Thriller Tour Group

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In the icy water, Wei Xun was checking the fainted Xiaoguang, filling it with a lot of flame crystals to replenish energy, and at the same time sensing its current status in detail, and constantly improving his next plan.

Wei Xun came into contact with the Black Widow quite early. When he returned to the hotel from northern Tibet to rescue Zhang Xingzang, the Black Widow used a feather from the owl of the Tower of Babel to invest in the Mutual Aid Alliance. Later, she made a large donation and became a member of the Alliance. Her status in the organization has been continuously rising. She even actively participated in the inauguration ceremony of the Mutual Aid Alliance, and her goals are extremely clear and she makes no secret. And Wei Xun was also very curious about George, whom she had not been able to resurrect for ten years. From time to time, she would think about what she would do if she set out to resurrect George one day.

Wei Xun has a lot of experience in resurrecting people, and Yu Hehui and Tong Hege also have different states and methods of resurrecting before they are resurrected. Yu Hehui was used by the hotel waste to become the little boss Tianhu in the journey. After being brought back by Wei Xun's contract, he fed Yu Hehui with the broken Tianhu inner elixir. Later, both Return and Wei Xun fed him a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. , the inner elixir has been completed, and it can be said that the resurrection is quite simple.

Tong Hege was a bit more difficult. He was divided into parts and was used by the hotel as a treasure during the journey. Wei Xun got inspiration from Nezha Ling, and used the clay figurine of himself at that time as a furnace to encapsulate the power of Lingshen, Polygonum multiflorum and Tai Sui, and 'refined' Tong Hege like an elixir. There were all kinds of difficulties and dangers involved. It's hard to explain in words.

The hotel has its own judgment, and the difficulty of resurrecting people has always been increasing, especially when reaching the number "". The middle and high-level guests in the hotel have a secret consensus that the difficulty and danger of resurrecting the third person will be higher than every previous time. It may even be so difficult that it cannot be achieved manually, which can be regarded as touching some hotel rules.

Therefore, An Xuefeng and others have always been wary of the Black Widow, because they are afraid that this woman will be forced into a desperate situation and then rob Wei Xun and resurrect George. She has the beauty of not caring whether people live or die together. Wei Xun has had various ideas before, and he has always liked to challenge difficulties. The more others talk about difficulties and dangers, the more interested he becomes.

As for the so-called 'things can't be done', to be honest, Taoist Master Kongkong may be regarded as the 'first person' for Wei Xun's resurrection. He personally collaborated with the fang hunter to cut up Taoist Master Kongkong and successfully sent him to heaven, and then worked closely with Ban Ming to teleport the remnant soul of the Taoist Master back from the butterfly eye. This soul is currently being cultivated in Wei Xun's butterfly eye.

The difficulty is not much different from resurrecting George, and their situations are also very similar. Only the soul is left, and it is also corroded and entangled by pollution. The level of petal pollution will not be lower than the level of pollution at Ten Degrees North Latitude.

Taoist Master Kongkong was stronger, could sing the Jing Jing Sutra, and opened two journeys of ten degrees north latitude, which were corroded by pollution for a longer period of time; George was weaker than him, and only opened one journey of ten degrees north latitude (which was also transferred to the Black Widow) ), but the time for him to be eroded by pollution is shorter, and the contact guide Black Widow can share some of it.

Therefore, the soul conditions of the two people are generally similar. Theoretically speaking, Wei Xun can cut Kongkong Daoist Master into the sky, and there is a high probability that he can cut George up.

Although Slicing George is not like Kong Kong Taoist priest, there are not so many bosses who are willing to delay his time and try to take advantage of the hotel's loopholes, but the essential situation of George and Kong Kong Taoist priest is also different.

One is a remnant of history who has survived to this day and completely defied the rules of the hotel. The other is a pioneer of this generation and can theoretically be resurrected.

What's more, George's body has long been gone and only his soul is left. It's like herding sheep, one... is still herding, and adding another George is also herding. What's more, the hotel wanted to restrain the crazy black widow, and Slice George obviously caught the black widow in his hands. Moreover, Wei Xun also doubted whether the Black Widow had hidden the person in charge of the slice. If so, then there was also a person in charge at the hotel to cover for George.

And perhaps not just the person in charge, Wei Xun also remembered that at the launching ceremony of the Mutual Aid Alliance, the Black Widow once told him that as long as he could resurrect George, she was willing to do five things for him, and would also give him the Tower of Babel and tell him His secrets about Parliament. Apparently, Black Widow also has some power on the Council's side, perhaps related to her foster daughter in a battlefield orphanage.

If this is the case, Black Widow can be regarded as spanning the tenth degree of northern latitude, the parliament, and the world of principals. She has really tried everything she can, but she has never seen the dawn of success.

It's just that if different people do the same thing, the results will be different. Just like the Black Widow does not have the 'nine knives' and cannot use her own 'knives' to cut George, but Wei Xun can produce more knives and is proficient in the technique of contaminating first and then cutting. Generally speaking, this method of cutting out George is simple and crude, and the probability of success is really high. In the eyes of Wei Xun, who has lost his memory, this is the method with the highest success rate.

But now that Wei Xun has recovered his memory, this method is not stable enough and troublesome. The first thing is time. George's tainted soul and skull are in the temple of Marduk at the top of the Tower of Babel, but he is currently at the bottom, one of the heavens and one of the earth. After all, this is a journey to the tenth degree of north latitude. Climbing the tower is not an easy task.

What's more, Wei Xun's design when he lost his memory was to use the devil merchant's pile of soul awls to peel off George's pollution. His mental lancet was not suitable for George's pollution. But it would be at least an hour before the Devil Merchant came in, and the large number of sharp cones relied on the help of Captain Ghost and other West District tour guides.

It is still unknown whether they will have an impact on the cone after they regain their memory. Although Wei Xun likes to bet on odds, he never wants to put all his hopes in the hands of others. In Wei Xun's view, it doesn't matter if he doesn't want George's soul on the top of the tower. He already has the best materials in hand, so why bother looking far away.

"Gu... Guji..."

After feeding six or seven flame crystals in a row, the owl Xiaoguang finally woke up. It had its round eyes open and was shivering with cold. Its feathers were wet and stuck to its body, which made it look extremely thin. And it is indeed very weak at the moment, with no strength, because Xiaoguang is enduring the severe pain of the fragments of time authority raging in the body every moment.

Until Wei Xun's hands covered its head, holding the owl's small body with both hands. The golden light that shattered the royal authority passed like strands of golden threads between their contracted souls, sorting out the fragments of time and authority in Xiaoguang's body, alleviating the terrible pain, allowing Xiaoguang to finally let out a few pleasant and comfortable sounds. Grumbling and chirping, it made another nest in Wei Xun's hand.

But soon, its size became too large to be completely curled up in Wei Xun's hand. Wei Xun did not extradite the fragment of time authority from Xiaoguang's body. Instead, through the power of royal authority, he carefully aroused the fragment of time authority so that it could act on Xiaoguang in a gentler manner. Soon Xiaoguang chirped in pain again, but with the comfort of Wei Xun's soul, it knew it would have to endure, so it obeyed and stopped screaming, enduring the pain and shivering. The brittle sound of bone growth is rhythmic along with its shaking, which requires very precise control, especially Xiaoguang's current condition.

Within half a minute, Wei Xun's forehead was covered with sweat, and his breathing was a little rapid, but the results were obvious - when Wei Xun opened his hands that could no longer be closed, there was no longer a small child in his palms. owl. Instead, it was a pair of curled and slightly quivering golden wings. Wei Xun's heart moved slightly, and the golden wings that wrapped the center like a cocoon trembled and opened one after another, revealing the person inside.

She has long shiny golden hair, sky-blue eyes, and facial features that are like marble statues, and her beauty reveals a hint of holiness. Those pure and pious blue eyes, slightly curly blond hair, coral lips, and the fine golden light falling on the corners of his eyelids looked like traces left by the morning sun, making him look like an angel - he was an angel.

Archangel George of the Dawn, seeing Wei Xun with his own eyes, sighed in his heart, Dan Lin was already very capable of handling the Holy Son's magnanimity, but compared to George, it was still different. Even if he also chooses to abandon the dogma of Whitechapel and take a different path, Dan Lin is more self-centered and self-interested. His holy and elegant demeanor is too perfect, just like he expects to get historical books to write history and become his own God.

And George is obviously gentler, with peace, gentleness and firmness coming from his bones. He is truly religious and firmly believes that he is on the right path. Like a pioneer walking in the darkness of thorns, he is not only doing it for himself, but also wants to find a way out that can free everyone, with light in his eyes.

When An Xuefeng recalled this friend, he once said about his meticulous thinking and leadership momentum. But this may have been honed in leading the team, and the miniature version of George currently nestled in Wei Xun's hand shows this. His eyes were like the little light of an owl, pure and ignorant, showing natural joy and intimacy towards Wei Xun. He raised his head to greet his gaze with joy. If Wei Xun allowed him, he would probably sing a hymn.

The time power fragment reversed time, but the George who was reversed had no memory matching the past. He was still 'Xiaoguang', Wei Xun could see it at a glance. 'Time' is an obscure topic, and the authority in Xiaoguang's body is incomplete. Moreover, this is the 'Nordic' time authority.

Thanks to the soul contract between Xiaoguang and Wei Xun, it takes less energy to turn back the time of this residual soul. Otherwise, it may not be possible to succeed if someone else does it. Wei Xun is very satisfied to be able to turn the owl into a human being - at least this is another possibility. Originally, he thought that the remnant soul that made up Xiaoguang was too small. Even if George was 'constructed' from it, it could not be said to be the real 'George'.

But through the retrieval of the fragments of time authority, Xiaoguang transformed back into George's appearance, which was different. Although theoretically speaking, Xiao Guangji's incomplete soul has not been completed, it is only temporarily presented based on the fragments of time authority. But it seems that the correct outline is already there, and all that is needed is a huge amount of energy inside - Wei Xun believes that by pouring a large amount of energy into Xiaoguang that is in line with the origin of his power, there is a chance to bring George back. Molded out.

Just like now, Wei Xun fed Xiaoguang a few more pure flame crystals. Seeing him swallow them with difficulty, his originally illusory and unstable body became more solid.

There is a lot of energy contained in the pure flame crystal, but to Resurrection George, it is like a drop in the ocean. Where can I find so much energy?

"Black Widow is already destroying the Tower of Babel to save you."

Wei Xun said to George: "But she will not completely destroy the Tower of Babel until the last moment. She is your connecting tour guide and does not want you to die."

George's soul and the pollution of the Tower of Babel have been fused and bound. Although destroying the Tower of Babel can slow down the attack of pollution on George, if the Tower of Babel is completely destroyed, George's remaining soul will definitely be torn apart by the pollution of the riot. Black Widow will also die under the swords of Backlash and Snatcher.


A smaller version of George sat in Wei Xun's hand, tilting his head and frowning, trying to think about what he said. Wei Xun did not hide from George or distort the relationship between Black Widow and him. There was no need. Waiting for the Black Widow to commit suicide and then collecting the inheritance is not interesting enough for Wei Xun. He also wants to resurrect George and conduct an experiment in the chaotic Tower of Babel. As of now, Wei Xun's goal is the same as that of the Black Widow. consistent.

But even if he told the truth, George might not understand. Just like just now, the chirping of the owl Xiaoguang sounded like a creepy, high-pitched and twisted noise in Wei Xun's ears.

I'm afraid this is the contamination at the heart of Babel.

The core pollution of different ten-degree north latitude journeys is different, just like the 'immortality' of the Pharaoh's pyramids and the 'dead silence' of the death Sahara.

The core pollution of the Tower of Babel is ‘language’, just like the record in Genesis of the people who built the Tower of Babel——

【At that time, everyone in the world spoke the same accent and spoke the same language. As they moved eastward, they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they settled there]

[They said, Come, let us build a city and a tower. The top of the tower reaches to heaven, so that our name may be proclaimed, lest we be scattered over the face of the earth】

[The LORD said, Behold, they are one people, and they all speak the same language; now that they have begun to do this, there is nothing they will fail to do. Let us go down there and confuse their accents so that their speeches cannot be understood.]

[Then the LORD scattered them from there over the face of the face of the earth, and they stopped building the city, because there the LORD confounded the language of the people of the world and scattered them all over the face of the face of the face of the earth. Therefore the name of the city was Babel]

Babel means "chaos" in Hebrew, and the core contamination of the Tower of Babel is the confusion of language. Passengers who have just entered the Tower of Babel to explore will only feel that the words spoken by their teammates are occasionally mixed with strange sounds at first. As the pollution deepens, the words will gradually turn into twisted and terrifying words of pollution that can cause mental breakdown. It's like what the person in charge said is itself full of pollution.

So Black Widow communicates with Wei Xun through clay tablet inscriptions. But even if you don’t speak, the pollution of language will still appear among the aboriginal people of Babylon, in the mouth of God at the Tower of Babel, in the murmurs in people’s dreams, and in the voices in dreams. Even if a deaf person were to explore the Tower of Babel, he would still be able to hear those abnormal, horrifying and distorted murmurs.

Pollution is everywhere, and George shows it even more. Wei Xun's words sounded to him like the sound of pollution that distorted SAN, and if George sang the song of Satan, it would be genuine music of death. The fragments of time authority could not withstand the pollution of Ten Degrees North Latitude. After hearing Wei Xun say a few words, George turned into a little owl again. Wei Xun fed it a few pieces of pure flame crystals and a drop of blood. , the shrunken George appeared again, and his figure was relatively stable.

During this process, Wei Xun did not stop swimming. He swam from the vast expanse of water to the shore. There are many monsters on the shore that look like jackals and wild dogs, but are enlarged several times in size and are as tall as meters, with muscles as hard as iron. As soon as Wei Xun was about to approach the shore, they stood on the shore and roared at him, baring their teeth, warning him not to try to get ashore.

These are the monsters that guard Apsu, driven by the god of the earth. These monsters have unusually high temperatures on their bodies, and their eyes and fangs are burning with flames. It is Apsu who is the most restrained and weak after being imprisoned for countless years. Wei Xun looked at them, estimated the number in his mind, roughly estimated the current strength of the God of Earth, and then returned to the water.

"I'll take you all the way up there."

Wei Xun said to Xiaoguang in a relaxed tone: "I will destroy everything here."

If George wants to rebuild himself with Xiaoguang's extremely incomplete soul, the energy required is unimaginable. Even feeding the Nordic sun may not be enough, because the power of the sun essentially does not match George's core strength.

What is its core strength?

"The Angel of Dawn is an upgrade from your original title, but your core strength is not in Hebrew mythology, nor in the Tower of Babel."

Wei Xun whispered softly. It was clear that he was no longer the unhappy Satan, but his tone was no different from before. It was as low and powerful as ever, making people involuntarily trust everything he said. Even though George couldn't understand what he said, he subconsciously nodded in agreement. Wei Xun smiled when he saw this and lifted George's wings, as leisurely as if time had not passed by any second, and the half hour that belonged to him was not only a quarter of an hour left.

"Your core strength is falsehood."

Angel of dawn, false angel. There are different interpretations of the prediction of the destruction of Babylon in Isaiah. [O bright star, son of the morning, why have you fallen from the sky], it talks about the destruction of the city of Babylon, but it was interpreted by later generations as Lucifer, the angel of the morning, fell and became Lucifer, the Satan.

George won the title of Angel of Dawn, and George opened the Tower of Babel. The more Wei Xun thought about it, the more interesting it became. There seemed to be some destined cause and effect in it. After spending a long time with Ban Ming, Wei Xun occasionally thinks about his fate. From this perspective, it can be said that the destruction of Babylon and the fall of the Angel of Dawn evolved from the same prophecy, so the Tower of Babel exists and the Angel of Dawn will always exist - this may be Black Widow's interpretation.

But in Wei Xun's view, a sentence can only have one protagonist. How can one prophecy interpret two lines? In the end there can only be one winner.

The Tower of Babel is completely destroyed, and the prophecy of 'Bright Star, Son of the Morning' is really talking about the Angel of the Morning, and it really belongs to George! Falsehood should have been born from the destruction of reality, and nothing can explode with more powerful force than destruction - the destruction of the Tower of Babel, the power that exploded will definitely be enough for George to reshape his body.

It's just that the destruction Wei Xun is eager to try is complete destruction. Black Widow's gradual destruction of the seven creation tablets can indeed cause great damage to the Tower of Babel, but after all, it is a journey of ten degrees north latitude, and there will definitely be a counterattack in the end - just like the Black Widow once fought with the Babylonian god Mardu The bet that Ke made. It has been ten years now, and in the process of destroying the Tower of Babel, George's remaining soul will definitely be lost in the pollution of the riot.

The bet is that the Black Widow loses, and Marduk will get everything from her. Just like in the myth, he used the body of the Mother of Dragons to create heaven and earth and create the world. He will use the body and power of the Black Widow to repair the damaged Tower of Babel.

Therefore, Black Widow cannot completely destroy this journey of ten degrees north latitude, and its fate has been foreshadowed a few years ago. Who can truly destroy the Tower of Babel?

Wei Xun thinks he can.

Although he has no experience in destroying the Ten Degrees of Northern Latitude journey, he is experienced in destroying myths - he just destroyed the Norse mythology!

Even though he has not returned to the hotel and no judgment has been applied to the new title, Wei Xun can already feel the destructive power stirring in his body, and as the black widow destroys the clay tablets, the power of the Babylonian gods is constantly weakening. Getting stronger and stronger, this is definitely the power of the orange title level! Wei Xun once had a crow medal, which was the badge of 'Witness of the Destruction of the Ancient Kingdom', but now, the 'Myth Destroyer' has changed this medal.

Now he needs to wait for a point in time, wait for the foreign enemies to invade, wait for the black widow to destroy the clay tablets, wait for the Tower of Babel to be damaged to the most serious extent, and start killing indiscriminately, smear the badges with the blood of Babylonian gods and indigenous people, and kill Marduk, the Lord of Death, and buries the emblem into his heart, the ancient Babylonian myth will be completely destroyed by him!

The Tower of Babel, the main body of the ten-degree north latitude journey and the core of pollution, is a myth. The destruction of the ancient Babylonian myth will have a devastating blow to it. Not to mention that their group also plans to dig up the flower petals in the city of Babylon and take away the butterfly fragments - no matter whose hands this thing ends up in, as long as it leaves the journey, it will also lose the foundation of all pollution power, which is equivalent to to destruction.

In the remaining half an hour, what he had to do was very simple - adjust Xiaoguang's condition so that he could accept the power feedback when the Tower of Babel was destroyed. Then contact An Xuefeng and Phantom Cat. To destroy this journey to the tenth north latitude, we must start from the Tower of Babel, the City of Babylon and the Hanging Garden at the same time.

However, almost twenty minutes have passed since being sucked into the Tower of Babel. But An Xuefeng and Phantom Cat haven't made any movement yet - Phantom Cat has always been independent, and An Xuefeng shouldn't not contact him. With An Xuefeng's strength, even if the situation he faced when he first entered the Tower of Babel was bad, he should be able to find a stable place now and take the time to get in touch with him.

While Wei Xun was feeding George, he was curious, what was going on with An Xuefeng and the others?

* *

Just as Wei Xun was worried, An Xuefeng and the Phantom Cat faced a really bad situation after entering the city of Babylon. They are not like Wei Xun, who has the preferential treatment of the black widow, and is given the identity of the original god as soon as he comes in.

After An Xuefeng and the phantom cat came in, they became the lowest-level humans/cats in the city of Babylon, that is, male slaves and living sacrifices.

Now the priests in the city of Babylon are anxious and panicked because they have lost contact with the gods in the Tower of Babel. Even though the city is now plunged into chaos and war, the priests are still preparing grand sacrifices, hoping to get in touch with the gods again!

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