Thriller Tour Group

876 Michael's prayers were all burned (mainly due to excessive...

"Michael, release Remmel's imprisonment and bring him back to me."

Finally conquered Michael! Bingyi looked at the bowed head of Michael's head in front of him with satisfaction, and lifted the dark red hair of the fallen angel. The small spiritual fire on his fingertips shone brightly. As expected of a son of light, even though Bingyi was fully prepared, he was almost overdrawn. Moreover, because he had absorbed too much power of the original abyss to make up for the loss of exerting his authority, his SAN value was almost zero.

However, the alienation of the demonic state can be well integrated with the title of the Lost Man and the identity of Satan. The faith of the fallen angels allows Bingyi to maintain the last trace of sanity. He didn't want to reset to zero. After all, 'the tour guide will not die if he resets to zero' is the hotel's rule on this journey. The hotel has just announced the end of the journey. There is doubt whether this rule is still valid. Bingyi will be cautious in dealing with it. .

"As commanded."

Michael said seriously, he picked off a dark green feather and turned it into a little bird. The little bird flutters its wings and flies into the great chasm of the Kinlunga Chasm, and it will bring Remiller back. Michael, on the other hand, continued to kneel in front of Bingyi, always ready to obey all his orders and protect his safety.

While waiting for Remiller to come over, Bingyi chatted with Michael for a few words, and then found out interestingly that this ‘fallen angel’ was too serious. Like Uriel Raphael, after their fall, certain aspects of their emotions will always become more intense. It's like the nature that has been suppressed when they were angels is finally released. Most of them have become much more lively, and some have the desire to be exclusive. , some learned what ambition is.

But this is not the case with Michael. He clearly represents the hottest flame, but after his fall, he became more taciturn, serious and ascetic, as if he was still the virgin and serious king of heaven. If it weren't for the devout spiritual fires in Michael's body that could sense his uncompromising loyalty to Satan, Bingyi would have doubted whether he had fallen.

But I have to say that Bingyi likes this kind of subordinate. Just like now, he ordered Michael to collect Odin's ashes on the ground, preferably every bit of them. If it were Raphael, they might have all kinds of ideas. But Michael wouldn't. He carried out Bingyi's orders silently and conscientiously, without any discounts or any doubts or associations.

Only when Bingyi discussed with him how to clean up the battlefield in the sky and how to integrate the fallen angel army, Michael would have a familiar light in his eyes and seriously discuss the next battle. Michael believes that the Doomsday Judgment is still necessary. This is an important sign that the outer gods have completely invaded and replaced the Norse mythology.

At present, the Nordic mythology has been destroyed by Bingyi. If there is no new mythology to 'take over', then the nine worlds in this mythology will be destroyed, and the entire 'journey' will become a void. In view of the sudden interruption of the hotel's announcement, do The worst-case scenario is that if the hotel does not send transportation to pick up the tourists and tour guides, they are likely to be sucked into the void instead of falling back to normal, realistic Northern Europe.

Therefore, it is the safest approach to let the fallen angels conduct a doomsday judgment and temporarily replace the collapsed Nordic mythology with the mythology of the outer gods until the hotel returns to normal.

"Then leave it to you."

Bingyi patted Michael's shoulder in appreciation, took the small net bag woven with his dark red hair and dark green feathers (inside was the only remaining ashes of Odin), and looked at the fire burning faintly towards the sky. . In order to weaken Michael's soul power to the greatest extent and put him in a near-death state to speed up the degradation of his soul, Bingyi brutally stirred the archangel's chest with the flaming magic sword. And he used the flaming magic sword without reservation, igniting a raging fire, which also caused the corpse of the recently discovered giant Ymir to burn.

In addition to the big feet that firmly stepped on the Jin Lunga Chasm and were shrouded in the pollution of the abyss, the flames burned all the way up Ymir's body. Those polluting parasitic bacteria were the best combustibles, and they were out of control now. .

All burned out.

Clenching the net bag in his hand tightly, even though he didn't feel any pain, with a smile of victory on his face, Bingyi still felt that his heart was suffocating slightly as if it was being tightened. This was the body of the King of Gods. He was as big as Odin. Divine blood, divine bones, divine flesh, divine brain—all were burned to the ground! Even Odin's golden eagle helmet and his golden ring representing endless wealth were all burned with the body, leaving only some ashes!

What can this ashes do? Hey, Yu Xiangyang, zombies must all think of heavy metals. Fortunately, the authority was obtained, Bingyi comforted himself in his heart. In addition to the wisdom authority taken away by Bingyi, the self-destructed kingship, magic and poetry authority, and the time and prophecy authority thrown at An Xuefeng and Xiaoguang, Odin When the divine body was burned, the three major powers of healing, war and death were also released. But when I saw Michael starting to help collect the ashes from the burned body of Ymir, it was so painful that it burned the body and hurt my heart! Ymir's body was about to be burned - alas!

I just hope that Miao Fangfei and the others can gain more from the Ragnarok battlefield. There must be many corpses of gods, giants, elves, etc. there.

No matter how itchy his hands were, Bingyi knew that business was important. The rumbling sounds that make people's hearts beat unbalanced came one after another from all directions. It was the scorched earth sinking. Just as described in Nordic mythology, the fire of the flaming magic sword burned everything in the air, land, underworld, and the sea. Boiling and evaporating, the earth sank into the sea, and chaotic darkness enveloped the universe*. Until the new world is rebuilt in the future, the cooled earth will rise from the sea again, and all order will be re-established.

But that’s all for the future. As Michael said, if the outer gods are not replaced as soon as possible after the destruction of Norse mythology, I am afraid that their group of tourist guides will fall into chaos and darkness. It is hard to say what will happen by then.

"Dear Satan."

Soon the bird transformed from Michael's feathers brought Remiller back from the great rift of the Jinlunga Chasm. The silver-white long-haired 'Fallen Angel Mentor' was the same as Bingyi when they first met, except for the azure blue pair. Except for the dark blue eyes and some cracks in the monocle, there is no change in the appearance of blackening, and the temperament is still very holy and cold. There were still traces of the chain on his wrist. Apparently in order to get to Bingyi as quickly as possible, Remiller just let the bird cut off the chain and came in a hurry.

This could obviously leave a good impression on Satan. Remiller's gaze passed over Michael, whose six wings had all turned dark green, and his attitude towards Satan was even more respectful. Even the Son of Light surrendered to Satan's black wings, and the choice he made was indeed a good one. After a rough calculation, Remiller found that of the seven major trumpet-blowing angels still at large, only Gabriel remained.

But if even the Son is Satan's partner, Gabriel may not be able to hold on for long. After thinking about it, Remiller pushed up his single-rimmed glasses and respectfully addressed Satan. What he and Michael said were pretty much the same. They both suggested gathering the seven trumpet-blowing fallen angels to continue Ragnarok, but it was obvious that Remiller's idea was more sinister.

"All the seven trumpet-blowing angels have fallen, which will inevitably attract the attention of heaven. You must be prepared in advance."

Remiller said that he actually does not suggest that Satan fight with heaven here. After all, the army of fallen angels has not yet been completely established, and Satan’s men have just experienced the twilight of the gods. They are all exhausted and need to find time to rest before fighting again. It's the right way. It happened that the key to the gate of heaven was still in Bingyi's hand, so Remiller suggested throwing the key into the Jinlunga Chasm.

Remiller pushed up his glasses and said with a faint smile: "Once the abyssal pollution invades heaven, the higher-ups will not be able to take action against us for a while."

"Good plan."

Bingyi glanced at him appreciatively, but did not respond. He only said that he had other plans, and then Bingyi put his hand on Michael, who was silently cutting his flesh and collecting his ashes, saying, "Let's go, it's time to return to the human world."

After subduing Michael and Lemel, Satan naturally doesn't have to fly on his own. In the process of flying back to the surface from the large crack in the abyss, Bingyi controlled the healing power and raced against time to recover the injuries of himself and Michael. The broadcast in the hotel suddenly stopped, and he didn't know what happened on the surface. He had to face everything that might happen in the best possible condition.

While recovering from his injuries, Bingyi was weighing the six fallen angels currently under his command, and his attention finally fell on Michael. He has conquered more and more subordinates, and it is impossible to manage everyone. At this time, he needs to promote some small bosses to make the management more orderly from top to bottom. And Michael, who was once the leader of the archangels and the commander of the angel army, is the best candidate.

"Michael, you have many wings."

Bingyi said casually, when Michael cut off Ymir's meat just now, Bingyi saw with his own eyes a pair of wings transformed from his back. Each wing had a face and a mouth, which looked really weird. SAN. Michael rigorously stuffed the meat into each mouth. Although he did not have the abdominal space like Yu Hehui and Tong Hege, the amount of meat that could be contained in these countless mouths could be calculated massively.

"Yes, I have a million wings, a million faces and mouths, and can speak a million languages*"

Michael said respectfully, he held Satan in his arms and flew, but he hugged Satan politely with a pair of wings without touching any place with his hands.

"Oh, is it so."

Bingyi chuckled and said casually: "Then if you can pray with millions of mouths and millions of languages ​​at the same time, you will definitely be very pious."


Michael's breathing was slightly stagnant. Although he quickly said seriously, "As you wish," Bingyi felt that Michael's wings were a little stiff at that moment. Sure enough, Bingyi narrowed his eyes slightly and put his hand on the face in the wings in front of him. Although Michael seemed to be loyal and unwavering after his fall, he no longer prayed. This made Bingyi concerned. If Michael was to be chosen as the leader of the fallen angels under his command, then all the doubts about this man must be clarified by Bingyi.

"Why, why don't you pray anymore?"

Satan's voice was smiling and sounded peaceful, but it made Michael's dark green eyes flicker, revealing a hint of fragility and fear that could not be eliminated. He had prayed to Satan in a blind state for more than 20 years, and on the verge of death. He was surrounded by small spiritual fires and prayed to Satan. He could not stop praying and prayed out of control, leaving a psychological shadow deep in Michael's soul.

Even though he had completely surrendered to Satan, whenever he wanted to pray in his heart, the trembling sense of death coming from the depths of his soul, the sense of losing control of himself, made Michael deeply afraid. The once bravest and strongest-willed leader of the Angel Legion is now afraid of praying. This is simply ridiculous! Neither God nor Satan would allow angels who cannot pray to exist!


Michael made up his mind, and when he opened his mouth to pray, the uncontrollable fear and trembling surged into his soul again, as if he was about to experience near death again and again, and lose control again and again. But at this moment, Satan's voice was like the Father's warm hand, soothing his fragile soul full of trauma.

"It doesn't matter, I allow you to have weaknesses."

Michael's thoughts were conveyed to Bingyi's mind along the thread, making him understand clearly. When Michael took a deep breath and forced himself to pray devoutly, his throat trembling slightly, Bingyi smiled, and his hand touched Michael's face on the wings, just like touching Michael's face , said in a majestic voice: "I allow you not to pray."

"But how could-"

Michael was greatly moved deep in his soul, but his mood became more urgent. He was grateful for Satan's tolerance, but he was even more ashamed and anxious that he could not fulfill his duty to pray. Michael opened his mouth as if to say something, but suddenly fell silent because Satan's fingers pressed on the mouth of the face on his wings, so Michael suppressed his restless emotions and listened intently to Satan's orders.

“You don’t have to pray, it prays with you.”

Bingyi's fingertips ignited a flame, and the face under his fingers meekly opened his mouth, and then the small spiritual fire poured into Michael's mouth in joyful prayer. Michael was originally the angel representing the flame, and Bingyi shared the authority of the flame with him. From now on, the spiritual fires no longer only need to reside in the Death Token, but can also exist in Michael's body.

They prayed just like Michael prayed, and Michael's piety was their piety. The familiar flame poured into his body, healing the wounds on Michael's soul and erasing his mental fragility and hesitation. When Michael and Remmel flew out of the Snæfells Crater one after another and returned to the world, the fallen angel archangel only had determination and solemnity in his eyes, and flames burned in his pupils. Michael I can’t wait to fight for Satan and repay his mercy and love!

Bingyi, who returned to the ground, immediately glanced at the corn shoots and mentally contacted An Xuefeng again. After confirming that he was in good condition, the clay puppet also gained a lot of fragments of prophecy authority and felt temporarily relieved. Then he looked at the tall tower that stood in the chaotic darkness and reached the sky and the earth - this tower was extremely huge. If he didn't care more An Xuefeng's safety should have been noticed at the first sight when Bing came out. The golden tower is like a religious mural, suspended between the sky and the earth in a void yet extremely oppressive way. The shrill hoot of the owl resounds throughout the world, making people's hearts tighten and their hairs standing on end.

Too many things happened just now and there was no time to talk about them. An Xuefeng only focused on the most urgent ones and told Bingyi.

'This is the shadow of the Tower of Babel, and the hotel is disturbed by it'

‘Hurry up and let the seven fallen angels blow the trumpets to bring down the doomsday judgment, Xiaoguang is going to die! ’

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