Thriller Tour Group

898 Plan to Save George (17) Nutrient Solution 302+……


The gods rained blood down on the sky, and the whole sky was filled with a thick scarlet color that was completely soaked in blood. This blood rain full of resentment and hatred of the Babylonian gods was their final revenge on the enemy. Perhaps it was caused by the hatred of the Black Widow and Dragon Mother. It was too stable. Every time the gods fell, the Sky Garden was the hardest hit area by heavy rain of blood.

Only tour guides like Lizard Duke and Dream Chaser with dragon-shaped alienated states can withstand the erosion of the blood rain. Tang Xiang, who is protected by a turtle shell, can barely resist. Others such as Sister Maria, Lisa and Ghost Captain Tour guides and tourists like this, no matter how powerful they are, have to take shelter temporarily and go to the lower level of the sky garden to take shelter from the rain.

However, the blood rain this time was unusual. The thick and heavy blood rain was like steel balls covered with asphalt that were about to shatter the world. The sky shook and the earth trembled. Even the death of Enki, the God of the Earth, had not caused this before. Such a horrific scene of destruction! The Lizard Duke felt that his hard scales were being corroded and melted by the rain of blood, let alone Dream Chaser, whose scales were thinner than his, and Fenrir Wolf, who had no scale protection.

At this moment, there was no time to say anything. The Lizard Duke gave Dream Chaser a look and pretended to pounce fiercely. In fact, he grabbed a few dragon scales from Dream Chaser and then turned around and grabbed Fenrir Wolf's tail. He did not hesitate to be rough. Drag the wolf to the lower level of the hanging garden to escape the most urgent and severe first shower.

The sticky blood rain fell on Tang Xiang's turtle shell. It did not slide off the turtle shell like before. Instead, it stuck tightly to the shell and penetrated into the gaps. When he heard the ominous cracking sound coming from the turtle shell, When the pain in his spine was as severe as breaking, Tang Xiang knew that he could not withstand the double attack of blood rain and pollution. He followed the Lizard Duke and hid. Before leaving, he looked at Dream Chaser worriedly.

As soon as he went down, only Black Widow and Dream Chaser were left at the top of the sky garden. The crystal dragon scales were trembling slightly, and the entire dragon was looming, as if it was about to turn into dreamy smoke. The reverse scales on its chest, which were condensed with the pollution of the Sahara of Death, shone with a deep dark light. Half-body dreaming can halve the blood rain that dreamers suffer, and the Sahara of Death, which is also polluted at 30 degrees north latitude, can offset the pollution of the Tower of Babel.

This is also the reason why his scales are not as thick as the Lizard Duke and his bones are not as hard as the Golden Dragon, but he can last longer than him. Dream Chaser knew better than to worry about himself, but he was worried about whether the black widow in the center of the blood rain could hold on. Looking around, the stacked sky gardens were crumbling in the rain of blood, and the flowers and plants that were still remaining in the gaps also suffered a final devastating blow.

The scarlet beast that the Black Widow was riding let out a shrill wail as the blood rain hit it. The blood rain stuck to its fur, like the unwilling hands of a dead soul pulling at its body, trying to tear it apart and tear it apart. hell. It struggled violently in pain, like a fierce horse. The Black Widow, who was already in a bad situation and had to resist the blood rain, was likely to be thrown down by the beast in this situation, torn to pieces by its sharp four claws, and trampled into a pulp!

However, what the dreamer didn't expect was that the black widow was still smiling. Her veil was completely dyed scarlet by the rain of blood, and the edges were corroded into strands of silk, revealing the corners of her raised lips. She casually grabbed the sharp horn of the beast with one hand and sat on it lightly, as if it had no weight. She didn't know how she maintained her balance.

Seeing that her body was corroded by the rain of blood and her bones were white, and she looked like she couldn't hold on any longer, Dream Chaser bit off a scale from her chest that was very close to Ni Lin, and shook her head to push the scale towards her. Black Widow shook it off. His dragon scales can make the Black Widow half-dream, and the pollution of the Sahara can also make her more resistant to the pollution of the Tower of Babel.

Dream Chaser's scales were thrown very accurately and landed right next to Black Widow. Black Widow, who was originally looking up at the sky, looked at him with a smile as if she felt something, but then shook her head slightly, picked up the dragon scale and fed it to the beast beneath her. On the verge of collapse, the beast hurriedly swallowed the dragon scales to survive, and finally stopped struggling and became loyal to the black widow again. When she raised her head again, she met Dream Chaser's disapproving gaze, smiled again, and leaned down in a slow and elegant manner, not only to thank him, but also to show him her back.

The crystal dragon's eyes widened in shock. It actually saw several pairs of looming black wings on the black widow's back, like the wings of a fallen angel. It was these wings that allowed her to maintain balance on the violently struggling beast just now, but when did the Black Widow get wings? How did you become a fallen angel?

It seems that Dream Chaser's unabashed help and his status as 'Guide B's friend' made Black Widow finally let down some of her guard and show her true power in front of him. Feeling the radiance of her divine power and authority growing at a considerable rate, Dream Chaser was finally convinced that this terrible blood rain not only did not seriously damage Black Widow, but actually increased her strength.

In other words, the god who died this time was a Babylonian god whose authority overlapped with hers, or even competed for her authority!

[The breath of power is particularly sweet]

The black widow's dragon call came from the thunderstorm and blood rain, soft and low. She looked at the Tower of Babel in the distance again, but the figure of the god falling from the sky had long since disappeared, leaving her to only recall the trace of light that disappeared like the fall of Venus in her mind. , recalling her eternal morning star, and thinking of George.

After so many years of chasing, it was no longer clear whether it was love or pollution. The deep connection made their souls connected, and the transfer of power in the Tower of Babel made it impossible for her to forget it anymore. But people don’t have to analyze everything clearly, especially in a place like a hotel.

The tour guide will eventually go crazy, but the Black Widow disdains the so-called slim road of survival and goes crazy for the so-called power and property. There must be something interesting, something that makes her willing and feels that life is worth it, in order to make her life burn. She had an unexpected birth and a life tortured by illness. What's the point of living? People will eventually struggle towards death.

Her family has been producing seeds that can be selected by the hotel for generations. It is a terminal disease rooted in the blood, which will cause terrible mutations in a person's appearance. Normal people find it hard to accept this, saying she is a devil and cursing her to go to hell. She did come to a hellish hotel, but caught an angel in hell.

Angel, her little angel.

Looking at the gradually collapsing shadow of the Tower of Babel, Black Widow smiled on her lips. The moment she opened her left eye buried in the mud, she saw George sleeping on the statue, his body shining with holy light. He looked so weak and pitiful, but the desire in Black Widow's heart swelled. She remembered their first time, when she rode on the body of the Holy Son of Whitechapel, and ordered him to unfold the pure white wings on his back in extreme joy, and then When he was wrapped in silky and warm wings, when he was stared at by George with eyes full of complex love, the shock in his heart was like being soaked in a pool of warm water.

Angels don't deserve to die.

If the Crystal Skull that contained the remnant soul of George was taken away by the phantom cat belonging to the Life-haunting Man, the Black Widow would definitely go crazy and destroy the Tower of Babel and die together, and no one would get any benefits.

But now, seeing the Phantom Cat take away the Crystal Skull, and Bingyi choose to cultivate Xiaoguang into George, Black Widow has a strange double peace of mind.

She believed Bingyi could succeed.

* *

In the Tower of Babel, when the Venus goddess Ishtar was beheaded by the fallen archangel Michael, and she was lying in front of Wei Xun covered in bruises, staring at him with hatred and despair but gradually losing focus, the Babylonian gods had already entered. The countdown to final destruction.

The Venus goddess Ishtar is the supreme among the Babylonian goddesses and is known as the Great Mother. She has the power of love and war, as well as rain and thunderstorms. She has many myths in the Mesopotamian plain. In the system, the Sumerians called her Inanna, the West Semites called her Astarte, and the Romans called her Canbere. People in the ancient Middle East generally believed in her and respected her as the Queen of the Universe! *

Even now that the Creation Tablets have been crushed one after another and the Tower of Babel is on the verge of collapse, her strength cannot be underestimated. Only she, the main god Marduk and the wind god Enlil are fighting in the sky, and Ishtar He single-handedly withstood the siege of Michael and Raphael!

However, the combination of magic and martial arts plus a wet nurse is really unbelievable, and Ishtar's husband (God of Agriculture), sister (God of Hades), and father (God of Moon) were killed one after another, which greatly reduced her powers. When the last brother, the sun god Shamash, was killed, Ishtar, who was like a god of war, finally showed a flaw in the high-intensity battle. His spine and bones were chopped off by Michael with a sword, and he fell with hatred!

In fact, both Ishtar and the wind god Enlil were at the end of their game at that time. In order to give George time to eat and slow down the destruction of the Tower of Babel, they had to kill them one by one. After Wei Xun and Michael regained mental communication, they asked him to seriously injure Ishtar first. Killing her would greatly help Wei Xun improve his strength, and it would also be of great help to Black Widow.

Apsu is the creator god of the universe, and Tiamat, the dragon mother, is the mother of all things. Their authority coincides with that of the "goddess of the universe" and the "great mother" Venus. After killing her, the authority is restored, and the authority of Wei Xun and Black Widow will increase significantly.

In addition, the goddess Venus was also designated as the Great Whore of Babylon in the Bible, and was depicted as the fallen angel Astarode in medieval magic books. Yu Xiangyang brought news from the Hanging Garden, saying that the Black Widow Destroy the tablets by taking on the identity of the Great Whore of Babylon. If Wei Xun kills the Venus goddess, who has overlapping powers with Black Widow, her power in this area will also increase.

Of course, these are not the most important things.

[My dear, you have to know that everything in the world is either false or true*]

[But I believe your love is pure, as high as a mountain and as deep as the sea*]

Staring at Ishtar, the crow medallion hanging on Wei Xun's cloak trembled slightly. The Babylonian divine power that had been swallowed up by it became restless. The heavy dark gold pollution twisted and squirmed like tentacles, piercing the crow medallion, and also affected Wei Xun's body. Spirit. A sad and affectionate male voice sounded in his mind. It was the voice of Tamz, the god of agriculture. He seemed to be looking at the goddess of Venus and his lover through Wei Xun's eyes, praising his undying love in a despairing and twisted voice.

[Come on! Let’s join hands and fly across the gate*]

【Fly over the silver road, fly to the green land;*】

[Fly to the elegant garden and relive our warm and sweet old dreams——*]


The sound of the blade cutting into flesh was heard, and blood flowed from the ear holes, but Wei Xun's expression was cold and calm, unaffected by any pollution or the affectionate singing in his mind, and he used the vampire knife to gouge out the heart of the goddess of Venus. Even if its connection with the body is cut off, its divine heart is still beating vigorously and unyieldingly. The dark golden divine power condenses on the divine heart as if it has substance, making it look like it is made of gold, even the divine blood is stained Golden color.

In an instant, the song in Wei Xun's mind became more and more shrill and distorted, shaking his soul to pieces. The goddess Venus stared at him with resentment, her mouth wide open, without making any sound, but Wei Xun's brain buzzed with a sound, as if it was shattered by a heavy hammer. His head was hot and his eyes were dark. The ground under his feet seemed to suddenly crack, and he began to fall rapidly downwards. Doors to hell were open under him. With each door he fell, he lost a layer of divine power, and his spirit and body became extremely weak.

This is the Babylonian mythology of the goddess Venus going through seven doors to hell to rescue her husband, the god of agriculture! This extremely powerful goddess would never surrender even if she was on the verge of death. Her divine power and the allusions of Babylonian mythology had no killing power for angels (fallen angels), but they were a killing move for the Babylonian gods.

This was originally what she was going to use to deal with the Dragon Mother in the end, but who would have thought that the situation would be so bad and collapsed! She resented and was unwilling to give up. When she was defeated by the powerful fallen angel and fell in front of Wei Xun with serious injuries and dying, facing the 'Apsu' stained with the blood and resentful power of her husband, the god of agriculture, her brother, the sun god, and her father, the moon god, the goddess of Venus resolutely burst out with the last of her divine power.

Even if she couldn't finally fight the dragon mother, she would drag the original god Apsu into hell!

After falling into the first door, Wei Xun lost his 'crown', which represented the authority of God he possessed;

After falling into the first door, Wei Xun lost his 'accessories', which represented his exclusive weapons and props;

After falling into the third door, Wei Xun lost his 'necklace', which represented his other title power;

After falling into the fourth door——

When he fell into the seventh door, Wei Xun lost his cloak, the chaotic and powerful 30 degrees north latitude journey Babel Tower is a place that cannot be touched by the hotel rules, and even the identity of the tour guide can be temporarily deprived. After the seven doors, he should have lost everything. Like ordinary people, the goddess of the underworld will inflict sixty kinds of pain on him until he dies completely in pain.

But the goddess of the underworld has long been killed by Wei Xun. Hell is empty, and Wei Xun is in the world. He stands barefoot on the empty ground with his hands on his heart. This is the curse of the goddess of Venus, a polluted and distorted "illusion", and a "mythological allusion" that cannot be forcibly broken by force. He has been deprived of almost everything, but there is only one thing that is still vivid and warm.

That is his spiritual connection with An Xuefeng.

The goddess of Venus Ishtar was willing to go to hell to undergo trials in order to find her dead husband. She lost everything, but her love for Tamz is still there. Even if the goddess is full of hatred for Wei Xun, she cannot change the myth, and cannot tear the connection between Wei Xun and An Xuefeng. On the contrary, after losing all the power, he can savor this pure love more carefully, and recall the various scenes and details when he was with An Xuefeng.

This made Wei Xun sigh that he could actually keep a person in his heart. Without a loved one, one cannot escape from the allusion and cannot leave hell. This was originally the killing move prepared by the goddess Venus for Apsu. After all, he was brutally killed by his wife, the Dragon Mother. Every Babylonian god knew that the Dragon Mother had fallen in love with the angel George. For Apsu, falling into this allusion was a killing move that could trap him to death until the destruction of the Tower of Babel.

But who would have thought that Apsu would also "fall in love with someone else"! There is such a deep emotional connection!

When Wei Xun withstood the test of various illusions and his feelings were still not shaken, the replay of this mythological allusion came to an end. I don't know how long it took, and it seemed like just a moment. When Wei Xun finished his time with An Xuefeng and lamented that it was really wrong to have only done one round after confirming the relationship, he felt that the constraints of the myth were relieved.

When he closed his eyes and opened them again, Wei Xun returned to the tower from "hell", and it didn't seem like much time had passed. He held a golden bottle in his hand, which was filled with Babylonian water of life. This was the water of life that the goddess Venus finally obtained after going through the seven gates and the test of the road of death. It was so powerful and pure that it could revive the gods. She used this water of life to revive her lover.

And now the goddess Venus has completely died, with her eyes open. Her heart that was pierced by the blood-sucking knife no longer beats, like a golden star.

‘Do you know that Ishtar’s symbol is the morning star, and her name means star’

Back to the temple, Wei Xun picked up the still sleeping little angel George and fed Ishtar’s heart and part of the water of life into his mouth. It was obviously a heart bigger than a fist, but the moment it touched George, it turned into a golden light and automatically fell into his mouth. This golden light mixed with the holy light and diffused along the feathers on the wings, like a light cocoon that wrapped George up.

‘Dawn Angel, it’s time to wake up’

Wei Xun’s heart moved slightly, watching the blood spill out of the light cocoon, and then return to his body after being stained with golden light. This is a transformation close to the end, an important stage in reshaping the body. George has to hold on by himself, and Wei Xun has no time to accompany him.



Two loud noises came from outside the temple, as if a giant fell to the ground, and the puppet threads on the ground of the temple squirmed. It was a message from the puppeteer outside! The impact of the death of the goddess of Venus is extremely terrible. Once the power of war is separated, the Babylonian gods will no longer have any chance of winning. The main god Marduk and the wind god Enlil, who have been fighting with the fallen angels in the sky, finally landed. They want to take back the body of the goddess of Venus who has not yet separated the power!

The final divine battle was about to break out, and there was a deafening explosion in the distant city of Babylon. I don’t know who first brought the person (soul) who met the standards of Our Lady of Whitechapel. The ruins hiding the petals were finally completely opened! At the same time, there was an ominous vibration coming from the Sky Garden, which caused the Lizard Duke to dodge, causing the Black Widow's strength to rain down, and the Dream Chaser unabashedly threw the dragon scales at the Black Widow - finally letting him The hotel lost its last patience.

A long and narrow crack was torn open in the bloody sky, and a black figure crossed the crack with terrifying power and descended on Babylon, which was on the verge of destruction.

The hotel finally sent the person in charge to end everything, and a fierce battle was about to break out! Even Black Widow stopped smiling and looked solemnly at the dark figure high in the sky. But when she saw the long sword carried by the person in charge, saw the patterns on his pitch-black robe, and felt his strange, somewhat familiar aura of power, the black widow tightened her lips and suppressed a smile.

She didn't want the hotel to notice the problem and change the person in charge.

Just as An Xuefeng expected, the person in charge sent by the hotel was killed. And the person in charge made no secret of it. He didn't even look at the Black Widow after he came in, and went directly to the Tower of Babel!

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