Thriller Tour Group

882 Plan to Save George (4) The city of Babylon can be saved...

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The loud and noisy singing, like the random pressing of piano keys, resounded through the great temple of Essagena, and all the high-ranking priests in the city of Babylon came. The smell of burning trees was accompanied by incense and was disturbed by the strong wind. In the smoke, the expressions of the Babylonian priests became more mysterious and solemn. The libation priest Nissaku solemnly sang in the hymn, poured the wine on the burning flame, and the fire burst into flames. The priests Karu and Nanu, who were leading the hymns, let go of their voices and led the Naditu priestesses in singing.

This is a very serious and important sacrifice. There are strong winds, lightning and thunder, and the black widow destroys the creation tablets, making the entire journey to the 30th degree north latitude fall into an apocalyptic horror scene. In this great terror, Babylon The people in the city eagerly prayed for the protection of the gods. The high-ranking priest who presided over the sacrifice was dressed in a rich costume. His ravaged face showed the wrinkles and wisdom left by age. His eyes were slightly closed, his lips were trembling slightly, and he held a staff that seemed to be amidst the smoke and smoke. Find the aura of communication with God in hymns.

However, he opened his eyes after a while, and there was a hint of disappointment in his falcon-like eyes.

Even though the highest-level sacrificial ceremony was held, God still did not respond.

There were two types of sacrifices to gods in ancient Babylon, one was tribute and the other was sacrifice. They believe that gods, like ordinary people, also need food, clothing, housing and transportation, as well as marriage and children. Just like the Marduk Temple does not have statues of gods, but there is a big bed made for the gods and a beautiful woman to serve the gods. Same*

Tribute means giving the necessities of daily life to the gods to provide food, drink and food for the gods, while offering sacrifices is more solemn and grand.

The sacrifice was now of the highest standard and was held on the top of the great temple of Esagena in Babylon. The Babylonian temple was a trapezoidal tower building, with sacrifices held at the top of the tallest tower. The top of the temple tower can reach the sky. Ancient Babylonians believed that only by offering sacrifices at the highest point of the tower can one communicate with the gods. Legend has it that this temple is closest to Etmananki - Etmananki means 'the basic residence of heaven and earth' and was the earliest name given to the Tower of Babel by the Babylonians*

On this journey of 30 degrees north latitude, the Tower of Babel is the real place where gods live. As slaves of gods, people naturally cannot offend the gods, nor can they truly see or touch the Tower of Babel. The priests could only offer sacrifices on the top of the temple of Esagina, hoping to regain contact with the gods.

However, the smoke they set off did not convey the message straight upward, but became a mess. The wine they spilled gathered into a muddy mass and was not enjoyed by the gods. The worst thing was that the lamb they sacrificed for slaughter failed to win God's favor. The blood of the lamb kept flowing, as if this great city of Babylon would eventually be submerged in war and blood.

The surrounding atmosphere was very stagnant, and the faces of many priests shrouded in smoke under the firelight seemed to be somewhat frightened. Gods were extremely important in Babylonian culture. The inability to communicate with the gods made the priests feel that the end was coming, and they feared being abandoned by the gods. A pair of eyes couldn't help but look at the officiant and the final backbone.

The mature and solemn officiant's eyelids dropped again, and his face was as expressionless as a carved clay tablet. He seemed to have anticipated that the sacrifice would fail. Without hesitation, he waved his hand, and a priest next to him stepped forward cautiously and carefully removed the lamb originally offered to the gods. Put it aside, tidy up the altar and bring new offerings.

The sound of chains sounded, and a group of almost naked people with chains on their hands and feet were pressed up by the soldiers. Sacrificial offerings usually used slaughtered lambs. Babylonian priests believed that sheep were substitutes for humans, and the life of the sacrificial lamb was the sacrifice of human life*. But now that God has rejected the Lamb, the ‘human substitute’ does not work, and the new sacrifice is naturally man himself.

They seemed to be quite strong, but the marks of slaves showed their humble status. The chains jingled on their wrists and ankles. Each of the sacrifices was suppressed and knelt down on the cold temple roof, their knees hitting each other. The crunching sound of bricks and mud and water hurt like hell, but it was incomparable to the pain in front of them. Blood dripped from their faces, and there were only terrible holes where their eyes should have been.

Their eyeballs were gouged out, and traces of being minced remained on their fresh flesh. These people were the lowest Vardus. Even as sacrifices, they were not qualified to look at the noble priests or desecrate the temple. If the officiant hadn't wanted a living sacrifice and the freshest blood, they would have been killed like a slaughtered lamb before they could qualify to reach the top of the temple.

After all, they are the meanest Vardu.

In ancient Babylon, the priests were a detached, separate class serving the temple. People other than priests are divided into three classes. The first-class "Avilu" are full-power free people. The king and other ruling classes, farmers who own their own land and soldiers serving in the military are all in this class; the second-class people are 'Mushchinu' are free people without rights, and they depend on the royal land for survival. The most despicable ones are the third-class people ‘Waldu’ and ‘Amutu’, who represent male slaves and female slaves.

When sacrifices were needed, they naturally became sacrifices. But among these Valdus who were kneeling on the ground and bleeding, there was one exception. There was a man standing at the front of the sacrifices. His skin as white as moonlight, his white hair as pure as ice and snow, and his eyes as blue as the sky, all showed that he was special. Even though the heavy chains were clasped around his wrists and ankles, his back remained straight. Even the soldiers who were fierce towards the slaves subconsciously shrank when faced with his cold gaze, and the officiant turned a blind eye to his failure to kneel down.

After all, this is one of the most special and precious sacrifices. When the officiant saw him, his eyes lit up. His shiny white hair and skin reminded the officiant of light, the sun god and the moon god. No Babylonian has ever had such a complexion and hair color. This is definitely auspicious when disaster strikes, and the sun god Shamash will definitely favor him.

Another precious sacrifice was also carefully brought up by the priestesses hand in hand, which was a cage. When they saw the creature in the cage, the soldiers' eyes widened in surprise, and even the priests held their breath. No one had ever seen such a big cat. Its fur color and expression were just like the goddess carved in Babylon. The door looks like a lion, and one can't help but wonder if it is a lion's cub.

However, the well-informed officiant's eyes lit up when he saw it, saying that it was an amazing big cat, and decided to sacrifice it to Tiamat, the mother of dragons - because the officiant knew that Tiamat Matt (Black Widow)'s favorite messenger is a big black cat (Little Witch). The officiant has never seen the aloof Dragon Mother and cannot communicate with her in person. It is always the big black cat who reads the Dragon Mother's message to him. the will of.

Thinking of this, the officiant sighed in his heart and felt deeply uneasy. This is wrong, the officiant thought. The original Dragon Mother was supposed to be defeated and torn into pieces by the Lord God, serving as heaven and earth. But at some point, the Mother of Dragons actually defeated the main god Marduk and crushed the gods at the Tower of Babel. From then on it was difficult for the officiant to contact the gods of the Tower of Babel when he led the priests in offering sacrifices.

What's more, if the Dragon Mother is not dead, who will turn into the sky and the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars? The chief priest even felt that the end of the world seemed to be coming, and the chaotic and dangerous scenes everywhere might be caused by the Dragon Mother's rebellious behavior. But that is a great god after all, and cannot be guessed by his little chief priest.

Thinking of the wrinkles on the face of the chief priest, people can't influence the gods' decisions and can only go with the flow. Just like every sacrifice in the past was supposed to be dedicated to Shamash, the god of sun and justice, and Marduk, the king of gods and the main god of Babylon. The current sacrifice is dedicated to Shamash and the Dragon Mother-oh, the Dragon Mother seems not to want the sun god to appear in Babylon, and her messengers are all dark in color. Therefore, when the priests offered sacrifices, they only called Shamash the god of justice, and even when talking about the sun, they also called it "the blazing moon" instead.

The sound of the hymn became more distorted and harsh, as if a sharp cone was stirring people's brains and a heavy hammer was hitting their internal organs. Even though An Xuefeng couldn't feel pain at the moment, he could still feel waves of dizziness. He knew that this was the effect of the pollution at the heart of Babylon, and that the 'language' of the hymns sung by the priests closest to God carried the deepest pollution.

But now he - he and Phantom Cat do not have the power to resist everything for the time being, and their strength is severely limited. An Xuefeng had already anticipated this. The journey to the 30th North Latitude has always been very harsh and restrictive for tourists and tour guides except for pioneers. The inability to use the power of different mythological systems is only the slightest restriction. Many times when exploring the journey to the 30th North Latitude for the first time, they have to properly seal off their memories and most of their power, just like the most ordinary explorers exploring scenic spots. .

After all, at their level of strength, all kinds of power in their bodies contain all kinds of pollution, and even their thoughts are a type of pollution, which will trigger a counterattack from the core pollution of the 30th North Latitude. Ordinary people who come to explore this journey will only be exposed to ordinary levels of danger, which can be solved with their physical fitness. When the degree of exploration becomes higher, they will gradually incorporate some of the pollution from the 30th North Latitude, and there will not be many restrictions on how to use their power.

But this is usually when first exploring the Thirty Degrees North journey. Obviously, this was not the first time to visit the Tower of Babel, and they were not serious tourist guides. The reason why An Xuefeng and Phantom Cat are in such a severely limited strength is purely due to the limitations of the journey pioneer - Black Widow does not believe in them, and is even extremely wary of them, thinking that these two will be her resurrection A huge stumbling block in George's path.

If An Xuefeng and Phantom Cat hadn't hooked up with Wei Xun at that time, Black Widow would never have let them in. Now that they were let in, there was no way they could act on their own and affect her plans. An Xuefeng sensed it and found that his power was basically restricted and he could only transform into animals. The Black Widow was really very defensive. She sent Wei Xun to the abyss at the bottom of the Tower of Babel, and placed An Xuefeng and the cat in the city of Babylon, which also meant to isolate them from communication.

The situation is not optimistic, but for An Xuefeng, he has overcome the more difficult situations, and these are nothing - after all, the Black Widow does not intend to kill them for Wei Xun's sake. Therefore, the sacrifice in front of him did not waver An Xuefeng in the slightest, and he did not spend any time thinking about how to escape from the sacrifice. Instead, he prepared to use his strength.

Judging from the fact that the phantom cat didn't run away and stayed in this ridiculous little cage, you could tell that it had the same idea as him.

The city of Babylon is so huge, and it is under the jurisdiction of the Black Widow. I want to find the petals - how can I get the most clues about the petals in half an hour? Who is most familiar with this big city, and who can summon countless manpower and material resources as soon as possible to help him find the petals? An Xuefeng's eyes fell on the King of Babylon not far behind the main priest, who came to watch the sacrifice with his eyebrows furrowed. In this grand sacrifice, all the most powerful natives in the city of Babylon are present. The priests are in charge of the temple, the king is in charge of the city, and the divine and royal powers are all there. The sacrifice is not a danger, it is his best opportunity!

When the sound of the hymns became louder and louder, when the officiant raised his dagger after reciting the prayers piously and solemnly, he walked up to the sacrifices to cut the throat of the first Waldu. An Xuefeng, as light as a kite, slipped out of the soldier's grip and bumped to the side, hitting his arm against the officiant's dagger. Before the soldiers who neglected their duty could panic and anger the officiant, the next moment the officiant suddenly lost his temper and his eyes widened. The soldiers and priests nearby could not believe their eyes.

The dagger penetrated deeply into the arm of the white-haired sacrifice, but it seemed to have penetrated into the clay sculpture. No blood flowed out, and the open wound only had traces of plaster.

The officiant's hands trembled, a miracle! This is a miracle! Even if An Xuefeng snatched the dagger from his hand, the officiant followed his strength and let go. Then An Xuefeng took the clay tablet away from the priest who was recording the sacrificial ceremony and carved cuneiform characters on the blank back of the clay tablet.

[You can sacrifice the cat to the black controller, because she loves cats]

An Xuefeng was carrying the cat in the cage on his back, with a serious and expressionless face carved on the clay tablet. The male slaves next to him blocked his figure.

[But you cannot sacrifice me to any god, because my soul does not belong to them]

He silently handed the clay tablet to the officiant and did not speak from the beginning to the end. But the officiant didn't have the slightest doubt. After reading the words on the clay tablet, his cloudy eyes actually shone with a strange light.

[Is it...that adult? 】

An Xuefeng smiled faintly and did not take back the clay tablet he handed him, but he was very thoughtful. Under the gaze of the officiant, he turned into a snake! The chains clattered to the ground, just like the beating heart of the officiant. The angry snake was the symbol of Marduk, the main god of Babylon. There were many snake statues on the walls of Babylon!

An Xuefeng was well aware of various myths about the Tower of Babel, and he immediately knew that the Black Widow, who was determined to resurrect George, must have enmity with the Lord God Marduk and suppressed him. And looking at the age of the officiant and the subtle snake patterns on his sacrificial robe, we can tell that deep down in his heart he must still believe in the main god of Babylon and Marduk - even if he has surrendered to the Black Widow, in this doomsday time... In a serious disaster situation, everyone will think about themselves.

Sure enough, seeing White Snake spit out the letter and turn back into a human, this time the suspicion hidden in the eyes of the officiant disappeared, leaving only the burst of light. He even used his body to block the sight of the people next to him, especially to block the gaze of the 'cat'. Yan Yan kept the secret for An Xuefeng and suppressed the ecstasy in his heart.

There is no mistake, this is a believer of the great god Marduk! It is to kill the Dragon Mother, the only god who can save them in this disaster!

Their city of Babylon can be saved!

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