Thriller Tour Group

885 Saving George Plan (6) Big Brother

When killing the Babylonian god stationed on the second-floor high platform, Wei Xun deliberately fought with her for a while to familiarize himself with Apsu's authority, and also to wait for the Yin-Yang butterfly that was approaching him rapidly.

This goddess is dressed in a very eye-catching outfit, all shades of green, and she looks very full of life. But her divine power is obviously several levels weaker than 'Apsu'. I don't know how many generations of gods she is. Anyway, she is far worse than the original gods, and much worse than the gods Wei Xun calculated in Northern Europe. I'm afraid Just like the god at the bottom who was just killed by him, he didn't even have authority.

People should have some instinctive respect for gods, and killing gods should be an incredible feat. It's a pity that when Wei Xun lost his memory, he felt that he was seriously ill and on the verge of death. He was in a crazy period looking for excitement. He didn't have any respect for God, and he directly and indirectly killed too many Nordic gods. So much so that now that he has recovered his memory, he no longer has any filters for God.

Especially when Wei Xun used Apsu's authority to summon water to fight the goddess, she actually showed a look of fear and retreat when facing the water, and her attack movements were also a little sluggish. This goddess is actually afraid of water! Wei Xun immediately seized the opportunity to pursue the victory, and soon the blood-sucking knife hidden in the water shattered the god's heart again. However, like those villains who do not last the last hit, he gave the goddess a chance to survive, and threatened Wei Xun in her fierceness. When he could not kill her, Wei Xun learned from her the identity of the goddess and a series of relatives and gods she mentioned.

This goddess turned out to be Nsar (Nsar, sar means green), the daughter of the earth god Enki. Her father Enki was also known as Ea (Enki is Ea in Akkadian), who imprisoned Apsu in The god of the earth who then killed him was also the father of Marduk, the main god of Babylon.

Well, it turns out she is the daughter of her enemy. Ning Sha said that the person who guards the high platform bordering the abyss is not a god. She can only be said to be her father's most loyal believer and the chief priest who knows how many generations ago. The stars on his robe represent It’s Enki’s counterpart to Mercury, not some Babylonian star god. The only famous star god in Babylonian mythology is the noble goddess Venus, the sister of the sun god. Not just any believer can be called a god.

Even though she was in pain from her heart being crushed when she said this, there was still a trace of disdain in her eyes. In ancient Babylonian mythology, slaves did all kinds of hard work for God. God was naturally aloof and noble. The bottom of the high platform bordering the abyss is not a good place to be. Once the Dragon Mother goes to visit Apsu, or Apsu is resurrected, her anger towards Enki will definitely be released on the nearest 'guard' first.

The most devout believer and the huge beast on the shore are essentially the same, they are just cannon fodder.

It turns out that the one at the bottom is not God. Wei Xun suddenly understood, but it was a mistake. Originally, he was a little cautious about the ancient Babylonian gods. He was not sure whether they could really kill them as easily as the Nordic gods. The god who easily killed the lowest platform made Wei Xun completely wary. In this aspect, there was no need to worry about anything. When he saw Ningsha attacking on the second floor, he immediately raised his sword and went up.

Obviously, this 'real god' is not much stronger than the chief priest.

"Despicable? I think you are just guarding the second floor of the high platform. You are vulnerable in front of me. You are also very despicable."

Wei Xun compared Ningsha to the human being she despised the most, which really angered her to the point of coughing blood. Ningsha's hand tightly grasped the narrow knife that pierced her chest. Even if her palm was cut, she seemed not to feel the pain. She tried her best to raise her head and explained angrily, saying that she lived with Father God on the seventh floor of the Tower of Babel. On the top floor where the main god Marduk lives.

The reason why she appeared on this humble second-floor high platform was because she came here on her own, and it was not because of her low status! Speaking of this, fear and resistance flashed across Ningsha's face, and Wei Xun saw it in his eyes. He deliberately snorted with disdain and arrogance, mocking Ningsha for being the daughter of the God of the Earth, who was afraid of water. As expected, Ningsha was provoked to say a few more words.

Then the inside story she revealed shocked even Wei Xun, and the little angel George was even more shocked, his mouth wide open, and he frowned.

It turns out that what Ningsha was afraid of was not the water, but her father. After killing Apsu, the earth god Enki gained the authority of the water god and became the water god, and his 'water' also represents the power of male fertility. Enki was an upright and compassionate father to Marduk, but he treated his own daughters like a bastard.

After Enki gave birth to Ningsha with Ninghesha, he was out of control. He first gave birth to Nkurra (kurra = fertility) with his daughter Ningsha, and then gave birth to Uttu (spider) with his daughter and granddaughter Ningula. Later, he wanted to do something to Uttu. Take action.

This ancient Babylonian mythology is very famous. It metaphorically represents the continuous creation of life in water and 'soil', but Enki's daughters really suffered from old sin. In order to avoid their father, Ningsha, Ningula and Udu They all fled the Tower of Babel and fled all the way to this high tower——

At this point, Ning Sha suddenly showed a triumphant and excited smile and looked directly behind Wei Xun. Before she laughed, the little angel George in Wei Xun's cloak flapped his wings crazily to remind Wei Xun himself that he also noticed two piercing murderous intentions coming from behind him, one on the left and one on the right. Naturally, Ning Sha was not only irritated by Wei Xun by saying so much, but also wanted to delay time. She knew that her sisters (daughter and granddaughter) were coming! The blood soaked Ningsha's green clothes into dark brown, but she endured the pain of almost having her hand bone cut off by the knife and still held on to the vampire knife, making Wei Xun unable to immediately draw the knife and defend herself. Her life force was passing away, and the scenery in front of her changed. It was blurry, but Ningsha coughed up blood and laughed, her eyes shining with hatred and excitement.

Even if they are at odds with their father, these two immortal primitive gods are their biggest mortal enemies of the ancient Babylonian gods! Ningsha was extremely excited, as if she had seen the future in which the three sisters killed Apsu. They were no worse than their father. His father's greatest achievement was to lock Apsu into prison, and now they can do it too! They will no longer just leave their names in their father's story, but will have their own achievements, their own glorious achievements!

There was a sharp pain in her chest, and her heart was completely shattered by the narrow knife. Divine blood spurted out, covering Ningsha's eyes. She tried her best to open her eyes wide, trying to see Apsu fall through the scarlet. God's vitality is always more tenacious. Ningsha felt that she could wait until - the next second, the dark crow wings covered her sight.

"All gods will be killed by me, including your father."

The man's low and melodious voice sounded, with the mysterious and cold tone of a primitive god. It was like the impact of ice, and Ning Sha suddenly trembled.

"I will cut off his head and crush his heart, and he will no longer be able to have more children -"

This was the last sound Ningsha heard. The terrifying power of destruction penetrated her whole body. The smile on her face disappeared, and her breathing suddenly became rapid. However, she just opened her mouth blankly, and before she could say anything, Ningsha's consciousness completely fell into darkness.

She died, but death is not the end of God. There were two pops of sound like a sack falling from behind, accompanied by the sound of butterfly wings and hesitant footsteps. Wei Xun did not look behind him and calmly dealt with the soul that floated out of Ningsha's body. The chief priest who was killed at the bottom was really not a god. His soul did not even appear after being dealt with by the Crow Medal. However, Ningsha had a soul after her death. When her soul was about to float away, Wei Xun waved his hand and put it into his sleeve. At the same time, he felt the vibration of Apsu's authority in his body and the joy emerging from the depths of his soul. The pleasure made him curl his lips with satisfaction.

After Apsu's death, his power was divided among the Babylonian gods. He was the god of the abyss, the god of fresh water, the god of darkness, and the master of Hades. But now Enki became the water god, and Ereshkigal, the sister of the goddess Venus, was now the goddess of the underworld.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he fights all the way up, he will get back all the power. No one has more legitimate reasons for revenge than Apsu.

Take out the crow medal with heart fragments from Ningsha's chest. It becomes larger. The lower end looks like intertwined black wings, with a protruding curved beak in the middle. The upper end looks like a incomplete crown, like the sun. The wavy pointed cones radiate outward, dotted with thunder clouds and stars, and a closed one eye is embedded in the center of the crown, which represents the god-king Odin who died at the hands of Wei Xun.

But now, there is a green line on the crow medal, which represents Ningsha who was killed by Wei Xun. Part of her power was thrown into the underworld with her soul, part was absorbed by Wei Xun, and part was put into the Crow Medal. Perhaps if he continues to kill like this, this medal can grow into a prop matching the Destroyer. Looking at its size and shape, Wei Xun hopes that it can be integrated with the tour guide's mask.

By the time he gets back to the hotel, it's time for him to have a new mask.

Ningsha's divine body had been drained of all use, leaving only the bright red heart fragments that still had some divine power. This time, he absorbed it too thoroughly and didn't leave it for the little angel George. Wei Xun casually used the crow medal as a plate, filled up the heart fragments and stuffed them into George's arms for him to eat. Then, regardless of the little angel with a deeply troubled face, hesitating on the philosophical question of 'to eat or not to eat', Wei Xun turned around.

He first saw two corpses lying on the ground, one on the left and one on the right. Judging from their similar faces to Ningsha, they should be her 'sisters', Ningula and Udu. They both had the same knife marks on their hearts and mouths, but the force was heavier than Wei Xun's, the cuts were deeper, and they looked more bloody. It not only chopped the goddess's sternum and heart, but also chopped the spine containing divine power, almost cutting it in half. The head was also stabbed separately, and the brain was shattered.

At the same time, their faces were glowing with an ominous blue-black color, and they were obviously poisoned. Even the half-awaited soul was glowing with green light, and his eyes were blank and poisoned.

If the heart, spine, and brain are poisoned, the Yin-Yang Butterfly is also capable of killing the God.

Wei Xun thought to himself, and was not in a hurry to deal with these two divine corpses. His eyes fell on the short figure kneeling on the ground in a standard posture. From Wei Xun's perspective, he could only see the back of his head covered with a silver-purple hood. , and the beautiful big butterfly that landed on his hood and spread its wings fearfully.

Seeing the posture of the Yin Yang Butterfly, Wei Xun felt both dumbfounded and dumbfounded. He knew that not everyone was like him and remained calm when recovering his memory - ahem, after all, after he lost his memory, except for his judgments about Wei Xun's picky nose and eyes, and guessing that his brother's name was Bing Ling, he generally did not Speaking of things, Wei Xun is still very satisfied with everything he does.

But after recovering their memories, many people may feel their scalps numb, their toes scratching the ground, wishing they could turn back time and beat themselves to death, and face the situation of social death.

Wei Xun had felt that the Yin-Yang Butterfly had arrived a long time ago, and he felt relieved to give his back to him to express his attitude. From the hesitant footsteps of Yin Yang Butterfly, Wei Xun felt that he hadn't mentally prepared himself yet, so he deliberately disposed of Ningsha's body before turning around.

But now it seems that Yin Yang Butterfly is not mentally prepared yet? Wei Xun was a little surprised. He never thought Yin Yang Die was so thin-skinned. In order not to affect the plan of joining hands to defeat the Tower of Babel, Wei Xun stretched out his hand to pull the Yin Yang Butterfly up, and at the same time told him bluntly that it was nothing at all and there was no need to care.

However, as soon as he reached down, Yin Yang Butterfly grabbed his hand without raising his head - grasped it with both hands at the same time, as if he was afraid that he was going to run away. Wei Xun felt that Yin Yang Butterfly's palms were clammy and his fingers were trembling slightly. Was he nervous? What are you nervous about?

Wei Xun was puzzled, but the next moment Yin Yang Butterfly suddenly raised its head, looked directly at him through the mask, and mustered up the courage to say loudly: "I, you, you, you should treat me as your younger brother!"


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