Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 184 Returning to the pre-liberation?

Suppressing all the irritability and restlessness in his heart, Zhou Xu took a deep breath, concentrated on controlling the fifteen hyena skeletons and continued to rummage through the ruins, unwilling to give up any hope, or to say that he was unwilling to accept the cruelty in front of him. the reality of...

During this process, he really found a few meat rabbits and broilers hiding in the cracks of the ruins, but this could not fill Zhou Xu's bad mood at all.


In the end, looking at the ruins, Zhou Xu, who felt physically and mentally exhausted for a while, couldn't help laughing miserably.

"After half a year of hard work, once I return to the pre-liberation period? Can this kind of shit happen to me?!"

At this moment, Zhou Xu's whole mood can be said to be terrible, he just wanted to find a place to paralyze there, and then began to mess up.

But he knew that he couldn't!

He is the leader of these four villages. In this blizzard, if he starts to collapse, what will the tribe members who followed him do? !

Rubbing his cheeks vigorously, he forced himself to cheer up.

Once returned to before liberation? This is a bit exaggerated, but it also proves how explosive his mood was at the time.

In reality, it's not that bad.

Take cattle as an example, the domesticated cattle have already been distributed to various villages, and now only a small part of them are left in the grassland village, and they are reserved for goods.

The situation with horses is slightly different.

Not all the horses from the Grassland Village went out. After all, the cavalry training was carried out in the Grassland Village, so they needed a sufficient number of horses, which also concentrated most of the horses here.

However, considering that horseback riding is faster, which is conducive to the transmission of news between their various villages, Zhou Xu also arranged two horses for each village, specially allocated for messenger soldiers.

In other words, even if all the horses in Grassland Village run away and die, he still has six horses in other villages combined.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the other three villages are fine.

Regarding this point, he still has some confidence in his heart.

The climate of this season is inseparable from the geographical environment. The climate on the grassland is originally hot to death in summer and cold to death in winter. In winter, the temperature drops sharply, and the temperature reaches below zero.

As for Heiyue Village, although it is close to the grassland area, its geographical location is not in the same place as his side after all.

Even if it is affected by the wind and snow, it will not be as serious as it is in Grassland Village.

As for Salt Lake Village, it is already completely separated from the grassland area, and the impact will only be smaller.

If it is said that this is all done to him, it can only be said to be fate.

Pulling my thoughts back to the ruins in front of me, the blizzard is still blowing, and I still have no intention of restraining myself.

The ruins of the farm in front of me can only be cleaned up and rebuilt slowly after the blizzard stops, and it must be too much to do now.

"Properly place the corpses of the three breeders, and take away all the corpses of other animals!"

Although all the farm animals were dead, but in this winter, even if the corpses were buried in the snow for a day, they would not rot.

After ordering all the things to be ordered, Zhou Xu turned his head and looked at his side.

The previous collapse of the farm had dealt him such a blow that he didn't notice Chitose's disappearance until now.

Although the little guy is clever, it is a snowstorm after all.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu couldn't help feeling anxious.

"Thousands?! Thousands?!"

In the snowstorm, he forced himself to shout twice.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a long cry of "Xilulu" suddenly came from the direction of the village not far away, which lifted Zhou Xu's spirit.

[This is... is the horse barking? ! 】

Before he could think about it, a black steed quickly rushed out in the snowstorm in the distance, and broke into Zhou Xu's field of vision.

After that, he soon saw the swift figure chasing after the steed. Who else could it be except Chitose? !

Seeing Zhou Xu, he was overjoyed, and before his brain could react, his body had already made a move.

[Speed ​​enhancement! 】

Putting a layer of reinforcement on himself, Zhou Xu quickly took two steps, flew on the horse, and lay down on the horse's back!

The steed was put on a rein, and it was obvious that it had escaped from their farm.

The long-term training before has made his riding skills quite mature now. After successfully sitting in a stable figure, he immediately pulled the rein and began to guide the horse to run. Then, seeing the opportunity, he pulled hard.


The horse itself had already been successfully trained by them, but it was frightened by the blizzard and Chitose's pursuit successively. Now under Zhou Xu's control, it quickly calmed down.

After that, looking at the direction the steed was running towards, a possibility suddenly came to his mind.

Their cavalry training has always been carried out near the village. After a long time, the horses are actually very familiar with the village.

When frightened, they instinctively run in the direction they feel safe.

Where do they feel safe?


It is very likely that they fled into the village and hid, but the blizzard was so big that it not only blocked their vision, sometimes they couldn't even open their eyes.

In addition, the wind was blowing so loudly that it was so noisy that I couldn't hear the sound clearly.

The combination of various factors prevented them from noticing the horses that fled into the village at all...

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu couldn't stay any longer, and hurriedly called everyone back to the village to look for the escaped horses, fearing that after a long time, they would go to other places or die in the snowstorm.

Unexpectedly, just as soon as they returned to the tribe, they saw Zhou Zhongshan coming on a horse.

After the two parties approached, they recognized each other. Zhou Zhongshan saw that it was Zhou Xu, so he quickly dismounted.

"Boss! Just now, when I was leading someone to repair the shed, I found a horse hiding in a dormitory room with a collapsed roof. I'm about to ride it back to the farm right now."

Obviously, Zhou Zhongshan didn't know that the farm had collapsed.

Regarding this, Zhou Xu had nothing to hide, so he quickly told him about the farm.

After listening, Zhou Zhongshan's expression changed immediately.

"I'm going to gather the soldiers and look for the frightened and fleeing horses within the village!"

Seeing Zhou Zhongshan who was about to turn around to gather soldiers, Zhou Xu didn't stop him.

This matter can only be done by calling soldiers. Facing horses, it is not a big problem for ordinary villagers to lead them. But now these horses are frightened.

After discovery, if you want to control it in time, you can only rely on soldiers who have received riding training.

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