Thunder Martial

Chapter 2211 Eating in Sections

The latest website: Three battles!

The winner is determined in an instant.

At this moment, it is even more important to distinguish between life and death!

Everyone could not hide their shock.

Once again, this is beyond the scope of common sense.

How can a horned dragon turn into a dragon in an instant?

Hidden clumsiness?

But I have never heard of such a method of hiding clumsiness.

"Elder Liu, you are so hidden, you actually hide the power of a dragon!" The elder from Maoshan could not remain calm at the moment.

"Where, where."

Elder Liu smiled, but he didn't know what the situation was at the moment.

"Boy, it's just a competition, but you can be so cruel!" At this moment, another person stood up, "Today, I, Chen Fei, will teach you a lesson!"

Zi Chen didn't look at Chen Fei, but called Gong.

Cao Tong, who had been prepared for a long time, threw out the sunset bow in his hand.

Zi Chen grabbed the long bow and looked at Chen Fei, "I said before, there is no difference in victory or defeat, only life and death! If you want to take action, just come!"

"court death!"

Chen Fei took action, very forcefully.

He is a horned dragon in the late stage of Soul Seeking Realm.

Masters who raise dragons and catch demons are already extremely talented, so after successfully understanding it, the probability of becoming a horned dragon will also be very high.

Zi Chen no longer intends to hold back, and the dragon-controlling hand appears again.

Even though Chen Fei had been prepared long ago, he was still caught and had nowhere to dodge.

But this time, Zi Chen did not use the eight heavenly dragons, but bowed and shot arrows.

With the mobilization of spiritual power, the Sunset Bow was pulled open by Zi Chen.

The dragon took the initiative to fly towards Sunset Bow and turned into a feather arrow.

Dao Jian: Three thousand arrows!

First arrow!

The feather arrow shot through the air and pierced directly between Chen Fei's eyebrows.

He didn't shoot into the chest because he didn't want the other person to live!

Kill with one arrow!


Falling to the ground as a corpse!

"Come again!"

Zi Chen shouted loudly, the dragon circled around his body, and the power of the dragon spread out in all directions.

At this moment, Zi Chen's eyes were cold, like a murderous god!


A peak soul-seeking person jumped out.

call out!

Kill with one arrow!

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Two more people jumped up, and the Dragon Master grabbed them both and threw them into the sky.

Zi Chen cums again!

puff! puff!

Two soul-seeking peak dead!

Everyone around was terrified!

Is it really just the spirit exploration realm?

Why is it so easy to kill a dragon-raising and demon-catching master who is at the peak of soul-seeking?

So many dragon-raising and demon-catching masters have died, which is a very big loss for any force.

At this moment, everyone obviously couldn't understand.

Why should the demon-suppressing mountain watch its own dragon-raising and demon-catching master go to die?

The thin man Liu Xihuo was frightened. He didn't expect Zi Chen to become so powerful. You must know that two years ago, Zi Chen was still a little Poxu who he could control at will.

Wang Yichen felt guilty because Zi Chen had saved him, but he wanted to come here to identify Zi Chen.

Now, with so many people dead, things are obviously getting serious.

It can't be ended!

"Who else?"

Zi Chen glanced around, and the sunset bow was emitting little bits of light, mysterious and powerful.

The disciples of the Terrain Sect were all dumbfounded.

They laughed at Zi Chen a lot back then and got a broken bow.

Even the elder of the treasure house, in order to mock Zi Chen, gave him the Dao Jian: three thousand arrows!

It was originally a mockery, but I never thought that in Zi Chen's hands, it would actually display considerable power.

"Disciples of Demon Suppressing Mountain, listen to your orders!"

The elder of Zhenyao Mountain, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke up.

"The disciple is here!"

Loud voices sounded from all directions.

"Get this evil spirit quickly!"

The elder spoke again, and the disciples instantly scattered and surrounded Zi Chen.

The number of disciples far exceeds those previously registered, and most of them are latecomers.

Others immediately backed away, not knowing what was happening.

After retreating to an absolutely safe area, everyone discovered that there were hundreds of disciples from the Demon Suppressing Mountain surrounding them.

And behind these people, there are many unfamiliar faces.

They are all deacons from Zhenyao Mountain, as well as some elders.

Zhenyao Mountain, come prepared!

After such a big thing happened, the Terrain Sect could no longer ignore it.

The sect leader and other elders rushed here one after another.

"Everyone, what happened?"

Sect leader Gu Zhiyi looked at the crowd, "Brother Liang, why are you here too."

Liang Baibai, the leader of Demon Zhen Mountain, walked out of the crowd and said, "I'm here to catch an evil spirit."

"Evil spirit?"

Gu Zhiyi was slightly startled, then looked at Zi Chen who was surrounded by everyone.

He already knew the scene that happened before, and he said in shock: "Zi Chen is a disciple of my Terrain Sect, how can he be an evil spirit?"

It took others a long time to understand what the evil spirit meant, and they were all shocked at the moment.

Evil spirits, as the name suggests, are extremely evil.

They are an alternative race that led to the destruction of life many years ago and were eventually sealed into the Forest of Youth. It is said that they were suppressed by the Fountain of Youth.

Countless years have passed, and occasionally evil spirits run out and are killed by the demon mirror.

At least for a thousand years, no evil spirits have appeared here.

Everyone looked at Zi Chen with deep curiosity in their eyes.

Is he really an evil spirit?

Not to mention the disciples of the Terrain Sect, Zi Chen has been here for two years and is like a passerby. If everyone hadn't thought he was a dark horse last time and lost a lot of money in betting, almost no one would have paid attention to him.

Even though he became a dragon-raising and demon-catching master, he was still an inconspicuous dragon-raising and demon-catching master.

"Two years ago, he escaped from the Old Forest. We chased him all the way. We never thought that he had escaped here." Liang Baibai said: "Brother Gu must be very aware of how cunning evil spirits are. We must take him back and accept the magic mirror." Judgment!”

Gu Zhiyi shook his head, "He is a disciple of my Terrain Sect. He is not an evil spirit. You are mistaken."

Liang Baibai said: "Whether it is an evil spirit or not, you can tell by looking into the demon mirror."

Gu Zhiyi continued to shake his head, "I believe he is not!"

Liang Baibai said in a deep voice: "Brother Gu, in the face of righteousness, you can't get involved with personal emotions. Once the evil spirit is let go, the world will inevitably be devastated."

Gu Zhiyi shook his head for the third time.

This made many people raise their eyebrows. It seems that there are still people in the Terrain Sect who can understand clearly.

It would be a pity if Zi Chen, a genius like him, was really treated as an evil spirit and killed.

Now everyone firmly believes that Zi Chen, who is in the late stage of soul searching, can still kill even the first person at the peak of soul searching.

Liang Baibai glared at Gu Zhiyi.

Gu Zhiyi's eyes were calm and firm, determined to protect Zichen!

This is the place of clarity.

In the secret, Liang Baibai sent a message, "Let me take him back, and it will be your benefit."

Gu Zhiyi responded, "What are the benefits? Be more specific?"

"Now we can almost conclude that he is not an evil spirit, so we only need to confirm it through the demon mirror."

Gu Zhiyi pondered slightly, "Then I want half of the body."

"No, I'll give you one leg at most! In order to find him, we sent out a lot of people. If we give you half, the others won't be able to divide it."

At this moment, Zi Chen was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping board, just waiting for the two parties to agree on the price and start eating in portions.

Zi Chen also knew it very well, but there was nothing he could do now.

"Brother Gu, I know that you care about the disciples of the sect. I, Liang Baibai, am here to promise that if he is not an evil spirit, he will be sent back intact."

Liang Baichen looked at Zi Chen and said: "To be honest, I don't want such a genius to be an evil spirit. After all, our demon-sealed land has not seen such an amazing person for a long time. I believe that there will be someone like him in the future." With your leadership, our Demon Sealing Land will surely reach a higher level."

This is a high-sounding statement.

This gave Zi Chen a deeper understanding of the people here.

It seems that in terms of shamelessness, they are much more powerful than the people in that world.

Is it because they are real people?

Gu Zhiyi was still hesitating, pretending to be reserved.

Liang Baibai was also willing to give face and continued: "Brother Gu, you should put the overall situation first. The Demon Mirror has been around for countless years and will never misjudge a person. Don't worry, I swear here with the honor of Suppressing Demon Mountain, if he is not The evil spirits will naturally be sent back in person."

"Hey, that's all! Just give it a try."

Gu Zhiyi walked down the slope and said, "Evil spirits are insidious and cunning, and their hiding methods are very clever. Only by looking into the evil mirror can we find out the clues."

Then he looked at Zi Chen and said, "Zi Chen, just go for a walk. Don't worry, if you are not an evil spirit, I will protect you from death!"

Zi Chen smiled miserably, "If I go to Zhenyao Mountain, can I still come back alive?"

Gu Zhiyi said: "If you are not an evil spirit, I will personally bring you back!"

These words brought tears to the eyes of all the Geomorphology Sect disciples, and they instantly felt a sense of belonging here.

Zi Chen turned around, cupped his fists and saluted deeply, "I, Zi Chen, know that I am not an evil spirit, and I also know that after going to Demon Zhen Mountain, I will never leave alive again. As for the reason, I believe all of you are very clear about it. I I am begging you all here to please protect me. I, Zi Chen, am willing to be loyal to you forever and ever to repay today’s kindness!”

This is probably the most humble moment in Zi Chen's life.

All the elders present felt like they were in a mirror.

If Zi Chen is not an evil spirit, then he is an innate Tao fetus, which is the top talent.

Of course, it’s also the best food!

For a moment, everyone's eyes flickered.

"Two sect masters, I don't think little friend Zi Chen looks like an evil spirit." An elder sent a message, "How about we ask my sect master to come over and make an appraisal?"

He is the elder of Tianyang Sect.

Similar sound transmissions were heard again and again.

Liang Baibai and Gu Zhiyi looked ugly. Of course they didn't really want to help Zi Chen, they just wanted a share of the pie.

Gu Zhiyi's leg that was taken away just now may have to be given up some now.

Zi Chen saw that the elders were silent and immediately understood what they were thinking.

He just smiled.

Not to mention disappointed.

Just a little unwilling.

But there seems to be nothing to be reconciled to.

Everything is for profit!

It's all about the weak and the strong!

Now he is a weakling and seems to have no choice but to accept his fate.

At this moment, a voice sounded, "Everyone, this is not good!"

He is an elder from Maoshan!

As soon as he spoke, everyone looked at each other.

Elder Maoshan said: "This is wrong, why not try to witness it?"

Many people were confused and didn't understand what the elder was talking about.

Some people even wonder how on earth he became an elder with such poor language organization skills.

"What Elder Mao said is absolutely true. For the sake of the common people in the world, we really cannot be careless in the slightest. Only by examining with the demon mirror can we avoid future troubles forever!"

Liang Baibai said again.

"That's right, it's about evil spirits. Don't be careless, otherwise it will cause disaster to all living beings."

Others echoed.

Elder Maoshan said no more. He knew that these people had reached an agreement.

He sighed helplessly.

It's a pity that this world cannot tolerate innate Tao fetuses.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded, "Who said he is an evil spirit? I think you are the evil spirits!"

A young woman stepped out of the crowd.

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