Thriller Tour Group

878 Plan to Save George (1) You are Apu, the King of the Abyss...

[Woo--Woo--! 】

Under the towering light of Babel that surges in all directions, the hoarse and demonic song of the fallen angels sounds from the depths of everyone's soul. At this moment, the ice caps covered with snow all year round have long been melted by the storm carrying flames, revealing the scorching light. The earth was burnt to black, and the earth sank into the boiling sea water. Except for the Snæfellsjökull volcano, which was supported by the still burning corpse of Ymir, all the land in Iceland fell into the boiling ocean.

The thick clouds in the sky have long since dissipated, leaving only the endless black nothingness and the lightning that struck from high in the sky and the falling meteors and fire that fell from around the huge tower that shimmered with golden light and was wrapped in clouds and mist. The sky and earth intertwined with red, tide and heat are like the desolate scene at the beginning of the creation of the world.

The wilderness battlefield is a space of its own, supported by dragon hunters, fang hunters, Fenrir wolves, Xiao Cui and corn snakes, so it has not been affected for the time being. But the land that Bingyi and the others were in, which was originally 'Iceland' during the journey, had become extremely chaotic. There was no place for anyone to stay between heaven and earth. Some of the tourist guides were on Snæfellsjökull, and most of them stayed in Bingyi. On the Japanese car.

Everyone can hear the trumpets of the angels, and everyone can personally experience this thrilling doomsday judgment! The flames representing Satan are burning like red lotuses blooming. The holy swords in the hands of every archangel are dyed with Satan's fire. The bright red flames are blooming like red lotuses. Every time a trumpet-blowing angel holds his hand, When the sword is ignited with flames, you can hear the demonic song that sounds like coming from hell singing their names one after another.

【He is the loyal servant of the sun——】

【He is the flame of Satan——! 】

With long black hair and dark blue eyes, the fallen angel Uriel was solemn and solemn, and he was the first to blow the horn! When he blew the trumpet, flames fell like rain of blood on this vast and empty sky and earth. The earth that sank to the bottom of the sea was ignited by flames again. The nearly charred World Tree completely ignited with flames, just as it was said in "Revelation" Write, One-third of the earth and one-third of the trees were burned, and all the green grass was burned. The sound of Uriel's trumpet set the heaven and earth on fire, and Raphael followed closely behind. .

[He is the Lord of the Healing Serpent——]

[He is the guardian of the Tree of Life in Paradise Lost——! 】

Raphael, who had black hair and red eyes, looked pious and blew the horn for the second time! When he blew the trumpet, a fire ignited where the Snaefell volcano connected with the seawater. One-third of the pitch-black boiling seawater turned into an ominous blood color, and the living creatures that were still lingering in the boiling seawater died. One-third, even Xiaocui's ship in the distance was damaged by one-third, which is exactly what was said in the revelation. The power of the Doomsday Judgment is initially revealed, and when the third and fourth trumpets sound, the situation becomes even worse!

[He is the fallen angel of punishment——]

[He is the creator and guardian of the evil code in Paradise Lost——! 】

With long dark golden hair, silver-white eyes, and a female appearance, Raguel's expression was even colder than that of other fallen angels. When she blew the horn for the third time, the extremely high void roared, and countless burning fireballs were like big stars. It fell with a crash, like a terrible rain of fire, and a pungent smell filled the air. One-third of the water in the world became bitter and poisonous, but compared with the changes in the world after Michael blew the trumpet , this seemingly terrifying falling fire rain is just like drizzle——

【He is the son of darkness——】

[He is the Lord of the Fallen Angel Legion and the Lord of the Heavenly Army—! 】

His long dark red hair danced like a snake in the storm, and his dark green eyes were filled with coldness. Michael blew his trumpet, and his trumpet sound was louder than the previous three archangels, making people's souls buzz. . He is the fourth angel who blows the trumpet, the most important link between the past and the present. When he blows the trumpet, the final judgment reaches the most critical point.

"what is that?!"

Some people exclaimed in disbelief. Bingyi frowned and stared at the huge tower in front of him. The moment Michael blew the trumpet, the tower filled with golden light suddenly turned black. A third of it! At the same time, there was a faint falling star in the shadow at the highest point of the tower, but it seemed to be a change in the "Tower of Babel World".

Michael's trumpeting actually affected the Tower of Babel!

‘The situation inside the Tower of Babel is unknown, so even if you go in, don’t stay long’

When the fallen angels blew their trumpets one after another, An Xuefeng rushed to Bingyi to learn about the journey to the Tower of Babel. An Xuefeng was not sure whether he could stay with Bingyi after entering, because Bingyi himself was the god of Satan. The power is growing wildly as the fallen angels are judged one after another, and three new pairs of wings are brewing behind the scenes. The power floating around him was so violent that An Xuefeng could not hug him, nor could he turn into an animal and nestle in Bingyi's arms. Without close contact, if the Black Widow suddenly controlled the Tower of Babel to suck Bingyi away , he was not absolutely sure that he could completely stick to it.

Therefore, he could only tell Bingyi the important news about the Tower of Babel that he knew in the shortest possible time.

‘The Tower of Babel, a journey of thirty degrees north latitude, includes the city of Babylon, the Hanging Gardens, the Great Temple of Essagena and the most important Tower of Babel. All the gods and sinners in ancient Babylonian mythology were imprisoned in the Tower of Babel’

An Xuefeng spoke quickly: 'Although the hotel cannot have much control over the journey to the 30th North Latitude, it will never condone the Black Widow to do such an outrageous thing. The Tower of Babel has not yet completely arrived. Once it is truly accessible to people, it will completely hit the bottom line of the hotel.’

Although most of the hotel's attention is focused on the mountain god's pollution, the competition side is not completely ignoring it. Send him An Xuefeng now. If he doesn't play the role the hotel wants, the hotel will assign tasks immediately. Peak travelers such as Devourer Slime, Dream Chaser, Lizard Duke, and even Werewolf Walker who are currently present may all receive missions from the hotel!

At that time, I am afraid it will be the most chaotic "arresting the Black Widow and fighting for the Tower of Babel"

'half an hour'

An Xuefeng frowned: "If the situation is bad, the hotel will give you and me at least half an hour."

Theoretically speaking, the Tower of Babel was brought into reality by Bingyi's Seven Fallen Angels' Doomsday Judgment. Based on the preferential treatment given to Bingyi by the hotel, it is highly likely that Bingyi will be given time to solve the problem first, rather than directly empowering all powerful travelers. Tour guide, this can also be regarded as the 'priority right to develop'. The hotel has tolerated the Black Widow for a long time. If Bingyi can take away the Tower of Babel, the hotel must be happy to see it happen——

Of course, the hotel will not allow An Xuefeng, who is already a supermodel, to start a third trip to the 30th North Latitude. Therefore, although An Xuefeng estimates that there is a high probability that he can go in as the hotel's 'monitor' and deal with the black widow if necessary. Drop it, but you must not touch the core of the Tower of Babel, nor can you intervene to help Bingyi take away the Tower of Babel.

The hotel's benefits are also time-limited, and different levels of journeys/attractions/tasks have different times. For a journey like the Tower of Babel that takes place at 30 degrees north latitude, the hotel should give you twenty-four to forty-eight hours of priority exploration time. Half an hour is nothing, I’m afraid you won’t even be able to touch the bottom of the tower! But the current situation is really special. In the past, the Taoist monk Kong Kong ascended to the sky, the pollution of the mountain god surfaced, in the future, the Nordic mythology was destroyed, and the Tower of Babel landed illegally. The bottom line of the hotel was stepped on everywhere.

The hotel may have to use thunder to solve everything as quickly as possible, just like half an hour as predicted by An Xuefeng. If Bingyi fails to solve the problem within this time, the hotel will immediately issue tasks to other strong men present and order/allow them to enter the Tower of Babel. By then it will be a terrible melee.

'Hotel rules are greatly weakened on the trip to the Thirty Degrees North Latitude'

An Xuefeng said solemnly that the competition has ended, but the tour guides and top travelers have not yet recovered their memories. It can be said that the process at the hotel has not been completed yet - normally, they should go back to the hotel to undergo various award ceremonies. ,Restore memory during data settlement.

But if you enter the Tower of Babel now, of course you have left the competition. An Xuefeng speculates that the tourist guides will most likely regain their memories after entering the Tower of Babel!

If one has no memory and does not know the preciousness and importance of the journey to the 30th degree north latitude, the more people Bing can bring into the tower, the better. However, once the memories are restored and their respective positions are established, the current 'tour guide group' will fall apart, not to mention people like Lizard Duke and Werewolf Walker who might become angry if they have memories——

‘In short, it’s best to get important things in hand during the initial period. ’

Half an hour is definitely not enough to explore anything. Bingyi will probably be thrown by the Black Widow to the place where George's body is to resurrect the Angel of Dawn, and there will be no time to search for other good things. It was too difficult to resurrect George. It was simply a fantasy. Bingyi originally wanted to do the next best thing and prepare to cut George up, counting on the pile of soul thorns in B1. It will be at least half an hour before B1 and the others come in. An Xuefeng must seize the opportunity during this most precious golden half hour.

He ranked the most precious things in the Tower of Babel in order of importance. The first was the petal of the Flower of the Abyss that had a high probability of being in the city of Babylon/Tower of Babel and belonged to the Saint of Whitechapel. The petals have a profound impact on Bingyi and the butterfly fragments, so be sure to get them. I'm afraid the phantom cat who has been hiding himself and being ignored by the hotel also has Hua Petal's intention!

The second is the butterfly fragment in the Tower of Babel. The token of the Tower of Babel is already in Bingyi's hands. If he can get this butterfly fragment again, Bingyi will really have the capital to take away the journey to the 30th degree north latitude.

The third one is the seven creation tablets in the Tower of Babel. These are the most important items in the Tower of Babel’s journey to the 30th degree north latitude. If you get it, you can control the Tower of Babel on the journey 30th degree north latitude. Influenced the gods in Babylonian mythology.

'The ancient Babylonian mythology is recorded on the seven creation clay tablets. At the beginning of creation, there were two primitive gods, Apsu (the sweet sea) and Tiaat (the salty sea). ), they combined to create other gods. Later, more and more other gods invaded the power of these two primitive gods. These two primitive gods wanted to kill the gods, but they were killed by the gods.'

'Apsu was slain by Ea, and Tiamat was slain by Marduk, the child of Ea'

An Xuefeng said it very concisely. In his opinion, the current situation in the Tower of Babel is unstable, and they are not going to explore the journey of 30 degrees north latitude. The ensuing melee actually has little to do with the gods of ancient Babylon, but these two The representative of the primitive god has a special identity. He emphasized with C: "Tiamat is also called a dragon. She is the mother of life in Babylonian mythology." George’s soul is extremely unstable and seriously contaminated. He may have been placed on the same level as Tiamat by the Black Widow to continue his life.’

‘And Apsu is the first god born in Babylonian mythology. He is the original god of all things in ancient Babylonian mythology. The most important thing is that he represents the abyss in ancient Babylonian mythology and is the god of the abyss.’

An Xuefeng said seriously: "The butterfly fragments of the Tower of Babel may be on his level. In order to use the power of the butterfly fragments to resist the pollution of the Tower of Babel and to extend George's life together, the Black Widow may also place George in Apsu." The number of layers'

The God of the Abyss, the God of the Universe, the God of Darkness... Bingyi nodded thoughtfully, remembering everything An Xuefeng said. An Xuefeng wanted to say something more, but at this moment Michael's trumpet sound suddenly became louder, and there were gasps and exclamations all around. Bingyi and An Xuefeng suddenly looked at the Tower of Babel, Amidst the sound of Michael's horn, the shadows of several huge clay tablets appeared faintly around the golden tower.

They are the seven creation clay tablets!

In the sound of Michael's trumpet, the Tower of Babel, which had always been an illusion, finally became a reality. Countless human-faced owls flew around the Tower of Babel. Their hoots and trumpet sounds were mixed together, making people's hearts tremble. A splitting headache!

"'The fourth angel sounded, and a third of the sun, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars were smitten, so that one third of the sun, moon, and stars were darkened, and three parts of the day were struck. One part has no light, and so does the night'..."

Dan Lin murmured the corresponding words in "Revelation" and held his breath. The impact of Michael's trumpet blowing on the Tower of Babel is an obvious omen. This shows that the final judgments caused by the last three trumpet-blowing angels will probably affect the Tower of Babel, just as the fifth one is said in the Book of Revelation. The angel blew his trumpet, and he saw a star fall from heaven to the earth, and he was given the key to the bottomless pit—'


Bottomless pit?

Doesn’t the bottomless pit correspond to the abyss?



For a moment, Dan Lin thought of something. His pupils suddenly shrank and he shouted at Bing Yi. However, his voice was completely suppressed by the loud horn sound, as if he had disappeared. When Sariel, the fifth fallen archangel, picked up the trumpet and started playing, the Tower of Babel suddenly made a loud noise! An extremely bright light ball suddenly fell from the highest altitude, and actually fell straight towards Bingyi. The speed of the light ball was beyond human imagination. It was so fast that An Xuefeng only had time to grab Bingyi's wrist. At the same time, he saw the figure of a golden brown phantom cat appear on Bingyi's shoulder, and then the big star-like figure appeared. The ball of light enveloped the two people and the cat, and fell straight into the deepest underground——

The Tower of Babel seemed to open a black gap at the bottom of the abyss, like a door to the bottomless pit. B3, the flame angel David and the owl Xiaoguang who were pressed at the bottom of the Tower of Babel were all swallowed by the crack. The light group enveloping An Xuefeng and Bingyi fell straight into the dark crack, and then disappeared without a trace. There was no trace left, and only the reverberating sound of trumpets and the increasingly louder and louder distorted prayers emanating from the mouths of the human-faced owls flying around the Tower of Babel were left in the world.

Their eyes were closed tightly on their faces, and they cried piously and joyfully: "How magnificent, the Tower of Babel——"

[How great is the city of Babylon! 】

* *

Amidst the crows of thousands of human-faced owls, Bingyi opened his eyes from the darkness. He felt that he fell from a high altitude and hit something. Before he could observe his surroundings, a large number of memories poured in in an instant. His expression kept changing in his mind. After a long while, Wei Xun finally opened his eyes. He took a deep breath to suppress all his emotions and carefully observed his surroundings. However, as he took a deep breath, the water that entered his trachea made Wei Xun unable to help but cough.

Only then did he realize that he was floating in a body of water, surrounded by darkness like an abyss, with no light at all. Wei Xun pursed his lips, thinking that the water he just tasted was fresh water, and he had an idea in his mind. This might be the layer where the sweet water Aps was located, as An Xuefeng said. An Xuefeng was not around and could not be contacted, and he was not aware of Xiao Guang's existence. Bing saw the golden light of royal power flashing in his eyes and wanted to test whether he could talk to the god first.

However, the golden light of royal power in his eyes seemed to disturb something, and he saw ripples in the water, and a clay tablet emerged from the water, with a series of cuneiform characters engraved on it. This seemed to be the writing of God. Under the golden light of the royal power, Wei Xun could understand it, but the cuneiform writing was mixed with some Icelandic script written in rune characters... As he watched, Wei Xun had a strange look on his face. expression.

[You are Aps, the King of the Abyss, imprisoned underground by the God of Earth. Save George, save George. Now the chaos in the Tower of Babel has begun. Please get out of captivity as soon as possible. Save George, save George, find the Dragon Mother, save George, save George, save George. , start your revenge! Save George! 】

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