Thriller Tour Group

875 Conquer Michael Nutrient Solution 293+ Update


The hotel's buzzer suddenly stopped, but no one cared about it. Unlike some movies and TV shows, the time in the mission world will stop after the team completes the mission, or it will return the moment the mission is completed. While the hotel is broadcasting, the collapse of the Nordic world is still continuing, and the terrible storm is like lead-gray. The torrent swept through the nine worlds from the highest altitude along the collapsed trunk of the World Tree.

In Nordic folklore, the winter storm is the wind of death brought by Odin, which makes the Viking warriors who believe in Nordic mythology fearless to fight on the battlefield*. However, the storm at this moment is also the wind of death brought by Odin, but It was the storm caused by the death of God King Odin!

This storm was extremely harsh, icy cold, and contained infinite terrifying power of destruction. Regardless of giants, gods, humans, or reptiles, they were all shivering in the storm but unable to dodge. They could only be torn into pieces by the storm and gathered together. Plunging into this lead-gray, terrifying torrent that could destroy everything, this also made the storm grow bigger and bigger, and a bright red color gradually appeared in the light gray wind.

That was the fire ignited by the flaming magic sword from Odin's corpse! The chaotic Ragnarok finally came to an end foretold by its destiny. The flaming magic sword held by the god of fire Loki and killed Odin ignited into a raging fire and burned to the sky and the earth. Michael's flaming holy sword is inserted, and the holy fire suppresses the demonic fire. This fire may have burned Odin's body long ago, burned Ymir's body, and burned all the way up to the sky from the huge corpse of the ancestor of the giants. Arrive at the World Tree.

However, the turmoil from the outside world could not affect the God of Fire and the Archangel deep in the earth, and the sudden interruption of the hotel's reminder did not waver Bingyi's eyes in the slightest. The flaming magic sword was still stuck in Odin's chest. Across the burning corpse of the God King, Bingyi's eyes met Michael's.

Satan was laughing, looking down over Odin's shoulder at the Son of Light. The long hair fell from Satan's ears like silk, and was turned a dull black red by the jet-black wings and flames. Even his eyes were dancing with a flaming smile, and the corners of his lips were raised to worry the angel.

Odin is dead, Nordic mythology has been temporarily destroyed, and the outer gods have completely overwhelmed the Nordic native gods. Even the Golden Lunga Chasm, which originally resonated slightly due to Odin's self-destruction power, fell into pure darkness and was completely closed. After this battle, Not only will it take many years to restart the mythology, but during this period, Northern Europe will be the world of the outer gods.

Without a powerful enemy to face together, Satan and the Archangel here should no longer be able to maintain superficial cooperation. What's more, Satan also tempted several archangels to fall, and they were accompanied by demonic dragons, the enemies that Michael swore he would definitely kill. Now that Odin is dead, the Nordic world is on the verge of collapse, and the power of the outer gods has greatly increased. Bingyi has the authority of Loki Vulcan, so he will be affected after all. They were extremely close at this moment, so close that Michael could cut Satan's neck if he moved his sword forward.

But for some reason, Michael didn't take action. His emerald eyes stared deeply into Satan's pupils, with many complex emotions flashing through them, including doubts, contemplation, disgust, shock - but in the end he remained silent. The black-red light of the demonic fire reflected on his long red hair, like the shackles of hell on the long hair of an angel, staining the purity and showing an ominous gloom. The blood of Odin dyed Michael's face red and dripped down his clear jawline.

Tick ​​tock.

The divine blood fell on Satan's pale and slender fingers, and he grasped it in his palm.

"What a perfect fit, Michael."

Satan's low and sweet voice sounded, like pulling the strings of a cello. The voice was very soft, as if he was whispering intimately to Michael.

"This is God's guidance."

Michael said coldly, his emerald eyes were like a calm lake, without any ripples: "You will go to the bottomless pit to atone for your sins."

As soon as he finished speaking, the six emerald wings behind Michael suddenly burst out. The emerald feathers were stained with God's holy light. The blazing holy fire on the flaming holy sword surged, completely overwhelming the demonic fire on the flaming magic sword. Odin's already exhausted divine body made a crackling sound under the burning of the holy fire, and became charred black in the blink of an eye. As the god's body was burned, the authority that had not had time to be detonated by Odin dragged light traces like stardust and fell from the cracked corpse.

Of course, Bingyi would not miss this biggest gain. With the attitude of Satan, he didn't seem to care about it. He just moved his fingers slightly and grabbed all the authorities at will. At the same time, he smelled a very strong smell, saying The fragrance doesn't come out. This is the strong fragrance emitted when the holy fire burned the original body of the God King. It will spread throughout the world as the body of the God King is burned, spreading new beliefs.

But the divine incense burned by the holy fire is an unbearable smell to Satan. The aroma pours into the chest like the holy fire burning, and it will bring severe pain to the soul. The originally calm atmosphere suddenly became tense. Michael was obviously provoking a declaration of war. If Satan didn't make an immediate decision to stop him, he might really be tied up by the archangel and thrown into the bottomless pit to be punished day and night.

However, seeing that Michael did not directly draw his sword and behead him, but only used this method to intimidate him, Bingyi felt confident and the smile on his face deepened. Taking into account the situation of An Xuefeng, Xiaoguang and other tour guides and tourists, Bingyi stopped using more words to induce and said directly:

"Michael, are you also guided by God when you have been lurking deep in the Jinlunga Chasm for a long time?"

"Do you know that Odin will eventually come to the Chasm? Do you also know that you and I will kill him together in the end?"

"God can do anything."

Michael said solemnly, as if he had strengthened his faith again, and the light in his eyes no longer flickered. The archangel did not hesitate to pull out the flaming holy sword and pointed it directly at Satan's head. He no longer hesitated: "The angel of temptation fell. Your sins are serious. God will judge your sins——"

"Michael, where is Remiller?"

Before Michael could finish speaking, Bingyi interrupted directly: "He should be with you."

"Remiller's faith is not strong and he wants to go back to heaven to repent. He has been imprisoned by me."

Michael said coldly: "He will not fall. If you want to use him to convince me, this is absolutely impossible."


Bingyi smiled brightly and took a step forward. Odin's nearly burned body had been thrown away by them, and Byeichi and Michael stood face to face. Bingyi took a step forward, and the tip of Michael's sword hit his chest. The holy fire burned on his chest with the tip of the sword, but Bingyi didn't seem to notice anything. His voice was still gentle and smiling, as if he didn't notice. Seeing the archangel's defensive gaze, he just chatted with him.

"The Golden Lunga Divide is the source of Nordic mythology. It was stepped on and suppressed by the feet of Ymir, the ancestor of the giants. God's will cannot be transmitted to hell, and naturally it is even less likely to be transmitted to the Golden Lunga Divide."

Bingyi spoke softly: "Michael, a child of light should not lie."

"Lying? Scoff."

Michael sneered, his frown relieved, his gaze shifted from Bingyi's burning chest to his face, and he said proudly: "Satan, God is omnipotent. Even if you become the Nordic God of Fire, you are still far behind." I can’t imagine how miraculous that holy fire is, even if I am far away in the abyss, the holy fire can still convey God’s instructions.”

Michael has always been upright. As the leader of the Angel Legion, he did not come forward to lead the Legion to fight when the gates of heaven were opened and fallen angels and angels could fight side by side. Instead, he has been lurking in the Golden Lunga Gap. Naturally, Received God's will from the flames.

Whenever he prays with the Holy Fire, he can always hear a majestic but vague response. The more pious he prays, the more it resonates with the Holy Fire, and the clearer the sound becomes. Who but God can send a voice from the Holy Fire? Especially when Michael followed the guidance from the holy fire and lurked in the Jinlunga Chasm. After he came to Odin, who was seriously injured and dying, and successfully gave him a fatal blow, Michael's faith never wavered at all. .

This is definitely God’s guidance!


So when he heard Satan's protracted voice and his disapproving tone, Michael stabbed Satan's chest with the tip of his sword in a threatening manner, and said coldly: "You will also be thrown into hell, and experience its power firsthand."

The holy fire burned fiercely, burning into Satan's long hair. The flames spread all over Satan's chest. His handsome face became distorted in the high temperature. However, what puzzled Michael was that there was still a smile on Satan's lips.

Now that it's time like this, what on earth is he laughing about? !

An inexplicable irritation surged into his heart, making Michael want to kill Satan immediately, but he forcibly stopped his movements. Satan also killed Odin, and he had merit. The merits and demerits of Satan should be left to God to judge, not to Michael. But, but, as the holy fire burned more and more fiercely, Michael's mood became more and more anxious, as if something was gradually getting out of control, making the wise son of light think about God he heard from the holy fire over and over again. Will, recall the whole process of killing Odin, recall Satan's question just now, and the smile on his face that has never changed.

Everything is going smooth…… everything going well?

Bingyi Satan is not aboriginal, but comes from the hotel. That mysterious place is a place where the Lord's light cannot penetrate. He would chase Odin into the abyss. Could the Lord really predict this?

Perhaps the Lord foresaw Odin's death, and there was no problem... questions?

When Michael attacked Odin, the flaming holy sword penetrated his back and pierced Odin's heart. The tip of the sword was facing Bingyi. There is no reason why the holy fire cannot burn Satan at such a close distance, but why is there no trace of burning on Bingyi?

Not only that, Remiller’s words echoed in Michael’s mind all the time, and what he said was really ridiculous. How could Satan even interfere with the Holy Fire? How could the voice he heard from the holy fire be the voice of Satan.

O God, the all-knowing and all-powerful Lord, Michael couldn't help praying, and the majestic and endearing voice in the holy fire responded lovingly as always. However, somehow, Michael felt that this voice really sounded like the voice of Satan! No, no, Michael shook his head violently, extremely anxious, his red hair was like dancing flames, how could he think like this! This was twenty-five years ago. Twenty-five years ago, the Holy Fire was flexible enough to pray (old dreams were tainted with spiritual fire), and he had long been accustomed to praying with the Holy Fire.

I am afraid that I have been lurking in the abyss for too long and I have become contaminated, so the sound I hear from the holy fire is distorted. Yes, that is definitely the case. Michael continued to pray in an unspeakable anxiety. He did not want to stay here any longer and wanted to pray and ask God for rewards and punishments for Satan. Even though he knew that there might be something wrong with his prayers due to pollution, prayers are as important to angels as breathing is to humans.

Human beings are breathing every moment, and angels are praying all the time, and they cannot stop at all. The voice coming from the holy fire also rang in Michael's mind again and again, becoming clearer and clearer. Michael subconsciously listened and realized that God was telling Satan about the reward for killing Odin. The Lord always made clear rewards and punishments.

The Lord is saying... The Lord is saying...

“Reward Michael to Satan.”

Suddenly, Michael's eyes widened suddenly. The smiling voice of Satan in front of him and the voice from the holy fire in his mind overlapped! How could it be so ridiculous? How could something so terrible happen? ! Whose voice had he been hearing all this time? ! Who has he been praying to for these past twenty years? !

"Tsk-" With the sound of the sharp blade penetrating flesh and blood, Michael used all his strength to pierce Bingyi's chest with the flaming holy sword, but at this moment, the 'holy fire' that was originally burning all over Bingyi's body suddenly suddenly He closed it and actually resisted Michael's holy sword. But this was not what caused the archangel the most pain. His eyes were firmly fixed on Bingyi, but he could not find any trace of being burned by the holy fire! On the contrary, the holy fire jumped and danced, wrapped intimately around Bingyi's hair and fingertips. Even God had never established such an intimate relationship with a flame.

With a bang, Michael suddenly dropped the flaming holy sword, and the hesitation that had been lingering in his heart was finally solved. This is not the holy fire, this is the flame of Satan! The pain from his soul caused Michael to shed tears of blood, and the color of his emerald wings became darker. When Michael firmly believed that the voice coming from the holy fire was God and believed that he was praying to God, everything was running normally. But when he suddenly discovered that the object of his prayers was actually Satan, the twenty-five years of praying to Satan had an instant reaction on him.


The terrible pain made Michael scream, but no matter how painful it was, it could not overcome the pain of soul degradation! He wanted to risk everything to kill Satan, but in the end he was unable to loosen his grip on his neck. Angels are the Lord's creations and cannot kill the Lord. Unless his soul has fallen, he can declare war on the Lord like a fallen angel.

However, the 'Lord' he has been praying to for more than 20 years is none other than Satan, and when he fell, he also fell in the direction of the fallen angels! Unable to kill Satan, Michael wanted to pray, praying for the Lord’s Holy Light and the Lord’s Holy Fire to kill the terrible Satan, but when Michael prayed there was only Satan’s laughter in his mind, and there was only Satan’s smiling face in front of him, pointing up The flame that was ignited was the flame of Satan, and those pious sparks brought Michael with them to pray to Satan!

No, I can't pray anymore. The endless degradation of his soul made Michael, who had always faced the enemy bravely, finally couldn't help but flap his wings and hurriedly wanted to escape back to heaven. However, the severe pain in his chest made him feel like he was nailed to a specimen. The bird on the shelf can no longer flap its wings. The flaming magic sword pierced his chest, piercing his spirit and body together, just as Satan did when he killed Odin. The 'holy fire' burned blazingly, burning all over Michael's body. He didn't feel much pain, but what made Michael collapse the most was that the prayers of these flames kept ringing in his mind, forcibly taking him with him. Let’s pray together and pray to Satan!

"Michael, since death is life, you should make your faith clear and live for me."

Bingyi grabbed Michael's chin and shouted, the flaming magic sword ruthlessly stirring in the archangel's chest. Even though Michael's eyes only had a look of confusion, fear and resistance, and his forehead hurt and he was covered in cold sweat, he didn't stop. It was too difficult to make Michael fall. Even if Bingyi had the right time, place and people, he still didn't dare to slack off.

His eyes shone with the golden light of royal authority. Odin was killed by Michael in a sneak attack. Just as An Xuefeng was able to use "Thunder God to kill the Plague Knight" to "revenge" the God of Thunder, Bingyi's incomplete royal authority was revealed when he faced Michael. This is the right time to double the power and further weaken Michael's will;

And the place they were in was the chasm of Jin Lunga Chasm filled with the power of the primitive abyss. The power of the primitive abyss continuously poured into Bingyi, replenishing him with the power consumed by his authority. This was a favorable location;

And Bingyi himself used the small spiritual fire to mislead Michael in the old dream and let him pray with the flame. The old dream caused Michael to pray to him for more than twenty years. This was his greatest advantage, and it was also the point at which Michael's faith collapsed! The flaming magic sword will burn the nine worlds of Northern Europe, burning everything in the air, land, underworld, and the three realms. Of course, it can burn Michael to death. And when his soul and body were burned and weakened, he was even less able to muster his willpower to resist Satan and prevent his own fall.

His soul was dyed with an increasingly dense and pure dark light in the unstoppable prayer. Michael was still struggling in his fall. His hand tightly grasped the edge of the sword, but the flames surged from the wound cut by the magic sword. enter. His wings flapped hard in an attempt to escape, but the rising wind fanned the fire, bringing more flames. Michael's soul was wailing in distortion and struggling in despair. The Son of Light actually lost the courage to pray and was only struggling between degradation and sobriety. His hands stretched out to the void in front of him, murmuring that he wanted to go back to heaven. To return to heaven.

However, the hand he stretched out was grabbed by Satan and could not pull away. The flaming demon sword was finally pulled out of Michael's chest by Bingyi, but a large amount of flames poured into the hole in his chest, burning his body and soul in a red flame. His eyes were half-opened and half-closed, but they lost their brightness. Through the distorted firelight, Michael looked towards heaven and towards the faint figure.

Lord, Michael was burned to the brink of death by the flaming sword, but he actually felt peace at this moment, gave up resistance, and prepared to face death. If he died, he would definitely return to the Lord's arms, the archangel thought in a daze, the powerful hand reached out to him through the flames, and he raised his head slightly with his last strength, looking towards the hand that represented hope--"Michael!" The hand suddenly pinched his chin and shouted in an imperative tone, the voice resounding through Michael's mind like thunder: "Fallen Archangel, pray to me!" Michael, who gave up resistance and was on the verge of death, was unable to reorganize the barrier of his mind this time. He subconsciously prayed devoutly with a smile on his lips: [Our Father in Hell] [May all people respect your name as Satan] Boom--! In the vibration sound that ordinary people could not catch, Michael suddenly opened his eyes. At this moment, his eyes turned into a deep dark green, and his long hair was like dried crimson blood. The fire of the flaming sword could no longer cause him any harm, and the fatal wound on his chest was being repaired rapidly by the power of authority that flashed white light.

That was Odin's healing power, which was now coiled around Satan's fingertips. Satan looked at him with a smile, just like before, not angry at Michael's disrespect and struggle, and his eyes were always full of expectations when he looked at him. And just as he expected, Michael flapped his dark green fallen angel wings, knelt solemnly in front of Satan, kissed his fingertips, and prayed devoutly.

[May your kingdom come]

[May your will be done on earth——]

[As if walking in Paradise Lost]

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