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884 Nutrient Solution (297) I started to like ancient Babylon...

For An Xuefeng, it is more reliable to seize the clues and calculate people's hearts than to use faith. Fear and fear will drive the King of Babylon to act at all costs, just to achieve his wishes as quickly as possible. Especially after An Xuefeng casually took out a piece of snake scale and signaled to the king that it was God's grace and those who betrayed God would suffer endless torture. The king swallowed the snake scale without saying a word as a sign of loyalty, and then his expression turned pale. No longer so pale and hopeless, but a little more grateful.

Because this actually shows that the divine envoy still needs to use him, and he will not be able to die for a while. The king was a smart man. At An Xuefeng's signal, he immediately summoned his troops and ordered them to take control of the entire city of Babylon as quickly as possible, and within this time, they could reveal everything about the situation in the city over the years.

An Xuefeng had a cold expression after hearing this, saying that Babylon is currently facing internal and external troubles. The other Babylonian gods inside will be dealt with by the Mother of Dragons and the God of the Abyss, Apsu, but the king must be careful of external troubles. Those invaders from Hebrew mythology are tricks. Multifaceted. Not only was it able to confuse the Dragon Mother, causing her to accidentally kill her husband Apsu, whom she had loved for many years, but it also caused trouble in the city of Babylon. There was a Hebrew Virgin who left petals of heaven in the city of Babylon.

The King of Babylon broke into a cold sweat after hearing this, and immediately sent more manpower to search for the ruins throughout the city. There was no doubt in his heart about what he said. After all, the man in front of him is the envoy of Apsu, and Apsu must be very upset about the fact that the Dragon Mother killed him for the angel back then - the conflicts between the gods should not be known to humans, but Marduk back then In order to attack the Dragon Mother from all aspects and prevent her from gaining the support of the indigenous people's beliefs, the matter was spread widely.

Over the years, deep down in their hearts, the king and the chief priest still hoped that the Lord God Marduk would regain power instead of completely surrendering to the Black Widow, and they also had this concern. They were afraid that one day the Mother of Dragons would resurrect the angel, causing all of Babylon to fall under the oppression of Hebrew mythology again, and live a life of dependence on others.

But An Xuefeng is Apsu's messenger, so that's okay. The resurrection of Apsu gave the king some hope. Could it be that the Dragon Mother broke away from the angel's temptation and 'returned her evil ways'? But even if the Dragon Mother is still stubborn, at least Apsu will never have a good look on the angel. Even if he does not punish the Dragon Mother who killed him, he will definitely take revenge on Hebrew!

To be honest, the Babylonians' wishes were very small. They just hoped that their Babylonian gods would be on their heads. It didn't matter to them whether it was an ancient primitive god or a Marduk-based god. Realizing the urgency of the problem, the king became more motivated, and he boldly proposed to welcome the angel back to the palace. At that time, in order to test the power of the divine messenger as soon as possible, they temporarily settled in a simple compartment under the temple where the priests prepared sacrifices. But now the king thinks that this kind of place is too disrespectful for the divine messenger!

An Xuefeng estimated the time in his mind, nodded in agreement, and asked the king to pay attention to the priests and temples. I don't know what the king was thinking, but his face suddenly became serious, and without any hesitation, he immediately summoned his own escort to escort him and the envoy away. He made this decision in time. When the guards escorted them out, some priests actually came to stop them. Fortunately, they were suppressed by the king and forced out of the siege.

"Over there at the temple...he is the officiant..."

I don't know when it started to rain outside. The strong wind blew the torrential rain into pieces of pale rain curtains, hitting the main road paved with white and rose-colored stone slabs in the center of Babylon. The water of the Euphrates River, which ran from north to south, seemed to be boiling. The war horses galloped away in the heavy rain, and soldiers could often be seen hurriedly running in formation on both sides of the road. The king's face became more and more gloomy in the rain. The priests' resistance reminded him of something very bad.

Perhaps he was too optimistic before. Even if Apsu, the god of the abyss, returns, it does not mean that the dragon mother is free from the temptation of the angel. Maybe Marduk is their common enemy, but the conflict between Dragon Mother and Apsu is also deep. It was even said that if there was a real possibility of the angel being resurrected, Apsu and Marduk might not be unable to cooperate - he shuddered when he thought of the snake-scale king he had eaten, and he did not dare to think about it any more. But the silent divine messenger made him more sure of his thoughts. After all, this was by no means a glorious thing for the Babylonian God.

An Xuefeng galloped towards the palace on his war horse. In the distance, through the rain curtain, he could already see the majestic palace, and even more, the square-like building with high platforms built on top of each other next to the palace. It is built very high and looks like it is suspended in the air from a distance. It is a hanging garden. An Xuefeng, who has just established a deeper relationship with Wei Xun, has been able to receive some information that the Black Widow is in the Sky Garden.

Similarly, the tourist guide who is let in next by the hotel will most likely be scattered near the sky garden - it is most convenient to kill her. As Black Widow continues to break the Clay Tablets of Creation, intending to destroy the entire journey to the Tower of Babel, the Hanging Gardens and Tower of Babel will definitely be the core of the war. In this melee of gods, the city of Babylon will also be affected, and preparations must be made in advance.

The phantom cat must have taken control of the officiant and priests. An Xuefeng knew it well. Since he followed the king and left the officiant and various priests at the top of the tower, it was equivalent to choosing the path of 'kingship'. Power and divine power have always been an enduring contradiction in religious countries. But now that the Tower of Babel has lost contact, Black Widow wants to destroy the Tower of Babel, and Wei Xun has to kill most of the Babylonian gods for 'revenge', the royal power is even more valued by An Xuefeng. The Phantom Cat must have a careful plan when it chooses to take control of sacrifices and divine power, but in the race against time, it has no time to take care of other things.

An Xuefeng is now Wei Xun's puppet, and the phantom cat is just Wei Xun's mental illusion. Neither of them can exert their full strength. They are both deeply restricted by the black widow and are in similar situations. What they have to do now is to accumulate as much as possible in this half hour. Strength to deal with other guided travelers who will enter the journey next - the time is coming soon.

"I suddenly remembered that there are some uneven stone pillars at the bottom of the Euphrates River in the north of the city. During the dry season, when the river is at its shallowest, the tops of these stone pillars will emerge from the water. My father once told me that they were relics of the past. Flower petals Could it be - what is that?"

The king, who was riding wildly in the heavy rain, suddenly thought of something. He galloped to An Xuefeng and shouted excitedly. However, before he finished speaking, the king's voice suddenly became shrill and harsh. He stared wide-eyed at the sky above the hanging garden, where the clouds were cracking. , is actually like a crack in the sky being split by a long knife. Just looking at it makes people dizzy and their heart beats like thunder.

An Xuefeng's sharp eyes saw a few black spots falling from the cracks into the city. They were obviously tour guides for new tourists entering the Tower of Babel. As expected, the hotel only stingyly gave Wei Xun half an hour of priority. But the hotel didn't treat Wei Xun too badly - it not only let in the top tourist guide, but also Wei Xun's angel.

"Is this—is this—?!"

The king's eyesight was not good enough to see these little black dot-like figures, but what made him unbelievable was the light that broke through the dark crack, burning with flames. The clouds could not cover their wings, and the heavy rain could not extinguish the flaming swords in their hands. The king could not breathe, and he clutched the long sword at his waist, his throat seemed to be stuck with a stone, and his eyes were about to burst.


Actually, another angel broke into Babylon, and there were seven of them! !

Almost everyone in Babylon who was still outside saw the terrible crack that split the sky, and saw the ghost-like angel flying in from the crack. At this moment, countless people lost control and knelt down to pray, praying that the gods could defeat the damn angels. , can protect the peace of Babylon. However, something soon happened that made the people and the priests even more devastated - the downpour turned red like blood at some point, as if blood was splashing in the air.

The sky rained blood, which was extremely ominous.

This shows that a god fell in Babylon!

* *

"Michael and the others are here? Just in time."

Deep in the Tower of Babel, Wei Xun pulled out the blood-sucking knife from the chest of a Babylonian god with a stabbing sound like tearing silk. A little blood spattered on the side of his face, and his lips curled up in the eyes of the Babylonian god who stared at death. A smile.

Wei Xun didn't know who this god was before he killed him. After all, he didn't wait for the god to tell him his name. After killing all the beasts guarding his 'corpse' on the shore of the Sweet Water Abyss, Wei Xun met the god who was rushing towards him after reaching the lowest platform of the Tower of Babel. Dressed in a robe of twinkling stars, he looks like he might be a god associated with the Babylonian stars. Seeing the 'resurrected' 'Apusu' standing in front of him, especially after seeing Apsu holding a miniature version of an angel in his arms, the god was simply dumbfounded. Wei Xun did not miss the opportunity.

The vampire knife pierced the god's chest and shattered his heart. The Raven Medal blessed by the Myth Destroyer was stuffed into the god's chest by Wei Xun. The god, who was already weak due to the broken clay tablet, died under Wei Xun's blood-sucking knife as soon as he came face to face with him.

"Maybe it's the God of the Stars, you know."

Wei Xun deliberately smeared the blood on Angel George, who was leaning back. Seeing that his energy and energy had obviously improved, he knew that his plan of destruction was feasible. He put the little angel into his cloak and ignored the fallen body. Wei Xun walked forward with a knife in one hand, his eyes twinkling: "I'm starting to like ancient Babylonian mythology."

Like - the gods here are just like the gods in Northern Europe, they are not immortal, but can be killed.

He just likes gods who can kill.

Walking up to the second level of the high platform, he saw the Babylonian god with an angry face rushing to stop him from a distance. Wei Xun suddenly raised his eyebrows and groaned softly with the blood-sucking knife in his hand as if feeling something.

The Yin-Yang Butterfly came and broke into the Tower of Babel.

A new outsider, an accomplice of the King of the Abyss, broke into the Tower of Babel, completely kicking off the apocalypse of this god-killing destruction!

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