciously exclaim.

Two flames suddenly ignited on the originally dark canvas in the frame. The dark red burning fire spread, but gradually outlined a figure that was very familiar to the audience. The originally pitch-black canvas was burned with flames, revealing the outline of a cloak. The tour guide wearing a pitch-black cloak stood with his back to the audience, holding a dim lamp under the heavy clouds and snow.

The strong wind blew off his hood, and the tour guide's snow-white slightly curly hair was slightly longer and hung down on the hood. The ends of the hair were elegantly curved and stained with some crystal snow particles. The dim yellow light illuminated the darkness ahead. Groups of terrifying and huge giants could be faintly seen, as well as the Nordic gods fully armed to kill the giants. A faint trace of light representing the Gate of Heaven burned in the darkness in the upper right corner. Ahead is the battlefield where terrifying giants, gods and angelic legions are fighting.

However, the dangerous battlefield, where even the most powerful people may never return, only occupies a small corner on the poster. It seems so insignificant against the back of the black cloaked tour guide. The dim and dim light can give people infinite courage, as if he is The only light in the dark night. The flames on the dark poster continued to burn, burning out the gem crown representing wisdom on the tour guide's snow-white hair, and burning out the little red flames around him that represented the authority of the God of Fire.

By this time, countless viewers could no longer suppress their excitement and exclaimed, this is Director C’s poster! The second stage of the competition has just begun, but Director C’s poster has already appeared in the frame. This shows that the hotel recognizes him and believes that no matter how good the tour guide is in the second stage, he will never be better than Guide C!

The burning flame divided into two strands after outlining the outline. One strand continued to outline the white-haired tour guide at the core of the poster. The other strand fell to the lower center of the poster. The flames turned into twisted and burning gilded writing - —

[Preliminary competition: Nordic competition]

[Personal limited commemorative poster]

[The best tour guide in the competition—Explorer C1! 】


When these lines appeared on the poster, the atmosphere in the virtual hall became extremely lively. I don’t know who started it, and more and more viewers shouted Director C’s name loudly! Call him the Explorer! Director C definitely deserved the honor of being the best tour guide. The originally chaotic shouts soon became unified, like a surging wave. The audience watched with fascination and concentration as the flames burned and outlined the delicate profile of the white-haired guide. ——

On the poster, he turned his face sideways and looked behind him, as if he was watching the passengers following him with concern. The explorer is definitely not a lone wolf tour guide or a butcher tour guide. The flames depict the deep blue eyes of the explorer under the mask. They are calm and deep, but not cruel and violent. At this moment, countless viewers feel that they are being watched by the explorer, and their hearts beat faster on their backs. Numbing, as if the explorer's gaze can bring them endless courage, making people sink into it irresistibly.

[In the early morning of the first day of the second phase of the journey, the complete key to the center of the earth has been synthesized, and the gods are invaded at Ragnarok... The overall strength is better than the difficulty of the original final scenic spot, and it has been comprehensively evaluated by the hotel——]

It was not until the voice of the host announcing the second phase of the scenic spot tasks resounded in the minds of the audience that the enthusiastic shouts finally came to an end. However, the host's announcement could force the audience to silence, but it could not affect their attention. He looked at the explorer in fascination, watching eagerly as the flames burned the corners of the explorer's mouth into a smile.

Different from his deep and calm eyes, the corners of the explorer's lips slightly curled up, but there was a hint of joking, as if no matter how dangerous the journey was, he didn't take it seriously, and no matter how terrifying the battlefield was, it was just new to him. challenge. When the person in charge announced the changes in the tasks of the second stage of the attraction in a cold voice without any waves, the smile of the explorer on the poster showed a bit of ridicule, as if he didn't even bother with the so-called increase in difficulty.

Indeed, the increase in the difficulty of the journey's scenic spots is nothing to the explorer. He must have done something big by gathering the vast majority of tour guides and tourists - this is what the vast majority of the audience is thinking at this moment, although they don't know all of them are there. At this point, it’s hard to imagine how much more the Explorers can do, so they were very calm while admiring the Explorer posters and waiting for the person in charge to announce the specific changes to the scenic spots’ missions, ready to point and say, “That’s it.”

[In the second phase of the warm-up competition, the difficulty of the final scenic spot task has been upgraded and changed to——]

However, at this moment, the voice of the person in charge suddenly stopped! The virtual hall, which was originally quiet due to the announcement of the mission, became dead silent after losing the voice of the person in charge. It was eerily quiet. The audience didn't know what was going on. Most of them were still admiring the poster of the Explorer, but at this moment a terrified scream suddenly broke out in the silence!

On the dome of the virtual hall, the explorer's smiling mouth on the poster snaked and cracked to the left and right, until the entire poster cracked from his smile. No, it was not just the poster, but also the dome of the virtual hall that was cracked. The stunned and confused audience did not know what was happening. They looked above their heads and saw the dark void looming behind the explorer's smile. Just like the explorers uncovered the cheerful illusion of liveliness and vanity, revealing the dark and cold real world they have never been exposed to

In the extremely dense darkness, two snow-white light paths can be vaguely seen, one is slightly shorter, and the other is extremely long. The extremely long light path is winding and winding, like a ladder leading to the moon. A figure is walking slowly and slowly. Stroll along the path of light, winding its way up.

What is this? Who is this? Where is he going?

no one knows! But the vast majority of the audience had splitting headaches after just one glance, and their eyes felt as if they had been crushed. The twisted and terrifying murmurs resounded like twisted celebration music deep in everyone’s souls. The horrific pain made people want to He couldn't even pass out, so he could only hold himself upright, with blood flowing from his painful orifices and tears streaming down his face, until a very cold male voice sighed, overpowering the noisy and distorted music.


【I'm back】

Boom! !

In the deafening and terrifying roar, most of the audience fainted in an instant. They were all sent back to their respective stations to recuperate by the person in charge * * *. The virtual hall that was originally packed with audiences instantly became empty. Then the figure of *** also appeared in the void above the virtual hall. At this moment, Cen Qin's light path was still bright, but the place where there was a fierce battle just now was completely silent. Everyone stared blankly at the man who walked silently on the light road. Many people frowned and looked confused.

Who is this? Why is there another Slice who wants to be in charge? He looks unfamiliar, but he is wearing a Taoist robe. Could he be a metaphysics person? They subconsciously looked at the metaphysics, and saw that except for Wan Anqian and Hei Bai Cenqin who suppressed..., the other metaphysics visitors came forward in disbelief and with great respect, saying that he was standing with his hands behind his back, as handsome as an immortal, with a young face. But the man with the vicissitudes of life in his eyes——

"Captain Kongkong!"

Captain Kongkong? Wasn’t the captain of the metaphysics last ten years named Chen? No, the quick-thinking person has already reacted at this moment, with a look of horror on his face. Could it be that this person is the captain of Xuanxue two generations ago? ! Not only did he not die, but his slices attracted light and returned to the hotel? ! how did you do that! How can it be! !

There was a buzzing sound of the space door, and seven tall black figures wearing black cloaks suddenly appeared. It was actually the leaders of the gathering who appeared at the same time! Even the principals were shocked to the point of doubting the identity of Taoist Master Kongkong, but what made them even more shocked was the mandatory mission that the hotel issued directly to all the principals at the same time.

【kill him! 】

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