Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 624: The citizens who can’t stay any longer

Following Zhou Xu's order, Bai Tu quickly reported to Shi Lei.

After Shi Lei understood their king's order, he patiently explained to Bai Tu the rules and regulations of their Zhou army, as well as the training requirements. He didn't need to worry about the next thing.

Seeing Bai Tu's leaving figure, Shi Lei frowned slightly.

He is not a fool. He knows that if the newly recruited soldiers are given to him for training, they will have to face a lot of troubles and may even break out.

In turn, leaving it all to Bai Tu will save trouble and avoid most troubles. But the question is, is it really good to let such a group of soldiers who originally belonged to the Weiguo unite in their army?

Especially when their frontline troops are also very limited...

With this thought in mind, Shi Lei temporarily put down the work at hand and hurriedly went to see their king.

"Shi Lei, I understand your concerns and have taken them into consideration. However, there is no need to worry about this issue in the short term."

"We have a common enemy with them at this stage, and that is the First Emperor Yan Sheng. They have nothing here except the more than 500 soldiers. Even if there is any action, it will only be after this battle is over. "

"Besides, even if Bai Tu really has different intentions, what can he do? Just rely on the five hundred troops in his hand?"

Zhou Xu undoubtedly recognized Bai Tu's personal abilities, and with good training, Bai Tu would most likely grow into a top general in the future.

But this war cannot be fought by just one person. The size of the army and the strength of the soldiers are also crucial.

To put it bluntly, with the 500 troops in Bai Tu's hands, if he dared to cause trouble, he would directly call in Da Gu and Er Gu, and coordinate with the troops at hand to kill them indiscriminately.

Therefore, from the perspective of force, Zhou Xu is not particularly worried about the other party causing trouble.

Not to mention the war on the front line, they are now on the defensive, waiting for Yan Sheng himself to collapse due to civil strife.

In other words, they now have plenty of time to assimilate them.

Three more days later, for Zhou Xu, the things that should be arranged have already been arranged, and there is nothing that needs to worry about him at the moment. He just waits for Yan Sheng to use his methods to cope with the changes by staying the same.

In the past three days, the biggest change in Huangsha City was that the citizens who had been staying behind closed doors began to become unable to stay any longer.

In this era, how much surplus food can ordinary city residents have at home?

If they continue like this, they will starve themselves to death.

"We can't continue like this. We have to go out to work. The winter has just ended and everyone has no food, and now it's spring plowing time. If we don't work in the fields, everyone will starve to death!"

In a dilapidated mud house in the city, an old man with rough skin and a tanned skin stood up, slapping his thighs, but was grabbed by a young man next to him who looked to be in his teens or 20s.

"Dad, there are all the officers and soldiers of Zhou Dynasty outside right now. If you go out, aren't you looking for death?!"

"Isn't that what people have been shouting about these past few days? As long as we stay safe, no harm will be done to us."

"You believe what they say?!"

The young man was speechless, feeling that his father was a little too naive.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the old man slapped his stupid son on the back of the head.

"Are you stupid? Is the broken door of our house harder than the city gate?"


Looking at his silly son who hadn't reacted yet, the old man felt anxious.

"They even opened the city gate, why can't they open the broken door of our house that can be broken with just one kick?! The fact is that they have done nothing in the past few days, otherwise you can tell me which door is there in this city They can’t open the door?!”

The old man spoke so clearly that the young man undoubtedly realized that he had been stupid just now. For a moment, his face turned red, and then he said something harsh to the old man.

"Then they are also our enemies."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man slapped him on the back of the head again.

"For ordinary people like us, if we can have food to eat, it's good to hang on to our lives. Who cares who becomes the emperor? Does who becomes the emperor have any impact on us?!"

Faced with his father's outrageous remarks, which in normal times would have been considered treasonous, and if they fell into the ears of the officers and soldiers, they would be immediately dragged out and executed. The young man found that he was really powerless at this moment. refute.

In the past few years, the emperor has been known to fight wars. He didn't take a long break before starting a fight with Weiguo again.

But Weiguo was not someone to be trifled with. After the war, they began to recruit troops from door to door. Regardless of whether they were willing or not, when they got old, able-bodied men were basically taken away and sent to the army.

Later, in order to hire centaur mercenaries, he almost emptied the treasury.

They themselves know how miserable they, the common people, have been in the past few years.

Although it has not yet reached the point where there are widespread complaints and the people are in dire straits, it is not far off.

Now that his father said what impact who becomes emperor would have on them, he really couldn't refute it, and at the same time he found that he really didn't seem to care that much about this issue.

While he was talking, the old man had already picked up the hoe. When the young man saw this, he was so worried that he also picked up the hoe and prepared to go out to work with his father.

Although he said it neatly just now, when he walked out the door, the old man felt a little stressed, but he didn't flinch. After taking a sharp breath, he pushed open the door and walked out.

What a coincidence, a patrol team just walked over.

When the old man and the young man noticed this, their bodies became stiff for a while.

During this period, the patrol team naturally noticed them and walked over while looking them up and down.

"What to do?"

"Returning to Master Bing, our father and son went out to farm."

The old man spoke carefully, while the father and son's hearts were in their throats.

For ordinary people like them, officers and soldiers have always been untouchable.

Feeling their nervousness, the captain of the patrol team didn't take it seriously. After asking a simple question, he nodded.

"Go ahead."

After saying that, he continued his patrol mission regardless of the father and son who were still standing there.

"This, is this enough?"

The young man looked in disbelief. The old man actually had the same idea as his stupid son, but he didn't show it.

The father and son walked all the way to the west gate and were stopped by the defenders.

"Please be kind to Master Bing. This field is outside the city. It's spring plowing time now. If we don't plow the land, we won't be able to harvest food later, and we won't be able to survive this day."

Speaking of the latter, the old man directly pulled his silly son and knelt down to the soldiers who stopped them.

When the two soldiers saw this, they hurriedly helped the man up, with embarrassed expressions on their faces.

"Old man, although we understand your difficulties, the king has issued an order that the city gate cannot be opened. Don't make things difficult for us. Go find some work in the city to make a living."

Hearing this, a sad look appeared on the old man's face. At this time, what other jobs could they find?

Just when he was about to kneel down and worship again, a voice came from not far away.

"Old man, it is true that this city gate cannot be opened, but I can arrange for you to farm and live in our great Zhou Dynasty. I wonder if you are willing?"

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