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883 Saving George Plan (5) There will be another update soon...

The grand sacrifice was temporarily interrupted, and the male slaves were taken down from the pagoda temple in a daze. Faced with the doubts of the priests, the chief priest just said in a deep voice that he had received a revelation from the great Dragon Mother and there was no need to sacrifice human beings. Then he condescendingly told the slaves that today they had walked to the temple. Although the sacrifices were interrupted, their lives still belonged to God.

There will be soldiers escorting them to live around the temple. From now on, they will no longer be humble Vardus and will no longer have to do any dirty work. There will be dedicated people responsible for their daily life, including food. Clothes etc. They only need to learn to sing hymns, play sacred music and pray devoutly with the priests every day.

With one word from the officiant, the lives of these slaves changed drastically! Many people were so excited that they almost fainted, and some even bit their lips to suppress their roars of ecstasy. What an honor it was to be able to live near the temple and 'belong' to God! The original regret of not being able to be sacrificed to the gods was diluted - yes, the sacrifice was interrupted, and the Vardus did not feel happy that their lives could continue, they only felt helpless, regretful and even panicked.

They are busy doing the most filthy and despicable hard work all day long. They cannot fill their stomachs every day and every night. Their ultimate fate is to die of starvation, exhaustion or illness. Living is just torture for them. They are just humble slaves, but they can become sacrifices to God. What a great honor it is! The original death is just a journey to a more painful darkness, but after being sacrificed to the gods, their souls after death will be lucky enough to serve the gods!

Even if their eyes were gouged out, even if they were so painful that they couldn't breathe, when they stepped into the temple step by step, the hearts of the Vardus, which had been numbed by the hardship, were shaken. This may be the feeling of happiness, there is nothing like it. They felt even happier now. Until now, their slow brains could not understand the words of the officiant. Until they were escorted by the soldiers and staggered down the pagoda temple, many slaves still despaired that dark death would be waiting for them.

It wasn't until they were brought into the house, served to take a bath and change clothes, put herbal medicine on their bleeding eyes, drank the first mouthful of hot soup, and devoured their stomachs for the first time that the blind slaves realized Later, I truly understood what the officiant meant.

They survived, and some slaves shivered in the warmth and satiety, as if they realized for the first time what it meant to be alive. And they will always be well fed, clothed, and living happily until God calls them.


Even though they were sleepy and tired, the Vardus began to pray devoutly. A few smart ones among them remembered the words of the officiant. It was the great Dragon Mother who said there was no need to sacrifice human beings, so they led the other slaves to pray to the Dragon Mother. However, there were more than a dozen people who were often distracted during prayer, and they were the male slaves closest to An Xuefeng at that time. They couldn't help but think of the sound of chains slipping, of the slight squeak and subtle hiss of scales scraping against the bricks on the top of the tower.

That hissing sound confused them, but after they reacted, they were all froze in place due to the huge shock. It was only now that their confused brains gradually came back to their senses, and they dared to recall the scene at that time. Even the humblest slave knows what the snake pattern carved on the city wall represents and who their main god of Babylon is.

Marduk the Great, Marduk the Angry Snake.

Intelligent people thought of the young man who suddenly joined their ranks before the sacrifice, and their hearts aroused boundless reverence. Perhaps there was an envoy of the great Marduk among them, and this was the fundamental reason why the chief priest interrupted the sacrifice. While others were praying to the Dragon Mother, these dozen people hesitated. Some still prayed to the Dragon Mother, fearing that the Dragon Mother was the great being who truly controlled Babylon now.

But most of the slaves who grew up listening to the myth of Marduk and had a strong sense of faith secretly wanted to pray to Marduk. However, they were just slaves, so how could they be qualified to pray to God?

Then pray to the messenger.

This idea suddenly flashed through the minds of these dozen people, and then they got out of hand. The messengers were slaves who were sacrificed with them, and praying to them seemed less offensive. Their slaves are not worthy of becoming believers of God. It should be possible to become believers of God’s envoys, and there is nothing wrong with God’s envoys conveying His will on behalf of God, walking the earth, and praying to Him!

After thinking about this, the slaves suddenly became enlightened, and each of them prayed devoutly to the divine envoy and dedicated their faith to the great divine envoy.

* *


At the foot of the pagoda temple, An Xuefeng sensed the gathering of weak local beliefs. His face was calm, his eyelids were slightly drooped, and his pure white eyelashes cast a fine shadow. His slender fingers made the azure-gold piano body more beautiful. The plucked music also had a little more divinity, and finally there was a hint of hidden excitement in the eyes of the ancient Babylonian king who was sitting solemnly not far away. He leaned forward, making no secret of his expectations, and continued to listen to An Xuefeng's piano.

Just now, the sacrifice on the top of the tower was interrupted, and it was changed to the main priest offering the cat sacrifice to the Dragon Mother. Sacrifice required sacrifices, but offerings were living tributes. The officiant knew that the dragon mother's messenger was a living black cat, so of course he would not sacrifice a dead cat. It would be too bad if he angered the messenger or the dragon! An Xuefeng suggested that the officiant sacrifice the phantom cat to the Dragon Mother just to add trouble to the cat and use the sacrifice to delay the phantom cat's actions. If the phantom cat had the chance, he would definitely do it, and even do it more unscrupulously.

An Xuefeng would also consider the lives of some slaves, and would take action before the chief priest killed the first slave. If the Ximing people were in his situation, they would probably just stand by and watch until all the slaves died - the Ximing people never took any indigenous people seriously, and sacrificing slaves would strengthen the connection between God and man, which was real.

If all the slaves were sacrificed and the Babylonian god appeared, and then the chief priest was communicated with to show him the magical things, then the chief priest would definitely trust him more, and would most likely agree to search the whole city for clues to the remains left by the Virgin Mary of the White Church.

Unlike now, An Xuefeng still needs to show the king his real ability to communicate with God. The king and the chief priest could not believe him completely just by watching him turn into a snake, and An Xuefeng had to show his real ability. However, he had already planned it. When he turned into a snake on the top of the tower, the sound of the snake scales rubbing against each other, the hissing of the snake's tongue, and the Babylonian beliefs, An Xuefeng hypnotized everyone around him, laying the groundwork for the "belief in the messenger of God".

The power of local faith transmitted at this moment is the reward. An Xuefeng also uses those slaves, but the way is different from that of the Ximing people. In this limited-time test, the action style of the Ximing people has always been to achieve the greatest results in the shortest time, without considering any "sustainable development", while An Xuefeng's way is mostly "leave a line for others", not using the natives at one time, but "repeatedly using" to bury the hidden line.

Different situations will require different choices, and An Xuefeng believes that Wei Xun wants to revive George, which is not something that can be done in half an hour. The battle situation will inevitably drag into the melee half an hour later, so he will lay out everything in advance, like a hunter who sets many traps.

The sound of the seven-stringed harp is pleasant to the ears, and the power of local faith is like a trickle that keeps flowing into An Xuefeng's body. This is not a belief in God, but a belief in the "person" of the God's messenger. But An Xuefeng is using Wei Xun's clay puppet at this moment. At this moment, he is like a "transit station". This local faith flows through him to the unknown deeper, that is where Wei Xun is.

The sound of the lyre became more and more ethereal and beautiful. The sound of the lyre was different from the charm of ancient Babylon, but it was also ancient and majestic, as if it had divinity. An Xuefeng learned this technique of playing musical instruments in the Pharaoh's pyramid. Ancient Egypt believed that gods could not speak, and priests and musicians conveyed the will of gods through melodies*. Different instruments and different tones were related to the information conveyed and the gods they contacted. This is a title, and it is also a skill that will not be restricted by the power of confinement.

An Xuefeng has long been a master, not limited to the traditional instruments of ancient Egypt. The music he plays with any instrument can amplify the connection and resonance between him and the gods, just like now, the sound of the lyre amplifies the connection brought by the local beliefs. Soon An Xuefeng vaguely heard the sound of water coming from the end of the belief, and heard some vague but familiar words, and his mood was immediately relieved. Bypassing the invisible barrier set by the Black Widow, he re-established contact with Wei Xun.

As expected, the Black Widow really gave Wei Xun the highest status-the position of the god of ancient Babylon. She herself is the Dragon Mother, so Wei Xun is most likely the god of fresh water and the god of the abyss, Apsu. Throughout the history of ancient Babylon, the Dragon Mother and Apsu, the two most primitive gods, are in the same group, and most of the other new generation gods are in the same group. Therefore, Wei Xun's identity is easy to judge, and An Xuefeng only needs to confirm it.

Now he can start to act.

With a humming sound, the sound of the piano was interrupted. At this moment, the king of ancient Babylon no longer doubted the identity of the white-haired young man in front of him. He knelt in front of him eagerly, eager to save the country, hoping that the main god Marduk could kill the dark dragon mother who disturbed the entire Babylon as he killed the Dragon Mother in the past, and bring long-lost peace to the world.

However, when the envoy opened his eyes and stared at him coldly with his blue eyes, when the sound of water sounded beside the envoy, as if he thought of something, the king's face, which was originally flushed with excitement, turned pale in an instant, and his eyes were full of fear and disbelief.

There are only two water gods in Babylon, one is the god of fresh water, Apsu, and the other is the god of salt water, Tiamat, the mother of dragons.

These blue eyes, the faint sound of water, and the terrible cold aura - the king instantly understood that the messenger in front of him was definitely not the messenger of the main god Marduk. On the contrary, this was a test from the original god!

And he and the chief priest were all wrong, and they did it too wrong!

The messenger was still silent, but his aura became more and more terrible with the silence. The king's cold sweat soaked his dress, and he was almost shaky under the invisible pressure. After all, he was a king. For a moment, he was unwilling to die and thought about blasphemy, but soon the harsh rule of the mother of dragons over Babylon and all kinds of terrible means for so many years came to the king's mind. After all, the main god Marduk was defeated by the mother of dragons. Even if he was once the high and mighty main god, he could not compare with the shadow of the mother of dragons' rule for so many years.

It's over.

Thinking of his and the chief priest's performance just now, the king thought in pain and despair, and lost all thoughts of resistance. His eyes were wide open, staring stiffly, especially when the cuneiform characters representing "He returns from the abyss" appeared on the floor tiles in front of him, his breathing almost stopped.

What Marduk's messenger? This is clearly the messenger of Apsu, the god of the abyss, and the husband of the Dragon Mother! In an instant, the king completely understood that the doomsday chaos in Babylon at this time was not a drama of Marduk rising up to kill the Dragon Mother, but the god of the abyss returned from the underworld to avenge the gods who killed him! This primitive god couple wanted to do what they wanted to do but failed - to destroy all the Babylonian gods now, leaving only themselves!

The king who saw the truth was even more desperate. If it weren't for the intimidating gaze of the divine messenger, he would have wanted to beg and kiss the corner of his robe, praying for God's mercy. At this moment, the king was willing to abandon everything, as long as he could get God's mercy and forgiveness. Give everything!

An Xuefeng watched with cold eyes. The sound of the water was like a note of urgency. He saw that the king's back was getting lower and lower, and his heartbeat was beating so fast that it wanted to burst. When the king was at his most desperate and on the verge of collapse, An Xuefeng finally carved a new character. When he saw the king suddenly collapsed to the ground, with his face twisted and crying and laughing, An Xuefeng knew that this king would do anything. The price is to do things for him!

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