Thriller Tour Group

864 Icelandic Horror (357) It seems that our principal is...

When all the heads of the hotel appeared, even if they were dying... or lying on the ground, they received the mandatory killing mission from the hotel. The nature of the matter changed completely. Taoist Kongkong stood with his hands behind his back, his expression indifferent. The seven heads were as tall as seven dark spires surrounding him in the middle. Seven pairs of eyes hidden behind their hoods stared at him without blinking. The heads were like seven mountains, and the shadows they cast swallowed all the light. The people of metaphysics who were just not far away were excluded, and even the light path was blocked by the thick darkness. The surrounding space was completely blocked. This terrifying oppression was even comparable to when he led the team to the primitive abyss. Taoist Kongkong had not experienced this era and could not recognize who these heads were. However, since they appeared at the same time, it meant that the hotel might have issued a mandatory mission to the heads to kill him. But this was also within the expectations of Taoist Master Kongkong. The petal pollution on his body was almost completely cleared, and the remaining soul was very broken. With his current strength, it was impossible for him to fight seven alone. Those top tourist guides outside could not break the rules of the hotel to come in to help - they could not help.

It was just that Taoist Master Kongkong did not come to the hotel to seek survival. Now that he was in such a dangerous situation, he just pinched his fingers lightly. On his illusory and translucent fingertips, an extremely inconspicuous bone bud swayed slightly with the fluctuations of his soul, and was pinched by Taoist Master Kongkong's fingertips.

Bingyi cut off most of the petal pollution, but retained a small point. Taoist Master Kongkong's soul and the petal pollution had been fused for too long and had long been integrated. When there was a lot of petal pollution, his soul was also pollution. When there was less petal pollution, this little pollution was also a soul. That's why he could bring it to the light path. This little pollution can't do anything. At best, it can only be regarded as a small primer -

A terrifying primer that can lead the massive petal pollution cut from him and left in Iceland to the hotel. Even if the situation falls to the worst, for example, he is killed by the seven masters the moment he arrives at the hotel, Taoist Kongkong will immediately transfer the huge amount of petal pollution in Iceland to the hotel and completely disrupt the hotel.

He has calculated that the masters are not all freeloaders, and they will definitely be able to stop the petal pollution (but they will be exhausted). In this way, they attract the full attention of the hotel and the masters, Bingyi can act quite freely, and Cen Qin can also take the opportunity to complete the light path. Cen Qin has the butterfly eye, which can absorb petal pollution. Taoist Kongkong has already taught him which sentences in the Pure and Tranquil Sutra can restrain petal pollution the most. Cen Qin can chant the sutra to purify the petal pollution as a condition to let the hotel recognize him as the master.

Of course, the current captain of the metaphysical team is also doing very well. Just now, Taoist Master Kongkong took a brief glance and saw that this man was holding down the half-dead leader. Killing a leader to make room for Cen Qin must have been calculated. However, he hurriedly calculated that he could beat a leader into this state in a short period of time. I guess there must be something wrong with the leader's strength - there is a high probability that the original body died and only slices were left.

In this way, if Cen Qin wants to replace him, he will probably have to lose half his life completely. Taoist Master Kongkong saw Cen Qin lying in a pool of blood and felt extremely sorry. In the final analysis, this plan was too tragic.

Fortunately, since being awakened and meeting Bingyi, Taoist Master Kongkong and his team have not had a bad fortune, and they have not fallen into the worst situation expected. Instead, as Bingyi expected, Taoist Master Kongkong was not killed by the hotel or the leaders as soon as he arrived at the hotel. The seven leaders just surrounded him in the middle, and then--stared at him.

This matter is really incredible.

The seven leaders surrounded the Taoist Master Kongkong, who stood with his hands behind his back and looked indifferent. They were in different emotions, some were incredulous, some were shocked, some were suspicious, and some were horrified. It was like watching a fox that had been dead for decades suddenly stand up and speak. No, in a place like the hostel, dead foxes can become demons. Dead foxes that speak are common, but it is unprecedented for a guest like Taoist Master Kongkong to return to the hostel after two generations! If this person is really the captain of the previous generation of metaphysics as they guessed, then this person is simply a living miracle that has never been seen before! But now the leaders have believed it. If there were still people who doubted the truth of the metaphysics man's words before, after all the leaders received the mandatory killing task from the hostel, the attitude of the hostel explained everything. Therefore, no one in charge took action for a while, which was really a spectacle. You know, if the hostel suddenly ordered the leaders to kill Wei Xun, there is a high probability that leaders with different positions would take action without hesitation. After all, they had naturally signed the deepest soul contract with the hotel since they stepped onto the light path and became the masters.

On weekdays, the hotel gave them a lot of freedom, but the bottom line was that once the hotel issued a mandatory task, the masters had to obey orders, otherwise they would suffer the severe pain of having their souls cut into pieces. If they did not obey orders for a long time, in the end, the contract between the hotel and the master would be forcibly broken, and the master's sliced ​​soul would be completely shattered. This kind of pain was unbearable even for the master, and it was even more unbearable to have the sliced ​​soul shattered and only the original body's strength would drop significantly.

But who is willing to kill this miracle baby egg? No one! Therefore, even if the task assigned by the hotel is delayed for one second, the pain of the contract in the soul will be aggravated. For a moment, no one in charge is willing to attack Taoist Master Kongkong like this, even the dying and miserable... What he was thinking about at the moment was not his own life or death, but how to keep Taoist Master Kongkong alive. There are many questions that the principals want to ask: How did Master Kongkong survive to this day? How did he slice his way onto the path of light? What was it that he cut out, and why was he the only soul that came up? What happened to him back then?

However, the principals must not ask. They have stepped on the bottom line of the hotel by not taking action up to this moment. At any rate, their gazes are also extremely polluted. No one except a pervert like An Xuefeng can withstand seven people. The principals watched at the same time, and it could be said that they wanted to stare Taoist Master Kongkong to death without any blood. They were barely executing the killing mission, although they only carried out a little bit.

But it would be rude if they dared to chat with Taoist Master Kongkong, which would be tantamount to provoking the authority of the hotel! No one knows the true power of this behemoth hotel. Anyway, it is easy to kill the person in charge. No matter how strong the overall strength of the people present was, even if they opened a journey to 30 degrees north latitude, they would never be sure to protect Daoist Master Kongkong.

I thought that this person would disappear completely in the hotel soon. All the eagerness, excitement, and shock eventually turned into deep regret, so I quickly used my eyes to see it now. The people in charge have many years of experience and sharp eyes. Even if they can't ask, they can roughly analyze them one by one just by looking at the various traces and remaining powers on Taoist Master Kongkong's body.

However, soon, the people in charge became more and more doubtful. Every slice will leave more or less the aura of the person holding the knife, but why is the aura of power on Taoist Master Kongkong so messy? At first, the principals roughly analyzed only two kinds of power auras, most of which were left by Bingyi, and the remaining half of the power auras were directed at the Lizard Duke!

The unheard-of event of Master Kongkong going to heaven is linked to Bingyi. In fact, the people in charge had already expected it. After all, he had killed Roger Betty before. After confirming it at this moment, they were just sighing at Bingyi's strength. The swelling keeps getting bigger and bigger day by day, and even Daoist Priest Kongkong can cut it.

But what happened to the Lizard Duke? ! When did he also break the rules and get a knife? Also cooperate with Bingyi to use the knife to cut Kongkong Taoist Priest? Could it be that this is some kind of exchange, that the Lizard Duke is willing to help in exchange for Bingyi's Fenrir Wolf? However, it is understandable that the Lizard Duke intervened, but when the remaining aura of power lingering on Taoist Master Kongkong was completely disturbed by the gazes of the principals, and shattered into the tiniest particles, these auras of power appeared. Strange——

When they came together, it was obvious that they had Bingyi's sense of power, but after they were dispersed, that sense of power that belonged to Bingyi completely disappeared, replaced by various mixed auras of power? It's as if, it's not just one person, but the power auras of many people are mixed together, but they are covered and disguised by Bingyi's power in some unknown way!

Where are there so many people who are qualified to break the rules and get knives? Isn't it Bingyi who is the leader of Qie Kongkong? All the top travelers in the East District have a hand? But the peak passengers participating in the warm-up competition are not the top group of captains and deputy teams. At most, they are the captains and deputy teams of the subordinate brigades. Could it be said that the leaders of the Eastern District Brigade have broken the rules and used knives? Have you gained strength?

But just when the people in charge were surprised and took a closer look, what they discovered next was even more difficult to accept than their previous guesses! The weaker the aura of power, the less able it was to resist the analysis of the principals. Soon after the aura of power coming from the deepest knife mark on Taoist Master Kongkong's body was completely broken and decomposed, the weakest one was the first to be analyzed by the principals.

However, it does not come from the top travelers in the East District, nor does it come from the top travelers in the West District. It does not even belong to the hunters, but comes from a very inconspicuous little tour guide in the East District who is the last in terms of strength.

Why was the aura of power of the sheep that fainted in Bingyi analyzed from the knife marks of Taoist Master Kong Kong? Did he also cut Taoist Master Kong Kong with a knife? !

[It seems that our principal is about to be doomed]

? ? ? He couldn't help but murmur pessimistically, but no one in charge asked him to shut up, because besides him, many managers also thought the same way. How could a tour guide like Bingyi be able to chop him down? Was this some special method or was the truest aura of power still hidden? Hidden from all their principals?

However, the principals only put? ? ? The words were taken as an expression of emotion, but the hotel, which was monitoring this place closely at all times, took it seriously.

What? Is their boss going to die?

Taoist Master Kongkong is no longer in the hotel’s records, and even the hotel cannot truly analyze his current strength. However, this person can completely violate the core rules of the hotel and survive to this day, and he is still in the hotel. This is definitely a program that can make any hotel program It’s a super big BUG that’s all going wrong! For this kind of BUG, ​​the hotel immediately raises its risk to the highest level, and will never personally mobilize the hotel's power to take action unless it is absolutely necessary——

Those who have been able to break through the core rules of the hotel and hide it from the outside until now are probably contaminated by high-concentration pollution that the hotel has not completely controlled. It is definitely a cancer! This kind of BUG is most effective when the person in charge takes action, but when the seven principals came, they would rather endure the severe pain of having their souls torn apart than take action. Is it a deliberate delay in taking action or... is it really impossible to take action?

? ? ? Does the pessimistic prophecy spoken at this moment mean that Taoist Master Kong Kong makes the seven principals extremely troublesome? Is there a possibility that the owners of the hotel are really going to die now? After all, the hotel did detect that Director Kongkong was carrying high-concentration contaminants with him? Have the principals been restrained?

This is not impossible. The owner of the hotel is not an omnipotent person. He was almost killed by a peak traveler who was not the owner. No matter what the situation is at this moment, for the hotel that must kill Kongkong Taoist Master, it needs to increase its efforts again to ensure that everything is foolproof.


The principals seemed to feel something from the deafening roaring sound. They looked up above their heads in surprise and vigilance. They saw a terrifying vortex suddenly appeared in the originally dark realm of the principals. The next second, a figure appeared in the void vortex, starting from the head. The first person to step out of the vortex was an extremely tall and heroic man with a sinister aura and a long knife in his hand, and a cold face - An Xuefeng!

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