Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 625 The old man and his son

As the sound rang out, the old man and his son subconsciously turned their heads and looked behind them. They saw a man wearing armor, with a handsome face, and extraordinary bravery, riding a tall horse leisurely. Come up closer.

Behind him were four other subordinates who were also riding horses and looked ridiculously handsome.

Each of these, no matter which one is picked out alone, can be called a handsome man, but the one at the head has an even more extraordinary demeanor. Although he does not move much, he carries an inexplicable majesty.

When the old man saw this, he didn't dare to look any further. He immediately lowered his eyes and pulled his son to kneel down. At the same time, he thought to himself...

[Look at this attire, he is at least a general! 】

Unexpectedly, before he could finish this thought, the voices of the soldiers guarding the city behind him rang loudly.

"Subordinates, please see your Majesty!"


Hearing this, the old man didn't hold back for a moment and exclaimed on the spot.

Immediately realizing that he was rude in front of the king, the old man quickly covered his mouth, and then kowtowed to Zhou Xu.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me! Your Majesty, please forgive me! I didn't know that it was the King who offended me in front of me. Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

At the same time, although the reaction of the old man's son next to him was a bit slow, after he came to his senses, he kowtowed his head immediately, and the head banged on the ground with a loud bang. When he came out, he didn't retain any strength at all, and he bled quickly.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me! Please spare my father! Your Majesty, please forgive me!!"

In the midst of begging for mercy, the young man, who mistakenly thought that the old man was dead, burst into tears.

Facing the reaction of the father and son, the garrison soldiers standing nearby were stunned.

Although they would be extremely nervous when meeting their king, they would never get to this point.

Because the people of Dazhou knew in their hearts that their king was a typical benevolent king and would not punish anyone for such a trivial matter.

Under this premise, they still had great respect for their king, but they simply respected their king, not because they were afraid of being punished.

On the other hand, the two father and son, from their excessive reactions, revealed more fear.

This sudden battle made Zhou Xu stunned.

Those who didn’t know better thought he was about to draw his sword and kill someone.

But Zhou Xu is a flexible person after all. After a quick thought, he quickly figured out the matter.

The old man and his son would have such a reaction, which is most likely caused by the behavior of those people in this country.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu also got off his horse and personally helped the old man and his son up from the ground one by one.

"Dad, what are you doing? There's no need for this."

Zhou Xu's behavior made the old man and his son so flattered that they didn't even dare to shout.

After that, Zhou Xu was comforted and he really lost his words. After the old man and his son calmed down a little, he mentioned the matter to them again.

"Due to the war here, the city gate cannot be opened, and the fields outside the city cannot be cultivated. But I also know your difficulties. We still have many fields in the Zhou Dynasty. I wonder if you would like to go to the inside of our Zhou Dynasty to cultivate and live. ?”

From Zhou Xu's perspective, he wanted to build Huangsha City into a frontline fortress to deal with the large army that Yan Sheng might dispatch later.

Under this premise, the people in the city were a bit of a hindrance to him.

After all, he was not 100% sure who these people were.

In this case, the best way is to send them one by one to the territory of their Great Zhou. While transferring the population, they can also use the internal environment of their Great Zhou to assimilate these new populations, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

At this moment, facing Zhou Xu's proposal, the old man fell into deep thought.

Although the old man was open-minded, this proposal basically meant that they would give up everything they had and go to the Great Zhou Dynasty to develop again.

At the same time, they didn't know what was going on in Da Zhou, and this unknown also made them feel uneasy. This made the old man still a little unsure even though he knew that staying in Huangsha City was not a good choice.

Zhou Xu didn't rush when he saw this. There was nothing going on at the moment, so he simply activated his 'Eye of Insight' and scanned the attribute panels of the father and son to pass the time.

I never thought that this look would actually yield something.

Name: Kong Daqian

Sex: Male

Age: 43

Race: Human race

Status: None

Mantra: None

Talent: Eloquence: In addition to a sharp tongue, you also need a head that can turn fast enough to be qualified.

Bravery: ★★

Intelligence: ★★☆

Spirit: ★★

Endurance: ★★

Command: ★★

[This Kong Daqian is actually an outstanding talent with an intellectual potential of three stars? ! 】

Zhou Xu obviously didn't expect that he just happened to pass by when he was inspecting the city defense work, and he could gain this from a casual look.

He wouldn't look down on a three-star guy just because he had just acquired a five-star Bai Tu.

Over the years, Zhou Xu has already deeply realized that even three-star talents are probably one in a million, or even worse.

Temporarily suppressing the joy in his heart, Zhou Xu felt a little confused when he looked at Kong Daqian's age.

[Forty-three years old? This old man is only forty-three years old? I wouldn't be surprised if he looked like he was sixty or seventy years old. 】

The living conditions of this era were still too poor, and as a farmer, the old man often had to work in the fields under the scorching sun. Over time, he naturally looked much older than his actual age.

The same goes for the old man's son who looks to be at least thirty years old. In fact, the old man's son is only eighteen years old, which is very young.

However, compared to the old man who has a three-star intelligence that can be expected, his son is very average. His five-dimensional attributes are all two-stars. With a farming talent, there is no big problem in sending him to farm.

While Zhou Xu was pondering this, Kong Daqian was obviously finished.

"Kong Daqian, a small citizen, is willing to go to Dazhou to farm and live!"

After getting this answer, Zhou Xu showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"Very good. In a few days, there will be an army returning to Dazhou. You guys will follow them there. Before that, I have something I want you to do."

Although he didn't know what it was about, the words had already been mentioned for this reason. Facing Zhou Xu, Kong Daqian also knew that he had no room to refuse.

"Your Majesty, please give me your instructions, but the abilities of ordinary people are limited, and some things may not be able to be done well."

Speaking of what happened next, I didn't forget to lay some groundwork for myself so that I wouldn't be blamed by Zhou Xu if I messed up the matter.

How could Zhou Xu not see this little calculation of the other party? But he didn't expose it either.

"Since you are farmers, you should have more or less contact with the farmers in Huangsha City. I hope you can persuade them to go to our territory for farming in the past few days."

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