During this daytime, their entire village basically spent fighting against the snowstorm.

The work finally came to an end, and the control of the fifteen hyena skeletons was released. Zhou Xuyi, who returned to the residence, collapsed directly on the bed.

Controlling fifteen hyena skeletons at the same time is definitely not his limit, but it can't last for a long time.

Now that the power of the mantra is consumed a lot, coupled with the fact that he did not have a good rest last night, at this moment, Zhou Xu only felt dizzy for a while, and just wanted to clear his mind, lie there and rest for a while, waiting for himself to recover from the energy Besides.

Until Ye Jinghong's voice rang in his ears...

"The leader? The leader?! The leader!"


At that moment, Zhou Xu was completely awakened.

The whole person sat up abruptly, startled Chitose who was lying on top of him at some point, and the expression on his face was a little bit of shock.

It wasn't until he saw the surrounding scene clearly that he leaned against the head of the bed and panted heavily.

At some point, he lost consciousness.

"What's up?"

When he opened his mouth, his voice was slightly hoarse, with an unconcealable exhaustion.

"Boss, the food we moved to store elsewhere yesterday, looked at it this morning, and it was all soaked in water."

Looking at Ye Jinghong who said these words bravely, Zhou Xu only felt dizzy for a while, and couldn't help but put his hands on his forehead.

"Soaked in water? Why is it soaked in water?!"

This question was just asked, and Zhou Xu's expression changed after a little reaction.

"Wait a minute! Did you just say yesterday?!"

"Yes, leader, you have slept all night. At that time, leader, you fell asleep, so we didn't dare to disturb you."

Speaking of the latter, Ye Jinghong lowered his head deeply.

In fact, let alone Zhou Xu yesterday, everyone was exhausted and paralyzed after fighting against the blizzard for a whole day.

But at this moment, where did Zhou Xu have the leisure to worry about whose fault it was? Now I just want to rush to confirm the food situation.

When I arrived at the new food storage location, a group of people gathered there, not knowing what to do for a while.

"The leader is here! The leader is here!!"

Amidst the shouts, the villagers nervously gave way, allowing Zhou Xu to see the grain piled there at a glance.

He didn't even need to get close, he could already feel the wet state of the grain. From yesterday to now, the grain had been soaked for an unknown amount of time, which made his face look ugly.

"Leader, please punish!"

Ye Jinghong knelt down on the ground without saying a word.

Seeing this, the surrounding villagers also fell to their knees and shouted...

"Please punish the leader!!"


Facing this battle, after taking two deep breaths, Zhou Xu, who gradually calmed down, waved his hand.

"Okay, get up, it's not your fault."

In just a short while, he had already sorted out some things.

These grains will get wet because of the snow!

Theoretically speaking, in such a cold weather, the water molecules condense, and even if they are buried under the snow, the food will not be damaged.

But the problem is that the ambient temperature has changed during their transportation.

To put it simply, after moving indoors, the ambient temperature began to rise, and the snow that fell on the grain bags began to melt.

At that time, Zhou Xu's state was not good. When he maintained the mantra for a long time and controlled fifteen hyena skeletons to carry food, he was already very tired.

Under this premise, Ye Jinghong rushed to tell him that the breeding ground had collapsed, so he rushed there again. After that, he braved the snowstorm until he went back to the house to rest, looking for the escaped horses outside. Already dizzy from work, he forgot all about the granary.

In other words, in his impression, there were basically no major problems in moving food.

To put it bluntly, isn’t it physical labor? The snow covering the granary has been dug up, and the next thing to do is to move the grain indoors. What could go wrong?

But as it turns out, something really went wrong.

In the past, how could these villagers have so much winter food for them to stockpile?

Even if there is, it will be eaten soon, and there is no such thing as spoilage.

This also makes them very scarce in relevant experience.

As for Zhou Xu, if he had done this to the end at the time, he would have only had to come over and take a look, and after he noticed that the snow had melted, he would soon be aware of the problem.

However, he obviously couldn't blame the villagers for this matter.

What's wrong with this?

Blame them for lack of common sense? Or did they blame them for not waking him up when they saw him dead asleep?

In the final analysis, he was so busy that he fainted and forgot about it, it was his own negligence.

"Move all these wet grains outside!"

The villagers didn't know why their leader did this, but since their leader had spoken, they naturally followed suit.

And Zhou Xu's idea at the moment is actually very simple, that is, use the outside as a refrigerator, and freeze it first.

But that was not a refrigerator after all, so we had to quickly find a way to dispose of the damp food.

After sorting out his thoughts, Zhou Xu spoke again...

"Let the kitchen use these grains to make dinner first, and share them with everyone in the village if they can't be used. This batch of grains will be consumed first, and then count how much grain is left without soaking in water!"

After quickly ordering this matter, following the busy figures, Zhou Xu's sight fell on the outdoor where the snow was still falling.

"Is the blizzard over?"

When he came, his mind was full of food matters, and he really didn't pay attention to the wind and snow outside.

Although the goose feather snow is still falling, and the cold wind that blows from time to time is still icy cold, but the blizzard has stopped.

This made Zhou Xu, who was frowning, unknowingly stretched his brows a little.

Although this snowy day is very dangerous, compared with the blizzard, it really pales in comparison.

Invisibly, the most difficult period of time has already been passed by him.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu felt a little relieved, but he also knew that this was not the time to completely relax.

The biggest problem right now is the food in front of him!

As I said before, in order to survive the winter, he stocked up enough food in the village to feed the whole village for a month in advance.

And this month's grain, those in the granary are only part of it, and the other part is undoubtedly the meat rabbits and broilers placed in the farm.

Last night, the meat rabbits and broilers in the farm can be said to be out of ten, but the food that was finally rescued now has problems? This is simply messing with his mentality!

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