Thriller Tour Group

879 Plan to Save George (2) There will be another update later...


The originally calm water surface rippled, and the sound of water rose and fell, accompanied by bright and sometimes dark flashes of light, coming from the center of the ripples. This was Wei Xun adapting to the power he currently had. If you want to get the job done, you must first sharpen your tools. There is nothing more important than mastering the power when you go to a strange place.

Especially here there is no limit on the number of titles an individual can carry, so in theory, all the power of the tourist guide can be used. But which forces will conflict with each other, and which ones will be suppressed by the Tower of Babel's own power, people need to try and adapt to it themselves. Moreover, Wei Xun has just 'recovered' his memory. He has gained too many new titles in Iceland. No matter how tight the time is, he has to try them himself before he can fully understand them.

Fortunately, he could do two things at once. While Wei Xun was adapting to the strength, he looked at the various information that appeared on the clay tablet, and soon he had a rough idea.

Whether his own situation is good or bad, what is most affected is the title of the mythology system. The intensity of this type of title varies in different mythological systems. In a place like Ten Degrees North Latitude, where the pollution (energy) coefficient is extremely high, it is even more suppressed.

If we rank the power that Wei Xun's current titles can exert from low to high, the power and props and items of the Nordic gods are basically unusable. Those powers obtained from Odin, such as royal power and power , Wisdom Authority, Healing Authority, Death Authority and War Authority, the complete authority (obtained from Odin's corpse) cannot be used. The wisdom authority taken away from him is very limited, which means that the power of the rune character Basically unusable. But the fragmented royal authority can be used, which is what Wei Xun tried as soon as he fell into the water.

The powers and props and items of the Hebrew mythology system are not much better, but the feeling is still different from the Nordic system. The Nordic title is completely unable to exert its power, which shows that the Tower of Babel does not involve Nordic mythology at all. But titles from the Hebrew mythology system, such as The Lost One, were only severely suppressed.

There are conflicts between ancient Babylonian mythology and Hebrew mythology in various mythological classics. The existence of the city of Babylon is mentioned in "Revelation" and "Isaiah", and they are both hostile. It can be seen that for the gods of ancient Babylon , angels and demons are similar to invaders from the outer gods. Just like Michael and his fallen angels in Northern Europe are very powerful in combat, the combat effectiveness of the angels and demons in Babylon should not be inferior either.

Wei Xun believes that the current suppression of his title of Lost Music is related to his current environment - the Tower of Babel where he is currently inhabited is all the gods of ancient Babylon, which is basically equivalent to the Nordic kingdom of gods and the power of the outer gods. Nature will be greatly suppressed. If he leaves the Tower of Babel and goes to places like the City of Babylon or the Hanging Gardens, the power of the title of The Lost One will definitely be restored, and it may even be somewhat improved.

Further up are the titles related to the sun, which can play a very limited role. Although Wei Xun took precautions and did not completely become the Nordic Sun, his strength in this area ultimately accounted for the majority. Moreover, he is currently Apsu, the god of fresh water. The conflict between water and the sun is difficult to reconcile, so the title of the sun will be affected. In a similar situation, Wei Xun's title of fire god is also in a similar situation.

Except for these titles that have been more or less suppressed, those scattered titles that are not subject to any conflict and have little mythological tendencies are basically unaffected, such as archaeological expert, adventurer, crazy gambler, string puller, and son of nature (turning into an animal) , Desert Walker, Flame Collector and the like can all be used normally.

And Wei Xun also has a title that can exert more powerful power in the Tower of Babel than elsewhere, and that is 'Explorer', 'Filthy Eye' and 'Lord'.

Needless to say, the top orange title "Explorer" has a bonus when Wei Xun embarks on the "unknown" journey. Moreover, the higher the difficulty of the unknown journey, the various assistance and various manifestations provided by the "Explorer" title. The more powerful it becomes. The Tower of Babel itself is a journey of ten degrees north latitude, and it is something Wei Xun has never set foot on. With the blessing of these two factors, the title of explorer can play an unimaginable role.

The title of 'Filthy Eye' was obtained by Wei Xun after he absorbed the broken Xiaodie Eye. It is related to the abyss. It can exert extraordinary power, which should be related to Wei Xun's current identity as 'Aps, the God of the Abyss'. , the location is the 'Sweet Water Abyss' at the bottom of the Tower of Babel.

But what surprised Wei Xun the most was the title of ‘Master’. He also did not expect that his title of "Cold-Blooded" would be advanced when he lost his memory. At that time, Wei Xun did not realize the full effect of the title of Dominator. But now, in the Tower of Babel, the title 'Lord' gave him a huge surprise.

First of all, this title has no bias. It is an upgrade from Wei Xun's original title. It is only related to himself, so it will not be discounted under any circumstances.

Secondly, 'dominance' is Wei Xun's re-dominance of the 'titles' he already possesses. Complete control of these forces is the process of transforming 'external forces' into 'internal forces'. In other words, with the title of 'dominance' to mediate it, originally There will be titles that conflict with each other and are contradictory. Wei Xun can also use them freely at the same time, and those titles that are suppressed by the environment can also exert some power.

Just like the 'Nordic Fire God' originally needed the belief foundation of the 'aboriginals' and people's consciousness, it would not work without Nordic countries. But the 'Master' can transform the foundation of this power into Wei Xun's own consciousness and cognition, and the foundation of his own beliefs will be weak under the influence of external forces.

In short, there are still many things that can be explored with the title of Lord. Wei Xun's heart moved slightly and he put on the dark cloak of Lord. With a lift of his finger, a wisp of flame ignited in the darkness. But it's too humid here, filled with water vapor, and the flames don't shine much light. Wei Xun extinguished the flame with a flick of his finger, and took out a piece of flint.

With a click, a 'bonfire' burned, but surprisingly it used water as 'fuel' and burned on the water! The explorer's exclusive flint and steel can light a fire in any environment and with any item as fuel. Although it can only burn a flame as big as a small campfire, it is indeed very useful. Wei Xun was not afraid of flames. He grabbed the fire with his hand and tried to press it under the water. Then he was satisfied to find that the bonfire lit by flints could continue to 'burn' in the water.

The most important thing is that when Wei Xun uses the Vulcan method, he can directly control it to defend himself or attack, and he no longer has to worry about how to start fire underwater. With it as light, Wei Xun did not hesitate to dive down and swim deeper into the water. Flames floated around him like jellyfish. Wei Xun held the clay tablet in his left hand and continued to browse the various information that continued to appear on it. He held a compass in his right hand.

The Explorer's Eternal Compass can guide any item or creature you want to track. It only requires partial fragments of the creature/item. It looks like an artifact. However, when I actually started using Defender Xun, I found that it could only point out the direction of a general area, not too specific, and there were many invisible restrictions. In order to be able to continuously guide the direction, there must be an essential connection between the owner of the compass and the object being sought, such as soul and blood.

If you are looking for something completely unrelated, the range given by the compass will be very large - of course, the stronger the owner is, the range given by the compass will be slightly more accurate. However, if the master's strength is much lower than that of the object being sought, the given range will be terrifyingly large, and the other party may also be aware of the detection, and may even provide various misleading interference.

But this has nothing to do with Wei Xun. Basically, the people he wants to find have soul connections with him. Wei Xun was glad that even though he lost his memory, he had not changed his habit of growing fur. He had grown a lot of leopard, wolf, cat, and bird feathers before, and now the eternal compass was inlaid with Xiao Guang’s feathers——

Wei Xun successively let go of Wolf Mao Mao and determined the current locations of An Xuefeng and Phantom Cat. The eternal compass not only points the direction, but also displays the direction directly on the map if you put the map in first.

Of course, Wei Xun did not have a specific map of the Tower of Babel. Even An Xuefeng did not have such an important thing. Only the pioneer of the journey could have it. Fortunately, the Black Widow really wanted him to save people, and the various information revealed on the clay tablet included a detailed map of the entire journey of ten degrees north latitude of the Tower of Babel. At that time, Wei Xun had copied this map into the Eternal Compass, and now it showed quite precise directions. An Xuefeng and the Phantom Cat were both in the city of Babylon outside the Tower of Babel.

Then he placed David's flame feathers, George's bones, the puppet master's puppet silk and the black widow's spider silk (remaining in the dragon egg) in sequence. The eternal compass showed that David was in the Marduk Temple at the bottom of the Tower of Babel. Lower Temple, George's bones are in the Upper Temple of Marduk at the top of the Tower of Babel.

Black Widow has no soul connection with Wei Xun, but she is George's connecting tour guide, and Xiaoguang has a soul connection with Wei Xun, so the compass's judgment is quite clear, showing that Black Widow is in the Hanging Garden. The Puppet Master has no connection with him at all. At present, Wei Xun still has some strength to suppress the 'Black Angel', so through the compass, it can be roughly judged that she is on the eight-story high platform under the Tower of Babel - as for which floor it is impossible to confirm. .

The Tower of Babel is not just a simple tower, it is built on an eight-story platform. At the top of this eight-story platform, which is the bottom of the Tower of Babel, is the Marduk Temple, which is the Lower Temple. The Tower of Babel has nine floors in total, and the Marduk Temple is also built at the top, which is the upper temple.

The puppet master is on one of the eight floors of the platform. She is affected by the fragment of time authority and may be able to exert some of her past powerful power. But since the black widow can send a message to Wei Xun through the clay tablet, she must be very interested in it. The Tower of Babel definitely had control. Wei Xun believed that because of her resentment and fear of the puppet master, she would definitely take care of her, but the safest way was to find Xiao Guang as soon as possible.

The half hour that An Xuefeng said belonged to them was too short. It was not enough for Wei Xun to go all the way to the temple at the top of the Tower of Babel to see George's skull, because he was at the bottom - not the top of the Tower of Babel. The bottom is the sweet water abyss that goes further down from the bottom of the eight-story high platform. It is literally the distance between the earth and the sky from the upper temple.

But Xiaoguang was very close to him, and the compass showed that Xiaoguang was also in the sweet water abyss, sinking deeper. This position must have been influenced by the black widow, but it was really convenient for Wei Xun, so he swam straight down, Ah Pusu is the god of fresh water, and Wei Xun swam in this water at an alarming speed, and soon discovered the small figure sinking deeper into the water, emitting a faint light.

Wei Xun immediately swam down quickly and caught Xiaoguang in his hand, then floated upwards. It only took him six or seven minutes from the time he got used to the strength to finding Xiaoguang, which was not a slow move. However, the moment Wei Xun surfaced, the surroundings suddenly began to shake violently! The vibrations were so powerful that even the water surface stirred up turbulent waves. The terrifying rumbling sound made people panic, and created an instinctive feeling of nausea and resistance.

Protecting Xiaoguang and diving into the relatively stable deep water, Wei Xun frowned and took out the vibrating clay tablet, but his pupils shrank suddenly the next moment. There are seven circles on the top of the clay tablet. The number seven is very obvious in the ancient Babylonian mythology. Bingyi guessed that they might represent the seven clay tablets of creation. But the first circle has been painted black, which should be the hint given to him by the Black Widow.

Does it mean that this clay tablet is in her hand, and the other four are no longer? Wei Xun had all kinds of guesses in his mind, but along with the terrible and violent vibration and the horror of his uncontrolled heartbeat, the fourth circle on the clay tablet also turned black.

In an instant, Wei Xun's mind flashed, could it be that the black circle means that the clay tablet is destroyed? ! Is this journey out of control and starting to self-destruct, or... Black Widow is frantically destroying the clay tablets one after another, destroying the journey of Babel Tower of Babel ten degrees north latitude? !

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