Thriller Tour Group

886 Saving George Plan (7) The real Francis...

Wei Xun was stunned, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked carefully at Yin Yang Butterfly's eyes, his expression was unpredictable. It wasn't until Yin Yang Butterfly desperately grabbed his hand and was about to lift up his mask that he couldn't laugh or cry, and stopped his movement with all his strength.

"You don't have to do this..."

"I mean it, I mean it!"

Before Wei Xun could finish his words, he was silenced by Yin Yang Butterfly's urgent voice to express his feelings. He seemed to have a lot to say, but he couldn't say it for a while. He was so anxious that he didn't know what to do, and even the butterflies were fluttering. stand up. Wei Xun lowered his eyes and looked at Yin Yang Butterfly, looking at his eager and anxious eyes, and thought for a moment.

He was a little surprised that Yin Yang Butterfly actually seemed quite serious, and felt that this was indeed something he would do.

The hotel does not respect social ethics and morals, and it is a distorted environment. Some people are oppressed by the environment and grow up quickly, while others can no longer grow normally because of this environment - especially those who entered the hotel at a young age. Just like Mao Xiaole, just like the Yin-Yang Butterfly, no matter how powerful and bluffing his character is in the eyes of outsiders, he essentially has the willfulness and twisted innocence of a child.

After all, in a place with no future like a hotel, getting stronger is the only theme. As long as you are strong enough and can suppress the dangers caused by your personality, your personality doesn't matter. Fortunately, Mao Xiaole had An Xuefeng and the others to teach him through words and deeds, so he could not suppress his impulsiveness and anger many times. Not to mention that the Yin-Yang Butterfly grew up in an environment like the Butcher Alliance, and coupled with the special training of the life-seeking people and psychics, it is not strange to have such a character now.

The bad reputation of the Butcher Alliance has basically cut off Yin Yang Butterfly from contact with normal people. His high status, strong strength and the favor of life-seeking people and psychics in the alliance have cultivated his arrogance, making him disdain to talk to the butchers in the alliance. There was so much socializing.

He grew up in such a twisted way, seemingly traveling around the world with his journey and missions, getting older and stronger, but his world was only a little smaller, like a little creature cultivated in a vacuum in a glass bottle that only recognized one master. dog.

Wei Xun still remembers the chat between them when Dream Chaser took off his mask. For many tour guides, masks are like an invincible harbor, allowing them to hide behind all their unwillingness, ugliness, greed, distortion, and cowardice. Many tour guides have been wearing masks for a long time and can no longer take them off. Those who can ignore the mask must either have strong psychological strength, clearly understand the consequences of taking off the mask and still make a choice, such as Dream Chaser. Either it is because there are not many bonds in real hotels, they grow wildly, and they are still ignorant in many places, so they are fearless.

Like a Yin-Yang butterfly.

Not everyone can fill a certain void in his heart, and not everyone is qualified to fill the void in his emotions. He will be yin and yang provocative towards psychics, and he will dare to draw a knife against black widows. Only Wei Xun can do it, because this is the solid anchor point that Xi Mingren's mysterious power and fear has buried in Yin Yang Die's heart for many years, making him respect and admire Mingren's brother like a conditioned reflex.

From awe and fear to fanatical loyalty, all he needs to do is give him some affection. No one would give this bit of emotion to him, leaving it to Wei Xun to give it to him. His ways of doing things and his various attitudes towards the Yin-Yang Butterfly laid the foundation for the changes and development of the Yin-Yang Butterfly. Especially when they were together when they had amnesia, even if Yin Yang Die couldn't bear to look at it and became angry and angry when he recalled everything, the emotional trembling still overcame everything, making him recall it again and again, and his heart was burning.

Others want to forget the stupid things they did when they lost their memory and quickly find their strong and confident self. But the Yin-Yang Butterfly was greedy for the intimacy and warmth when she snuggled up to Bingyi and was protected by his wings when she turned into a pony. She had never felt that way before. So much so that he seemed to wake up from a dream, but he was still in a dream.

That’s why when I first entered Babylon, when others were going to the city of Babylon or to the Hanging Gardens, I didn’t hesitate to rush to the Tower of Babel. In fact, the Tower of Babel has not yet appeared in the city of Babylon. It is still a mysterious tower belonging to God. For a while, no one could detect Bingyi's existence, but the Yin-Yang Butterfly could.

He was glad that his alienated state was a butterfly, and he had strengthened his relationship with Bingyi in Iceland, and established a butterfly friendship with the little golden butterfly that could open tunnels. The most fortunate thing was that he had also used a vampire knife, and the butterfly's mouthparts 'Feeling something, coupled with the instability and vibration of the Tower of Babel itself, the right time, place, and people allowed him to break into the nothingness of the Tower of Babel, return to Bingyi again, and couldn't restrain his excitement, saying What’s in my heart.

At this moment, his mood was extremely complicated. He seemed to be thinking a lot for a moment, and his mind was blank. For a moment, he felt that it didn't matter even if Bingyi refused. He could secretly scream in his heart anyway, and for a while he felt sad and stared at him eagerly. His heart seemed to have stopped beating. It wasn't until he heard Bingyi ponder for a moment and then say seriously: "I want to think about it, now is not the time." that his heart started beating violently again.

He didn't agree immediately.

But he didn't refuse either!

Yin Yang Die heard the screams in her heart, and she was so excited that she couldn't help herself. She wished she could kill a few more gods and hold them all up in front of her elder brother to show off. Seeing that her elder brother wasted no time and started to collect the souls of Ningula and Udu, Yin Yang Butterfly immediately followed suit and carefully picked out all the heart fragments in their chests. She wanted to hold them in her hands, but then she remembered that her elder brother had mysophobia. After a moment of tangle, he saw the black crow medal that looked like a small iron plate that Bingyi had casually put aside.

Seeing that there was a pile of heart fragments on it, little angel George who was guarding Bingyi finally made up his mind and started eating with a grimace. Yin Yang Butterfly directly piled all the heart fragments of the two goddesses into it, forming a pile. A small mountain of broken hearts. He admired his masterpiece with satisfaction. Little Angel George was so dumbfounded that he almost choked to death. He coughed so hard that he couldn't breathe. The Yin-Yang Butterfly was so frightened that he immediately picked him up with its wings. , and flicked his back.

After finally seeing that George stopped coughing, Yin Yang Die glanced at Bing Yi with a guilty conscience. Seeing that he was still struggling with his soul and had no other reaction, he breathed a sigh of relief and let little George go down to continue eating. He was also afraid that something would happen to this little thing again and his performance would be affected. No, he simply released the butterfly and let it dissolve the divine heart fragments into pure energy.

Butterflies have siphon-type mouthparts and can only feed on liquids, so 'melting and purification' is one of the talents of the Yin-Yang butterfly (referring to butterflies). It is a powerful top-level insect mother, and ingredients such as divine heart and divine bones are also in it. In the recipe, it can be turned into energy.

Energy is easier to absorb than physical objects, and it doesn't get bloody or dirty on your hands.

Now George can enjoy the blessing. He no longer has to suffer the pain of having his heart eaten raw. Wei Xun had actually been paying attention to the movement here with his peripheral vision, and was satisfied when he saw it.

If George wanted to absorb the power of the feedback after the death of the Babylonian god as quickly as possible and lay the foundation for resurrection, it would be too slow to digest it by eating. Not to mention George, it would be difficult for normal people to accept raw heart fragments, and Wei Xun could not roast them for him - in this case, the Babylonian divine power would be contaminated and interfered with by the power of the God of Fire.

Now it's okay, there is nothing better and faster than directly absorbing power. Wei Xun directly asked the Yin Yang Butterfly to turn the divine bodies of Ningsha, Ningula and Udu into energy. The more he could, the better.

Ningula represents wealth, and Udu represents spiders. Although they have not been able to extract authority, their own power tendencies are still different. Ningsha's energy is green, Ningula's energy is tan, which means rich land, Udu's heart energy is black and red, Yin-Yang Butterfly feels a little fragrant when smelling it, and George feels inexplicably friendly when he absorbs it, so he can't help but inhale more. Two mouthfuls.

In less than five minutes, the crime scene was empty, nothing was left. After waiting for five minutes, he saw that Ningsha's mother, Ninghesha, who had originally conceived a daughter with Enki, the God of Earth, did not come down to save her daughter. Wei Xun did not wait any longer, picked up George, put on the Crow Medal, and called the Yin Yang Butterfly. , Let’s kill together to higher places.

Ningula and Wudu were driven down from the top to join forces with their sisters. Wei Xun did not see the new gods when he went up to the third and fourth floors. There was a large piece of fertile land on the third floor. , there is four acres of land visually, and there are many spiders, spider nests and spider eggs on the fourth-floor high platform, which is obviously the corresponding high platform of these two goddesses.

Wei Xun accepted them all without hesitation and killed Enki's three daughters and loyal followers. The divine power belonging to Apsu became more active, which also made Wei Xun's own strength less limited. He opened the door to Paradise Lost—only a tiny crack, but still able to squeeze a lot into it.

Yin Yang Butterfly is also a little expert in searching for supplies, and has helped Wei Xun a lot. In a hurry, Wei Xun only packed the easily available fertile soil, spider nests and spider eggs. All the spiders that were in the way of the attack were poisoned by Yin-Yang butterfly scale powder, and their corpses were turned into energy. Angel George, who had an inexplicable fondness for spiders, was a little depressed and his eyes were wet, but without delay, he ate up the spider energy in one bite.

Then they sped up to the fifth floor.

"After Enki killed Apsu, the god of the abyss, he and his family have been living in the abyss."

On the way, Yin-Yang Die cautiously chatted with Bingyi: "They live in your territory."

In Babylonian mythology, before the creation of mankind, Enki and his wife, mother, messengers, various subordinate monsters, etc. had been living in Apsu (the abyss), and even the son Marduk was born in the abyss. Yin Yang Butterfly guessed that the eight-story high platform under the Tower of Babel was originally the territory of the God of the Abyss - isn't the Abyss synonymous with his good big brother? After all, these gods are running wild on the big brother's territory!

"I'm thinking about something."

Wei Xun groaned, as if he was in a dilemma. Upon seeing this, the Yin-Yang Butterfly immediately worried about his elder brother, worried about his worries, and said with murderous intent that he would kill the entire Tower of Babel at any cost! But seeing Wei Xun still frowning, Yin Yang Butterfly became anxious. Countless thoughts flashed through his mind. After asking around for a long time, Wei Xun finally spoke slowly.

"What I want is to recognize you as my brother. I should send a letter to my brother more formally. After all, you are my brother, and you are also his brother."


Yin Yang Die was dumbfounded on the spot, with a horrified look on his face. No, how could he dare to accept Mr. Xi Ming as his elder brother? Now, Master Ximing must know that he dares to recognize Director B as his brother, and he will not turn a deaf ear to Director C and make Director B not recognize him!

"No, it doesn't have to be so formal. Just acknowledge me!"

The Yin-Yang Butterfly was extremely anxious, but did not dare to say anything. It squeaked and whined for a long time, and its SAN value dropped to a point of alienation. Seeing that Bingyi was silent all the time, he did not dare to disturb his brother. Just thinking about the tragic future, his heart became more melancholy and his face became colder. He looked like a murderous butcher filled with evil spirits.

It's so fun to tease the little butterfly. Wei Xun strolled behind Yin Yang Butterfly. Seeing his tense back, he couldn't help but curl his lips. He walked neither hurriedly nor slowly. Even when he reached the fifth floor, he was quite relaxed and did not enter a fighting state. Because the explorer's compass pointed out that the fire angel David was very close to them——

"Yin Yang Butterfly, stop!"

As soon as they reached the fifth-floor high platform, the Yin-Yang Butterfly turned its full of entanglement into murderous desire, and directly killed the most obvious person standing in the middle. His figure was elegant and his speed was astonishing. In an instant, he appeared behind the man and wanted to slit his throat and gouge out his heart. Fortunately, Bingyi shouted to stop in time, and the Yin-Yang Butterfly circled around and noticed the extremely obvious wings.

With wings, he is an angel, the birdman of the elder brother.

Yin-Yang Butterfly sheathed the knife with a cold face and saw four half-dead gods lying at the feet of the bird-man. A rough calculation suggested that all the gods stationed on the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth-floor high platforms had been captured by the bird-man, and moreover, they were also captured by the bird-man. The smart ones didn't kill them themselves, but brought fresh ones down for the elder brother to kill.

When he thought about having his credit and opportunity for performance taken away, Yin Yang Butterfly felt as if there was a psychic crawling all over his body. He retreated to Wei Xun with a sullen face, and saw his eldest brother smiling at the angel with a pleasant voice.

"Francis, you came to see me."

The flame angel in front of him is none other than Frances, but he is no longer the version of David. From his deep eyes, unique temperament, and most importantly, the looming, unique aura of strength at 30 degrees north latitude, Wei Xun could tell.

The man in front of me is the real ‘Francis’, the astrologer!

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