Thriller Tour Group

897 Saving George Plan (16) Oh~how do you know...

"Ha ha ha ha--"

The black widow was laughing in the violent wind and rain. On the highest floor of the hanging garden filled with exotic flowers and plants, she was wearing a bright red and purple robe, with complicated gold rings and gold ornaments on her arms, neck and ears. Wearing a veil embellished with pearls and gems, there is a row of silver-red flashing characters on her forehead, which is as dazzling as gems wiping her forehead.

But more glittering jewels were not as shining as the black widow's smile. At this moment, she covered her bleeding left eye and smiled freely. The big scarlet beast with seven heads and ten horns riding under her also raised its head. Neighing, excited.

She was at the highest point of the Hanging Garden, even though there were powerful enemies from all directions who were ordered by the hotel to kill her. Even though the scarlet blood rain brought by the Babylonian god's resentment corroded the lush flowers and plants and polluted her body, the black widow still never She was laughing freely and freely like this at this moment, even if her laughter was distorted by pollution, like a harsh noise, no one could miss the excitement on Black Widow's face.

Why is she excited? Is George really going to be resurrected? This question flashed through everyone's mind. Apart from George's resurrection, there was no reason why Black Widow could change her actions just now - she almost crushed the last two clay tablets at the same time!

The slender fingers of the black widow's left hand were seen holding a golden cup filled with blood, and her right hand was holding the last two clay tablets that were on the verge of being broken. Just now, the black widow poured the blood in the golden cup onto the clay tablets, and the creation that was supposed to be indestructible A corner of the earth's clay tablets was easily corroded, and the whole Babylon was trembling with despairing wails on the verge of destruction.

This is no ordinary blood, just like the special dress of the Black Widow at this moment. Sister Maria's black robe was stained red with blood, covered with spider silk and covered with wounds. She looked extremely embarrassed, but her eyes when looking at the black widow were still shining with burning fire, which could burn everything. The fire of faith is the hatred and anger that Whitechapel has harbored against the Black Widow for many years.

"The great city of Babylon will fall, and the great whore of Babylon will be punished!'

This is what Mary said when she first saw the Black Widow, before the contamination of the Tower of Babel distorted all language. The so-called 'big whore' is not humiliating her, but revealing the identity of the black widow at this time! She is not only the mother dragon in Babylonian mythology, but also the great prostitute of ancient Babylon described in the Book of Revelation.

In the Book of Revelation, it is written that she was "clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls."

It is written that she had 'a name that contains a mystery written on her forehead: 'Babylon the Great, mother of harlots and abominations of the earth...drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of the witnesses of Jesus'

The golden cup in the Black Widow's hand contains the pure blood of Jesus and the saints, and she uses this blood to corrode the Babylonian Creation Tablets. The outer gods will eventually invade Babylon and replace the myth that destroyed Babylon. This blood is the nemesis of the Creation Tablets, which allows the Black Widow to destroy the first five tablets so quickly.

However, she destroyed the clay tablets and was a sinner in Babylon, but she was not a hero in heaven. The scarlet beast with seven heads and ten horns under her body represents the seven kingdom kings and the ten kingdomless kings. This beast is the incarnation of the power and authority of those kings, and it obeys the black widow and will compete with the king who represents the Lords. War, the Lord, the Lamb, King of kings.

But in the Book of Revelation, God will judge her sins, and death, famine, war, and plague will destroy Babylon. And she will also be betrayed by a beast with seven heads and ten horns. The beast will eat her flesh and burn her bones, leaving her unable to be buried and her soul no longer able to rest in peace. Just now, the black widow was about to destroy the last two pieces. During the mud tablet, the scarlet beast almost came back to bite her. The dream chasers who were watching flying on the side were frightened and had lingering fears.

Too bad, Black Widow's situation at the moment is so bad that compared to her, Dream Chaser feels that his previous difficulties can only be regarded as drizzle. At this time, she not only wanted to destroy Babylon, but she was also hated by the outer gods, and was ordered to be killed by the hotel. She neither belonged to the Tower of Babel nor the angels, and was abandoned by the hotel.

But she always belongs to herself. Who says that the black widow who is laughing now is not happy enough? The current bad and chaotic situation must be beneficial to Wei Xun's resurrection of George, and she has definitely made extraordinary progress, which is why she can laugh out loud in desperate situations.

Thinking about this dream chaser's admiration for her, Black Widow has always known what she really wants, and she has always had the courage to be fearless. The dream chaser couldn't help but think about his depression back then, and he couldn't help but feel regretful and vaguely aware of it.

Perhaps what he lacks is this courage. Back then, when he mined the reverse scale token and traded it with the principal, the situation was still too small. If he had cheered up earlier and retrieved the butterfly fragments, and would have self-destructed the Sahara in front of the Butcher Alliance's headquarters, I'm afraid the hotel would have killed him. Kick him out of the Sun Gate and deal with the mess, why wait so many more years.

If Wei Xun can really resurrect George, then Black Widow's reward will definitely be extremely generous. It's a pity that whether she can survive until the end of this disaster does not only depend on Dream Chaser's thoughts. He cannot be the only one trying to fool the hotel's killing mission. The crystal dragon flapped its wings and called Fenrir Wolf to guard the other side of the black widow, looking at the golden dragon not far away who was staring at them gloomily.

The Lizard Duke is a memory that was completely restored after entering the Tower of Babel. Just a second before entering the Tower of Babel, the fang hunter was still fighting with the little lizard. It wasn't until they came in that the two completely merged into one, and Lizard Duke completely recovered his memory. Recalling his performance in the entire warm-up match, Lizard Duke wanted to destroy the world.

Look what he has done! He broke the rules and got a light whip, became Bing Yi's thug, followed the older generation to learn how to transform into a dragon, was taught by the older generation of metaphysics Master Kong Kong, and even used his own light whip to cut him with Bing Yi—— It really came out! Even the Lizard Duke has to say something wonderful! He was so angry that the dragon scales all over his body almost exploded.

The most ridiculous thing is that after digging out his brain, he turned out to be like a brainless idiot, just like a little lizard who was paranoid because of a wolf. What kind of thing is this Fenrir wolf? How could he still pursue his dream even after he reached the Tower of Babel? People run? ? Why doesn't it restore its memory? Silver Moon Killer doesn't give it any common sense and makes the wolf grow eyes so that it can't even recognize who the tour guide it should follow is!

But the more intense the mood swings, the calmer the Lizard Duke became in his heart. Recalling all the things he had done in Iceland, his heart sank. He had plowed Iceland several times over the years, and had seen it all over the world, but he had never seen it before. Found the soul of Fenrir Wolf. Where did the Fenrir wolf soul beside Bingyi come from? Is it the 30th parallel north, the abyss, or... the battlefield?

Silver Moon Killer's incomplete soul indeed has another secret, and there may be a deeper secret hidden in it. Seeing the crazy Black Widow who was crushing clay tablets one after another, the Lizard Duke felt that the hotel might have some restrictions and malice towards all the connected Grand Guide Brigades. Thinking about it more carefully, these pioneers at the 30th North Latitude each had their own unique characteristics. None of the A-level and S-level great guides were able to solve the problem satisfactorily.

Let’s look at the West District first. The Ferryman disappeared in the abyss and returned to strength. His character has changed drastically; he, the Lizard Duke, has always been restricted by the "wingless golden dragon", and the Silver Moon Killer of the Link also has a broken soul; the Black Widow is even dead. Passenger George, after taking over the Tower of Babel, has been almost crazy looking for ways to resurrect him for several years; the Astrologer cut himself up but broke with the person in charge of the slice and sent him to the Life-seeking Man.

The East District didn't fare much better either. The Mingren were banned at the Sun Gate for five years and imprisoned Zhang Xingzang, the co-traveler of the Dream Chasers. The Dream Chaser saved Zhang Xingzang and sought revenge from the Mingren for several years, almost losing himself. The journey of 30 degrees north latitude; the puppet master died in the East District - even if he is half dead now, his strength has been seriously damaged.

Not to mention An Xuefeng, the first passenger and famously on the verge of mental collapse. He has been unable to accept new people or contact tour guides on his return trip for several years.

The pit here is really deep. The Lizard Duke felt extremely frightened when he thought about it. He suddenly lost some interest in the journey to 30 degrees north latitude that he had been chasing. He currently has a new direction in body training and has new inspiration for growing dragon wings. Bringing back Fenrir Wolf can also complete the soul of Silver Moon Killer and no longer be restricted by the hotel. Lizard Duke sees It seems that they are fighting fiercely, but in fact, they have already been thinking about how to leave.

The best time to leave is while the hotel's attention is still on the Tower of Babel. If the hotel settles the bill after the Tower of Babel, it will be difficult for him to bring back Fenrir Wolf without attracting the hotel's attention! If Fenrir Wolf follows him, he will definitely attract the attention of the hotel. It is safe to go back to the East District with Wei Xun, but what to do after that? It is difficult for the tour guide to travel across districts. Will he still send Silver Moon Killer to the East District to find Bing and merge his soul with him through the journey? ?

He, the Lizard Duke, cannot afford to lose this person!

Unfortunately, his rank is too high and his strength is too strong, so there is no reason to leave the scene temporarily. On the other hand, Dream Chaser's role in protecting the Black Widow was too obvious and was not shown at all. If the situation went wrong at the hotel, they might force him to evacuate the scene, so as not to hinder the plan to kill the Black Widow.

Despicable and hypocritical!

When the Lizard Duke saw the crystal dragon looking at him and the stupid wolf next to it also looking at him and wagging its tail, he became so angry that he wished he could just fall out with Dream Chaser and ask the hotel to send him out for beating up his friendly forces. But it happened that he, the ‘big villain’ who ‘actively wanted to kill the Black Widow’, was indispensable on the scene. If the Lizard Duke left, the hotel would probably send someone in charge if the situation was not right.

If Black Widow is really dead, Bingyi's plan to resurrect George will be ruined. It’s not that I really want to see Bingyi’s plan succeed. In fact, Fenrir Wolf owes Bingyi a huge debt for being able to recover to this level of strength. It would be implicated in the future. The Lizard Duke wants to repay it all at once in the Tower of Babel. clear.

For this reason, no matter how tired he is, he has to hold his nose and continue acting.


The golden dragon's roar tore through the wind and resounded throughout Babylon. The dragon's voice spirit was one of the few that was not affected by the pollution and distortion of the Tower of Babel. Everyone present could hear the suppressed and impatient anger of the Lizard Duke.

[Black Widow, hand over the clay tablet and follow me back to the hotel to be punished, or I will kill you! 】

The black widow raised her eyes and saw her mute dragon roar coming from the strong wind. As the Dragon Mother of Babylon, she could also use the power of the spirit of speech as long as she wanted to. Black Widow acted like a mute when calling her several times before. Why did she reply this time? Even the Lizard Duke was surprised. After listening carefully, he heard the Black Widow say seriously——

[Oh~How did you know that I saw George? 】

Lizard Duke:?

The Lizard Duke was furious, who asked you this!

【Soon, it will be over soon】

But before he could get angry, Black Widow said something else. She raised her index finger to her lips, with an ambiguous expression, and whispered:

[God, they are all going to die]


Along with her words, the blood-colored sky suddenly thundered loudly, as if it was about to shatter the sky, and large splashes of blood fell from the sky. It was completely incomparable to the previous blood rain. In the blood rain, the clay tablet in the Black Widow's hand actually shattered by itself. Half done! Everyone subconsciously looked at the Tower of Babel shrouded in thunder, lightning and blood rain.

The heavyweight Babylonian god has been killed!

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